Scientific research methodology as a necessary element of the intellectual economic potential of modern scientists
Determination of fundamental changes observed in the economy, politics, ecology and social life of Ukraine. Training of young scientists during the modernization of the Ukrainian state. Approaches, principles of Ukrainian scientific methodology.
Рубрика | Экономика и экономическая теория |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 15.04.2024 |
Размер файла | 15,9 K |
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Scientific research methodology as a necessary element of the intellectual economic potential of modern scientists
Методологія наукових досліджень як необхідний елемент інтелектуального еономічного потенціалу сучасних науковців
Zarytska Nataliya
Vadym Hetman Kyiv National University of Economics
Зарицька Наталія Сергіївна
кандидат економічних наук, доцент, Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана
The article is devoted to the topical issues of determining the fundamental changes observed in the economy, politics, ecology and social life of Ukraine in recent decades, which led to a significant increase in the number of various problems both at the level of an individual, a social group, and society in general. Ukrainian scientific methodology is going through the first stages of its formation and is forming its own tools for research and the achievement of true knowledge. This article analyzes and systematizes the need to solve the specified problems and methods, as well as outlines the main research in the field of economic research work as a profession designed to ensure the success of overdue systemic reforms, the economic growth of the country, the establishment of the rule of law, and the social protection of various segments of the population.
Keywords: science, scientific economic research, scientific economic activity, methodology, socio-economic conditions, intellectual potential.
Стаття присвячена актуальним питанням визначення докорінних змін, що спостерігалися останніми десятиліттями в економіці, політиці, екології та суспільному житті України, саме вони зумовили значне зростання кількості різноманітних проблем як на рівні окремої особистості, соціальної групи, так і суспільства загалом. На данному етапі модернізація української держави, розвиток її громадянського суспільства та публічного управління вимагають від молодих науковців належного науково-методологічного супроводу, використання передового досвіду трансформаційних змін демократичних країн. Велика увага до методології наукового дослідження зумовлена тим, що політичні та економічні цілі не досягаються спонтанно і легко, для їх реалізації потрібні практичне втілення теоретично обґрунтованих та практично апробованих концепцій та методологій впровадження. Актуальність даного дослідження обумовлюється також гострою необхідністю підготовки у молодих науковців розуміння з питань сутності понять і категорій методологій наукових економічних досліджень, формування цілісного уявлення про науково-дослідницький процес таких явищ, освоєння сучасних навичок і ефективного використання усвідомленої методологічної позиції сучасного економічного дослідження, вдосконалення вмінь у галузі окремих наукових досліджень, у здійсненні пошуку й опрацюванні наукової інформації, грамотному оформленні результатів наукових досліджень та впровадження їх у міжнародну практику. На сьогодні економічна наука об'єднує велий масив знань, що враховує концепції, моделі, підходи, принципи, методики, методи тощо. Українська наукова методологія проходить перші етапи свого становлення та формує власний інструментарій дослідницького пошуку й досягнення істинного знання. В даній статті проаналізовано та систематизовано необхідності розв'язання означених проблем та методик а також окреслено основні дослідження у галузі науково-дослідної роботи як професії, що покликана забезпечити успішність назрілих системних реформ, економічного зростання країни, утвердження верховенства права, соціальний захист різних верств населення. Успішне визначення завдань прoведення наукoвo-дoсліднoї рoбoти, одержання практичної цінності її результатів зумовлені прaвильним викoристaнням o^ob метoдoлoгії наукових досліджень в сучасних міжнародних економічних відносинах.
Ключові слова: наука, наукові економічні дослідження, наукова економічна діяльність, методологія, соціально-економічні умови, інтелектуальний потенціал.
Formulation of the problem
ukrainian scientific methodology
Today, scientific activity has integrated the entire spectrum of theoretical, methodological, and empirical knowledge about the surrounding world. Today, we see this reflection in the huge amount of knowledge possessed by the modern scientific community. The time has come to realize that the nation's intellectual potential and the multi-vector nature of its development are the driving force of social progress, for which the state's place in the global scientific space is determined by the forms of production, use and dissemination of knowledge. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider that modern science is the essence of human knowledge. It is a set of knowledge organized according to certain principles, a real connection of judgments, predictions and problems of reality and its individual spheres or aspects. Knowledge is necessary for a person to navigate in the surrounding world, to explain and predict events, plan and implement activities and develop other new knowledge. Knowledge is the most important means of transforming reality. They constitute a dynamic, rapidly developing system, the growth rates of which in modern conditions exceed the growth rates of any other system. Speaking of knowledge, nowadays they mean a higher level of information functioning in society. At the same time, knowledge is not all information, but only that part of it that a person has transformed and processed in a special way. In the process of transformation, information must acquire a symbolic form or be represented in this form with the help of other knowledge accumulated in memory, information must acquire essence and meaning.
In the new socio-economic conditions, there is an increase in interest in knowledge and scientific research. However, the desire for scientific work is increasingly faced with insufficient mastering by researchers of the system of methodological and methodical knowledge, which is quite a serious problem for modern young scientists. This fact significantly reduces the quality of scientific works, preventing their authors from fully realizing their potential.
Analysis of recent research and publications. For modern research scientists, it is very important not only to know well the basic provisions that characterize scientific work, but also to have solid knowledge about the methodology and methods of scientific creativity, since, as modern scientific practice shows, researchers have the most questions of this nature. These questions are reflected in the works of such domestic authors as:
S. E. Vazhynskyi and T. I. Shcherbak, who form the process of the so-called regularities of the functioning and development of science, the structure and dynamics of scientific knowledge and scientific activity, describe the interaction of science with other social institutions and spheres of material and spiritual life. Also, the methodology of scientific research is quite clearly and modernly presented in the works of G. O. Birt, A. E. Konversky, T. S. Kyvalov, and
T. R. Korotky. who pay attention to societies as a whole, uniting them in modern science, thus developing certain classifications of sciences, which in turn determines the place of each of the sciences in the general system of scientific knowledge. Foreign scientists such as Kenna R. A. and Grossman T. A. in their writings, they believe that the most common is the division of all sciences into the sciences of nature, society, and thinking.
Highlighting previously unresolved parts of the overall problem. The process of the movement of human thought of the 21st century is so rapid, from ignorance to knowledge and understanding of scientific knowledge, that its reflection can be traced and reproduced in the consciousness of the person himself as an objective problem of modern reality. So, modern scientific knowledge is research that is characterized by its special goals and objectives, methods of obtaining and testing new knowledge, which opens up fundamentally new opportunities and new challenges.
It reaches the essence of phenomena, reveals the laws of their existence and development, thereby pointing out to practice the problems, inaccuracies and uncertainty of ways of influencing these phenomena and changes according to their objective nature. Such scientific knowledge is designed to illuminate the path to practice, to provide theoretical foundations for solving practical problems.
Of course, the basis and driving force of modern scientific knowledge is practice, and it is this practice that gives science the factual material that needs theoretical understanding and solving the problems and tasks. Theoretical knowledge creates a reliable basis for understanding the essence of the phenomena of objective reality [2, p. 223].
The modern dialectic of the process of cognition consists in the contradiction between the limitations of our knowledge and the boundless complexity of objective reality.
This problem is considered in general by the method of knowledge - it is the interaction of the subject and the object, the result of which is new knowledge about the world. The process of cognition has a two-loop structure, namely: empirical and theoretical knowledge, which exist in close interaction and interdependence.
True and progressive, modern knowledge exists as a system of principles, regularities, laws, basic concepts, scientific facts, theoretical propositions and conclusions. Therefore, true scientific knowledge is objective. However, scientific knowledge can be relative or absolute. Relative knowledge is knowledge that, being basically an adequate reflection of reality, is distinguished by a certain incompleteness of the coincidence of the image with the object. Absolute knowledge is a complete, exhaustive reproduction of generalized ideas about an object, which ensures an absolute coincidence of the image with the object. Therefore, it is the continuous development of practice that makes it impossible to transform knowledge into an absolute, but makes it possible to distinguish objectively true knowledge from false views. These issues are quite controversial, so they require a more detailed study, because the problem arises precisely in the modern objectivity of the latest methodological studies.
Formulation of the goals of the article (statement of the task). The main goals of the article are the successful mastery of the methodology and methods of conducting scientific research, the development of rational creative thinking and the optimal organization of scientific creativity in the conditions of modern practical economic and international activity of young scientists.
The tasks of the article are as follows:
- promotion of deepening and consolidation of existing theoretical knowledge of researched subjects, disciplines, branches of science;
- development of practical skills of students and young scientists in conducting research, analyzing the obtained results and developing recommendations for improving this or that type of activity;
- improvement of methodological skills in independent work with information sources and relevant software and technical means;
- the opening of wide opportunities for mastering additional theoretical material and accumulated practical experience;
- assistance to scientists in mastering the methodology of scientific research.
Presentation of the main research material
The rapid development of science at the current stage is largely due to the modernization of the methodology of scientific research, and it is this process that helps novice researchers to adapt to the scientific international environment. Researchers increasingly use a variety of approaches, methods, methods, techniques of scientific research. New methods of cognition are being developed, known ones are being improved.
Obviously, the further development of international economic sciences will directly depend on the development of its methodology. In addition, further socio-economic, political and international development of the countries of the world is no longer possible without the active implementation of science-intensive technologies, scientifically based means of optimizing the use of natural resources, increasing the competitiveness of production, social standards of living, the quality of management in the public and private sectors, etc. The development of scientific research methodology creates prerequisites for the training of highly qualified specialists capable of creative work, constructive thinking, forecasting future development and analysis of modern economic sciences. Today, every scientist must master the methodology of scientific research and the ability to practically apply it.
Facts cannot be ignored just because they are difficult to explain or find practical use for. The content of new things in science is not always seen by the researcher himself [3]. New scientific facts and even discoveries, the meaning of which is poorly disclosed, can remain in the reserve of science for a long time and not be used in practice.
Everything is important in scientific research. A scientist must concentrate on the main or key issues of the topic, one must not ignore the side facts that at first glance seem insignificant. However, such facts can hide the beginning of important discoveries.
It is not enough for a researcher to establish a new fact, it is important to give it an explanation from the standpoint of modern economic science, to reveal its general cognitive, theoretical or practical significance. The presentation of scientific economic facts should be carried out in the context of the general historical process, the history of the development of a certain industry, its analysis, taking into account the relevant indicators and be multifaceted, taking into account both general and specific features of the studied industry.
The accumulation of scientific facts in the process of research for a scientist is a creative process, which is always based on the scientist's idea, his idea.
In the philosophical definition, an idea is a product of human thinking, a form of reflection of reality [5]. The idea differs from other forms of thinking in that it not only reflects the object of study, but also contains the awareness of the goal, the perspective of knowledge and the practical transformation of reality. Therefore, the historical study of not only the object of research, but also the formation and development of knowledge about it is of great importance.
Ideas are born from practice, observations of the surrounding world, all its components: states, cities and the needs of the population. Ideas are based on real facts and events. Life presents specific tasks, but often productive ideas for solving them are not immediately found. In this case, the researcher's ability to analyze the ideas and views of his predecessors, to offer a new, completely unusual aspect of considering a task that could not be solved for a long time with a general approach to the case, comes to the rescue.
The study of historical, economic,international, political, social experience, determination of the stages of formation, development of the object of research and ideas from the time of emergence to the stage of solving the task significantly enriches scientific research, testifies to the reliability of its results and conclusions, confirms scientific objectivity and competence researcher
A new idea is not just a change of ideas about the object of research - it is a qualitative leap of thought beyond the data perceived by the senses and seemingly proven solutions. New ideas can arise under the influence of paradoxical situations, when a minor, unexpected result is revealed, which is too different from the generally accepted positions of science - paradigms.
Obtaining new knowledge takes place according to the scheme: paradigm - paradox - new paradigm. The development of science is a change in paradigms, methods, stereotypes of thinking. The transition from one paradigm to another does not lend itself to a logical description, because each of them rejects the previous one and brings a fundamentally new research result that cannot be logically deduced from known theories. Intuitive mechanisms of scientific research, which are not based on formal logic, play a special role here [1, p. 260].
The complexity, multifacetedness and interdisciplinary status of any scientific problem lead to the need to study it in a coordinate system set by different levels of scientific methodology. The methodological basis of the research should be understood as the main, initial position on which scientific research is based. The methodological foundations of a certain specific science always exist outside this science, beyond its boundaries and are not derived from the research itself.
Thus, based on the methodological foundations of scientific research, it is necessary to clearly answer questions about: the supposed leading scientific idea, the essence of the phenomenon (object, subject of research), contradictions arising in the process or phenomenon, stages, stages of development (or trends). This constitutes the scientific concept of modern research, influences the choice of specific research methods, which is dictated by the nature of the actual material, the conditions and purpose of the specific research. Methods with an ordered system, in which their place is determined according to a specific stage of research, the use of technical techniques and operations with theoretical and actual material in a given sequence. Usually, in the same scientific field, there can be several methods (complexes of methods), which are constantly improved during scientific work, changed, supplemented and considered by different scientists from different angles of their functioning [4, p. 13803].
From the above, it is possible to draw the following conclusions that at the current stage of development, society puts forward new, much higher requirements for the creative potential of specialists, who must possess modern methodology and new scientific methods of scientific research, possess the skills to navigate the dynamic flow of scientific information, the economy, international relations, sociology and many spheres of human activity, to quickly and effectively find the most rational design, technological, analytical, predictive and organizational solutions.
The abilities andskills thatscientists will acquire as a result of their methodological research will positively affect their competitiveness in the labor market, because today, when hiring, preference is given to those who are able to research processes and phenomena and objects of application of their knowledge in order to identify the hidden possibilities of these objects objects and directing processes in them in the necessary direction. Therefore, for the development of all spheres of social life, especially the socio-economic sphere of the state, international, political sphere, nowadays it is accompanied by an intensive increase in the volume of scientific and scientific and technical information, rapid change and updating of the system of scientific knowledge, which requires a highly qualified specialist to possess not only the necessary professional knowledge, skills and skills, but also the methodology of creative solution of problem situations, the ability to think creatively, make informed decisions and model various processes.
Knowledge of methodology, theory, technique, methods and organization of research activity will help future specialists and scientists to quickly and easily join professional activities, translate scientific knowledge into the practical plane, contribute to the development of rational creative thinking.
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2. Metodologiya naukovih doslidzhen u shemah, tablicyah, prikladah: navch. posibnik dlya studentiv vuziv [Methodology of scientific research in diagrams, tables, examples: teaching. a guide for university students] / G. M. Azarenkova ta in. Pid red. G. M. Azarenkovoyi. Nacionalnij bank Ukrayini. Bankivskij universitet. spravi. Kyiv, 2014. 223 р. [in Ukrainian]
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4. Kenna R. (2017) A scientists' view of scientometrics: Not everything that counts can be counted. Condensed Matter Physics. 20. No. 1. P. 13803.
5. Qualitative Research: Definition, Types, Methods and Examples. Available at: blog/qualitative-research-methods/
1. Важинський С. Є., Щербак Т І. Методологія та організація наукових досліджень : посіб. Суми: А. С. Мака- ренка, Сумське ДПУ, 2016. 260 с.
2. Методологія наукових досліджень у схемах, таблицях, прикладах : навч. посібник для студентів вузів / Г М. Азаренкова та ін. Під ред. Г. М. Азаренкової. Національний банк України. Банківський університет. справи. Київ, 2014. 223 с.
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4. Kenna R. A scientists' view of scientometrics: Not everything that counts can be counted. Condensed Matter Physics, 2017. 20. No. 1. P. 13803.
5. Qualitative Research: Definition, Types, Methods and Examples. URL: qualitative-research-methods/
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