Вдосконалення функціонування ринку продукції скотарства (на матеріалах Львівської області)

Економічна оцінка ситуації на ринку продукції скотарства. Аналіз показників економічної ефективності виробництва продукції скотарства та факторів, що впливають на її рівень. Розробка рекомендацій щодо вдосконалення м’ясо-молочного підкомплексу АПК.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 22.07.2014
Размер файла 47,7 K

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Ключевые слова: рынок продукции скотоводства, рыночная конъюнктура, конкурентоспособность, спрос, предложение, рыночная инфраструктура, рыночная среда.


Sholud'ko O.V. Improvement of animal husbandry market functionity (on the materials of Lviv region). - Manuscript.

Thesis for the scientific degree of candidate of economics on the speciality 08.07.02 - Economics of Agriculture and Agribusiness. - Symu national agrarian university, Symu, 2002.

The paper examines theoretical basics and methods of research of animal husbandry market. It made the economic estimation of the present level of animal husbandry development. It made a compound analysis of the acting market of animal husbandry output on the basis of demand and supply examination and estimated the factors forming them. Conjuncture and price forming on the beef and dairy market are researched. Organization of productive and economic relations in beef and dairy sub-complex of agribusiness are learned. Ways of improving functioning of animal husbandry output are grounded. Level of animal's productivity with profitability of animal husbandry output productions is researched. Conceptual basics of beef and dairy sub-complex of agribusiness restructurization are grounded. Recommendations on the partner's economic relations on the market of animal husbandry production and processions are worked out. Perspective parameters of animal husbandry market development are grounded.

Key words: animal husbandry markets, market conjuncture, competitiveness, demand, supply, market infrastructure, market environment.

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