Problems of interpreting the concept and content of energy security

Theoretical analysis of points of view regarding the interpretation of the concept and content of energy security. The cost of resources, the level of consumption, the efficiency of the use of energy resources, resource sufficiency, the energy balance.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 10.10.2024
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Problems of interpreting the concept and content of energy security

Kodaniov Vladyslav Ivanovych graduate student, Research

Institute of State Construction and Local Self-Government of the

National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv


The scientific article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of points of view regarding the interpretation of the concept and content of energy security. The analysis of doctrinal sources on normative legal acts led to the conclusion about the complexity, multifacetedness and capacity of the studied category. It is noted that to determine the state of energy security, experts use a number of indicators that form the basis of assessing the state of the energy market and resources: the cost of resources, the level of energy consumption, the efficiency of the use of energy resources, resource sufficiency, the energy balance, the level of foreign investments in the energy sector, etc. It was concluded that the definition of the concept and content of the studied category should be based on its broad interpretation: energy security of the country is the state of protection of the country, its citizens, society, first of all, its economy from the threat of a deficit in meeting energy needs with economically available fuel and energy resources of appropriate quality in normal conditions and in emergency situations, as well as from the threat of disrupting the stability of the supply of fuel and energy resources and with minimal negative impact on the environment. The main components or conditions of the mentioned event are: physical availability of energy resources, continuity of their supply and availability, economic justification. Key internal and external factors affecting energy security are highlighted. In particular, internal factors include: the level of the country's own energy resources; fuel and energy balance of the country; social threats (fuel prices for the population, high production accidents, etc.); political, legislative, managerial activity; ecological situation, etc. External factors are: energy poverty, geopolitical interests of countries; economic threats (adverse market conditions); uneven distribution of deposits and concentration of main reserves in politically unstable regions, zones of military conflicts; the threat of terrorist acts at energy facilities, etc. It is summarized that energy security has a global character, ensuring it should be achieved by the joint efforts of all countries of the world. At the same time, the means and mechanisms of its achievement are individual for each country, taking into account the internal features and needs of the industry.

Keywords: energy security, content, concept, interpretation, world energy market, factors affecting energy security.

Коданьов Владислав Іванович аспірант, Науково-дослідний інститут державного будівництва та місцевого самоврядування, Національна академія правових наук України, м. Харків

Проблеми трактування поняття та змісту енергетичної безпеки


Наукова стаття присвячена теоретичному аналізу точок зору щодо тлумачення поняття та змісту енергетичної безпеки. Аналіз доктринальних джерел на нормативно-правових актів спонукав до висновку про складність, багатогранність та ємність досліджуваної категорії. Зазначається, що для визначення стану енергетичної безпеки експерти використовують низку індикаторів, які покладені в основу оцінки стану енергетичного ринку та ресурсів: вартість ресурсів, рівень енергоспоживання, ефективність використання енергетичних ресурсів, ресурсна достатність, енергетичний баланс, рівень іноземних інвестицій у сферу енергетики та ін. Зроблено висновок, що в основу визначення поняття та змісту досліджуваної категорії має бути покладене широке її тлумачення: енергетична безпека країни - стан захищеності країни, її громадян, суспільства, насамперед її економіки від загрози дефіциту в забезпеченні потреб в енергії економічно доступними паливно-енергетичними ресурсами належної якості в нормальних умовах і при надзвичайних ситуаціях, а також від загрози порушення стабільності постачання паливно-енергетичних ресурсів та з мінімальним негативним впливом на довкілля. Основними складовими або умовами зазначеного явища є: фізична наявність енергетичних ресурсів, безперервність їх постачання і доступність, економічна обґрунтованість. Виокремлено ключові внутрішні та зовнішні чинники, які впливають на енергетичну безпеку. Зокрема, до внутрішніх чинників віднесено: рівень забезпеченості країни власними енергетичними ресурсами; паливно-енергетичний баланс країни; соціальні загрози (ціни на паливо для населення, висока аварійність виробництва тощо); політична, законодавча, управлінська діяльність; екологічна ситуація та ін. Зовнішніми чинниками є: енергетична бідність геополітичні інтереси країн; економічні загрози (несприятлива кон'юнктура ринку); нерівномірність розповсюдження покладів та зосередження основних запасів в політично нестабільних регіонах, зонах військових конфліктів; загроза терористичних актів на енергетичних об'єктах та ін. Резюмовано, що енергетична безпека має глобальний характер, забезпечення її повинне досягатись сумісними зусиллями усіх країн світу. Водночас, засоби та механізми її досягнення є індивідуальними для кожної країни з огляду на внутрішні особливості та потреби галузі.

Ключові слова: енергетична безпека, зміст, поняття, тлумачення, світовий енергетичний ринок, чинники, що впливають на енергетичну безпеку.


concept energy security

Formulation of the problem. Since the declaration of Ukraine's independence, the main challenge for its economy remains significant energy dependence, which affects the country's economic and energy security. Reliable, stable, sufficient, economically efficient, ecologically acceptable supply of energy resources of the country's economy is a guarantee of its energy security, and therefore sustainable development. Therefore, ensuring energy security becomes a priority in the economic and state policy of countries, and the events taking place in the world energy market once again prove the relevance of this problem both for the entire world community and for Ukraine in particular [1].

The study of energy security problems is important for ensuring the national security of each state, especially for those that are insufficiently provided with energy resources. Ukraine's energy security in the context of the current Ukrainian crisis is one of the key issues of today.

Analysis of recent research and publications. In particular, the following scientists made a significant contribution to the development of the mentioned problems: Yu. Vashchenko, Ya. Verteba, S. Vorontsov, I. Honcharuk, M. Zemliany, M. Kovalko, V. Mykytenko, I. Plachkov, Yu. Prodan, O. Serdyuchenko, A. Smenkovsky, O. Sukhodolya, G. Ryabtsev, Yu. Kharazishvili, A. Shevtsov, I. Yakoviyk and others. We will focus on the works of these and other scientists in the scientific article A clear understanding of the origins of the problem is the first step on the way to the formation of an effective state policy to ensure energy security. The purpose of the research is to find out the theoretical definition of the concept of energy security and the factors affecting it.

Presenting main material

Today, there are many definitions of energy security and approaches to their implementation in scientific, methodical, and reference encyclopedic literature.

The European Commission on Energy Security in 2000 defined energy security as the continuous physical availability of energy on the market at a price that is affordable for all consumers [2]. Subsequently, the International Energy Agency substantiated energy security as follows: it is the uninterrupted physical availability of energy resources at a price acceptable from the point of view of economic compatibility ("the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price") [3].

Energy security as one of the components of national security manifests itself, firstly, as the state of providing the state with energy resources for the implementation of reproductive processes in the national economy, which guarantee its full-fledged vital activity, and, secondly, as the state of security of the country's energy complex [4].

In the national legislation of Ukraine, there is an ambiguous understanding of the definition of the concept of energy security. Thus, in Art. 1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Electricity", energy security was defined as the state of the electricity industry, which guarantees the technically and economically safe satisfaction of the current and prospective energy needs of consumers and the protection of the natural environment. At the same time, it was established that energy is electrical or thermal energy produced at objects [5].

This interpretation is somewhat outdated and does not fully reflect the current trends of social development, and also does not fully meet the existing international legal standards in this area. This is, in particular, the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage of 1963 and other international legal acts that are part of the national legislation of Ukraine.

It is worth noting that the mention that energy security is a component of national security, as well as the defined directions of its implementation in the context of the balance of economic, social and environmental dimensions, require appropriate specification in the Law of Ukraine "On National Security of Ukraine". In addition to the fact that the legislator drew attention to the fact that "state policy in the spheres of national security and defense is aimed at ensuring the military, foreign policy, state, economic, informational, environmental security, cyber security of Ukraine..." [6], it should be properly emphasized and on ensuring Ukraine's energy security.

National strategic documents define that energy security is the protection of national interests in the sphere of ensuring access to reliable, stable, affordable and modern sources of energy in a technically reliable, safe, cost-effective and environmentally acceptable way in normal conditions and in conditions of a special or emergency state [7 ].

In other strategic documents on issues of energy security of a strategic nature, more and more attention is paid not only to the definition, principles, but also to the mechanisms of ensuring energy security in Ukraine. In particular, according to the Energy Strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030, energy security is an integral component of economic and national security, a necessary condition for the existence and development of the state. Energy security of Ukraine is the ability of the state to ensure the effective use of its own fuel and energy base, to carry out optimal diversification of sources and ways of supplying energy to Ukraine to ensure the livelihood of the population and the functioning of the national economy in normal, emergency and state of war, to prevent sharp price fluctuations for fuel and energy resources or create conditions for painless adaptation of the national economy to new prices for these resources on world markets. Energy security involves achieving a state of technically reliable, stable, economically efficient and ecologically safe supply of energy resources of the economy and social sphere of the state [8].

It follows from the above definitions that energy security is the ability of the state, in the person of its management bodies, to provide end consumers with energy in the required volume and appropriate quality under normal conditions, as well as during the action of destabilizing factors (emergency situations) of an internal or external nature within the guaranteed coverage of the minimum the volume of the most important needs of the country, its individual districts, cities, towns or objects in fuel and energy resources. This is the state of the state's supply of fuel and energy sources, the reliability and availability of their supply, as well as the process of achieving such a defined state.

The goal of energy security management should be to eliminate or minimize threats (identified by the analysis of energy security indicators), as well as to develop existing potential opportunities for improving the state of energy security.

In this context, it is important to note that in today's conditions of the current Ukrainian crisis, an important and primary task is to ensure the energy security of the state, therefore, the effective functioning of the energy security mechanism is decisive under such circumstances.

The ultimate goal of energy security is the guaranteed protection of a person, society, and state against the shortage of fuel and energy resources, that is, it has a broader meaning than the concept of reliability, and acts as an economic, political, and philosophical category [9]. Energy security is a system of combining potentials - economic, political, technical and technological, resource and, in fact, energy, as well as scientific, geographical, organizational, managerial, etc. factors, without taking into account the analysis of any security is impossible [10, p. 44-45].

In the context of the studied problems, it is important to analyze the doctrinal sources regarding the understanding of the essence and content of the category "energy security".

Ya. Shevchuk interprets the energy security of the country as the state of the socio-economic formations of the country, which ensures an optimal system of providing the country with fuel and energy resources and the ability to use them effectively, which combines the diversification of resource sources, the creation of their reserves, the development of its own fuel and energy complex and regulatory action in the sphere of pricing" [11, p. 56]. According to O. Sukhodoli, energy security is the ability to satisfy society's needs for energy resources in a technically reliable, economically efficient and ecologically acceptable way, to ensure the sustainable functioning of the national economy in normal and crisis conditions, to protect the sovereignty of the state in the formation and implementation of policies for the protection of national interests [12, with. 8].

A. Dayna defines energy security as timely, complete and continuous provision of fuel and energy of the necessary quality for material production, nonproduction sphere, population, communal and other consumers; prevention of harmful effects on the environment; transportation, transformation and consumption of fuel and energy resources in the conditions of modern market relations, trends and indicators of the world energy market. This is a complex of interconnected and rationally balanced theoretical, practical, economic, legal and environmental measures that guarantees full and uninterrupted satisfaction of the state's needs for fuel and energy resources of the required quality at any time, in any place, under any circumstances conditions, the possibility of the country's economy to ensure the efficient use of energy resources both in the production of goods and services, and by the population, and the possibility of establishing foreign trade relations regarding the export/import of energy resources [13, p. 162].

Y. Vashchenko defines energy security as a state of protection of the bearers of energy interests (in particular, a person, a community, a region, a business entity, a branch of the economy, the state) from threats of shortages in ensuring their energy needs through guaranteed access to safe for life, health of people and the natural environment, energy services of appropriate quality at economically justified and affordable prices under the conditions of continuity, reliability, diversification of energy supply sources, efficiency and rationality, use of energy resources from renewable energy sources, equal access for all categories of citizens [14, p. 96].

The positions of foreign scientists regarding different meanings of energy security are quite original. In particular, along with established traditional understandings of this phenomenon, it is considered as access to clean, reliable and available energy services for cooking, heating, lighting, communications and other productive applications [14, p. 97].

The structuring of the energy security category, characterized by its integral nature, allowed researchers to distinguish its following components: 1) energy supply (economic component); 2) social stability; 3) ecological acceptability (ecological component); 4) energy independence (political and economic component) [13, p. 163].

From the analysis of doctrinal sources, it can be seen that the modern understanding of guaranteeing energy security is focused on achieving a state of technically reliable, stable, economically efficient and environmentally acceptable supply of energy resources of the country's economy and social sphere, as well as creating conditions for the formation and implementation of a policy of protecting national interests in the sphere energy industry At the same time, it is hardly possible to formulate a single correct definition of energy security, the characteristics of which scientists put different meanings. However, it should be recognized as indisputable that energy security is influenced by both internal and external factors. The following can be attributed to the internal ones: the level of the country's supply of its own energy resources; fuel and energy balance of the country; social threats (fuel prices for the population, high production accidents, etc.); political, legislative, managerial activity; ecological situation, etc. External factors are: energy poverty, geopolitical interests of countries; economic threats (adverse market conditions); uneven distribution of deposits and concentration of main reserves in politically unstable regions, zones of military conflicts; the threat of terrorist acts at energy facilities, etc.

Recently, it should be noted the emergence of new challenges to the fuel and energy complex and threats to its sustainable functioning, and in general new types of threats to national security [15, p. 48]. And we are not only talking about our country, although Ukraine itself has become a testing ground for the methods of hybrid warfare, we are talking about new challenges for the global energy industry.

The spread of hybrid warfare methods to the energy sector necessitates the formation of a new understanding of the requirements for ensuring the sustainability of Ukraine's energy sector, methods of forecasting threats and preventing their implementation, the formation of methods and tools for ensuring the protection of the energy sector, as well as the coordination and coordination of the actions of the entire society in ensuring the sustainability of the functioning of the energy supply system of society's needs and of the state, ensuring the national stability of Ukraine. This state of affairs determines the expediency of reviewing the essence and content of the concept of "energy security" taking into account modern threats.

It is undeniable that energy security as a complex category has economic, environmental, social and geopolitical significance. at the same time, short-term and long-term guarantees of its provision are not only an important political goal, but a goal of national and global significance. Therefore, of course, it also has political significance, which, together with the others mentioned, sometimes leads to corruption and other dangerous threats.

Recently, there has been growing scientific interest in the definition of international energy security, international security in the energy sphere, etc. In particular, we consider it cumbersome to interpret international energy security as the influence of a complex set of legal norms created by states, international organizations and other subjects of international relations, by agreeing on positions, by signing contracts aimed at ensuring energy security, as well as the influence of complex legislation on ensuring energy security, that is, the state of the state's supply of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and availability of their supply, which provide for the diversification of energy sources, competitiveness and reduction of the monopoly on energy resources, the introduction of energy-saving technologies and the development of alternative energy sources [16, p. 69-70].

In general, the official formulation of the phenomenon of energy security allows to single out its main components or conditions, such as: physical availability of energy resources, continuity of their supply and availability, economic justification.


The analysis of doctrinal sources of normative legal acts led to the conclusion about the complexity, multifacetedness and capacity of the concept of energy security. To determine the state of energy security, experts use a number of indicators that contribute to the assessment of the state of the energy market and resources: the cost of resources, the level of energy consumption, the efficiency of the use of energy resources, resource sufficiency, the energy balance, the level of foreign investments in the field of energy, etc.

The definition of the concept and content of the researched category should be based on its broad interpretation. The country's energy security can be defined as the state of protection of the country, its citizens, society, and above all its economy from the threat of a deficit in meeting energy needs with economically available fuel and energy resources of appropriate quality under normal conditions and in emergency situations, as well as from the threat of disrupting the stability of fuel supply -energy resources and with minimal negative impact on the environment. The main components or conditions of the mentioned event are: physical availability of energy resources, continuity of their supply and availability, economic justification.

Energy security is influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors include the following: the level of the country's own energy resources; fuel and energy balance of the country; social threats (fuel prices for the population, high production accidents, etc.); political, legislative, managerial activity; ecological situation, etc. External factors are: energy poverty, geopolitical interests of countries; economic threats (adverse market conditions); uneven distribution of deposits and concentration of main reserves in politically unstable regions, zones of military conflicts; the threat of terrorist acts at energy facilities, etc.

Energy security has a global character, ensuring it must be achieved by the joint efforts of all countries of the world. At the same time, the means and mechanisms of its achievement are individual for each country, taking into account the internal features and needs of the industry.


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1. Svirchevska, Yu. (2014). The essence of the energy security of the country and the factors affecting it. URL:

2. Energy Security European Commission. URL: energy-security_en. 64

3. Defining energy security / IEA. URL: isenergysecurity.

4. Bondareko, G.V., Shcherba, V.O. Energy security as a defining component of Ukraine's economic independence. URL: Soc_Gum/Vchu/N152/N152p09 8-108.pdf]

5. On electric power industry: Law of Ukraine of October 16, 1997 No. 575/97-VR (The law was repealed on the basis of Law No. 2019-VIII of April 13, 2017, Law of Ukraine, 2017, No. 27-28, Article 312). URL:

6. On the national security of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine dated June 21, 2018 No. 2469-VIn. URL:

7. The energy strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2035 "Security, energy efficiency, competitiveness" was approved by the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 18, 2017 No. 605-r. URL:

8. Energy strategy of Ukraine for the period until 2030: Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 07/24/2013 No. 1071 URL: 13/paran3#n3.

9. Plachkov, I., Plachkov, S. Energy: history, modernity and future. URL: ua/books/book-5/part-4/section-1

10. Mykytenko, V. (2005). What is the energy security of the state based on. Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. P. 41-47.

11. Shevchuk, Ya. V. (2015). The essence and conceptual foundations of Ukraine's energy security. Collection of scientific works of the Cherkasy State University of Technology. Series: Economic Sciences. No. 4, 40. P. 53-59.

12. Sukhodolya, O. M. (2019). Problems of determining the sphere of regulation of energy security. Strategic priorities. No. 1. P. 5-17.

13. Dayna, A. (2017). Theoretical foundations of statistical support for the regulation of energy independence of Ukraine. Economics and management organization. No. 1 (25). P. 160-170.

14. Vashchenko, Yu.V. (2015). State regulation in the energy sector of Ukraine: administrative and legal aspect: dissertation.... Dr. law Sciences: 12.00.07. Kyiv. 488 p.

15. Piechocki, M. (2011). Probleme der Energiesicherheit aus polnischer Perspektive. Jochen Franzke (Hrsg.) Europa als Inspiration undHerausdorff, Potsdam. R. 97-116.

16. Gorbulin, V.P. (2017). World hybrid war: Ukrainian front: monograph. K.: NISD. 496 p.

17. Kushnir A.V. International policy of ensuring national security: energy aspect. Zhytomyr, 2022. 40 p.

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    отчет по практике [2,6 M], добавлен 02.02.2015

  • Resources of income for enterprises. Main ways of decreasing the costs Main ways of increasing the income. Any enterprise’s target is to make profit. In order to make it a company should understand where comes from the income and where goes out costs.

    курсовая работа [59,9 K], добавлен 09.11.2010

  • Concept and program of transitive economy, foreign experience of transition. Strategic reference points of long-term economic development. Direction of the transition to an innovative community-oriented type of development. Features of transitive economy.

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  • Negative consequences proceeding in real sector of economy. Social stratification in a society. Estimation of efficiency of economic safety. The parity of the manufacturers of commodity production. Main problems of the size of pension of common people.

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