Improvement of economic safety management system of agricultural enterprises

The most significant risks and threats that can lead to negative trends and violations in the work of agricultural enterprises are analyzed. The factors that form the appropriate level of economic security of agricultural enterprises are identified.

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Дата добавления 18.01.2022
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Размещено на

Improvement of economic safety management system of agricultural enterprises

Stadnyk V.P., PhD. Economics., Sen. Lect.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine «Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute»



Стадник В.П., к.е.н., старший викладач

Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування

України «Ніжинський агротехнічний інститут»

В роботі досліджено сутність економічної безпеки сільськогосподарських підприємств на основі системного підходу. Розкрито та роз'яснено поняття "управління економічною безпекою підприємства", яке на відміну від існуючих тлумачень розкриває управління економічною безпекою підприємств з позиції поєднання дій, які базуються на забезпеченні життєво важливих інтересів підприємства з боку зовнішніх та внутрішніх загроз, використовуючи можливості досягнення цілей загальної системи та реалізуючи свої економічні інтереси в умовах невизначеності та економічних ризиків.

Оскільки системи визначаються досліджуваними суб'єктами господарювання, сформовано категорією економічної безпеки та управління нею. Науково обґрунтовано рекомендації щодо вдосконалення системи управління економічною безпекою підприємств, що передбачає розширення функціональних підсистем та важелів управління, що забезпечують економічну стабільність та прибутковість економічного розвитку сільськогосподарських підприємств.

Проаналізовано найбільш суттєві ризики та загрози, які можуть призвести до негативних тенденцій та порушень у роботі сільськогосподарських підприємств. Визначено фактори, що формують відповідний рівень економічної безпеки сільськогосподарських підприємств. Такі фактори повинні розглядатися відповідно до чинного законодавства, спрямовувати реалізацію виробничої стратегії досягнення високого рівня економічної безпеки сільськогосподарських підприємств.

Удосконалено систему управління економічною безпекою сільськогосподарських підприємств з використанням методологічних основ наукової теорії безпеки, що поєднує методологічні підходи до проектування структури управління економічною безпекою. Останні повинні бути структуровані відповідно до елементів організаційного сукупності спеціальних органів, служб, засобів, методів, заходів, що забезпечують захист життєво важливих інтересів підприємства від внутрішніх та зовнішніх загроз з метою збереження економічної стійкості та прибутковості економічної діяльності. economic management agricultural enterprises

Ключові слова: економічна безпека, підприємство, система управління, функції управління.

Problem statemen

In the context of deepening integration processes and globalization of business, rapid development of production and foreign economic relations ensuring economic safety of agricultural enterprises is becoming an increasingly important task not only at the level of Countries, but also at the level of regions and economic entities. Economic security is one of the most prioritized functional areas of enterprise security. Globalization, informatization and aggravation of competitive struggle actualise this problem. Developing new and adapting the existing economic security management system is a prerequisite for the survival of any enterprise. Therefore, the study of the issue of improving the economic security management system of agricultural enterprises is quite relevant and timely.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

Analysis of recent researches and publications. Research of economic security issues originates in the middle of the last century. But in recent years the issue of economic security of the enterprise attracts the attention of theoreticists and researchers.

To solve the issues related to the problem of economic security dedicated their scientific works both domestic and foreign scientists, namely: O. Baranovsky, V. Boyko, O. Golovchenko, V. Dal, O. Hudzynskyi, O. Hudz, O. Grunin, O. Yermakov, S. Kvasha, S. Nesterenko, N. Reverchuk, S. Sudomyr, Y. Yakovets, V. Yarochkiv and others.

Formation of goals of the article. The aim of the article is indepth study and development of practical recommendations aimed at shaping the economic security management system of agricultural enterprises.

Presentation of the main material

The basic need of any entity is the safety of economic activity. This basic need is implemented in an opportunity to prevent and eliminate dangers that create satisfactory conditions for the activities of economic entities.

Today, the notion of "economic security" is debatable. Thus, Grunin O. Treats the economic security of the enterprise "as such a state of the economic entity in which it is the most effective use of corporate resources to prevent, weaken or protect against the existing dangers and threats or Unforeseen circumstances and basically ensures achievement of business goals in conditions of competition and economic Risk» [2, P. 57-58] .

Yarochkiv V. sees economic security as "a set of special bodies, means, methods and measures to ensure the safety of entrepreneurial activity from external and internal threats" [4, p. 35-36].

On the basis of generalization of theoretical provisions it is established that economic security of the enterprise is the protection of its activity (industrial, technical, technological, financial, economic, social) visas of existing dangers and threats or other Unpredictable circumstances, the basis of ensuring achievement of the objectives of the subjects of activities in conditions of competition and economic risk, as well as the ability of the entity to reproduce. Thus, for the effective activities of the agricultural enterprise should be able to compete, implement the planned, resistant to changes in the external and internal environment, to ensure its development in the future, which will contribute to Effective management system for economic security.

In the course of the research on the basis of the system approach the concept "management of economic safety of Enterprise" is formed as a process of development and implementation of a set of measures based on the protection of vital interests of the enterprise from internal External threats, use of the formed opportunities to achieve general system objectives, implement their own economic interests, competitive advantages and contribute to ensuring sustainable positions of the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty and Economic risks.

The main functional objectives of economic security of the Enterprise are: providing high financial efficiency, financial sustainability and independence; Ensuring technological independence and achieving high

competitiveness of technical potential; achieving high productivity of management, optimal and effective organizational structure of enterprise management; achieving a high level of personnel qualifications and its intellectual potential, proper efficiency of corporate research works; minimization of the destructive influence of the results of production-economic activity on the state environment; quality legal protection of all aspects of activity; ensuring the protection of information space, commercial mystery and achievement of the necessary information support level of all departments and departments; effective organization of safety of the personnel of the enterprise, its capital and property, as well as commercial interests [4, p. 36-37].

Economic safety management of agricultural enterprises should be based on a detailed analysis of the functional components of economic security, taking into account the indicators for its formation.

Its main task is to achieve economic development of agricultural enterprise based on a clear system, which allows to change the basic indicators to keep it in the maximum allowable limits. The main types of threats to the management of economic safety of agricultural enterprises depicted in fig. 1.

The main task of the economic security management system of agricultural enterprises is the development of such methodological approaches that will enable to avoid threats to economic security and risk zones and dangers.

Conducting generalized systematization of threats to economic security of agricultural enterprises, we can argue that the enterprise can influence only the threats of internal environment, and for the threats to the external environment to adapt in order to Enhance economic security.

To key management measures, economic security includes: legal measures, due to the scope of normative legal documents that determine all spheres of life of the enterprise and are aimed at ensuring corporate interests of subjects Business Financial and economic - measures aimed at ensuring financial independence and financial stability, competitiveness of company's products, building up of material values, their protection from attacks competitors;

Power-these are measures whose vector of influence is aimed at inclusion of foreign organizations or own subdivisions in the system of protection of various material values, various kinds of resources from negative impact or threats of competitors; information-measures related to the search and processing of current information, which after a thorough analysis of the rushes to build effective managerial decisions, the development of short-term and long-lasting business strategies, crisis prevention; technical and technological - measures directed at gradual modernized renewal of production funds, expedient operation of production; innovative - the use of innovative achievements in various life cycles of the enterprise, which ensures its success and competitiveness.

Among the most anticipated and most widespread management obstacles, the economic security management system can become: Conservatism of the participants of the economic environment, resistance to innovation, which leads to destruction or transformation of established ties and rules; Insufficient scientific base and practical experience in introducing the mechanism of economic security management of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine; "Information required" and research of current trends for adequate state assessment and appropriate managerial decisions.

The main tasks of the economic security management system of agricultural enterprises are: collection, analysis, processing, assessment of the environment and forecasting of the development of phenomena; Defense of legitimate rights of enterprise; The diagnosis of competitors, consumers, etc.; Ensuring storage of material values; Protection of confidential information, commercial secrecy, etc. [10, p. 65-66].

Fig. 1. Deployed classification of threats to economic security of agricultural enterprises capacities

For the modern efficiency of economic security management of enterprise it is advisable to apply such meetings at the management of economic.

The safety of agricultural enterprises, which, along with existing ones, offer an opportunity to look through the activities of the manager, any uneven person who is responsible for their own actions, as it covers a considerably larger area of analysis, with minimal And can react quickly in conditions of uncertainty and threat (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Economic safety management system of agricultural enterprises

It is reasonable to assert that the management system under any conditions accumulates the receipt, communication, processing, verification and use of information. That is why in order to form an effective management system of economic security in agricultural enterprises it is necessary to create certain speciality - alized the enterprise, as well as the task of increasing profits, improving their own well-being.

Effective protection of the economic interests of the enterprise can be ensured only in case of consolidation of efforts of its staff: administration, engineering and technical workers, employees, workers [11, p. 224-225].

It is impossible to exclude the element of such economic security organization, which will create a working group of personnel employees who, in addition to performing their own job descriptions, are able to oversee the provision of economic security Agricultural enterprise. The named procedure can be outlined through internal documentation. Note that the language does not only go to the power component of economic security Self-removal from other hazards leads to lower levels of economic security in general [12, p. 92].

The creation of a security system in small and medium business is a requirement of time. For agricultural enterprises potential following sources of threats, dangers, losses, conflicts and risks: destruction of property, theft, outflow of confidential information, arson, threats of natural origin, riots, instability Political and economic life in the state, imperfection legislation.

The creation of a security system in small and medium business is a requirement of time. For agricultural enterprises potential following sources of threats, dangers, losses, conflicts and risks: destruction of property, theft, outflow of confidential information, arson, threats of natural origin, riots, instability Political and economic life in the state, imperfection legislation.


Thus, as a result of the empirical study of the essence of economic security of agricultural enterprises, it can be concluded that it is an important prerequisite for the efficient operation of the agricultural enterprise and, as a result, Achieving high profitability of business in conditions of competition and economic risk due to prejudice and weakening of the action of various hazards or threats.

Список літератури

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