Ефективність кооперування деревообробних підприємств з урахуванням екологічного імперативу

Розробка теоретичних і методичних підходів визначення інтегральної соціо-еколого-економічної ефективності кооперування і спеціалізації меблевих підприємств. Аналіз впливу сучасного стану виробництва на підвищення ефективності підприємств, що кооперуються.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.08.2015
Размер файла 80,3 K

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The research principles of theoretical argumentation and systems approach are applied to development of problem and determination of index «integral socio-ecology-economic efficiency», that provided validity and objectivity of author scientific suggestions.

It is offered formulas and method of integral index calculation of socio-ecology-economic effect (and according - efficiency) in the conditions of markets for enterprises on making of wooden materials and furniture.

The constituents of integral index and factors that influence on him are certain,. The methods of correlation regressive analysis of factor's influencing on efficiency of cooperation provided simplicity, exactness and objectivity of calculations, that, in same queue, will give possibilities of their application in practical economic work of any enterprise. It is developed algorithms of calculations and graphic spatial model of integral index.

Suggestions that are borne by us, allow to avoid the ambiguousness of cooperation of furniture enterprises expedience estimation and enterprises which make wooden materials. The practical value of dissertation research is determined the address orientation of concrete administrative recommendations for the different levels of management to form their policy with the account of requirements of environment guard.

The researches allowed to make a conclusion, that for achieving high efficiency of production process, in the conditions of market economy, not enough to have a modern technical equipment, instruments and high-quality labour, it is necessary the proper organizational network of communications between producers and users.

Estimation of efficiency of cooperation, which is determined after our method, gives possibilities to develop suggestions and find out the most expedient ways of subsequent improvement of organization forms of production, as the newest management in the conditions of market economy. Principles of estimation of cooperation's efficiency and formalized approach are applied by us can be an instrument for the estimation of enterprises activity taking into account expedience of their work, from the point of view the use of all resources - material, technical, financial, ecological, social.

Keywords: cooperation, efficiency, ecological imperative.

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