Security aspects of modern international migration processes

The article highlights and characterizes the main aspects of influence of migration processes on the separate constituent components of international and national security. It has been discovered that international migration processes influence security.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 16.09.2020
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international migration international security

I. Anhelko, PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer

I. Vaskovych, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Institute of Enterprise and Advanced Technologies "Lviv Polytechnic" National University, Lviv, Ukraine, H. Lekh, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor National Forestry University, Lviv, Ukraine

The article highlights and characterizes the main aspects of influence of migration processes on the separate constituent components of international and national security. It has been discovered that international migration influences security at three different levels: at the national level in countries of transit and countries of destination, migration can be treated as the threat to economic welfare, political stability, social order, culture, religion, and identity of separate states; at the bilateral level, migration movements have the tendency to escalate tension between countries of origin and countries of destination and, therefore, influence regional and international stability; at the level of separate migrants, whose actions can directly influence international relations.

It has been proven that the influence of migration on security of separate states is ambiguous and has some threats that require detailed analysis and solution.

It has been researched and specified that international migration is the essential component of the world order which determines and forms its social reality, influences all countries of the world, makes them places of origin, destination or transit for migrants.

It has been demonstrated that the threats of migration processes are most significantly noticed in countries of destination, namely in their political, social, and economic spheres. Moreover, migration threats are aimed not only at disturbing the internal stability of separate states, but also the security of the entire society.

It has been concluded that solving the main problems directly related to migration processes requires not only reaction to threats, but also application of all possible advantages for the efficient development of both countries of destination and countries of origin.

Key words: migration, migration processes, migration crisis, terrorism.

І. Ангелко, канд. екон. наук, ст. викладач,

І. Васькович, канд. екон. наук, доц.

Інститут підприємництва та перспективних технологій Національного університету "Львівська політехніка", Львів, Україна, Г. Лех, канд. екон. наук, доц. Національний лісотехнічний університет України, Львів, Україна


Висвітлено та охарактеризовано основні аспекти впливу міграційних процесів на окремі складові міжнародної та національної безпеки. З'ясовано, що міжнародна міграція впливає на безпеку на трьох різних рівнях: на національному рівні в країнах транзиту і країнах призначення міграція може розглядатися як загроза економічному добробуту, політичній стабільності, соціальному порядку, культурі, релігії та ідентичності окремих держав; на двосторонньому рівні - коли міграційні переміщення мають тенденцію до створення напруги між країнами походження та призначення і, таким чином, впливають на регіональну і міжнародну стабільність; на рівні окремих мігрантів, що безпосередньо можуть вплинути на міжнародні відносини через певні дії.

Доведено, що вплив міграції на безпеку окремих країн є неоднозначним і становить ряд загроз, які потребують нагального висвітлення та вирішення.

Зазначено і досліджено, що міжнародна міграція виступає важливою складовою світового порядку, яка визначає та формує його суспільну реальність, впливає на всі країни світу, робить їх місцем походження, прийому або транзиту для мігрантів.

Доведено, що найвідчутніші небезпеки міграційні процеси "здійснюють" у приймаючих країнах, а саме у їх політичній, соціальній та економічній сферах. При цьому, міграційні загрози "спрямовані" не лише на заподіювання шкоди внутрішній стабільності окремих країн, але й безпеці всього суспільства.

Доведено, що для вирішення основних проблем, до яких безпосередній стосунок мають міграційні процеси, потрібна не лише протидія небезпекам, але й застосування всіх можливих переваг для ефективного розвитку не лише приймаючих країн, але й країн походження мігрантів.

И. Ангелко, канд. экон. наук, ст. преподаватель,

И. Васькович, канд. экон. наук, доц.

Институт предпринимательства и перспективных технологий Национального университета "Львовская политехника", Львов, Украина,

Г. Лех, канд. экон. наук, доц.

Национальный лесотехнический университет Украины, Львов, Украина


Освещены и охарактеризованы основные аспекты влияния миграционных процессов на отдельные составляющие международной и национальной безопасности. Выяснено, что международная миграция влияет на безопасность на трех различных уровнях: на национальном уровне в странах транзита и странах назначения миграция может рассматриваться как угроза экономическому благополучию, политической стабильности, социальному порядку, культуре, религии и идентичности отдельных государств; на двустороннем уровне - когда миграционные перемещения имеют тенденцию к созданию напряжения между странами происхождения и назначения и, таким образом, влияют на региональную и международную стабильность; на уровне отдельных мигрантов непосредственно могут повлиять на международные отношения через определенные действия.

Доказано, что воздействие миграции на безопасность отдельных стран является неоднозначным и несет ряд угроз, требующих неотложного освещения и решения.

Указано и исследовано, что международная миграция выступает важной составляющей мирового порядка, которая определяет и формирует его общественную реальность, влияет на все страны мира, делает их местом происхождения, приема или транзита для мигрантов.

Доказано, что наиболее ощутимые опасности миграционные процессы "осуществляют" в принимающих странах, а именно в их политической, социальной и экономической сферах. При этом миграционные угрозы "направлены" не только на нанесение ущерба внутренней стабильности отдельных стран, но и безопасности всего общества.

Доказано, что для решения основных проблем, к которым непосредственное отношение имеют миграционные процессы, необходимо не только противодействие опасностям, но и в применении всех возможных преимуществ для эффективного развития не только принимающих стран, но и стран происхождения мигрантов.

Introduction. As a matter of fact, international migration constitutes the driving force of globalization and is simultaneously its consequence. At the world scale, the volume of migration is constantly increasing and its directions are diversifying, which results in drastic economic, political, demographic, cultural, and social changes.

Traditionally, the main causes of population migration are conditioned by economic factors, such as level of economic development of countries of destination, employment level of population, national discrepancies in terms of payment and working conditions, etc. However, non-economic factors of population migration are becoming more widespread around the globe. These include political instability, political and military coups, political persecutions, religious peculiarities of countries, natural disasters, and others. Non-economic factors of migration processes expansion are most frequently associated with the threats that migration carries for social, national, and personal security. Security aspects are becoming increasingly important in the modern studies of population migration.

Separate aspects of migration influence on societal transformations, including some constituent components of international and national security, have been highlighted in the works of different foreign and national scientists, such as M. Weiner, A. Haidutskyi, I. Hnybidenko, I. Erdogan, O. Kachan, E. Kirchner, P. J. Croll, E. Libanova, R. Lohrmann, O. Malynovska, S. Pyrozhkov, O. Pozniak, M. Romaniuk, E. Stather, Ya. Stivachtis, K. Frantzbau, O. Khomra, etc.

Significant contribution into studying the interconnection between migration and security was made by American political analyst M. Weiner. In his works, the scientist was the first to systematically research the interconnection between migration and security, and conclude that migration can influence not only internal stability, but also international security as it can be threatened by both the influx of foreigners and the drain of native citizens [1]. Similar opinions about the interconnection between migration and security, as well as their inter-influences at different levels, are expressed in works of R. Lohrmann, P.J. Croll and E. Stather. The scientists believe that the influence of migration on security of separate states is ambiguous and the main cause of migration processes is constituted by danger [2; 3].

According to O. Malynovska, migration is the phenomenon that poses a serious challenge for the usual paradigm of confidence and order, and the interconnection between migration and security is reflected by public opinion, political struggle, and government decisions [4].

Nonetheless, it needs to be emphasized that despite the large quantity of works dedicated to studying the interconnection and the inter-influence of migration and security, some questions within the mentioned problem are covered in the modern economic theory and practice superficially and, therefore, require more detailed research and analysis. In our opinion, the necessity of studying the influence of migration processes on security of separate states and the systematization of migration consequences from the viewpoint of determining potential threats and possible benefits that can be used for the efficient development of society in general are particularly significant.

Research objective and methodology. The research objective is to highlight security aspects of modern migration processes and their constituent components, as well as to determine the major threats that are directly connected with migration of separate people and groups in social and economic space in terms of the major migration consequences for security.

In order to achieve the outlined research objective, we have used the set of general scientific and special methods of research. In particular, dialectical method, methods of comparison and generalization, grouping and systematization, analysis and synthesis, as well as the techniques of tabular and graphical representation of research results, have been applied. Due to the methods of dialectical research, comparison and generalization, we have determined the major causes and consequences of the negative impact produced by migration processes on economic security of separate states in the context of international migration crisis.

Taking into account the analysis of consequences of migration processes influence and their grouping, we have outlined the proprietary model of systematization of major threats that are constituted by migration of population in political, economic, and socio-cultural spheres.

The information basis of research is constituted by scientific works of national and foreign scientists, data from international organizations and periodicals.

Outline of research material. First and foremost, it needs to be emphasized that for the long period of time migration processes worldwide have not been considered from the view point of security. As it is known, the notion of security was limited to the problems of states and the threats that are geopolitical and military in their nature. Meanwhile, migration processes were defined as the consequence (or result) of security crisis, internal conflicts, coups, interventions, and massive violation of human rights. The influence of migration on security has not been studied sufficiently and has not occupied dominant place in the research works.

The research of security consequences of migration processes in society has become more topical only recently. In fact, after the end of the Cold War, the notion of international security has started to be "considered" not only in its narrow military meaning, but also in terms of more widespread and developed "non-military" threats (such as degradation of environment, organized crime, drug trafficking, illegal migration, etc.). Thus, international security has started to be analyzed in terms of its different aspects that, apart from military, include political, economic, social, and ecological ones [1].

In general, the research of the specified aspects has allowed stating and providing evidence to the assumption that international migration produces significant impact on international and national security. Additionally, the impact of migration processes in certain countries is ambiguous as it can be produced at the multiple level. From this point of view, it is necessary to outline the research results of R. Lohrmann, who claims that international migration influences security at three different levels: at the national level in countries of transit and countries of destination, migration can be treated as the threat to economic welfare, political stability, social order, culture, religion, and identity of separate states; at the bilateral level, migration movements have the tendency to escalate tension between countries of origin and countries of destination and, therefore, influence regional and international stability; at the level of separate migrants, whose actions (usually criminal) can directly influence international relations [2, p. 4-5].

As practice shows, international migration most significantly influences countries' social and political security. It is well-known that in the political aspect migration processes can trigger (cause) tension in relationships between countries of origin and countries of destination if migrants or refugees are opponents of their homeland regimes.

It is worth emphasizing that migration of refugees who belong to opposition forces is, to some extent, beneficial to countries of their origin because due to migration they can defeat internal threats and alleviate social and economic tension. However, some countries can oftentimes treat providing political asylum to representatives of their opposition forces as intervention in their internal affairs.

Overall, it is known that forcing representatives of some ethnic or social groups to move from their homeland or creating certain conditions that make them migrate can be treated by other countries as the act of hostile behavior. As a result, countries of destination will search for means of imposing pressure on refugees' country of origin for the sake of ceasing repressions, which can oftentimes result in military interventions [6, p. 144].

As based on the world history, it can be stated that countries of destination can use migrants to efficiently impose pressure on countries of their origin. Countries of destination can often treat migrants as the efficient intelligent stream, the reserve for replenishment of forces oppositional to hostile regimes or the basis for aggravating the ideological struggle, which intensifies defamation of countries of origin because foreign refugees uncover information about discrimination and repressions in their native countries.

Migrants themselves can oftentimes form influential diasporas on the territory of countries of destination and turn governments of foreign countries and international society against countries of their origin. This can happen when political opinions of diaspora are hostile to the government of country of origin, support different strategies of development, strive to change its internal or foreign politics, etc.

Nonetheless, migrants can also be used by their own counties to influence the spheres of internal and foreign politics of countries of destination without taking into account interests of the latter. The goals for which country of origin can mobilize representatives of its diaspora can vary and include ensuring support of its foreign political interests, facilitation in the process of receiving financial, military or other kind of aid, promotion of certain interests and values [7, p. 146].

The most dangerous consequence and the most obvious pattern of how migrants can be used by countries of their origin at the international political scale is the violation of ethnic balance in countries of destination or some of their parts, which creates grounds for separatism that, in its turn, can result in annexation and separation of territories.

Equally significant are the threats of migration processes to economic security of separate countries. In the context of migrants' countries of origin, threats to economic security are primarily connected with the brain drain, the loss of labor potential that in general can result in the decrease of production and the degradation of social sphere. For countries of destination, threats of migration processes in economic development are wider and depend on the nature of migration movements.

In general, under current conditions of economy management, the most significant negative impact of international migration is constituted by encumbrance of financial systems in countries of destination. As a matter of fact, immigrants contribute to treasuries of countries of destination much less than they receive as social benefits, medical, educational, social, and other services. Apart from that, immigrants frequently agree to work for lower salary which, consequently, is an important factor of reducing the salary level in certain sectors of economy, including, as a rule, "dirty", dangerous, and non-prestigious jobs.

Another negative consequence of international migration for economic security of countries is the unwanted population growth and, as a result, the increased need of housing, food stuff, different types of provided services, including educational and medical ones.

Overall, the vivid example of negative impact of migration processes on economic security of certain countries is constituted by migration crisis, which for the last few years has been characterized by the mass influx of migrants and refugees from countries of Africa and Middle East to countries of the European Union. According to official data alone, during the last few years, hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, and other hot spots have moved to the European Union. The main causes of the mass influx of migrants are non-economic and include political and military coups, political persecutions, religious peculiarities of countries, poverty, social injustice, violation of general human rights and freedoms [8].

The problem of mass migration is most strongly felt in the countries that are located closer to the African continent, such as Spain, Greece, and Italy. However, the problem of supporting refugees financially is topical for all members of the European Union. As it is known, governments of the countries belonging to the European Union spend large sums of money to support refugees. For example, back in 2016, Germany alone spent 20 billion Euros on refugee support_[8; 9].

However, it is necessary to point out that financial support of refugees is no longer "suitable" for governments of some countries and this causes the internal split of the European Union into those who agree to accept migrants and those who are strongly against it.

As it is known, governments of many countries spend significant resources to control their borders in order to prevent illegal migration, detain and deport illegal immigrants, process asylum applications, etc. [7, p. 145].

Generally, despite the series of measures that are regularly taken by governments of the European Union countries to minimize the influx of migrants from countries of Middle East and Africa, the problem remains crucial and poses a lot of risks. In particular, large-scale migration movements are threatening basic values of accepting societies due to the difference in cultures of local population and immigrants. As historic experience shows, majority of refugees who migrate to Europe are not willing to get integrated into European society, follow European values and established societal and cultural norms. Contrary to this, they stand for preserving their national and religious identity (which presupposes rapid spread of Islam and weakening of Christianity as the defining religion of European identity) and this, in its turn, triggers discontent among indigenous population [10, p. 104-105]. Therefore, language, religious, and cultural differences between people are the reason for prejudices and biased approach that intensify the negative perception of foreign migrants in society. Such tendencies, consequently, result in the establishment of racist, xenophobic, neo-fascist, neo-Nazi, anti-immigrant parties and other violent groups and movements that can threaten not only country's internal stability, but also get transformed into threats to personal security of people [4, p. 59; 7, p. 145-146].

It needs to be stated that nowadays, unfortunately, migrants in practically all countries suffer from xenophobia and racial discrimination that remain the cornerstone of human civilization development. As members of the European Parliament believe, one of the reasons of increased quantity of xenophobic and racist attacks is the impunity of far-right groups. The European Parliament encourages countries of the European Union to ban neoNazi groups and establish "exit programs" of aid for those who want to leave violent groups [11].

Another significant threat to social security is constituted by conflicts that arise on ethnic and inter-religious basis among migrants themselves. Nowadays in European cities that once used to be calm, there are districts which were left by representative of indigenous population because of hazards to their life and health. They are inhabited by people of African and Asian descent [12].

In general, it is worth mentioning that the rapid influx of migrants and their cultural and educational differences from local population escalate the problem of socio-cultural affinity of any society and hinders integration processes. Moreover, establishment of ethnic communities and transformation of homogeneous countries into multi-ethnic and multi-cultural ones can result to large extent in social destabilization, increased social atomism, and polarization [7, p. 145].

Another concern in the context of migration processes influence on social security of separate countries is related to the criminal threat. The criminal threat presupposes not only the increased level of street crime, particularly in districts inhabited by immigrants, but also the development of transnational organized crime dealing with illegal border crossings, drug trafficking, arms and human trafficking.

Table 1

Data about quantity of imprisoned people in US and other European countries in terms of local population and foreignersCountry

General quantity of imprisoned people


Share of

(in % as compared with general quantity of imprisoned people)

Local population


United States of America








































































Source: Compiled based on data [13] as of 09.2018.

It should be noted that according to various studies the level of crime in cities is correlated with the share of foreign population inhabiting them [6, p. 145]. According to International Centre for Prison Studies, in 2017, the average share of imprisoned foreigners across Europe constituted % out of all who were under arrest (e.g. in Switzerland - 71,5 % (4950 people), in Austria - 54,7 % (4800 people), in Greece - 52,9 % (5500 people), in Belgium - 44,3 %

(4500 people), in Estonia - 38,4 % (1000 people), in Italy - % (20300 people), in Germany - 31,3 % (19700 people), in Sweden - 22,1 % (1350 people), in France - 21,7 % (15350 people), in Finland - 16,2 % (460 people), in Russia - 4,3 % (24450 people)). In the US, the share of imprisoned foreigners constituted 5,2 % (110350 people) (Table 1). As a rule, the most common crimes for which foreigners serve their sentences are violation of migration legislation (including replacement and falsification of official documents), thefts, and armed attacks (which oftentimes have fatal consequences) [13].

Even more significant security problem in social sphere, which is directly connected with international migration, is constituted by the problem of terrorism.

As practice shows, majority of terrorists are immigrants and/or citizens of immigrant origin, who are followers of certain terrorist organizations. They penetrate into a country having the status of migrants and eventually organize terrorist centers, which in most cases are based on religion, fundamentals of radical Islam, and identification of regions of their origin. The main objectives of these centers are dissemination of panic and feeling of insecurity, disturbance and destruction of financial systems for the sake of influencing political life or resignation of governments in certain countries.

It should be emphasized that modern terrorism is the problem of not only separate countries suffering from political, national, and religious conflicts, but rather the problem of entire world community.

During previous years, terrorist attacks have become extremely large-scale and their consequences for the humanity are devastating. Thus, the data of Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) concerning terrorist attacks committed back in 2014 are shocking. According to IEP, in 2014, 13370 terrorist attacks were committed in 93 countries worldwide and 32685 people died because of them (in 2000, terrorists killed 3329 people). The bloodiest terrorist attacks were committed by Islamic State, a terrorist organization in Iraq [14, p. 4-5].

In general, IEP specifies that, apart from Iraq, the highest levels of terrorism were observed in Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Syria. The level of terrorism in Ukraine was also categorized as high (12th place out of 124 countries) [14, p. 10-11]. The high place of Ukraine in the general list of terrorist attacks is primarily related to events in Eastern Ukraine and the crash of Malaysia Boeing 777, which was shot by pro-Russian militia members in Donbas region in July, 2014 (because of the terrorist attack, 298 people on board died) [15].

Unfortunately, terrorist attacks did not stop in 2015. It should be mentioned that the year started with the terrorist attack on the editorial office of Paris satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on January, 7th. Because of the terrorist attack, 12 people were killed [16]. It was followed by the series of other terrorist attacks. In particular, in January, 2015, militia members of the Donetsk People's Republic terrorist group carried out artillery bombardment of the regular bus in Donbas region (12 people were killed, 18 people were injured); in March, in Tunisia, terrorists from the "Islamic State" terrorist organization committed the attack on tourists in Bardo museum (23 people were killed, 44 people were injured), and in June they attacked tourists in the resort hotel of Sousse (37 people were killed, 40 people were injured); also, in March, triple terrorist attack was made in Yemen (more than 130 people were killed); in July, the most tragic terrorist attack of "Islamic State" in Iraq was committed (more than 100 people were killed); in October, there was the terrorist attack in Turkey (more than 120 people were killed); in November, the series of terrorist attacks was committed in Paris (including terrorist attack in the theatre "Bataclan", where Islamic extremists killed 130 people) [15; 16]

Fig. 1. Quantity of people who died in terrorist attacks in 2014, 2016-2017, people Source: Compiled as based on data [13].

The world community was devastated by terrorist attacks committed in 2016-2018. Thus, in 2016, terrorist attacks in Brussels and Nice caused a death toll of 116 people [17; 18]. On New Year night in 2017, the Istanbul night club became the place where terrorists killed 39 people and 69 people were injured [19]. In late March of 2017, in the center of London, Adrian Elms, a British man converted to Islam, hit four people to death by his car; and more than 40 people were injured [20; 21]. In August, 2017, terrorist attack under the responsibility of "Islamic State" the terrorist organization was committed in the center of Barcelona. Because of the attack, at least 16 people were killed and more than 100 people were injured [22]. Overall, according to IEP, 18814 people were killed by terrorists in 2017. The number is by 44% less than in 2014 and by 27 % less as compared to 2016 (in 2016, terrorist killed 25774 people (Fig. 1) [14, p. 15-16; 23, p. 12].

In 2018, the terrorist attack with the largest quantity of victims was committed in Syria. Suicide attackers organized the series of bombings and initiated shooting in a few places. As a result, 255 people were killed and over 200 people were injured. The largest quantity of terrorist attacks was committed in Afghanistan. Out of six terrorist attacks, the most large-scale one was carried out in the Intercontinental hotel by five militia members of Taliban. 95 people became victims of the attack [24; 25].

The equally bloody terrorist attack in New Zealand, in March, 2019, was committed by the supporter of antiimmigrant movement. The terrorist carried out armed attacks on two mosques, which resulted in the death of 50 people, other 50 people were injured [26].

In general, it should be pointed out that modern terrorism is being characterized by tight correlation between extremist organizations and groups in different spheres of organized crime. Thus, separatist regimes in newly established independent states use territories that are under their control for the benefit of drag trafficking, illegal arms and human trafficking, money laundering, and other illegal activities the income from which is used for the financial support of terrorism. Due to this, terrorists have access to modern samples of arms and military equipment, use informational technologies and capabilities of extended banking system [27, p. 42-43]. Therefore, the necessity of checking migrants on whether they are related to any terrorist organizations has become topical nowadays.

In our opinion, the analysis and evaluation of major consequences of migration influence on security of separate states and world society in general can serve as the basis for determining and systematization of the following threats that are carried by migration processes in different spheres of social development (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Threats of migration processes


Summing up, it would be logical to point out that that international migration is the important constituent component of the world order, which determines and forms its social reality, influences all countries of the world, makes them places of origin, destination or transit for migrants. Additionally, migration in the global context produces the significant impact on all aspects of social life and results not only in drastic changes, but also in threats that are crucial for international and national security of separate countries.

Following the ideas of many scientists, we need to state that the most significant threats of migration processes are observed in countries of destination, namely in their political, social, and economic spheres (Fig. 2). Moreover, we believe that in some cases migration threats are aimed at disturbing not only the internal stability of separate countries, but rather the security of the entire society. The assumption is proven by the data about the quantity of terrorist attacks committed in different countries of the world for the last few years.

In general, we argue that in modern economic environment migration processes become the strength test for some countries, including European ones, whose tolerant and democratic attitude to refugees has caused the uncontrolled outburst of migration movements.

In our opinion, the topics that require further research include identifying the ways of minimizing negative consequences of migration processes, development of effective migration programs, and implementation of migration policy reforms for the sake of not only resisting threats, but also applying all possible benefits for the effective development of countries of destination and countries of origin. We are convinced that at the level of separate states it is necessary to develop migration policy which would be capable of overcoming negativism and rationally exploiting positive sides in order to ensure countries' economic development. For this, in the first place, it is required to minimize economic causes of international migration by means of creating sufficient quantity of highly paid working places, which will positively influence economics and social welfare of country population in the future.

In general, state migration policy should be based on preserving and developing human potential; ensuring effective employment; contributing to wage and income growth; increasing the level of social security of employees, raising funds for continuous professional training; encouraging strong motivation of employees to working process and creative performance; striving for acquiring competitive advantages in work and professional development; and ensuring competitive capacity of working opportunities.


1. Weiner M. The Global Migration Crisis: Challenge to State and Human Rights / M. Weiner. - N.Y: Harper Collis College Publishers, 1995. - 253 p.

2. Lohrmann R. Migrants, Refugees and Insecurity. Current Threats to Peace? / Reinhard Lohrmann // International Migration. - 2000. - Vol. 38, No. 4. - P. 3-22.

3. Peter J. Croll, Erich Stather. The Security Migration Nexus Challenges and Opportunities of African Migration to EU Countries [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: brief36.pdf.

4. Malynovska O. A. Migration politics: global context and Ukrainian realia: monography / O. A. Malynovska. - K.: National Institute of Strategic Research, 2018. - 472 pp.

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6. Malynovska O. A. Security and migration: interconnections and inter-influences / O. A. Malynovska // Strategic priorities. - 2011. - No. 2 (19).

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7. Kachan O. Geopolitical and security consequences of international migration / O. Kachan // Scientific herald of Uzhhorod university. - 2010. - Issue No. 15. - Series: political science, sociology, philosophy. - P. 144-147.

8. Problem of refugees in EU: What options are suggested by euroskeptics [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: problema-bizhentsiv-v-yes-yaki-varianty-proponuiut-ievroskeptyky-383004.html.

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11. Chernata Yu. European Parliament calls for escalating the fight against xenophobia. Yu. Cherniata [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: borotbu-z-ksenofobiyeyu.

12. Pak N. Uncontrolled migration as the threat to security of European Union countries / N. Pak // Herald of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. - 2016. - Issue No. 1 (44/454). - P. 30-32.

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16. Charlie Hebdo, Volnovakha, crash of Russian plane. Top-10 bloody terrorist attacks of 2015 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: krivavih-teraktiv-2015-roku-564247.html?g=522&m=384788916.

17. Brussels explosions: What we know about airport and metro attacks [Electronic resource] // BBC News. - 9 April 2016. - Mode of access:

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19. Terrorist Attack at Nightclub in Istanbul Kills Dozens [Electronic resource] // The New York Times. - 31 Dec 2016. - Mode of access:

20. Terrorist attack in London center: all details [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: tsentri-londona-usi-podrobitsi.html.

21. Most bloody terrorist attacks of 2017 [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: 425419.html.

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24. Most large-scale terrorist attacks of 2018: seizure of Kabul hotel, shooting of college students in Kerch [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: terakty-2018-roku-zaxoplennya-hotelyu-kabuli-rozstril-uchniv-koledzhu-kerchi.

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26. Timeline of New Zealand terror attack [Electronic resource]. - Mode of access: 47940722.

27. International security environment: challenges and threats to national security of Ukraine. - K.: National Institute of Strategic Research, 2013. - 64 pp.

References (In Latin): Translation / Transliteration / Transcription

1. Weiner, M. (1995). The Global Migration Crisis: Challenge to State and Human Rights. New York: Harper Collis College Publishers.

2. Lohrmann, R. (2000). `Migrants, Refugees and Insecurity. Current Threats to Peace?', International Migration, 38(4), pp. 3-22.

3. Croll, P. J., Stather, E. (2008). The security migration nexus challenges and opportunities of African migration to EU countries [online]. Available at:

4. Malynovska, O. A. (2018). Migration politics: global context and Ukrainian realia: monography. Kyiv: National Institute of Strategic Research.

5. Kirchner, Е. (2005). The new security agenda and the challenge of European security governance [online]. Available at:

6. Malynovska, O. A. (2011). `Security and migration: interconnections and inter-influences', Strategic Priorities, 2(19), pp. 143-149.

7. Kachan, O. (2010). `Geopolitical and security consequences of international migration', Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod university. Series: political science, sociology, philosophy, (15), pp. 144-147.

8. (2017). Problem of refugees in EU: What options are suggested by euroskeptics [online]. Available at:

9. HYPERLINK ""Henley, J. (2018). `What is the current state of the migration crisis in Europe?', The Guardian, 21 Nov [online]. Available at: europe-future-outlook.

10. Horban, V. I. (2016). `Globalization and democracy: ethnic context', Collection of Scientific Works of H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University “Pravo”, (24), pp. 97-114.

11. Chernata, Yu. (2018). European Parliament calls for escalating the fight against xenophobia [online]. Available at:

12. Pak, N. (2016). `Uncontrolled migration as the threat to security of European Union countries', Herald of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. 1 (44/454), pp. 30-32.

13. World Prison Brief data. International Centre for Prison Studies [online]. Available at:

14. Global terrorism index 2015. Institute for Economics and Peace. - P. 110. Available at: loads/2015/11/Global-Terrorism-Index-2015.pdf

15. (2018). US Terrorist Attacks Fast Facts [online]. Available at: attacks-fast-facts/index.html.

16. (2016). Charlie Hebdo, Volnovakha, crash of Russian plane. Top-10 bloody terrorist attacks of 2015 [online]. Available at:

17. (2016). Brussels explosions: What we know about airport and metro attacks [online]. Available at:

18. (2016). Nice attack: What we know about the Bastille Day killings [online]. Available at: europe-36801671.

19. Terrorist Attack at Nightclub in Istanbul Kills Dozens', The New York Times, 31 Dec 2016 [online]. Available at: https://www.ny-

20. (2017). Terrorist attack in London center: all details [online]. Available at: ilosya-v-tsentri-londona-usi-podrobitsi.html.

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22. Carranco, R. (2018). `Catalan police on a manhunt after US issues Barcelona security alert', El Pais, HYPERLINK ""24 Dec [online]. Available at:

23. Global terrorism index 2018. Institute for Economics and Peace. - P. 90. Available at: index/

24. (2018). Most large-scale terrorist attacks of 2018: seizure of Kabul hotel, shooting of college students in Kerch [online]. Available at: rozstril-uchniv-koledzhu-kerchi

25. (2018). Kabul hotel attack: guests sprayed with bullets as they ran. [online]. Available at: https://www.theguard-

26. (2019). Timeline of New Zealand terror attack. [online]. Available at: https: // attack/a-47940722.

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