The implementation of market economies experience in social orientation of Ukraine’s economy

The examines the study to ensure the social orientation maintaining social security, it is my of Ukraine, to offer an explanation of the national characteristics of each economy. This explains the different social effectiveness of market economic reform.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 25.04.2022
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The implementation of market economies experience in social orientation of Ukraine's economy

Ihor Chornodid

Doctor of Economic Sciences Head of Enterprise Economy and Management Department, Academy of Labour, Social relations and Tourism, Kyiv

The article examines the study To ensure the social orientation maintaining social security, it is my of Ukraine, to offer an explanation of the national characteristics of each economy. It is determined that during market transformations the social priorities of the state policy were determined, national models of social protection systems were formed. It is emphasized that the processes of change are natural, which determine the ways and mechanisms of socio-economic processes and ways to solve social problems. It was found that the specifics of the mechanisms in each country are determined by objective and subjective factors of national character. This explains the different social effectiveness of market economic reform in different countries. The peculiarities of ensuring the social orientation of the economies of Sweden, Germany, and Japan are revealed. Criteria for achieving the goals of social orientation and measures for the implementation of social orientation of the economy of Ukraine are proposed.

Key words: market economy, socio-economic system, social orientation, social security, civil society, social policy.

Впровадження досвіду ринкових економік у соціальну орієнтацію економіки України

Чорнодід І.С.

доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри економіки підприємства та менеджменту, Академія праці, соціальних відносин та туризму, Київ

У статті досліджується досвід застосування ринкових механізмів у соціальній орієнтації економіки. Для забезпечення соціальної орієнтації економічного розвитку, його соціальної конкурентоспроможності, ви-рішення соціальних проблем та збереження соціального забезпечення важливо обґрунтувати напрями впровадження зарубіжного досвіду для економіки України, запропонувати пояснення національних особли-востей кожної економіки. У статті визначено, що під час ринкових трансформацій визначилися соціальні пріоритети державної політики, сформувалися національні моделі систем соціального захисту. Акцентовано, соціальну орієнтацію економічного розвитку варто розглядати з позицій формування відповідної організаційної культури. Визначено, що організаційна культура ринку розвивається шляхом формування різних форм власності, лібералізації економічних відносин, демократизації систем управління, підвищення соціальної відповідальності всіх суб'єктів господарювання. Саме під впливом науково-технічного прогресу змінюється зміст і характер праці, поліпшується якість людського капіталу, інтелектуальна власність набуває все більшого значення. принципово змінюється соціальна роль держави, формуються ринкові соціально-економічні інститути, розширюються функції соціальної відповідальності бізнесу, зростає вплив громадянського суспільства. Ці процеси є природними, що визначають шляхи та механізми соціально-економічних процесів та шляхи вирішення соціальних проблем. Виявлено, що специфіка механізмів у кожній країні визначається об'єктивними та суб'єктивними факторами національного характеру. Це пояснює різну соціальну ефективність ринкової економічної реформи в різних країнах. Розкрито особливості забезпечення соціальної орієнтації економіки Швеції, Німеччини, Японії. Запропоновано критерії досягнення цілей соціальної орієнтації та заходи щодо реалізації соціальної орієнтації економіки України. Ключові слова: ринкова економіка, соціально-економічна система, соціальна орієнтація, соціальне забезпечення, громадянське суспільство, соціальна політика.

В статье исследуется изучения опыта рыночной экономики в социальной ориентации экономики. Для обеспечения социальной ориентации экономического развития, его социальной конкурентоспособности, решения социальных проблем и сохранения социального обеспечения важно обосновать возможности вне-дрения зарубежного опыта для экономики Украины, предложить объяснение национальных особенностей каждой экономики. Определено, что при рыночных трансформаций определились социальные приоритеты государственной политики, сформировались национальные модели систем социальной защиты. Ак-центировано, что организационная культура рынке развивается путем формирования различных форм собственности, либерализации экономических отношений, демократизации системы управления, повышение социальной ответственности всех субъектов хозяйствования. Именно под влиянием научно-технического прогресса меняется содержание и характер труда, улучшается качество человеческого капитала, интеллектуальная собственность приобретает все большее значение. принципиально меняется социальная роль государства, формируются рыночные социально-экономические институты, расширяются функции социальной ответственности бизнеса, растет влияние гражданского общества. Эти процессы являются естественными, определяющих пути и механизмы социально-экономических процессов и пути решения социальных проблем. Выявлено, что специфика механизмов в каждой стране определяется объективными и субъективными факторами национального характера. Это объясняет различную со-циальную эффективность рыночной экономической реформы в разных странах. Раскрыты особенности обеспечения социальной ориентации экономики Швеции, Германии, Японии. Предложены критерии дости-жения целей социальной ориентации и меры по реализации социальной ориентации экономики Украины. Ключевые слова: рыночная экономика, социально-экономическая система, социальная ориентация, соци-альное обеспечение, гражданское общество, социальная политика.


Modern economic realities convincingly show that the pace and general vector of socio-economic progress of the national economy largely depend on social orientation. The issue of social orientation in the economy is to give economic processes social meaning meeting the needs and ways of realization of all members of society and guaranteeing social security, stable and effective development by integrating the efforts of government, business and civil society.

Literature review

Currently, the development of problems of socially oriented economies in the papers of such economists as Zaharii Varnaliy, Ella Libanova, Vira Kutsenko, Olha Nabatova, Olha Novikova, Iryna Fedulova is quite active. At the same time, despite the great practical significance and scientific interest in the issues of social aspects of economic development, there are still unresolved issues.

To ensure the social orientation of economic development, its social competitiveness, solving social problems and maintaining social security, it is important to substantiate the possibilities of implementing foreign experience for the economy of Ukraine, to offer an explanation of the national specifics of each economy.


market economies social orientation

The experience of market reforming the economy of post socialist countries has shown that social transformations are very complex, ambiguous, and often contradictory. During the market transformations, the social priorities of public policy were determined, and national models of social protection systems were formed. Market organizational culture is developing through the formation of various forms of ownership, liberalization of economic relations, democratization of management systems, increasing social responsibility of all economic entities. Under the influence of scientific and technological progress, the content and nature of labor are changing, the quality of human capital is improving, and intellectual property is becoming increasingly important. Citizens are increasingly aware that everyone's social status and well-being are determined by knowledge, skills, experience, intellectual potential. At the same time social values are becoming the concepts of justice, social responsibility, collective solidarity, social capital, and economic culture.

But along with the positive manifestations, there are negative trends in the development of social processes: forced unemployment, poverty, property stratification, threatening income differentiation; restrictions on certain categories of the population in access to public goods, rights of ownership, use and disposal of property; corruption, shadow economic relations; inefficient social protection system, etc. [1].

During the market transformation of the economy there are cardinal changes in property relations. Moreover, the social role of the state fundamentally changes, market socio-economic institutions are formed, the functions of social responsibility of business expand, and the influence of civil society grows. These processes are natural that determine the ways and mechanisms of socio-economic processes and ways to solve social problems. However, their specificity in each country is determined by objective and subjective factors of a national nature. This explains the different social effectiveness of market economic reform in different countries.

The Swedish model is often called the socialist market economy, and this makes some sense, because the principles of justice and equality are most fully implemented in this country. The average life expectancy for men was 77 years, and for women - 83 years. The Swedish model of economic regulation allows us to identify the principles that have provided the country with a high standard of living and social guarantees for the majority of the population [6].

In the economic sphere there is a high competitiveness of industry, based on the creation of a special sector of the economy based on integration between science, education and industry, the interaction of public institutions with private business, the interaction of public institutions with private business, cooperation or even merging of large enterprises with small and the average in the complex research and production systems that operate independently, the integration of various areas of activity, ranging from the production of new knowledge to the development of innovative entrepreneurship.

In Sweden, a significant part of the population belongs to the middle class, even due to the large number of SMEs. Innovative entrepreneurship is very developed in Sweden. It is the leader in R&D funding (4% of GDP) and 80% of investment in innovation is provided not by the state but by the private business sector [6]. One of the important forms of supporting small innovative businesses is the development of innovative financing, including venture financing.

The Swedish model of social market economy is characterized by attitude to social policy as a goal of economic activity of the state; extremely high level of GDP redistributed through the budget system (more than 50%); the highest level of taxation in the world which is perceived by the population as a conscious necessity; the dominance of the idea of equality and solidarity in the implementation of social policy; active preventive nature of the conducted social policy.

At the same time, the government - both at the central level and at the level of territories and municipalities - plays a major role in financing social expenditures from the general tax revenues of the budget. The Swedish state combines a high level of employment and social protection with high efficiency and rapid growth in productivity. Sweden has a priority in income equalization policies, the general welfare of society and the introduction of social dialogue.

Germany is a country with a socially oriented economy, which includes competitive opportunities for market self-regulation and an active coordinating, controlling role of the state, which seeks to maintain stable prices, high employment, foreign economic balance, appropriate economic growth. The socially oriented market model implemented in Germany was successful primarily due to the fact that the forms of organization of production relations that were formed in this state, opened the widest space for the development of productive forces in their current stance.

This was the main reason for the achievements of socio-economic development of the country. In Germany, 10% of the population lives in poverty. The social orientation of the economy is facilitated by economic policy measures to create and strengthen independent enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises in Germany provide 50% of the value produced in the economy and it is SMEs that apply for 80% of all German patents, which indicates the ability of enterprises to innovate. State support for SMEs includes more than 500 programs of federal and regional significance. The middle class is the basis of German society. The social orientation means the state creates all conditions to make the maximum number of people owners, so called the middle class. Therefore, it stimulates the accumulation of workers, households, property, which brings profit that is money savings, securities, real estate.

A special place in the successful implementation of a socially oriented market economy is occupied by Japan. The Japanese model is quite specific, but it is also one of the most effective. The first feature of the Japanese model is that the state promotes the creation of superpower corporations. Without interfering in the current activities of corporations, the state has significantly increased their development, helping to address strategic issues. First of all, the government promoted the penetration of these corporations into international markets and consolidated them there. Tax cuts and preferential loans contributed to the development of the country's export potential. High «Japanese» quality of goods, combined with their relatively low cost due to cheap labor, have allowed this country to largely capture the markets of highly developed countries [4].

The second feature is that the state has focused its efforts (this is especially characteristic of its current state) on restructuring the national economy. A well-thought-out and well-financed policy for the development of new industries, labor-intensive and knowledge-intensive production has paid off. This policy was accompanied by the withdrawal of part of production abroad, mass retraining of labor, reorganization of unprofitable enterprises. Japanese electronics, robots, machines and many other products that require relatively little material resources and too much scientific and highly professional knowledge, have become a clear confirmation of the successfully implemented policy of restructuring of social production.

The third feature is that the state undertakes an important mission to collect and bring to entrepreneurs a large array of information necessary for successful business. In the conditions of globalization of economy and fast change of a conjuncture in the world markets it gives the chance to businessmen to be accurately guided. It is clear that the business itself, even organized into certain social institutions, is not able to solve these strategic tasks.

Another advantage of the Japanese model is that it relies on features that are more unique than common. Firstly, the labor force is formed so that in the process of its reproduction it is aimed at constant self-improvement. The Japanese people study all their lives for some reason, and they spend most of their leisure time improving skills, updating knowledge, and expanding cultural horizons. How appropriate and in unison with the requirements of the time and the requirements of the scientific and technological revolution! Moreover, this desire for knowledge is intrinsic to a person, a citizen of this country and does not require (at least as in other countries) a cumbersome, costly and not always effective system of incentives for such behavior.

Based on the analysis, we can propose the following principles of social orientation of the economy on which to rely [6]:

- balance of state regulation of the economy and market methods, taking into account national interests;

- social justice and social security;

- orientation of domestic production to the social needs of the population;

- effective combination of economic and social development;

- formation and development of civil society;

- introduction of social partnership at all levels of management and governance;

- integration with international social and economic systems;

- distribution of spheres of responsibility of the government, social partners, society, citizen.

These principles should help to equalize the socio-economic development of the country on the basis of a clear delineation of rights, duties and responsibilities for their implementation between the subjects of social and economic relations. It is the consistent activity of the state on the functioning and development of economic and social spheres that determines the formation of a system of state regulation of the processes of social orientation of the economy through the influence of the state on socio-economic development in order to achieve social goals. Based on the principles, we can propose criteria for achieving the goals of social orientation of the economy:

- high level and quality of life of the population, growth of its income due to highly productive work, entrepreneurial and innovative activity;

- high share of the middle class in the structure of society;

- favorable conditions for the formation and accumulation of human and social capital;

- effective economic and social policy;

- socialization of components of economic policy (investment, price, budget, monetary, tax, structural, etc.)

- introduction of mechanisms of responsibility of state and regional bodies for unfavorable social status;

- compliance and implementation of national legislation in the economic and social spheres;

- observance of social guidelines defined in international agreements.


Based on the study, the following conclusions can be drawn. International experience in defining and implementing the ideas of the welfare state shows that countries with socially oriented economies are effective competitive ones and can be a model for creating a similar system in Ukraine. Theoretical and practical generalizations of foreign experience are valuable, but national differences in the socialization of the modern market economy make it impossible to fully apply, and require appropriate adaptation to national conditions. The social orientation of the economy as a priority national interest is the guideline of the state and society to obtain economic benefits in order to improve the quality of life and ensure human development on the basis of a balanced social and economic policy. A high level of economic development should be the key to its implementation.

Functions for the implementation of social orientation to improve the system of social management of state regulation [7]:

1. Regulatory, aimed at developing and creating mechanisms for interaction between the state and citizens, promoting their self-organization and selfdefense through legal, economic, moral and ethical levers. Its functions can be development of social standards, ensuring social justice, poverty reduction, regulation of labor relations and others;

2. Providing conditions for social reproduction - the formation of favorable living conditions in such areas of public life as work, education, consumption, family relations, health, ecology, culture;

3. Social protection - ensuring a decent standard of living of citizens on the basis of socially oriented public administration and the relevant budget policy of the state (social security, social insurance, social protection, social assistance, human social security);

4. Ensuring social stability in the state on the basis of formation and improvement of mechanisms of legitimation of public authorities by coordination of interests through legal regulation of conflicts, ensuring harmonization of public relations, integration and solidarity of society, development of social partnership.

In terms of ensuring the social orientation of the economy, modern socio-economic policy has several areas [8]:

1) providing conditions for the growth of welfare, wages, pensions, social protection of various segments of the population;

2) focus on modernization of the economy and the introduction of innovations that improve the living and working conditions of the population;

3) the focus on recognizing the priority of the human factor, the formation of social capital, a fuller consideration of the interests of workers and society as a whole;

4) focus on the external dimension of social and economic policy;

5) participation in the development and implementation of programs to solve global problems facing the world community today - sustainable development, social ecology, the transformation of socio-economic security zones in general - the world space.


1. Galushka, Z. (2009). Sotsializatsiia transformatsiinoi ekonomiky: osoblyvosti, problemy, priorytety: monohrafiia [Socialization of transformational economy: features, problems, priorities: Monograph]. Chernivtsi. [in Ukrainian].

2. Zhalilo, Y (2005). Dovhostrokovi oriientyry stratehii v sotsialnii sferi [Long-term guidelines for strategy in the social sphere]. Kyiv, [in Ukrainian].

3. Zhyvko, Z. (2009). Zabezpechennia sotsialno-ekonomichnoi bezpeky v informatsiinomu suspilstvi [Ensuring socio-economic security in the information society]. Aktualni problemy ekonomiky - Actual problems of economy. №6. [in Ukrainian].

4. Ekonomichna bezpeka [Economic security: A textbook] (2009). Edited by Z. Varnaliy. Kyiv, [in Ukrainian].

5. Metodyka rozrakhunku rivnia ekonomichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy [Methods of calculating the level of economic security of Ukraine] (2007). Ministerstvo ekonomiky Ukrainy. 60. [in Ukrainian].

6. Novikova, O. (2009). Sotsialna spriamovanist ekonomiky: mekhanizm derzhavnoho rehuliuvannia [Social orientation of the economy: the mechanism of state regulation. Monograph]. NAN Ukrainy, Instytut ekonomiky promyslovosti Donetsk. [in Ukrainian].

7. Chornodid, I. (2014). Rol derzhavy u zabezpechenni vysokoho konkurentospromozhnoho statusu Ukrainy [The role of the state in ensuring the high competitive status of Ukraine]. Formuvannia rynkovoi ekonomiky - Formation of a market economy. 32. 6-12. [in Ukrainian].

8. Chornodid, I. (2014). Mekhanizm zabezpechennia sotsialnoi konkurentospromozhnosti v umovakh formuvannia natsionalnoi ekonomiky [The mechanism of ensuring the social competitiveness in conditions of the national economy formation]. Ekonomika i derzhava - Economy and State. 5. 40-44. [in Ukrainian]. URL: http://www.economy.

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