Design of modern clothing based on the transformation of natural sources of inspiration

The characteristic artistic and compositional features of the source of inspiration -dried wild flowers - have been studied and highlighted, and the principles of their use in the design of modern women's clothing collections have been determined.

Рубрика Культура и искусство
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Дата добавления 16.06.2024
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Подобные документы

  • Hobby as regular classes man in his spare time, leisure activities depending on their interests, passions and Hobbies. The passion for reading books, collecting stamps. Passion for modern dancing, cooking and shopping. The cultivation of flowers.

    презентация [2,1 M], добавлен 02.02.2015

  • The role of the Queen in the modern society. The royal prerogatives and functions. The main sources of income. Principal ceremonials connected with royalty. The coronation of the British monarch. Members of the Royal Family. The Ceremony of the Keys.

    реферат [41,6 K], добавлен 09.11.2013

  • Type of clothing few years wear. Hat lights and spangles. Slippers self-propelled. Cloak invisible and with wi-fi. Dress thorhs. The super suspension. Measuring the temperature of the T-shirt. Cap with binoculars and for cooking. Dress of feathers.

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  • The development of painting in the USA. The First American Revolution and the young republic. Landscape, history and marine painting. American Museum of Natural History. National Gallery of Art. Leslie Lohman Gay Art Foundation, the Philips Collection.

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  • Основные движения партнеров в блюзе. Специфика лирического и театрального стилей исполнения джазовых танцев. Характеристика основных элементов Cool, Modern и Weast-Coast. Изучение личных, групповых и командных соревнований по акробатическому рок-н-роллу.

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  • Kazakh national clothes as the best that could create art and talent of craftsmen for centuries. Women's traditional clothes. Hats for women Male Kazakh costume. Kalpak, takyya, borik - men's hats. Tymak - most original headdress for in the winter.

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  • Beliebte Musikgenres derzeit in Russland. Untrennbar aus den Genres der Rockmusik Subkultur: rocker, hippie, punk, metaller, goth, emo. Das Thema und die Inhalte der Lieder, ihre tiefe und philosophische Bedeutung. Russische Musik: Künstler, Gruppen.

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  • Periods of art in Great Britain. Earliest art and medieval, 16th-19th Centuries. Vorticism, pop art, stuckism. Percy Wyndham Lewis, Paul Nash, Billy Childish as famous modern painters. A British comic as a periodical published in the United Kingdom.

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  • The Louvre in Paris as the most unique museum complex, one of the largest in the world. Creating a glass pyramid. Masterpieces of world art. Location in the museum's greatest collections of paintings and masterpieces, sculptures of different epochs.

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  • Renaissance art and culture during the Renaissance. Biography of famous artist and painter Michelangelo. His architectural masterpieces: the sculpture of David, the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. Artistic value Songs 'Creating Adam'.

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  • Pre-cinema inventions. Descriptions of some visual devices which anticipated the appearance of motion-picture camera. The development of cinematography. The problem of genesis of the language of cinema. The ways of organizing theatrical performances.

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