Organisational structure and external relations of an international road freight carrier
Characteristics of the organizational structure and external relationships of the international road freight carrier, as well as the functions and tasks of its management staff. Making strategic management decisions and forming the company's policy.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 19.09.2024 |
Размер файла | 315,6 K |
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Postgraduate Student at the Department of Management Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
Organisational structure and external relations of an international road freight carrier
Olesia Totska, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Full Professor, Professor at the Department of Management Maksym Prosvirnikov
Olesia Totska, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor at the Department of Management. Maksym Prosvirnikov, Graduate Student at the Department of Management, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. Organisational structure and external relations of an international road freight carrier.
The purpose of the study is to examine the organisational structure and external relations of an international road freight carrier, as well as the functions and tasks of its personnel. One of the domestic companies engaged in international road freight transportation was selected for the analysis. It has been determined that the company has a line-functional organisational management structure, where the line units make decisions and the functional units ensure their implementation. The organisational structure of the international road freight carrier has a peculiarity - it has two departments: logistics and forwarding and transport haulage. The assistant to the director, heads and managers of the company's main departments have the most extensive list of performed functions and tasks. The main difference between the activities of the logistics department and the forwarding and transport haulage department is that the former provides transport services with the using the company's own vehicles, while the latter engages other carriers for transportation. The external organisations with which the international road freight carrier contacts can be divided into several groups: counterparties, regulatory authorities, and the bank.
Key words: international road freight carrier, organisational structure, management levels, functions and tasks of personnel, external relations.
Тоцька Олеся Леонтіївна, доктор економічних наук, професор кафедри менеджменту. Просвірніков Максим Валерійович, аспірант кафедри менеджменту, Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки. Організаційна структура та зовнішні взаємозв'язки міжнародного автомобільного вантажного перевізника.
Для розвитку будь-якої організації, і в тому числі, транспортної, та досягнення нею стратегічних і тактичних цілей, важливим є її організаційна структура. Метою дослідження є розгляд організаційної структури та зовнішніх взаємозв'язків міжнародного автомобільного вантажного перевізника, а також функцій і завдань його управлінського й іншого персоналу. Для налізу обрану одну з вітчизняних компаній, яка здійснює міжнародні автомобільні вантажні перевезення. Визначено, що компанія має лінійно-функціональну організаційну структуру управління, де лінійні ланки приймають рішення, а функціональні забезпечують їх реалізацію. Управлінцями вищого рівня, які відповідають за прийняття стратегічних управлінських рішень і формування політики компанії, є директор, фінансовий і комерційний директори. На нижньому рівні управління знаходяться керівники операційних підрозділів (керівник відділу логістики, керівник відділу експедиції та перегону транспорту, механік-інженер, завідуючий господарчої служби та відпуску пально-мастильних матеріалів), які беруть участь у бізнес-процесах компанії (наданні транспортних послуг), а також керівник сервісного підрозділу, який обслуговує управління основною діяльністю (головний бухгалтер). Особливістю організаційної структури міжнародного автомобільного вантажного перевізника є наявність двох відділів: логістики, а також експедиції та перегону транспорту. Найбільш розлогий перелік виконуваних функцій і завдань мають помічник директора, керівники і менеджери основних відділів компанії. Основною відмінністю між діяльністю відділу логістики та відділу експедиції й перегону транспорту є те, що перший надає транспортні послуги власними автомобілями компанії, а другий залучає до перевезень інші компанії-пере- візники. Зовнішні організації, з якими контактує міжнародний автомобільний вантажний перевізник, можна розділити на декілька груп: контрагенти (компанії-клієнти, компанії-постачальники товарів і послуг, ком- панії-консультанти, експедиційні компанії, транспортні компанії), контролюючі органи (податкова служба, митна служба, інші контролюючі установи), банк.
Ключові слова: міжнародний автомобільний вантажний перевізник, організаційна структура, рівні управління, функції та завдання персоналу, зовнішні взаємозв'язки.
The organisational structure of a company is its construction that allows it to achieve strategic and tactical goals. It is a system that reflects the relationships between individual employees and organisational units. Since companies' economic activities can take place in various industries, including transport (land and pipeline transport, water transport, air transport [1]), the organisational structures of enterprises in each industry differ not only in type (linear, functional, line-functional, product, matrix, etc.) and number of elements, but also in the presence of specific units and positions inherent in this particular industry. In addition, the external relations of companies engaged in different types of activities also differ. organizational strategic management staff
Analysis of recent research and publications. The following domestic scientists conducted their research related to the organisational structures of transport enterprises of Ukraine: T.A. Vorkut et al. have proposed an approach to systematisation of indicators for assessing the performance of organisational structures engaged in the carriage of goods by road in the context of implementing a balanced scorecard [2]; A. Glyebova has considered structural changes in the management system of enterprises and organisations of railway transport of Ukraine [3]; V.L. Dykan and A.S. Hlazkova have considered the main aspects of creating an organisational and hierarchical structure of the transport and industrial park [4]; G.V. Poyasnik has substantiated the expediency of integrating a separate structural unit for economic security management at a motor transport enterprise [5]; N.V. Rybalko has identified the main directions of formation of the organisational structure of quality control at car service enterprises [6]; Yu.O. Tretynychenko and I.I. Khalatska have developed a model of an integral indicator for multi-criteria assessment of the balance of work of territorial organisational units of enterprises engaged in the delivery of small cargoes in terms of postal services, express delivery, etc. by road using terminal technology [7]. In turn, O.L. Totska has investigated export-import operations with services (including transport) between Ukraine and European countries [8-9].
Foreign scholars have conducted such studies: J. Hlavaty et al. have shown on the basis of theories and studies of the organisational structure of selected passenger railway transport organisations, that an appropriate organisational structure is an important prerequisite for the implementation of the chosen strategy [10]; M. Kadlubek has studied logistics services of consumers in the organisational structures of transport companies [11-13]; D.V. Lomotko et al. have determined that one of the main factors to be taken into account when forming the organisational structure of logistics centers is the ability to achieve a high level of service, taking into account the presence of internal and external constraints [14]; L. Mindur has described the organisational structure of the Italian national railways [15].
Objectives of the article. Unlike the aforementioned publications, the purpose of this study is to examine the organisational structure and external relations of an international road freight carrier, as well as the functions and tasks of its personnel.
The main material of the study. The organisational structure of one of the domestic companies engaged in international freight transportation, as well as the list of external organisations with which it is in contact, is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Organisational structure and external organisations with which an international road freight carrier cooperates
Source: authors'elaboration
Figure 1 shows that the company has a line-functional organisational management structure, where line managers make decisions and functional managers ensure their implementation. In particular, top-level managers responsible for strategic management decisions and policy making are CEO, CFO and CCO. At the lower level of management are the heads of operational departments (head of the logistics department, head of the forwarding and transport haulage department, mechanical engineer, head of the economic service and fuel and lubricants supply (hereinafter - F&L)), who are involved in the company's business processes (provision of transport services), as well as the head of the service department, who manages the core business (chief accountant). The organisational structure of an international road freight carrier is characterised by two departments: logistics and forwarding and transport haulage.
The functions and tasks of the company's management personnel are described in more detail in Table 1, and those of other personnel in Table 2.
Thus, the assistant to the director, heads and managers of the company's main departments have a rather extensive list of performed functions and tasks. The logistics department provides transport services with the company's own vehicles, while the forwarding and haulage transport department engages other carriers for transportation; the mechanical engineer is also the head of the economic service and is responsible for the F&L supply.
A description of the external relations of the employees of the international road freight carrier's employees is provided in Tables 3 and 4.
Thus, in the course of their activities, employees of an international road freight carrier have to deal with representatives of counterparties (client companies, companies supplying goods and services, consulting companies, forwarding companies, transport companies), customs (customs brokers, customs officers), other regulatory authorities (tax officials, etc.), and the bank.
Table 1 Functions and tasks of the management personnel of an international road freight carrier
Position |
Functions and tasks |
Formation of the company's development strategy and long-term goals; control and coordination of the company's business processes. |
Formation of the company's financial policy; development and implementation of measures to ensure the company's financial stability; management of the company's financial flows; management of the accounting department. |
Chief accountant |
Accounting and analysis of financial information; preparation of financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement); ensuring the reliability of financial statements; analysis of the company's financial position; ensuring that accounting is kept in accordance with the law and the requirements of the tax authorities; ensuring timely and correct submission of tax reports, fulfillment of tax obligations and avoidance of tax risks; distribution of tasks between accountants, supervision of their work, provision of necessary assistance and support in resolving complex issues. |
Formation of the company's commercial policy; development of the strategy and plans for sales of services; control over their implementation; management of logistics, forwarding and transport haulage departments. |
Head of the logistics department |
Management of the logistics department; promoting the formation and development of professional skills of subordinates; encouraging subordinates to achieve high results; ensuring coordinated work between departments; communication with customers regarding the selection of the necessary vehicles; planning and organising of road transport by company vehicles; development of optimal routes for cargo delivery; identification, analysis and solving problems in the delivery of goods. |
Head of the forwarding and transport haulage department |
Management of the forwarding and transport haulage department; promoting the formation and development of professional skills of subordinates; encouraging subordinates to achieve high results; ensuring coordinated work between departments; communication with customers regarding the selection of the necessary vehicles; selection and communication with involved carriers; planning and organising road transport by other companies' vehicles; development of optimal routes for cargo delivery; identification, analysis and solving problems in the delivery of goods. |
Mechanical engineer, head of the economic service and F&L supply |
Management of the service station; management of the economic service; planning and control over the receipt and supply of F&L (diesel and AdBlue). |
Source: authors'elaboration |
Table 2 Functions and tasks of other personnel of an international road freight carrier
Position |
Functions and tasks |
Assistant to the director |
Organisational tasks (scheduling meetings, maintaining the director's calendar, organising events and meetings); administrative support (office work, travel arrangements, coordination of daily operations); communication (correspondence, answering phone calls and emails); analytics and management support (collecting and processing information for decision-making, preparation reports); other tasks (depending on the needs of the CEO and the company). |
Accountants |
Registration and systematisation of the company's financial transactions (income, expenses, assets and liabilities); preparation of financial reports; calculation of taxes and preparation of necessary reports for the tax authorities; ensuring compliance with tax legislation and timely payment of taxes. |
Position |
Functions and tasks |
Managers of the logistics department |
Planning, coordination and control of transport operations; execution of the contract and application with the customer; checking transport documentation and shipping documents when loading the vehicle; control over the vehicle during the journey and communication with the customer in case of unplanned situations; preparation of the initial declaration (general declaration of arrival) and transport certificate; control over the correct execution of documents during unloading; preparation of a package of documents for payment for flights; control over the timeliness of payment. |
Drivers |
- Carriage of goods. |
Managers of the forwarding and transport haulage department |
Planning, coordination and control of transport operations with the involved transport; execution of the contract and application with the customer and the involved carrier; checking transport documentation and shipping documents when loading the vehicle; control over the vehicle during the journey and communication with the customer in case of unplanned situations; preparation of a package of documents for payment for the flights; control over timeliness of payment. |
Sales manager of semitrailers |
Organisation of pre-sale preparation of semi-trailers; sale of semi-trailers. |
Purchasing manager for vehicles and semi-trailers |
Communication with European vehicle sellers; organising the purchase, transport and customs clearance of vehicles. |
Service station employees |
- Repair of company vehicles. |
System administrator |
- Ensuring the operation of computer equipment, computer network and software in the company. |
Source: authors'elaboration
Table 3 External relationships of the management personnel of an international road freight carrier
Position |
Representatives of external organisations |
CEO of client companies (exporters / importers); CEO of key companies supplying goods and services; CEO of the bank providing banking services; representatives of the tax service; representatives of the customs service; representatives of other regulatory authorities; representatives of consultant companies (for staff training). |
Representatives of the bank providing banking services; representatives of the tax service. |
Chief accountant |
Accounting departments of client companies; accounting departments of companies supplying goods and services; representatives of the tax service. |
Representatives of client companies (exporters / importers); representatives of companies supplying goods and services; representatives of consultant companies. |
Head of the logistics department |
Heads of logistics departments / logisticians / sales managers of client companies (exporters / importers); customs brokers, customs officers; representatives of forwarding companies (residents / non-residents). |
Head of the forwarding and transport haulage department |
Heads of logistics departments / logisticians / sales managers of client companies (exporters / importers); managers / heads of logistics departments / logisticians of involved transport companies; customs brokers, customs officers; representatives of forwarding companies (residents / non-residents). |
Mechanical engineer, head of the economic service and F&L supply |
Representatives of companies selling F&L; representatives of tyre trading companies; representatives of spare parts trading companies; domestic service stations; foreign service stations. |
Table 4 External relations of other personnel of the international road freight carrier
Position |
Representatives of external organisations |
Assistant to the director |
Visitors to the company; CEO of client companies (exporters / importers); CEO of key companies supplying goods and services; CEO of the bank providing banking services; representatives of consulting companies (for staff training). |
Accountants |
Accounting departments of client companies; accounting departments of companies supplying goods and services. |
Managers of the logistics department |
Logisticians / sales managers / purchasing managers of client companies (exporters / importers); customs brokers; representatives of forwarding companies (residents / non-residents). |
Managers of the forwarding and transport haulage department |
Logisticians / sales managers / purchasing managers of client companies (exporters / importers); logisticians of other transport companies; customs brokers; representatives of forwarding companies (residents / non-residents). |
Sales manager of semitrailers |
Representatives of Ukrainian transport companies; representatives of exporters / importers. |
Purchasing manager for vehicles and semi-trailers |
European companies selling equipment; representatives of European transport companies; customs brokers, customs officers. |
Source: authors'elaboration
For the development of any organisation and the achievement of its strategic and tactical goals, its organisational structure is important. The object of the study was one of the domestic companies of Ukraine that provides international road freight transport services. The analysis has shown that the company has a line-functional organisational management structure, where line units make decisions, and functional units ensure their implementation. The peculiarity of the transport organisation is the presence of two departments: logistics, as well as forwarding and transport haulage. The most extensive list of functions and tasks is performed by the assistant to the director, heads and managers of the company's main departments. The main difference between the activities of the logistics department and the forwarding and transport haulage department is that the former provides transport services using the company's own vehicles, while the latter engages other carriers for transportation. The external organisations with which the international road freight carrier comes into contact can be divided into several groups: contractors, regulatory authorities, and the bank.
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6. Rybalko N. V (2012) Orhanizatsiina struktura kontroliu yakosti na avtoservisnykh pidpryiemstvakh [Organizational Structure of Quality Control at Car Service Enterprises]. Bulletin of the Donetsk University ofEconomics and Law, Tretynychenko Yu. O. & Khalatska I. I. (2018) Model intehralnoho pokaznyka dlia otsiniuvannia roboty orhaniza- tsiinykh struktur pidpryiemstv pereviznykiv avtomobilnoho transportu [The Model of an Integral Indicator for Evaluating the Work of Organizational Structures of Enterprises of Road Transport Carriers]. Economy and Management on Transport, vol. 6, pp. 64-70.
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8. Totska O. (2023) Ukraine-EU: Analytical Assessment of International Trade in Services. Economy and the Region, no. 4 (91), pp. 108-117.
9. Hlavaty J., Lizbetin J. & Fazik J. (2023) Comparison of Organisational Structures of Selected Passenger Railway Transport Companies and their Impact on Strategic Goals of Companies. LOGI - Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics, vol. 14, issue 1, pp. 227-238
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11. Kadlubek M. (2019) Management in Organizational Structures of Enterprises in the Light of Research Results. Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, vol. 12(1), special issue, pp. 27-33.
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13. Lomotko D. V., Alyoshinsky E. S. & Zambrybor G. G. (2016) Methodological Aspect of the Logistics Technologies Formation in Reforming Processes on the Railways. Transport Research Arena, TRA2016. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Science B. V., vol. 14, pp. 2762-2766.
14. Mindur L. (2017) Development of Italian Railways in the Period 2002-2015, Including High-Speed Railway Lines. Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport, vol. 96, pp. 115-127.
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