Essential components of the structural-functional system model of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters’ training process

Composition of the structural and functional model of the system for developing the innovative culture of the future manager. Disclosure of the content of the stages of the system of development of innovative culture of future heads of institutions.

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Дата добавления 23.06.2022
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Essential components of the structural-functional system model of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process

Kozlov D.O.,

Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor,

Associate Professor at the Department of Management of Education and Pedagogy of Higher School Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Makarenko

It is noted that the structural-functional system model of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process includes the following blocks: theoretical and methodological block, which reflects the goal - creating the innovative culture system of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process; methodological approaches (systemic, hermeneutic, cybernetic, synergetic, acmeological, axiological, praxiological, culturological, student- centered), principles (polyparadigmality, cultural conformity, digitalization, dynamism and flexibility, humanization, ego). Constructive-technological block - provides disclosure of the stages content of system of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution: (at the first stage the goal was to motivate educational and cognitive activities, the essence of this stage provided an understanding of the content and importance of innovation culture for future professional activity and the desire to master it; the second stage consisted in the formation of skills and abilities of innovative culture (understanding, interpretation, application in practice), the stage content included the accumulation of knowledge and experience, training of relevant skills and their application in management; the third stage demonstrated the possibilities of using known knowledge, skills and abilities to construct a fundamentally new way of solving a management problem; the fourth stage - the formation of worldview, moral and ethical orientations of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution). Control and evaluation block - highlights the criteria, indicators, levels and results of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process. The pedagogical conditions and stages of system realization of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process are outlined.

Key words: innovative culture, innovative culture development, future manager, general secondary educational institution, magister training process, essential components, structural-functional system model.


Зазначено, що до складу структурно-функціональної моделі системи розвитку інноваційної культури майбутнього керівника закладу загальної середньої освіти означено такі блоки: теоретико-методологічний блок, який відображає мету - створення системи розвитку інноваційної культури майбутнього керівника закладу загальної середньої освіти у процесі магістерської підготовки; методологічні підходи (системний, герменевтичний, кібернетичний, синергетичний, акмеологічний, аксіоло- гічний, праксіологічний, культурологічний, студентоцентриський), принципи (поліпа- радигмальності, культуровідповідності, діджиталізації, динамічності та гнучкості, гуманізації, ергономічності). Конструктивно-технологічний блок забезпечує розкриття змісту етапів системи розвитку інноваційної культури майбутніх керівників закладів загальної середньої освіти: на першому етапі метою стало мотивування навчально-пізнавальної діяльності, сутність цього етапу передбачала розуміння змісту та значення інноваційної культури для майбутньої професійної діяльності й бажання оволодіти нею; другий етап полягав у формуванні вмінь та навичок інноваційної культури (розуміння, інтерпретація, застосування на практиці), до змісту етапу закладено накопичення знань і досвіду діяльності, тренування відповідних умінь і навичок і застосування їх в управлінській діяльності; третій етап демонстрував можливості використання відомих знань, умінь і навичок для конструювання принципово нового способу розв'язання управлінської проблеми; четвертий етап - формування світоглядних, морально-етичних орієнтацій майбутнього керівника закладу загальної середньої освіти. Контрольно- оцінний блок висвітлює критерії, показники, рівні та результати розвитку інноваційної культури майбутніх керівників закладів загальної середньої освіти у процесі магістерської підготовки. Окреслено педагогічні умови та етапи реалізації системи розвитку інноваційної культури майбутнього керівника закладу загальної середньої освіти у процесі магістерської підготовки.

Ключові слова: інноваційна культура, розвиток інноваційної культури, майбутній керівник, заклад загальної середньої освіти, процес магістерської підготовки, основні компоненти, структурно-функціональна модель системи.

Formulation of the problem in general and its relation to the important scientific or practical tasks

In the modern period before the system of higher education of Ukraine, which is at the stage of its essential transformation in the globalized society realities of the XXI century, the problem of such educational process organization at higher educational institution (HEI) is urgent. Effective work, professionally mobile and competitive in the labor market future professionals, in particular future managers of the general secondary educational institutions with a high level of innovative management culture.

At the same time, the theoretical analysis of scientific sources shows that the innovative culture development of future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process was not the subject of a special holistic research. innovative culture leader education

The relevance and expediency of the study of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process is determined by the need to overcome the contradictions that arise between: the society objective need and the growing demand for masters of education management, able to effectively carry out professional management activities in the market of changing educational services, and insufficient level of readiness of graduates of the masters' educational program “Education Management” to this activity; new requirements to improve the quality of masters' training in the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution and insufficient development and scientific validity of the system of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process.

Consequently, there is a need for a comprehensive research analysis of essential components of the structural-functional system model of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process.

Analysis of latest researches and publications

The education development as a response to the needs of the information society and the globalization challenges is considered in the works of Ukrainian researchers V. Voronkova, S. Klepko, A. Kravchenko, S.Kutsepal, G. Nikolay, A. Sbrueva, O. Skubashevska and others.

The problem of formation and implementation of innovative culture is presented in the works of foreign scientists A. Asmawi, T. Bakovic, K. Bader, K. Bessant, M.Brettel, E. Duygulu, S. Dobni, N. Kleven, A. Maier, P. McLaughlin, E. Martins, A. Mohan, F. Terblanche, J. Tidd and others.

The basis of the problem study are theoretical concepts of the content and learning process at higher education, which is formulated in the works of domestic scientists V. Andrushchenko, N.Bibik, A. Boyko, V. Bugria, L. Grigorovich, M. Yevtukha, I. Zyazyun, V. Kremen, A. Kuzminsky, V. Kuril, V. Lugovoi, O. Mykhailychenko, N. Nychkalo, O.Ogienko, I. Prokopenko, O. Savchenko, A. Sbrueva, S. Sysoeva, O. Sukhomlynska and others.

Highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem

The problem of training a new type of the future manager, - professional manager, capable of creativity, rapidly and qualitative solving the pedagogical tasks in the professional activity, - becomes of particular significance in the sphere of higher education. A modern future manager must not only have a thorough basic knowledge, but also be an active, creative personality, capable of finding innovative forms and methods of management, as well as making independent intelligent decisions, and so on.

Theoretical analysis on the problem of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process made it possible to establish that the specified construct has been studied by a number of researchers, such as: The innovative culture phenomenon as a general culture component was studied by V. Buyko, B. Lisin, A. Nikolaev, and others. Pedagogical conditions and methods of its formation are considered in the works of V. Avramenko, O. Amatyeva, N. Gavrish, O. Kozlova, R. Milenkova, Y. Sytnyk and others. Peculiarities of professional, pedagogical, psychological and innovative culture are covered in the works of G. Ball, M. Bastun, I. Dychkivska, S. Ivanova, J. Kolominsky, M.Obozov, V. Rybalka, Z. Stanovskykh, O. Starovoit, N.Chepeleva, L. Stefan and others. More recent developments in theory of the innovative culture development have focussed on further developing these perspectives by drawing on the ideas and concepts of philosophers [3; 4; 6]. Parallel to these explorations, there has also been an emerging discussion surrounding ideas of complexity theory [1], critical pragmatism [2], actor network theory [7] and institutional theory [5].

However, the analysis of the above-mentioned studies indicates the need for a comprehensive research analysis of essential components of the structural-functional system model of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondaryeducationalinstitutioninthe masters' training process.

The aim of the article

To characterize the structural-functional system model of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondaryeducationalinstitutioninthe masters' training process and distinguish its essential components.

The statement of basic materials

The structural- functional system model of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution designed in the research is determined by the following characteristics: integrity - the blocks (theoretical-methodological, content-technological, control-evaluation)are interconnected, carrying the appropriate semantic load and workingto achievethe endresult; openness, as it is built into the context of the masters' training system of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution as an additional but independent link; pragmatism, due to the fact that the designed model serves as a means of streamlining the practical actions of teachers and students of the masters' program aimed at the innovative culture development of the future managers of the general secondary educational institution.

The structure of the system model of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution defines the following components: theoretical and methodological block, which reflects the purpose - the system creation of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution; factors, functions and structural components of the innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution, methodological approaches (systemic, hermeneutic, cybernetic, synergetic, acmeological, axiological, praxeological, culturological, student-centered), principles of polyparadigmism, culture, ergonomics); constructive- methodical block - provides disclosure of the stages content of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution (at the first stage - motivational-cognitive - the purpose became motivation of educational and cognitive activity, essence of this stage provides understanding of the content and value of innovative culture for future professional activity). desire to master it, the second stage - professional and practical - was to develop skills and abilities of innovative culture (understanding, interpretation, application in practice), the content of the stage laid the accumulation of knowledge and experience, training of relevant skills and their application in management; the third stage - creative activity - demonstrates the possibility of using known knowledge, skills and abilities to construct a fundamentally new way to solve management problems, the fourth stage - professionally relevant - the formation of worldview, moral and ethical orientations of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution; control and evaluation block - highlights the criteria, indicators, levels and results of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process (see Fig. 1).

The application of methods, system and structural- logical analysis allowed distinguishing the following interrelated factors levels of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution: macro level, which sets the innovative vector of the system as a whole and unites global, political, economic, scientific- technical, axiological and sociocultural components. It was found that the macro level of innovative culture is represented by collective entities that are positive about innovation, within the country geopolitical region, the local community, etc. It is concluded that the global component of macro-level factors of the innovative culture development of the future manager's personality is represented by maximizing the dynamics of innovation development, society's awareness of their global scale and exceptional role in organizing modern civilization dynamics and developing essential models of sustainable innovation development.

The meso-level of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution, which ensures the dissemination of innovations in a particular field, includes the institutional component represented by the system of vocational education, provides the future manager with the necessary competencies (knowledge, understanding, application, analysis and synthesis skills and abilities, ability to value activities, etc.), which are necessary for the implementation of the formed innovative culture in the direct management process of the educational institution.

The micro level of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution provides integration into individual trajectories of personal and professional development.

The use of a number of general scientific methods of systematic, structural and logical analysis allowed distinguishing the innovation culture functions of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution, namely: state-building (influences the development of the state in terms of nature, scope and scale of innovation in the country, society innovative type of development); stimulating and motivational (manifests in the creation of the innovative culture of the competitive environment and the motives system that motivate educational and managerial processes subjects to create and disseminate innovations); axiological (determines the value potential and certifies the civilizational and socio-cultural significance of innovations in the modern world); creative (aimed at creating a new creative product, broadcasting management experience, promoting partnership and leadership in developing a quality management system); cognitive (highlights the ability of the individual to create new knowledge as a result of the presence of the new thinking type); worldview- semantic (provides the ability of the personality of the future educational manager to find his vocation in the professional innovative world, allows to build a continuum of personal attitudes to himself, to others, to the world around him); anthropological (anthropological) (manifests the innovative culture subjects-innovators in the implementation of innovative technologies, the manifestation of creative and intuitive abilities; provides the ability of the individual to adapt to new conditions of the information society); planetary-personal (allows to globally and systematically analyze the state and trends of the world, region and identify key problems and identify ways to solve them), social-stratification (is a key criterion for teachers' stratification, determines the place and status of educational institutions in local and national rankings, his social image and reputation); integrative (ensures the formation of social ties between the innovation subjects in the educational process and ensures the innovation transfer to other areas (technology, politics, education, art)).

Generalization and systematization of a wide range of scientific sources allowed us to state that today there is no unified approach to defining the innovative culture of both the individual and the future manager of the general secondary educational institution. It is proved that the structural components of the innovative culture of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution are as follows: cognitive-practical (methodological-competence and procedural-institutional components), axiological- reflexive (teleological-strategic, axiological- motivational and cognitive-conceptual components) and prognostic (emotional-volitional and creative- heuristic components).

It is argued that the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution is more effective in the following pedagogical conditions: the system creation of teachers' purposeful professional development in the information and developmental educational space of free economic education; pedagogical audit introduction in the activities of higher education; ensuring the monetization of knowledge, skills, abilities and learning technologies; creation of multilevel practical training on the basis of interaction, cooperation and co-creation of higher and secondary educational institutions with the use of virtual learning opportunities.


In conclusion, it's stressed, that the structural-functional system model of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process was characterized and its essential components were highlighted.

The following blocks are defined in the structure of the structural-functional system model of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process: theoretical and methodological block, constructive-technological block, control-evaluation block. The pedagogical conditions and stages of system realization of the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process are outlined.

Further research should be aimed at conceptual foundations of development, structural components and diagnostic tools for the innovative culture development of the future manager of the general secondary educational institution in the masters' training process.


1. Chettiparamb A. Complexity theory and planning: Examining `fractals' for organising policy domains in planning practice. Planning Theory. 2014. 13(1). P 5-25.

2. Forester J. On the theory and practice of critical pragmatism: Deliberative practice and creative negotiations. Planning Theory. 2013. 12(1). P. 5-22.

3. Gunder M. Making planning theory matter: A Lacanian encounter with Phronesis. International Planning Studies. 2010. 15(1). P 37-51.

4. Harris N. (2011) Discipline, surveillance, control: A Foucaultian perspective on the enforcement of planning regulations. Planning Theory & Practice. 2011. 12(1). P. 57-76.

5. Neuman M. The image of the institution: A cognitive theory of institutional change. Journal of the American Planning Association. 2012. 78(2).


6. Purcell M. A new land: Deleuze and Guattari and planning. Planning Theory & Practice. 2013. 14(1). P. 20-38.

7. Rydin Y. Using actor network theory to understand planning practice: Exploring relationships between actants in regulating low-carbon commercial development. Planning Theory. 2012. 12(1). P. 23-45.

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