Ways of improving tools for socio-economic development of the country

The ways of improving the tools of socio-economic development of the country, the justification of which is the purpose of the study. To achieve a high level of economic potential, it is necessary to develop regional programs to strengthen the potential.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 18.12.2023
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Ways of improving tools for socio-economic development of the country

Yaremenko Oleksandr Ivanovych Candidate of sciences in public administration, associate professor, dean of the Faculty of Law, Public Administration and Administration, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University


The article reveals the ways of improving the tools of socio-economic development of the country, the justification of which is the purpose of the study. To achieve a high level of economic potential, it is necessary to develop regional programs to strengthen the resource potential of regions and increase their competitiveness. In the management of regional socio-economic programs, the demarcation of competence between state and local authorities is particularly important.

Socio-economic programs should be aimed at: creation of economic, organizational and legal prerequisites for the implementation of the main principles of sustainable development of regions; raising the level and living conditions of the population; use of regional resources taking into account the interests of various industries and sectors of individual enterprises and entrepreneurs of various forms of ownership; development of entrepreneurship, first of all small and medium-sized businesses as the main factor of socio-economic development of regions, increasing the level of employment of the population, filling local budgets; strengthening the economic integration of regions based on the most effective use of their competitive advantages; implementation of the principle of social justice within the regions, promotion of the comprehensive development of human potential on the basis of stabilization and improvement of the demographic situation, achievement of productive employment of the population, development of social infrastructure; development and modernization of the infrastructure of regional development to increase the investment attractiveness of regions, improve the conditions for the introduction of advanced innovative technologies; strengthening the financial base of local self-government, increasing revenues to local budgets by expanding the tax base, etc.; improvement of the system of environmental protection and use of natural resources, at the regional level of environmental policy. sociopolitical principle economic

Keywords: socio-economic programs, socio-economic development, sociopolitical principles, main stages of development of regional programs, innovative technologies.

Яременко Олександр Іванович кандидат наук з державного управління, доцент, декан факультету права, публічного управління та адміністрування. Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського,


Анотація. У статті розкрито шляхи удосконалення інструментів соціально-економічного розвитку країни, обґрунтування чого й складає мету дослідження. Для досягнення високого рівня економічного потенціалу необхідне розроблення регіональних програм зміцнення ресурсного потенціалу регіонів та підвищення їх конкурентоспроможності. В управлінні регіональними соціально-економічними програмами особливо важливе розмежування компетенції між державними й місцевими органами влади.

Соціально-економічні програми мають бути спрямовані на: створення економічних, організаційних та нормативно-правових передумов для реалізації основних принципів сталого розвитку регіонів; підвищення рівня та умов життя населення; використання регіональних ресурсів з урахуванням інтересів різних галузей і секторів окремих підприємств і підприємців різних форм власності; розвиток підприємництва, насамперед малого та середнього бізнесу як головного чинника соціально-економічного розвитку регіонів, підвищення рівня зайнятості населення, наповнення місцевих бюджетів; зміцнення економічної інтеграції регіонів на основі максимально ефективного використання їхніх конкурентних переваг; реалізацію принципу соціальної справедливості в межах регіонів, сприяння всебічному розвитку людського потенціалу на основі стабілізації та поліпшення демографічної ситуації, досягнення продуктивної зайнятості населення, розвитку соціальної інфраструктури; розбудову та модернізацію інфраструктури регіонального розвитку для підвищення інвестиційної привабливості регіонів, поліпшення умов запровадження передових інноваційних технологій; зміцнення фінансової бази місцевого самоврядування, збільшення надходжень до місцевих бюджетів шляхом розширення бази оподаткування тощо; вдосконалення системи охорони довкілля та використання природних ресурсів, на регіональному рівні екологічної політики.

Ключові слова: соціально-економічні програми, соціально-економічний розвиток, соціально-політичні принципи, основні етапи розробки регіональних програм, інноваційні технології.

Formulation of the problem

Transformations of socio-economic development and the development of new approaches to regional development in the context of the implementation of the state strategy for the development of the national economy and the economy of regions require scientific complex approaches to the study of issues related to the state regulation of socio-economic development of regions, in particular, tools of socio-economic development. Increasing the level of economic and social independence of communities in solving urgent problems of regional development is a promising direction of the development of Ukrainian society, we believe that the development of new and improvement of existing tools of socio-economic development is urgent. At the state level, one of the main economic mechanisms for regulating regional development is the socio-economic development program of a separate region.

Analysis of recent research and publications

Undoubtedly, programs of socio-economic development of regions are an effective tool for solving socioeconomic problems, identifying the most relevant goals and forming an economically justified system of measures. In modern conditions, regional socioeconomic programs should fulfill the role of an active method of regulating the market economy, integration of state, collective, individual interests and relations, and mobilization of efforts to conduct an active regional policy.

The purpose of the article is to justify the transformation of socio-economic development and the development of new approaches to the country's regional development.

Presenting main material

The socio-economic regional development program should be implemented on the basis of the legislation of Ukraine, current normative legal acts on programmatic planning and current problems of socio-economic policy.

The main goals of state regional development programs are [2, 3]:

1) ensuring balanced socio-economic development of regions;

2) encouragement of investment processes in priority sectors of the national economic complex through the creation of free economic zones, joint enterprises, etc.;

3) improvement of the national economic structure through conversion, reorientation of individual enterprises;

4) stimulation of rational use of regional resources;

5) qualitative improvement of production and social infrastructure;

6) Environmental Protection; improvement of the demographic situation.

The development and implementation of state-wide programs of socioeconomic development are based on socio-political, organizational principles of building the state administration apparatus, principles and organizational principles of functioning of the state administration apparatus (Fig. 1). However, practice shows that most of the listed principles are not fully implemented. In each specific example, the observance or disregard of these principles is determined by the peculiarities of the budget development system in the current period, managerial specifics and bureaucratic departmental barriers, as well as the specifics of the programs.

Fig. 1. Principles offunctioning of the state administration apparatus

Socio-political principles express the most general features of the country's political (state) regime, characterizing, among other things, the state administration system. These principles, as a rule, are enshrined in the Constitution and laws of Ukraine or are derived theoretically as a result of the interpretation of the relevant normative legal acts. The organizational principles of building the state administration apparatus are the basis for determining and distributing competence between state administration bodies. These are the following principles: branch, functional, territorial, program-target. The organizational principles of the functioning of the state administration apparatus constitute a group of principles aimed at determining the content of the activities of specific state administration bodies, ensuring the effectiveness of management procedures and the effectiveness of management decisions. These are the following principles: normative activity, unity of leadership, collegiality, division of management work, personal responsibility for decisions made, operational independence [1, 4].

The main stages of development of regional socio-economic programs are: a comprehensive analysis of the state of socio-economic development of regions; comprehensive argumentation of main and secondary goals and objectives, determination of ways and means of achieving goals, primarily financial support; agreement of the main goal and its derivatives with the central programs of socioeconomic development; submission of the developed programs within the established terms for approval in regional (city) state administrations and local selfgovernment bodies [1, 3].

Regional socio-economic programs should have a priority financial and management regime, strict purposefulness and targeting, lists of competitive tasks and measures agreed with their future executors. They must have a financing, implementation and control mechanism in place, which must begin to operate immediately after the program is approved. That is, sources of funding, the mechanism of working with them, known suppliers and consumers of software products, etc. should be determined already at the development stage. Programs of socio-economic development, within the framework of strategic management of economic development, at the national and regional levels of Ukraine require a balanced approach, in accordance with the state of the internal environment of economic growth. In our opinion, state regulation of regional socio-economic programs should provide for the creation of special funds for regional development, stimulation of the attraction of private domestic and foreign investments, provision of tax benefits, etc. [1, 4].

In the management of regional socio-economic programs, the demarcation of competence between state and local authorities is particularly important. Thus, state bodies should regulate the processes of creating new industries, organize interregional economic ties. The attention of local authorities should be focused on creating a rational structure of the economy, using natural resources, solving sociodemographic and environmental problems, and implementing economic reforms. With the main difficulty of managing the state regional programs entrusted to the executive power, part of the regulatory functions should be transferred to the direct executors of the programs [2, 3].

For this purpose, it is expedient to create special state, private, mixed, independent companies and agencies on a contractual basis. To ensure controllability of the development processes of the region, it is proposed to develop and implement three groups of complex programs: development of the territory; infrastructure development; solving economic problems. We are convinced that it is necessary to implement a general approach to their implementation based on the following principles [1, 3, 4]:

1) program components are formed in the order of increasing importance for each stage of project implementation;

2) for each of the components, several methods of implementation are defined, differing in quality and, accordingly, terms;

3) based on the analysis of data summarized in a special matrix, a schedule for the implementation of each of the project components is developed.

The main basis of this justification is the ranking of the local development goals of the region according to the priority of implementation, and it will be formed on the basis of the assessment of the system-forming factors of the socioeconomic development of the region.

In addition, the development of programs should include modern approaches to project analysis, the methods of which have been tested by foreign practice in order to mobilize investment resources in conditions of their limitations. The starting point here should be the definition of investment opportunities. That is why the main tasks include approaches and criteria for comparing and justifying alternative solutions. Design studies should be carried out on the basis of technical and economic justifications of investment projects, which in a certain aggregate act as the main condition for financial support of the regional development program.

The program should include a number of national critical technologies in two priority directions [1, 3]:

1) life support technologies of the population: medicine, food, consumer goods, energy and ecology;

2) promising dual-use technologies (transportation, medical equipment, engineering technologies, informatics and communication methods).

To achieve a high level of economic potential, it is necessary to develop regional programs to strengthen the resource potential of regions and increase their competitiveness.

Socio-economic programs should be aimed at [1, 4, 5]:

1) creation of economic, organizational and regulatory prerequisites for the implementation of the main principles of sustainable development of regions;

2) raising the level and living conditions of the population; use of regional resources taking into account the interests of various industries and sectors of individual enterprises and entrepreneurs of various forms of ownership;

3) development of entrepreneurship, primarily small and medium-sized businesses as the main factor in the socio-economic development of regions, increasing the level of employment of the population, filling local budgets;

4) strengthening the economic integration of regions based on the most effective use of their competitive advantages;

5) implementation of the principle of social justice within the regions, promotion of the comprehensive development of human potential on the basis of stabilization and improvement of the demographic situation, achievement of productive employment of the population, development of social infrastructure;

6) development and modernization of the infrastructure of regional development to increase the investment attractiveness of regions, improve the conditions for the introduction of advanced innovative technologies;

7) strengthening the financial base of local self-government, increasing revenues to local budgets by expanding the tax base, etc.;

8) improvement of the system of environmental protection and use of natural resources, mechanisms and tools for development and implementation of environmental policy at the regional level.


Thus, the implementation of the proposed ways of improving the tools of socio-economic development will make it possible to satisfy public needs taking into account the limited state resources and balance the socio-economic development of the territories, based on the system of balances and summarizing indicators of the final result, which are directive for the public sector and indicative (indicative ) for the private sector and the public.


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