Organizational and economic mechanism for the formation of the innovative strategy of agricultural enterprises

Consideration of manifestations of signs of emergence of interactions of industrial and commercial components of management of innovative development. Identifying management and production strategies to ensure the appropriate level of performance.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 02.02.2024
Размер файла 1,1 M

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Sumy National Agrarian University

Organizational and economic mechanism for the formation of the innovative strategy of agricultural enterprises

Hnatkivskyi Bohdan

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,

Doctoral Student


The article substantiates the components of the organizational and economic mechanism of forming an innovative strategy of agrarian enterprises and the development of its architecture. The basis of the formation of the specified mechanism is the emergence of signs of the emergence of interactions of industrial and commercial components of management of innovative development through the identification of separate management and production strategies to ensure the appropriate level of effectiveness for the growth of economic efficiency. The latter should be formed in the context of the possibility of solving the problems of extended reproduction and increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises through the introduction of innovations in general. The economic toolkit in this mechanism will perform a stimulating function, ensure the realization of interests between all market participants and the flow of auxiliary processes, as well as regulate the responsibility of business entities through economic relations. They are the basis that should determine the procedures for the formation and implementation of innovative strategies, as well as determine the level ofachieved financial results of the production and commercial activities of enterprises. The criteria and groups of indicators for the identification and analysis of the strategic zone of innovative activity of the enterprise are singled out, in particular: provision of production resources; availability and supply of material and technical resources; efficiency of production activity; competitiveness of products, their position on the market. It is emphasized that due to the complexity of the formation andfunctioning of strategic zones of innovative activity, a number of problematic issues arise before agrarian commodity producers. Among them, the discrepancy between production capacities and their innovative potential should be singled out. That is, it is impossible to quickly change one's own production capabilities in accordance with the competitive situation on the market. This applies not only to the material and technical support of the production process, but also to the innovative direction of enterprises in general, including the possibility of creating improved products. Therefore, in the study, special attention is paid to the strategy of diversification ofproduction in agricultural enterprises, as the main tool for mobilizing the innovative investment and economic potential of the economic entity.

Keywords: innovation strategy, strategic zone of innovation activity, agricultural enterprises.


ГНАТКІВСЬКИЙБогдан Михайлович. Організаційно-економічний механізм формування інноваційної стратегії аграрних підприємств

У статті обґрунтовано складові організаційно-економічного механізму формування інноваційної стратегії аграрних підприємств та розробку його архітектоніки. В основу формування визначеного механізму покладені прояви ознак емерджентності взаємодій виробничих та комерційних складових управління інноваційним розвитком через виокремлення окремих управлінських та виробничих стратегій забезпечення належного рівня результативності для зростання економічної ефективності діяльності. Останнє має формуватись в контексті можливості вирішення задач розширеного відтворення та підвищення конкурентоспроможності аграрних підприємств через запровадження інновацій загалом. Економічний інструментарій в даному механізмі виконуватиме стимулюючу функцію, забезпечуватиме реалізацію інтересів між всіма учасниками ринку і протіканням допоміжних процесів, а також регулюватиме відповідальності суб'єктів бізнесу через економічні відносини. Вони є базою, що має визначати процедури формування та реалізації інноваційних стратегій, а також обумовлюватимуть рівень досягнутих фінансових результатів виробничо -комерційної діяльності підприємств. Виокремлено критерії і групи показників ідентифікації та аналізу стратегічної зони інноваційної активності підприємства, зокрема: забезпеченість виробничими ресурсами; наявність і забезпеченість матеріально-технічними ресурсами; ефективність виробничої діяльності; конкурентоспроможність продукції, позиція її на ринку. Наголошено на тому, що через складності формування та функціонування стратегічних зон інноваційної активності, перед аграрними товаровиробниками постає ряд проблемних питань. Серед них слід виокремити невідповідність виробничих потужностей їх інноваційному потенціалу. Тобто неможливо швидко змінювати у відповідності до конкурентної ситуації на ринку власні виробничі можливості. Це відноситься не лише до матеріально-технічного забезпечення виробничого процесу, а й загалом до інноваційного напряму підприємств, включаючи можливість створення покращеної продукції. Тому в дослідженні особливу увагу приділено стратегії диверсифікації виробництва в аграрних підприємствах, як основного інструмента мобілізації інноваційно-інвестиційного та економічного потенціалу господарюючого суб 'єкта.

Ключові слова: інноваційна стратегія, стратегічна зона інноваційної активності, аграрні підприємства


The continuous development of the domestic economy in conditions of sustainable development and globalization requires active mechanisms for the formation, use and improvement of the innovation and investment potential of agrarian business entities. The need for constant introduction of innovations in the field of continuous and systematic production and commercial activity of commodity producers acquires a specific scientific-theoretical and applied character at the current stage of development of the agricultural sector of the domestic economy. Despite the sufficient level of provision of natural, human, technical and technological and other resources to improve modernization processes at the expense of internal resources of enterprises, the economic growth of agrarian business entities in Ukraine is of an inertial nature. In the structure of domestic agricultural production and export activity, raw materials with little added value continue to dominate, and not even the products of their primary or advanced processing, which narrows the production prospects of direct commodity producers, the main part of which are agricultural enterprises, and limits the possibilities of their stable development, increasing competitiveness and efficiency of activity. emergence industrial commercial innovative

Analysis of recent research and publications

A number of works by domestic researchers are devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the development of innovative processes in the agrarian sphere, as well as complex mechanisms and separate tools for their development and implementation, among which it is worth mentioning such authors as A.F. Hatsko, T.H. Ihnatieva, V.A. Kovtun, O.O. Krasnorutskyi, V.A. Lunova, Yu.O. Lupenko, V.M. Onehina, E.E. Savytskyi, N.M. Sirenko, O.I. Yankovska and others [1-8]. However, not enough attention has been paid to the cultivation of scientific tasks related to the development and functioning of an effective organizational and economic mechanism for the formation of an innovative strategy of agrarian enterprises.

Formulation of the objectives of the article

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the components of the organizational and economic mechanism of forming an innovative strategy of agrarian enterprises and to develop its architecture.

Presentation of the main material of the research with full justification of the obtained scientific results

When forming an organizational and economic mechanism, it is necessary to determine the specific objects of influence and the purpose with which the determined influence is possible for implementation. The objects can usually be the activities of individual enterprises, and the main tasks should be the processes of ensuring maximum effectiveness.

The study of the mechanisms of formation of innovative strategies of agrarian business subjects allows us to interpret its essence as a system of interdependent and connected levers, rules and conditions, methods and methods that affect the process of introducing innovations into the production of products.

The economic toolkit in this mechanism will perform a stimulating function, ensure the realization of interests between all market participants and the flow of auxiliary processes, as well as regulate the responsibility of business entities through economic relations. They are the basis that should determine the procedures for the formation and implementation of innovative strategies, as well as determine the level of achieved financial results of the production and commercial activities of enterprises. Especially in terms of market share and profitability.

The basis of the formation of the specified mehanism is the emergence of signs of the emergence of interactions of industrial and commercial components of management of innovative development through the identification of separate management and production strategies to ensure the appropriate level of effectiveness for the growth of economic efficiency. The latter should be formed in the context of the possibility of solving problems of extended reproduction and increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises through the introduction of innovations in general.

The organizational and economic mechanism of managing the innovative development of agricultural enterprises is a set of organizational and economic levers. At the same time, each of them will have their own forms of organizational and managerial influence. They will influence the organizational and economic parameters of the management systems of innovative development of the enterprise, which contributes to the formation of advantages and effectiveness of the activity of a separate subject of agrarian business.

The process of selecting strategic areas of innovative activities, which are the basis of the formation of the innovative potential of the enterprise, is based on the determination of the needs of potential consumers, and, depending on the nature and possibility of satisfying the identified needs, the production and management strategies of the agribusiness subject will be adjusted.

Thus, one of the mandatory conditions for the development and implementation of innovative development strategies is the selection and implementation of strategies for each strategic area of the enterprise's innovative activity. Choosing a separate strategic zone of innovative activity is quite a difficult task. This is related to a thorough study of the parameters of the external and internal market environment, as well as diagnostics of the capabilities of enterprises in all innovative directions.

Fig. 1. Components of the organizational and economic mechanism of forming an innovative strategy of agrarian enterprises

The problems and prospects of expanding the main ideas of this study have been sufficiently developed, both from a theoretical point of view and from a practical application, by domestic and foreign scientists. In international practice, the planning of strategic zones of innovative activity is described according to the following parameters:

growth prospects of relevant sectors of the economy;

profitability prospects;

factors of successful competition due to innovativeness for the future;

analysis of innovative strategies: growth together with the target market, market capture, market expansion, market segmentation, demand stimulation);

market differentiation strategy based on the use of innovative potential;

product differentiation strategy taking into account innovative developments.

The existing toolkit for identifying strategic areas of innovative activity will cover competitive aspects that will characterize the positioning of agrarian business entities in the respective target markets. However, the innovative potential for the formation of sales policy and the possibility of developing the product policy of business entities in the agrarian sphere are still not perfect.

Based on the peculiarities of the formation and functioning of object commodity markets, the main prerequisites for the generation and implementation of innovative development strategies are the correctness of the segmentation of target markets with the determination of the peculiarities of the formation of their conjuncture.

The processes of choosing a strategic area of innovative activity are based on the determination of the needs of potential consumers. Depending on the nature and possibilities of satisfying the specified requests, the company's production strategy is corrected on the basis of attracting innovations. Based on the results of determining the matrix of possibilities, it is possible to predict the type of consumers who will be able to purchase the updated product at the expected prices in the future. The latter is fully adequate to the task of extended reproduction.

At the next stage, the geographical location of the innovation zone should be determined, in which the vast majority of potential consumers will be able to concentrate. In the process of monitoring, factors are determined that have a direct impact on the isolated values of each of the parameters of the strategic zone of innovative activity. A prerequisite for the introduction of innovations into the production and commercial activity of each agribusiness subject is a significant survey of the functioning of the selected market.

As you know, the current state of development of the market economy involves the functioning of the seller's market, i.e. ensuring the supply (production of products required in terms of volume and quality) only in accordance with the existing consumer demand. Based on this, one of the first stages of the formation and implementation of a competitive development strategy for enterprises should be the segmentation of markets, highlighting the specifics of the business environment for them.

In theory, market segmentation involves the selection of target segments that most correspond to the capabilities of the enterprise and the features of market development [2].

A strategic zone of economic activity is a certain segment of the market to which the enterprise has or wants to have access. At the same time, strategic zones of economic activity should not be equated with the segmentation of target markets. If the first concerns, to a greater extent, the territorial component of object market segmentation, then the second is aimed, first of all, at the selection of the target audience of consumers.

As you know, the process of choosing a strategic zone of economic activity begins with determining the needs of potential consumers of products. Depending on the nature of satisfying these needs, possible technological solutions related to its production are investigated. In the process of analysis, factors that directly affect the specific values of each parameter of the strategic management zone are also investigated.

For the operating conditions of individual industry markets, their differences will be significant. This also applies to the market of agricultural products, which, as is known, is caused by a number of peculiarities inherent only in the field of agricultural production.

If we analyze the existing criteria and groups of indicators in accordance with them, which are used in the analysis of zones of economic activity, then, in our opinion, the following should be highlighted (Table 1).

The task of developing a company's competitive strategy is quite complex, as it is necessary to take into account many external and internal factors [2].

Factors affecting the company's competitive strategy can be divided into two groups:

features of the industry, characterizing the state and conditions of competition in it;

competitive capabilities of the enterprise, characterizing its market position and potential.

Table 1 Criteria and groups of indicators of identification and analysis strategic zone of innovative activity


Group of indicators

Availability of production resources

level of technical support;

technology level;

level of production organization;

land area, livestock and poultry, etc

Availability and lack of material and technical resources

reliability of suppliers;

nature of relations with suppliers;

characteristics of the company's assets

Efficiency of production activity

production efficiency of all products and their individual types;

economy of production costs;

the efficiency of the use of fixed and working capital;


Product competitiveness, its position on the market

product quality;

price of products;

market share;

the competitive status of the enterprise in the selected strategic area of innovation

When forming a competitive strategy, first of all, it is necessary to take into account:

in what stage of the life cycle is the industry (emergence, rapid growth, maturity, decline);

industry structure (fragmented versus concentrated),

the essence and power of five competitive forces,

the scope of competitors' activities (in particular, whether competition is carried out at the level of the world market).

The assessment of the company's position largely depends on:

whether it is a leader in the industry, a contender for leadership,

constantly in secondary roles or fighting for survival, etc.;

from the company's strengths and weaknesses,

opportunities and dangers that threaten.

So, the specifics of the formation and functioning of strategic zones of economic activity for domestic agricultural enterprises have caused a number of problems, which include the following. First, production facilities that cannot be quickly updated in accordance with changes in the competitive situation on the market. This applies not only to material and technical support, but also to the production direction of enterprises in general (including the volume of production and the possibility of creating new types of products). Secondly, personnel support, which, currently, in most agricultural enterprises of Ukraine, has a low level of compliance with the qualification requirements of the constantly changing market environment and, in general, the lack of acceptance at domestic enterprises of new theories and strategies of conducting commercial activities, in particular, misunderstanding and refusal of the use of marketing in their activities. Thirdly, the absence of full state regulation of the functioning of the agricultural market, which results in a number of negative consequences, primarily for the results of the activities of agricultural producers.

Particular attention should be paid to the level of competitiveness in this industry when determining the competitive situation in the selected raw material zone of management. This is a complex and multifaceted issue, the study of which requires a much larger amount of data compared to the existing digital load.

According to the results of the analysis of the matrix of possibilities, the type of buyer who will be able to purchase the improved product at the expected price, which is adequate for the task of extended reproduction, is predicted.

It should be noted that the introduction of innovative developments in agriculture is not aimed at the production of a completely new product, but only provides an opportunity to improve it compared to similar products. This is due to the fact that products in agricultural production are raw materials and are goods for further deep processing. In the process of monitoring, factors, criteria and groups of indicators that have a direct impact on individual values of each parameter of the strategic zone of innovative activity are investigated (Table 2).

Table 2 Evaluation of changes in the expansion of the strategic zone of innovative activity


Scale of intensity



Growth rates of the relevant object market



Growth of potential consumers



Dynamics of geographic expansion of the market



Degree of aging of the product nomenclature



The degree of renewal of the product nomenclature



Degree of updating of technology



Degree of demand saturation



State regulation of prices and costs



State regulation of growth



Acceptability of the product



Unfavorable factors for profitability growth



Favorable factors for profitability growth



It is substantiated that the specified criteria are a component of the mechanism for the development of the innovation and investment potential of economic entities of the agrarian market. It is the comparative analysis of the determined indicators with the existing production and management system and with the introduction of changes through the prism of innovative activity, that is, intra-farm improvement taking into account the innovative potential, that will make it possible to increase the level of investment attractiveness for each individual subject of the agrarian market, as well as make it possible to compare selected segments object markets for the possibility of investment capital investments, in general.

Due to the complexities of forming and functioning of strategic zones of innovative activity, a number of problematic issues arise before agrarian commodity producers. Among them, the discrepancy between production capacities and their innovative potential should be singled out. That is, it is impossible to quickly change one's own production capabilities in accordance with the competitive situation on the market. This applies not only to the material and technical support of the production process, but also to the innovative direction of enterprises in general, including the possibility of creating improved products.

Conclusions from this study and prospects for further investigation in this direction

Thus, we can state that the mechanism of development of the production component of the innovative potential of agrarian business entities should be based on the vector of investment at the expense of own sources. In turn, the obtained economic results under such conditions are transformed not only into financial mass for further reproduction, but also into the main tool for strengthening competitive positions on the market, which will make it possible to introduce innovative development for the long term. Under such conditions, the definition of strategic zones of innovative activity will cover competitive aspects characterized by the positioning of enterprises in the relevant object markets. However, for the introduction of innovations, the sales potential and the possibilities of forming the product policy of manufacturers are still not perfect.

The process of selecting strategic areas of innovative activities, which are the basis of the formation of the innovative potential of the enterprise, is based on the determination of the needs of potential consumers, and, depending on the nature and possibility of satisfying the identified needs, the production and management strategies of the agribusiness subject will be adjusted. According to the results of the analysis of the matrix of possibilities, the type of buyer who will be able to purchase the improved product at the expected price, which is adequate for the task of extended reproduction, is predicted.


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