Breakthrough technologies as a factor of formation of information economy in the conditions of digitalization

Study of the phenomenon of "smart city". Identifying of cloud technologies and the Internet of things. Analysis of neurotechnologies, based on new forms and capabilities of cognitive computing and improving the design of machine learning algorithms.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 09.04.2022
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Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan





The relevance of the study of breakthrough technologies objectively determines the need for radical digital changes in society, aimed at the development of robotics, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, quantum computers, "smart cities". The purpose of the study is to conceptualize breakthrough technologies as a factor in the formation of the information economy in the context of digitalization and the conditions for deepening these processes. Objectives of the study 1) study of the phenomenon of "smart city" as an information system represented by a complicated social organism, which is an intellectual environment associated with a set of sensors that significantly improve people's lives; 2) identifying the world of cloud technologies and the Internet of Things, which represent a variety of digital services that have a profound impact on the service sector - from transport to medicine and education; 3) clarification of the place, role and functions of robotics in a digitalized society; 4) analysis of neurotechnologies, based on new forms of cognitive computing and improving the design of machine learning algorithms. Research methodology - the use of methods of analysis and synthesis, process modeling, synergetic methodology as a methodology of nonlinearity, the method of systems analysis and synthesis, Agile-methodology as a methodology of complex social systems. The result of the study. 1. The concept of "smart cities" associated with digital services, which bring together a meaningful whole of information about the work of hospitals, schools and public transport networks. 2. The world of cloud technologies and the Internet of Things is revealed, which is based on the analysis of a huge amount of data generated by the Internet of Things and the search for patterns to provide services to the population to improve their lives. 3. The era of prosperity of robots and their economic potential in a digitalized society, which play an important role in both industrial production and human household, is revealed. 4. The analysis of neurotechnologies based on new forms of cognitive computations and improvement of designing of machine learning algorithms is presented. It is concluded that in the process of unfolding the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new breakthrough technologies will create new advantages in various industries and lead to important social consequences.

Key words: breakthrough technologies, information economy, smart city, Internet of Things, robotics, neurotechnologies, Fourth Industrial Revolution, digitalization.


ТЕСЛЕНКО, Т. В. - кандидат економічних наук, доцент, завідувачка кафедри економіки і менеджменту туристичної діяльності, Дніпровський гуманітарний університет (Дніпро, Україна)

ЗАДОЯ, В. О. - кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри економіки і менеджменту, Дніпровський національний університет залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна (Дніпро, Україна)


Актуальність дослідження проривних технологій об'єктивно детермінує необхідність кардинальних цифрових змін у суспільстві, що направлені на розвиток робототехніки, штучного інтелекту, інтернету речей, нанотехнологій, синтетичної біології, квантових комп'ютерів, «розумних міст». Мета дослідження - концептуалізація проривних технологій як чинника формування інформаційної економіки в умовах діджиталізації та умови поглиблення цих процесів. Завдання дослідження: 1) дослідження феномена «розумне місто» як такої інформаційної системи, що представлена складним соціальним організмом, що є інтелектуальним середовищем, що пов'язаний з сукупністю датчиків, які значно покращують життя людей; 2) виявлення світу хмарних технологій та Інтернету речей, що представляють різноманітні цифрові послуги, які справляють глибокий вплив на сферу послуг - від транспорту до медицини й системи освіти; 3) з'ясування місця, ролі і функцій робототехніки у діджиталізованому суспільстві; 4) аналіз нейротехнологій, в основі яких нові форми когнітивних обчислень та покращення проектування алгоритмів машинного навчання. Методологія дослідження - використання методів аналізу і синтезу, моделювання процесів, синергетичної методології як методології нелінійності, метод системного аналізу і синтезу, Agile-методології як методології складних соціальних систем. Результат дослідження. 1. Досліджено концепцію «розумних міст», пов'язаних з цифровими сервісами, які зводять в осмислене єдине ціле інформацію про роботу лікарень, шкіл і мережі громадського транспорту. 2. Виявлено світ хмарних технологій та Інтернету речей, в основі якого аналіз гігантської кількості даних, згенерованих інтернетом речей і пошуком патернів для надання послуг населенню для покращення їх життя. 3. Розкрито епоху розквіту роботів та їх економічний потенціал у діджиталізованому суспільстві, які виконують важливу роль як на промисловому виробництві, так і в домашньому господарстві людей. 4. Представлено аналіз нейротехнологій, в основі яких нові форми когнітивних обчислень та покращення проектування алгоритмів машинного навчання. Зроблено висновок, що у процесі розгортання Четвертої промислової революції нові проривні технології створюватимуть нові переваги у різних галузях промисловості й приведуть до важливих соціальних наслідків.

Ключові слова: проривні технології, інформаційна економіка, розумне місто, Інтернет речей, робототехніка, нейротехнології, Четверта промислова революція, діджиталізація.


ТЕСЛЕНКО, Т. В. - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой экономики и менеджмента туристической деятельности Высшего частного учреждения «Днепровский гуманитарный университет» (Днипро,Украина)

ЗАДОЯ, В. А. - кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры экономики и менеджмент, Днипровский национальний университет железнодорожного транспорта имени академика В. Лазаряна (Днипро, Украина)


Актуальность исследования прорывных технологий объективно детерминирует необходимость кардинальных цифровых изменений в обществе, направленных на развитие робототехники, искусственного интеллекта, Интернета вещей, нанотехнологий, синтетической биологии, квантовых компьютеров, «умных городов». Цель исследования - концептуализация прорывных технологий как фактора формирования информационной экономики в условиях диджитализации и условия углубления этих процессов. Задачи исследования: 1) исследование феномена «умный город» как информационной системы, которая представлена сложным социальным организмом, является интеллектуальной средой и связанными с ней совокупностью датчиков, которые значительно улучшают жизнь людей; 2) выявление мира облачных технологий и Интернета вещей, представляющих различные цифровые услуги, которые оказывают глубокое влияние на сферу услуг - от транспорта до медицины и системы образования; 3) выяснение места, роли и функций робототехники в диджитализованном обществе; 4) анализ нейротехнологий, в основе которых новые формы когнитивных вычислений и улучшение проектирования алгоритмов машинного обучения. Методология исследования использования методов анализа и синтеза, моделирования процессов, синергетической методологии как методологии нелинейности, метод системного анализа и синтеза, Agile-методологии как методология сложных социальных систем. Результат иследования. 1. Исследована концепция «умных городов», связанных с цифровыми сервисами, которые сводят в осмысленное целое информацию о работе больниц, школ и сети общественного транспорта. 2. Выявлен мир облачных технологий и Интернета вещей, в основе которого анализ гигантского количества данных, сгенерированных интернетом вещей и поиском паттернов для предоставления услуг населению с целью улучшения их жизни. 3. Раскрыта эпоха расцвета роботов и их экономического потенциала в диджитализованном обществе, которые играют важную роль в промышленном производстве и в домашнем хозяйстве людей. 4. Представлен анализ нейротехнологий, в основе которых новые формы когнитивных исчислений и проектирование алгоритмов машинного обучения. Сделан вывод, что в процессе развертывания Четвертой промышленной революции новые прорывные технологии создают новые преимущества в различных отраслях промышленности и приведут к важным социальным последствиям.

Ключевые слова: прорывные технологии, информационная экономика, «умный город», Интернет вещей, робототехника, нейротехнологии, Четвертая промышленная революция, диджитализация.

Statement of the problem in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks

The urgency of development and practical implementation of information (digital) economy objectively determines the need for radical digital changes in society, aimed at the development of robotics, artificial intellect, the Internet of Things, nanotechnology, synthetic biology, quantum computers, “smart cities”. If we ever build a machine with a brain that intellectually outweighs the human name, then this innovated artificial intellect can become incredibly powerful and the fate of our species will depend on the actions of the supermachine. However, if artificial intellect turns out to be hostile, it will easily stop our efforts to change it and our preferences. These trials are the most important for humanity in its history. We after all want to create artificial intellect and breakthrough technologies it all so as to protect the humanistic values, based on axiological and anthropological approaches. From today, for the emergence oftheories of breakthrough technologies, the theory about the approaching era of technological singularity has become popular, Vernor Vinge mentioned about, and his concept was supported by Ray Kurzweil et al., - as Nick Bostrom notes in his study “Super intellect. Strategies and dangers of development of smart machines” [3, p. 14]. Thus, smart machines are already being introduced today - trains on fire fuel cells operating in France, which has signed a contract to purchase 12 trains from the engineering company Alstom, testing of which will begin in 2023, and from 2025 new express trains will carry passengers. In places where sections of the road are not electrified, the train will run on hydrogen fuel cells, which convert hydrogen energy into electricity. The hydrogen reserves, containing in a special tank on the roof, is designed for 600 km of road, as Alstom notices (European Truth, 2021, April 12).

Analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the solution of this problem and which the author bases on.

We base on the work of the authors Al-Khalili Jim “What's next? Everything that science knows about our future" (2018. 248 p.), Bostrom Nick "Super intellect. Strategies and dangers of the development of smart machines” (2020, 408 p.), Goodman Mark “Crimes of the future: everything is interconnected, all is vulnerable and what we can do with it” (2019, 592 p.), which describe technological breakthroughs associated with new discoveries of mankind, which posed the problem of human-machine interaction, the latest concepts that reveal many new things to us and lead to the transformation of humanity, because we must learn to manage them. These works show that we are on the threshold of a revolution that radically changes the course of our existence. An important role in our study was played by Schwab Klaus's work “The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Forming the Fourth Industrial Revolution” (2019. 426 p.), which in scale and level of complexity is a completely unknown human experience because it led to new technological discoveries that cover large- scale industries such as artificial intellect, robotics, the control of industrial equipment via the Internet, unmanned aerial vehicles, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy accumulation and storage, quantum computers, 3D-printing and manufacturing. At the heart ofthese discoveries is the driving force of the brain, which led to an increase in cognitive abilities that influenced the discovery. The work of Dean Stanislav “How we learn. Why can the brain learn better than the machine... So far” (2021, 281 p.); author's article by Tatiana Teslenko “Scientific and epistemological evolution of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the philosophy of economics as a new philosophical knowledge” (Humanities Studies, 2020, issue 4 (81). p. 126-144); Kirichenko Mikola “The impact of digital technologies on the development of human and social capital in the conditions of the digitalized society” (Humanities Studies, 2019, issue 1 (78). p. 108-129). Certainly, according to the literature review, based on these technological discoveries - innovations and innova- tional activity, which were the objects of the studies of such authors as Androsova, O. and Cherep, A. “Transfer of technology as a tool of realization of innovation activity: monograph (2007. 356 pp.); Bugaychuk, O. “Strategies of information and innovation activity development at enterprise in digital conditions” ( Humanities Studies. 2019, issue 1 (78). p. 75-85); Venherska, N. and Kalantarova, A. “The export potential of the food industry of Ukraine” (Ekonomika rozvytku - Economics of Development, 2014. p. 72); Venherska, N. “Regional service policy as a necessary condition for the development of services. (Bulletin of Zaporizhia National University. Economic Sciences. 2014, issue 2. p. 142-152); Voronkova, V., Teslenko, T.V. “Formation and development of digital technologies as a factor in the implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Journal of the Belarusian State University. Philosophy. Psychology, No 2. Minsk. p.4-11); Voronkova, V., Nikitenko, V., Teslenko, T. and Bilohur, V. (Impact of the worldwide trends on the development of the digital economy) (Amazonia Snvestia. 2020. Volume 9, issue 32. p.81-90); Voronkova, V., Punchenko, O., Azhazha, M. “Globalization and global governance in the fourth industrial revolution (industry 4.0) (Humanities Studies. 2020, issue 4 (81). p. 182-200), in which we are talking about that all new changes and technologies have at the bottom a common key feature, as in their progress they effectively use the powerful capabilities of digital and information technologies, owe their existence and increase their influence through digital capacities. The theses conference Voronkova, V. Kyvlyuk, O., Nikitenko, V.I., and Ryzhova I. “Stem-education as a factor in the establishment and development of smart- society” (Materials of the International Scientific Conference, 23-24 of November, 2017 “Formation and development of the information society as the basis for the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world and the sustainable development of society and the state”. Zaporizhia, 2017. p. 23-24) observe that only stem-education being advanced and highly intellectual with the use of informational-communi- cational technologies can contribute to the emergence of high-tech society with breakthrough technology.

Highlighting previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted.

We can note that cloud technologies and the Internet of Things are important factors of technological progress; they have great potential to improve quality of life, increase productivity, solve global problems and cope with the challenges of society, crisis and uncertainty [4, p. 14]. Maybe someday we will live in a world where all people will monitor their health; various sensors will provide a constant flow of medical data, give commands to refrigerators, order to make heating systems warmer, postpone tomorrow's meetings with customers, improve remote diagnostic tools and will learn to care for the elderly more effectively. The analysis ofa huge amount of data generated by the Internet of Things and the search for patterns will be of great importance. Connection to the internet, cable or wireless is an obvious prerequisite for the functioning of the Internet of things. Robotic technologies make it possible to adjust the efficiency of agriculture and at the same time reduce the pressure on the environment. The work will help to determine the level of ripeness of the crop and prevent losses, use less fuel. As we can see, breakthrough creative technologies today have flooded the world and penetrated into all spheres of human life [6, p. 142-152].

The purpose and formation of the article objectives (task statement).

The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the formation of breakthrough technologies as the basis of information (digital) economy in the context of digitalization.

Objectives of the study

smart city internet technology

1. the study of the phenomenon of "smart city" as such an information system that is represented by a complicated social organism that is an intellectual environment and the associated set of sensors that significantly improve people's lives;

2. identifying the world of cloud technologies and the Internet of Things, which represent a variety of digital services that have a profound impact on the service sector - from transport to medicine and education;

3. clarification of the place, role and functions of robotics in a digitalized society;

4. analysis of neurotechnologies, based on new forms and capabilities of cognitive computing and improving the design of machine learning algorithms.

Research methodology

The subject of the study is the development of the Internet of Things, robotics, nanotechnology, artificial intellect, synthetic biology, quantum computers, "smart cities" as factors of human (intellectual) capital and the basis for information (digital) economy, considered mainly in social, economic and anthropological dimensions. The object of research is the information economy, which covers the concept of rationality, which sets the model of intellectual capital development, and develops in the context of the interaction of digital economy and management. Research methodology of using methods of analysis and synthesis, process modeling, synergetic methodology as a methodology of nonlinearity, method of system analysis and synthesis, Agile-methodology as a methodology of complex social systems [7, p. 4-11].

Presentation of the main material of the research with substantiation of the scientific results obtained.

1. The phenomenon of the “smart city” as such a system that is an intellectual environment that significantly improves people's lives.

“Smart city”. As early as 1964, the Canadian philosopher Marshall McLuhan noted that all previous technologies, including cities, would be transformed into information systems by means of telecommunications. This forecast hit the target, as today created "smart cities" that M. McLuhan could have dreamed of. The “Internet of Things” has all the necessary potential “to transform cities into living, breathing ecosystem, which consist of the intellectual environment and related sensors that greatly improve was people's lives”, - as Mark Goodman notes [8, p. 375]. The growing number of “municipal sensor networks” will be able to measure the pollution of individual houses, air quality in a particular neighborhood or the number of pedestrians on a particular street. Improved sensors in street lights will provide the optimal level of lighting, adjusted to the time of day, season and weather conditions, reducing electricity costs by 30% [9, p. 182-200].

We assume that in a couple of decades, most people in the world will live in megacities, and it is clear that the extremely high population density will pose challenges to energy, transport, education, health and many other systems. Urban planners have already begun experimenting with the concept of “smart cities” - digital services that bring together meaningful information about the work of hospitals, schools and public transport networks. Examples of “smart cities” currently exist in the United Kingdom (Glasgow, London, Bristol, Peterborough) and elsewhere. This is so-called network of special lighthouses in San Francisco or at Euston Station in London, which allow people with visual impairments to navigate; or sensors built into the bins to help sort garbage. “Smart urns” are already produced by many companies - Bigbelly (USA), Enevo (Finland), Ecube Labs (South Korea) and they are installed around the world. Sensors not only signal that the urn is already full, but also are able to predict when it will be filled, and to make a rational route for its removal [10, p. 23-24]. “Smart city” manages their energy, material flow, logistics and traffic, introduce a number of new services, ground on the accumulation and processing of data will continuously expand the network of sensor technology and work platforms to collect data that will form the basis of various technological projects and additional services which will be based on analysis results and predictive modeling. “Smart cities” offers the physical space to experiment and test features (such as simple interoperability protocols, network management, device technology) and support services such as personality identification and security support. Thus, the analysis shows that the efficiency of using a large array of data will improve and accelerate decisionmaking that will simplify the lives of citizens, enable companies and governments to provide real-time services and support in everything from citizen interactions to automated filing of tax declarations and payment documents [13, p. 43-62].

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