Conceptual model for the realization of the government protectionist policy for the amateur movie arts’ development in Ukraine

Application of the modeling method in the process of studying the state of implementation of the state protectionist policy of amateur film development in Ukraine. Dissemination of achievements of amateur cinema in the socio-economic sphere of society.

Рубрика Культура и искусство
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 30.11.2020
Размер файла 20,7 K

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Post-Graduate Student of the Department of Public Administration of the

Interregional Academy of Personnel Management

Conceptual model for the realization of the government protectionist policy for the amateur movie arts' development in Ukraine

Lebiedieva Nadiia


In present days, in time of progress, a world, in which the innovative technologies are rapidly developing, where new kinds of art appeared, the educational function takes on the sphere of culture, the world of art, in particular, both professional and amateur. Cinema art is one of the most effective state-owned administrative mechanisms, which will be discussed further. Amateur cinema is a layer of arts, which is mentioned lastly, since professional artistic industries have a greater preference for public administration. Consequently, the problem of improving the conceptual model of the implementation of the state protectionist policy of the development of amateur cinema in Ukraine is of great importance.

A large number of studies by leading Ukrainian scholars are dedicated to the problem of a conceptual models for the realization of the government protectionist policy for the amateur movie arts' development in Ukraine. Each of scientists made a significant contribution to the development of state-management transformations of almost all branches of government. Problems of the essence of scientific models for the realization of state administration and protectionism are devoted to many studies of contemporary Ukrainian scholars such as E. Romanenko, R. Voytovich, L. Melnichuk, E. Ovcharuk, N. Golovach, O. Puhkal and others. All of their scientific works are valuable in developing a state protectionist policy for the field of amateur cinema.

The purpose of the article is to consider a conceptual model for the realization of the government protectionist policy for the amateur movie arts' development in Ukraine, based on the analysis of scientific researches of contemporary Ukrainian scholars.

The author of the article thinks that it is expedient to update the application of the modeling method both in the process of researching the current state of implementation of the state protectionist policy of the development of amateur movie art in Ukraine and in order to predict and plan for the dissemination of the achievements of cinema amateurs in the everyday socio-economic sphere of modern society.

The conclusion has been done that there is a great need to develop national protectionist policy for the amateur movie art in Ukraine and Ukrainian film-works spreading not only within our country, but also in the socio-spiritual and educational sphere of humanity.

Key words: conceptual model, realization, government, protectionist policy, amateur, art, state administration, Ukraine.



Лебєдєва Надія Анатоліївна аспірант кафедри публічного адміністрування

Міжрегіональної Академії управління персоналом

У наш час прогресу, світу, у якому стрімко розвиваються інноваційні технології, де з'явились нові види мистецтва, виховну функцію бере на себе сфера культури, світ мистецтва, зокрема як професійного, так і аматорського. Кіномистецтво стає однім із дієвих державно управлінських механізмів, про що піде мова далі. Аматорське кіномистецтво являє собою той шар мистецтва, про який згадують в останню чергу, оскільки професійні мистецькі галузі мають більшу преференцію державного управління. Отже, проблема вдосконалення концептуальної моделі реалізації державної протекціоністської політики розвитку аматорського кіномистецтва в Україні набуває великого значення. Велика кількість досліджень провідних українських вчених присвячена проблемі концептуальних моделей реалізації державної протекціоністської політики розвитку. Кожен з науковців зробив вагомий внесок у розробки державно-управлінських перетворень майже всіх гілок влади. Проблемам сутності наукових моделей реалізації державного управління та протекціонізму присвячені багато досліджень сучасних українських науковців таких, як Е. Романенко, Р. Войтович, Л. Мельничук, Е. Овчарук, Н. Головач, О. Пухал та інші. Всі наукові роботи є цінними для розробки державної протекціоністської політики в галузі аматорського кіно.

Мета статті - розглянути концептуальну модель реалізації державної протекціоністської політики щодо розвитку аматорського кіномистецтва в Україні на основі аналізу наукових досліджень сучасних українських вчених.

Автор статті вважає, що доцільно оновлювати застосування методу моделювання як у процесі дослідження поточного стану реалізації державної протекціоністської політики розвитку аматорського кіномистецтва в Україні, так і для прогнозування та планування за поширення досягнень аматорського кінематографу в повсякденній соціально-економічній сфері сучасного суспільства.

Дійдено висновку, що виникає потреба розробки державної протекціоністської політики розвитку аматорського кіномистецтва в Україні з метою подальшого розвитку й поширення українських творів не тільки в межах нашої держави, а й соціально-духовно-виховній сфері людства.

Ключові слова: концептуальна модель, реалізація, уряд, протекціоністська політика, аматорство, мистецтво, державне управління, Україна.


Лебедева Надежда Анатольевна аспирант кафедры публичного администрирования

Межрегиональной Академии управления персоналом

В наше время прогресса, мира, в котором стремительно развиваются инновационные технологии, где появились новые виды искусства, воспитательную функцию берет на себя сфера культуры, мир искусства, в частности как профессионального, так и любительского. Киноискусство становится одним из действенных государственно управленческих механизмов, о чем пойдет речь далее. Любительское киноискусство представляет собой тот слой искусства, о котором вспоминают в последнюю очередь, поскольку профессиональные художественные отрасли имеют большую преференцию государственного управления. Итак, проблема совершенствования концептуальной модели реализации государственной протекционистской политики развития любительского киноискусства в Украине приобретает большое значение. Большое количество исследований ведущих украинских ученых посвящена проблеме концептуальных моделей реализации государственной протекционистской политики развития. Каждый из ученых внес весомый вклад в разработки государственно-управленческих преобразований почти всех ветвей власти. Проблемам сущности научных моделей реализации государственного управления и протекционизма посвящены многие исследования современных украинских ученых, таких как: Э. Романенко, Р. Войтович, Л. Мельничук, Е. Овчарук, Н. Головач, А. Пухала и другие. Все научные работы ценны для разработки государственной протекционистской политики в области любительского кино.

Цель статьи - рассмотреть концептуальную модель реализации государственной протекционистской политики по развитию любительского киноискусства в Украине на основе анализа научных исследований современных украинских ученых.

Автор статьи считает, что целесообразно обновлять применения метода моделирования как в процессе исследования текущего состояния реализации государственной протекционистской политики развития любительского киноискусства в Украине, так и для прогнозирования и планирования за распространение достижений любительского кинематографа в повседневной социально-экономической сфере современного общества.

Приведено к выводу, что возникает необходимость разработки государственной протекционистской политики развития любительского киноискусства в Украине с целью дальнейшего развития и распространения украинских произведений не только в пределах нашей страны, но и социально-духовно-воспитательной сфере человечества.

Ключевые слова: концептуальная модель, реализация, правительство, протекционистская политика, любительство, искусство, государственное управление, Украина.

Target setting. Nowadays, in time of progress, a world, in which the innovative technologies are rapidly developing, where new kinds of art appeared, the educational function takes on the sphere of culture, the world of art, in particular, both professional and amateur. Cinema art is one of the most effective state-owned administrative mechanisms, which will be discussed further. Amateur cinema is a layer of arts, which is mentioned lastly, since professional artistic industries have a greater preference for public administration. Consequently, the problem of improving the conceptual model of the implementation of the state protectionist policy of the development of amateur cinema in Ukraine is of great importance.

Analysis of recent research and publications. A large number of studies by leading Ukrainian scholars are dedicated to the problem of a conceptual models for the realization of the government protectionist policy for the amateur movie arts' development in Ukraine. Each of scientists made a significant contribution to the development of state-management transformations of almost all branches of government. Problems of the essence of scientific models for the realization of state administration and protectionism are devoted to many studies of contemporary Ukrainian scholars such as R. Voytovich [2], L. Melnichuk [6], E. Ovcharuk, N. Golovach [7], O. Puhkal [8], and others. All of them are valuable in developing a state protectionist policy for the field of amateur cinema.

The purpose of the article is to consider a conceptual model for the realization of the government protectionist policy for the amateur movie arts' development in Ukraine, based on the analysis of scientific researches of contemporary Ukrainian scholars.

The statement of basic materials. Implementation of the state protectionist policy of amateur movie art development in Ukraine should be considered through the prism of information and communication policy mechanisms. “Information and communication systems of public administration are constantly being modified and improved by acquiring a new quality that leads to a contemporary-optimized modernization of the state as a whole”, well-known Ukrainian scientist E. Romanenko writes [9, p. 73]. The scientist has proved that there is a question about the introduction of appropriate state programs aimed at the formation and development of information and communication support of the public administration system. “Today, in Ukraine, the need is to create appropriate analytical agencies that fundamentally develop the relevant state programs and the main purpose of which, on the one hand, would be the strengthening of communicative interaction between public authorities and the public, and on the other -- within the structures of state authorities” [9, p. 73].

The National Institute of Strategic Studies was created by the decree of the President of Ukraine in 1992. In 2002, this institution was subordinate to the President of Ukraine, which was identified as the basic research institution for the purpose of analytical and forward-looking support. The institute operates the Department of Cultural Security Policy and the Department of Humanitarian Policy. The leading specialist of this department O. Walewski, proposed measures that aimed at implementing the reform of the cultural sphere. According to the scientist, from the very beginning of receiving independence in the sphere of culture and art transformations began to take place. Their accompaniment was the transition to a system of plural society from the authoritarian. The result was that “culture gradually and partially got rid of Soviet-style negative traits” [1]. At the same time, he emphasized the emergence of negative features, which were also established by the public within the framework of the “Culture-2025” initiative. Taking into account this, the author of this scientific article thinks that there is a necessity to create special state agencies that would promote the distribution of works of amateur movie makers both in the informational and economic space.

The author of the article thinks that it is expedient to update the application of the modeling method both in the process of researching the current state of implementation of the state protectionist policy of the development of amateur movie art in Ukraine and in order to predict and plan for the dissemination of the achievements of cinema amateurs in the everyday socio-economic sphere of modern society.

As the Ukrainian researcher O. Lesik marks, “the model is a mean of cognition, the main feature of which is the reflection of reality. The need for the use of modeling in public administration is due to the very nature of this method and, above all, to the fact that it replaces a real object. It is important for objects that are large scale and for which there are limitations in the application of natural experiments, because they relate to human life. The use of the method allows not only to explain already known properties, but also to discover new ones that can significantly affect the practice of management activity” [5, p. 5]. Thus, the construction of the institutional form of optimization of the implementation of the state protectionist policy of the development of amateur cinema in Ukraine will be the result of the modeling process. And the author of this article, in turn, will propose a model of state management of art, using in the synthesis the recommendations of the Institute for Strategic Development and public offerings, set out in the concept “Culture - 2025” [4].

Ukrainian researcher O. Lesyk notes that the presence of two compulsory structural elements is required: the model itself and the prototype. “A prerequisite here is that information about one element allows us to draw conclusions about the other” [5, p. 5].

In view of the scientific research of the Ukrainian scientist, the model of optimization is a model of the state protectionist policy for the development of amateur movie art implementation in Ukraine, and the prototype is the experience of foreign cultural institutions in this field, as well as domestic experience that objectively updates the need for simulation.

If we rely on a detailed study of the public administration definition in general, derived by O. Lesik [5], then we can determine that state administration of amateur movie art as a kind of state activity of the state in a kind of authorities, which are purposeful to the development of the object of management, guaranteeing and while ensuring the rights of citizens. A leading specialist in the sphere of cultural security of the Institute for Strategic Studies O. Walewski has

noted that in our time there is a need to stop negative trends arose in front of the political class. We must begin constructive work in order to create new foundations for the development of the cultural sphere. “The priority should be to create the institutional and legal basis for innovative cultural policy, which means using the latest achievements of the scientific and technical sphere and management activities in the creation and distribution of cultural goods in order to increase the socio-economic potential of our society,” noted the scientist [1].

I believe that the totality of the characteristics of the state protectionist policy of the amateur movie art development in the system of essential, content and educational content make it possible to isolate in the generalized form the components of the state administration system. First, there is a targeted educational component, as a mechanism of influence. There are complex artistic interconnections inside the systems. Creative workers of the amateur artistic sphere can be considered as the whole subject of management, and the object of public administration is the industry and enterprises of amateur movie art. In general O. P. Lesik notes that the concept of “model”, “the model of public administration” is contained in the logical and close relationship between the model and its prototype, that is, in the relation between the actual system of public administration and its model ” [1, p. 7].

Based on the work of the famous Ukrainian scientist Professor Y. O. Romanenko who described the interaction between public authorities and the public, the author of this scientific article thinks that the institutional forms of implementation of the state protectionist policy of amateur movie art development in Ukraine should be supported by communicative relations and the public. They should include:

Institutional creation of structural artistic amateur movie subdivisions (special agencies that will promote informing about new amateur films) in the apparatus of central and local executive authorities on issues of interaction with the public, education and mass media;

subordination to the competence of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine for humanitarian issues in the process of implementation of the state policy in the artistic sphere “taking into account the principles of transparency and openness of the executive authorities, development of communication of power and society” [9, p. 74].

It is difficult not to agree with the leading specialist of the Strategic Studies on Humanitarian Issues' Institute O. Walewski in that democratic institutions will function effectively under conditions of sufficient level of comprehension by subjects of political activity of the interests of society. The main thing in this direction is the result of purposeful cultural activity. “Otherwise, state and public institutions are turning into means of satisfaction of personal and corporate interests. It is necessary to update the well-known thesis that democracy is, first of all, a cultural problem” [1].

In the research of leading Ukrainian scientists' view, there is a significant need for introducing responsibility of the Vice Prime Ministers for humanitarian issues for the state assistance implementation in the development and promotion of amateur movie art, as well as the development of a corresponding plan. Such activities should be regulated by relevant mechanisms of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers.

In the context of the implementation of the state protectionist policy of the amateur movie art development in Ukraine, the issue of cooperation in the field of state communicative politics of Ukraine is being raised, that is, the issue of communicative interaction between state authorities, local self-government bodies, mass media, the public and amateur cinema unions has to be need. I recommend to consider such a need as a communication form of the optimization process and an influential educational model, the mechanisms of which, in turn, are consultations with the public, public examination, and state legal aid. The government, in the form of its executive branch today, takes a distant perception of the activities of amateur movie associations, and it is necessary to involve representatives of civil society, business, management of large economic enterprises in the cultural process [1, p. 3].

As observes in a broader sense, than that given by this article according to E. Romanenko, “there are no general standards of information exchange between the authorities and the public, mechanisms of public control over the activities of the authorities and the organization of the process of explanatory work remain unclear” [9, p. 74]. protectionist amateur film economic

Conclusions. Thus, there is a need to develop a national protectionist policy for the development of amateur movie art in Ukraine in order to further develop and spread Ukrainian works not only within our country, but also in the socio-spiritual and educational sphere of humanity.


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1. Валевський О. Л. Шляхи оптимізації національної культурної політики в Україні

2. Войтович Р. В. Глобалізація та її вплив на систему державного управління: аналіз, проблеми, перспективи. Монографія / Р. В. Войтович. -- Чернівці: Технодрук, 2011. -- 368 с.

3. Загальнодержавна програма розвитку національної кіноіндустрії на 2003-2007 роки «Культура-2025»

4. Лесик О. В. Модель державного управління: сутність поняття, структура, складові частини / О. В. Лесик // Держава та регіони: серія «Державне управління». -- № 2. -- 2017. -- С. 4-10.

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6. Овчарук Е. В., Головач Н. М. Трансформаційні тенденції сучасної культурної політики України у вимірах європейської інтеграції / Е. В. Овчарук, Н. М. Головач // Всеукр.науково-практ. конф. «Національний культурний продукт: історія, теорія і практика», 15 грудня 2016 р. -- Київ, 2016. -- С. 160-163.

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