From the history of the state historical and architectural reserve "Ancient Kyiv"
State historical and architectural reserve "Ancient Kyiv" is unique in terms of intension in percentage terms of monuments in ordinary buildings, number of varieties of objects of cultural heritage, their chronological range, character and value.
Рубрика | Строительство и архитектура |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 16.08.2021 |
Размер файла | 24,4 K |
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A.O. Horkova
The State Historical and Architectural Reserve «Ancient Kyiv» is unique in terms of intension in percentage terms of monuments in ordinary buildings, location, number of varieties of objects of cultural heritage, their chronological range, character, and value. As of 2020, there were about 400 cultural heritage sites within the 175 hectares of the protected area. Today, the history of the Reserve can be formally divided into several periods and, in the context of the developed periodization, based on regulatory documents and factual material, reveal important and significant events in its activities.
Key words: The State Historical and Architectural Reserve «Ancient Kyiv», the Reserve, objects of cultural heritage, monuments, regulatory documents.
architectural reserve cultural monument
Горькова А.О. З історії Державного історико-архітектурного заповідника «Стародавній Київ»
Унікальним за насиченістю у відсотковому відношенні пам'яток до рядової забудови, розташуванням, чисельністю різновидів об'єктів культурної спадщини, їхнім хронологічним діапазоном, характером і цінністю є ДІАЗ «Стародавній Київ». Станом на 2020 р. у межах 175 гектарів заповідної території налічується близько 400 об'єктів культурної спадщини. На сьогодні формально історію Заповідника можна розділити на декілька періодів та в контексті розробленої періодизації на основі нормативно-правових документів і фактологічного матеріалу розкрити найважливіші та знакові події в його діяльності. З кінця 70-х рр. ХХ ст. зародилась ідея створення Заповідника, коли виникла потреба у забезпеченні охорони історико-культурного надбання міського ядра, яке у територіальному визначенні базувалося на результатах тривалих наукових досліджень 1960-1970-х рр.
1990-ті рр. характеризуються інтенсивним розвитком Заповідника. Цей період співпадає з державотворчими процесами в Україні, що мали безпосередній вплив на підвищення інтересу до українських пам'яток та самоідентифікації українського суспільства. Кінець 1990-х рр. ХХ - до сьогодні - період сталого розвитку Заповідника як структурного підрозділу Київського науково-методичного центру по охороні, реставрації та використанню пам'яток історії, культури і заповідних територій. Для продовження планомірної роботи ДІАЗ «Стародавній Київ» потребує ряд важливих заходів з метою налагодження ефективної системи управління та затвердження стратегії його розвитку. Вкрай необхідними є уточнення меж Заповідника, функціонального зонування та режимів використання його території; визначення обсягів і строків проведення ремонтно-реставраційних, консерваційних робіт і пристосування ОКС, благоустрою та упорядження Заповідника; затвердження перспективної програми пам'ятко-охоронних заходів на об'єктах культурної спадщини Заповідника; підготовка пропозицій щодо розвитку туристичної інфраструктури на його території, заходів з популяризації та презентації об'єктів.
Джерельна база складається з міжнародних нормативно-правових актів у сфері охорони культурної спадщини, законів України, постанов Кабінету Міністрів України, наказів і розпоряджень міністерств і відомств. Вони містять глибокий фактологічний матеріал, на основі якого здійснено аналіз стану охорони та збереження пам'яток Заповідника.
Ключові слова: ДІАЗ «Стародавній Київ», об'єкти культурної спадщини, пам'ятки, нормативно-правові документи.
The Reserves are a key element in the development of historical consciousness, an influential factor in the formation of a single Ukrainian national identity and the establishment of unifying values in society. Each of them has its own unique history, each has gained its own experience in solving the complex of protection of monuments and museum questions, different from others in the forms and methods of work. Therefore, the study and systematization of the scientific heritage of the reserves of the city of Kyiv, the generalization and use of advanced experience will allow the development of new approaches to identify, research, preserving, using and popularizing objects of cultural heritage, (hereinafter referred to as the OCH), specify ways to optimize the work of reserves in this direction.
The territory of the State Historical and Architectural Reserve «Ancient Kyiv» (hereinafter - the SHAR «Ancient Kiev»; Reserve) includes powerful archaeological layers with a depth of up to 10-12 m with complex archaeological monuments as national significance («The city of Volodymyr - the detinets of ancient Kyiv with the foundations of The Church of the Tithes» with the components - the remains of the foundations of churches and palaces with settlements), and local significance («Cultural layer of Podil», «Cultural layer of Zamkova hora», «Cultural layer of Dytynka», etc.) [1]. Also, on the territory of the Reserve there is a landscape monument - «Historical landscape of the Kyiv mountains and the valley of the river Dnipro», monuments of urban planning and architecture: the complex of St Pokrovsky Monastery (1888-1898), the complex of the Bratsk Epiphany Monastery and the Kyiv Theological Academy (XVII-XX centuries), the complex of the Lipinski Church (XVII-XX centuries), the complex of the Ascension Florovsky Convent (XVII-XIX centuries), the complex of the Church of Mykoly Naberezhnoho (XVIII-XX centuries). There are a number of special architectural and historical monuments: the Mykola Prytyska Church (1695-1707), the Old Contracts House (1799-1801), the New Contracts House (1815-1817), the Kyiv Theological Seminary, (1899-1901), the Church of Holy Virgin (1766-1772) [2]; monuments to Prince Volodymyr, Magdeburg Law, Ukrainian philosopher and poet G. Skovoroda and others have been installed. In addition to unique complexes and individual monuments of national and local significance, they have just been discovered that will become important tourist and recreational objects in the future.
In our opinion, since the end of 1970, the idea of creating the Reserve was born when the need arises to ensure the protection of the historical and cultural heritage of the urban core, which in its territorial definition was based on the results of long-term scientific research in 1960-1970. 1990 characterized by the intensive development of the Reserve. This period matches with the state processes in Ukraine, which had a direct impact on increasing interest in Ukrainian monuments and the self-identification of Ukrainian society. The end of 1990 of XX - to the present - a period of sustainable development of the reserve as a structural subdivision of the Kyiv Scientific and Methodological Center for the protection, restoration, and use of historical, cultural, and protected areas (hereinafter - KSMC).
The prehistory of the foundation of the Reserve is associated with extensive research work, which preceded 1966 - the approval of the General plan of Kyiv and the draft detailed planning of Podil, when the historical territory of the district received a new status of cultural, educational and tourist territory, the functionality of which was calculated for 1.5-2 million visitors annually. The Ukrainian special scientific and restoration production department of the State Construction Committee of the Ukrainian SSR carried out a historical and cultural inventory of the buildings of Podil, the initiator and customer of which was the Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (hereinafter - USPHCM) [3]. The result was the substantiation of the special status of architectural reserves for the development complexes of the old Podil, as well as the concept of the project of the park-museum «Ancient Kyiv», the authors of which were architects A. Miletskyi, M. Kholostenko, and archaeologists P. Tolochko and M. Braichevskyi.
March 19, 1973, by the decision of the executive committee of the Kyiv City Council of People's Deputies No. 422 «On the creation of archaeological protected areas and architectural reserves, regulation zones and protected landscape zones in Kyiv», separate territories or complexes of monuments were declared architectural reserves, which today are included in the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv»: the estate of the Ascension Florivsky Convent, the estate of the former the Bratsk Epiphany Monastery and the Kyiv Theological Academy; quarter within the boundaries of the street Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska, Naberezhno-Mykilska, Pochainynska and Illinska, as well as Akademika Zelinskoho Street. In particular, according to the project proposal of the Kyivproject institute, a historical and archaeological park-museum «Ancient Kyiv» was created [4]. The following decision of the executive committee of the Kyiv City Council of People's Deputies according to No. 920 of July 16, 1979 «On clarifying the boundaries of historical and cultural reserves and protected zones of historical and cultural monuments city of Kyiv» approved the boundaries of historical and architectural reserves on the territory of Kyiv, their status and regimes of use, clarified by the head office «Kyivproject» with the participation of the Institute of Theory, History and Perspective Problems of Soviet Architecture, the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR and USPHCM [5].
These reserves were created, but in fact, they did not function. The status of reserves under the Law of the USSR and the Law of the Ukrainian SSR «On the Protection and Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments» made it possible to prohibit construction that was not related to the improvement of their territory or the restoration of necessary monuments, and also regulated construction, restoration, earthworks and other works within the reserves, carried out following the regulations on them based on a separate project (with some adjustments, the status and regulations for the use of these territories are confirmed by the order of the Kyiv City State Administration (hereinafter - KCSA) dated 17.05.2002 No. 979) [6].
A few years later, the idea of creating the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv» was realized. On May 18, 1987, the corresponding Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 183 was adopted. According to the Resolution, at the request of the Kyiv City Executive Committee, the Ministry of Culture of the Ukrainian SSR, USPHCM, agreed with the State Planning Committee of the Ukrainian SSR, the State Construction Committee of the Ukrainian SSR, the USSR Ministry of Finance, the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, a complex of monuments within the historical center of Kyiv was declared the State Historical and Architectural Reserve «Ancient Kyiv». The document notes the need to approve its organizational and administrative documentation, including urban planning, which determined the fundamental decisions of development, planning, building, and other use of the reserve territory with the corresponding lists of monuments [7].
The next Decision of the Executive Committee of the Kyiv City Council of People's Deputies No. 976 of October 10, 1988, approved the boundaries of the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv» and measures to ensure its activities. According to the decision, the territory of the reserve was 175 hectares, which included ensembles and complexes of monuments of architecture, urban planning, history and archeology, monumental art of the historical center of Kyiv, including the park-museum «Ancient Kyiv». In total, there were 113 monuments of state and local importance and about 150 newly identified monuments within the limits of the Postal Square on the street Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska to street Verkhnii Val; on the street Verkhnii Val to street Smirnova-Lastochkina (now - Voznesenskyi uzviz); on the street Smirnova-Lastochkina to Kyianivskyi lane; along Kyianivskyi lane to street Velyka Zhytomyrska, on the street Velyka Zhytomyrska to Mykhailivska Square and the funicular; from the funicular to the Postal Square, with the historical territory of the St. Pokrovsky Monastery and the monuments of Volodymyr and Magdeburg Law [8].
According to the approved Regulation, the Reserve became a separate legal entity, a specially authorized body for the protection, use, restoration, and popularization of monuments included in its boundaries, as well as a scientific, cultural, and educational institution subordinate to the Main Department of Culture of the City Executive Committee. The main tasks of the reserve were: ensuring compliance with the regime within the reserve and preserving the unique urban historical environment in the living structure of the city, as well as research, protection, expedient use, and popularization of immovable monuments that were included in its composition. All these tasks were carried out through systematic scientific and technical supervision of all types of construction, restoration, and restoration work on the monuments of the reserve and background buildings, balancing and placing lease agreements on the appropriate monuments, as well as organizing exposition and tourist and excursion work. Thus, the directorate must act in accordance with the general development plan and the program for the complex regeneration of the reserve, within the framework of this work, performing a number of important coordination and control functions. All planning projects for development and reconstruction, decisions on the allotment of land for new construction, for the completion or demolition of existing buildings and structures within the reserve, as well as decisions related to the adaptation and use of monuments, their reconstruction, repair, restoration, improvement of the territory of the reserve must be coordinated by the relevant departments and executive committees of district councils of people's deputies with the Directorate of the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv». The Reserve was financed from budgetary allocations, special funds received for renting buildings on the reserve's balance sheet, conducting excursions, organizing exhibitions, income from workshops, selling printed publications and other cultural and educational services, as well as earmarkings [9].
There is the structure of the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv», approved in 1989, which provides an opportunity to reproduce the dominant directions of its work. Thanks to the efforts of the public asset USPHCM, in particular, its head P.T. Tronko, the first directorate of the Reserve, headed by the director and a famous architect and memorial protector V.A. Sikorskyi made a lot of efforts to develop the Reserve. The structure included an administrative and managerial apparatus; maintenance personnel and research departments and sectors as follows:
- research department for the study of cultural monuments: sector of scientific registration of cultural monuments;
- research department for the use of cultural monuments: exposition sector;
- research department «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy»: sector of the ensemble Chervona Ploscha;
- scientific and coordination department for the protection of cultural monuments: sector of project expertise; sector of protection of monuments;
- scientific and coordination department for the restoration of cultural monuments: economic planning sector, restoration sector;
- the sector of a complete set of repair and restoration works;
- the sector of adaptation of cultural monuments.
Over time, the structure of the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv» changed due to the reduction of some departments and became laconic, each department was responsible for a certain direction of the Reserve's work. For several years of museum, cultural and educational activities of the Reserve, this direction gradually began to narrow, and in 1992, by the decision of the directorate, it was recognized as irrelevant and unpromising, and the fund collection collected over four years of existence (about 10000 museum items) was transferred to the fund Museum of the history of the city of Kyiv.
A year later, dramatic changes took place regarding the status of the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv». By the order of the representative of the President of Ukraine dated January 15, 1993, No. 46, the Reserve, as a monument protection body, was subordinated to the Committee for the Protection and Restoration of Historical, Cultural and Historical Environment Monuments (Department for the Protection of Historical, Cultural and Historical Environment Monuments, according to the order of the Kyiv City State Administration of 28/11/1996 No. 1831 (hereinafter referred to as the Department) [10]. According to the new regulation on the Reserve, its functions were somewhat expanded, it provided for participation in international cooperation [11].
As a result of such an order, in the subordination of the Department, the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv» and the Scientific and Methodological Center for State Registration, Control, and Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Kyiv, which in some areas of work duplicated certain functions, functioned simultaneously. To resolve this issue, as well as to increase the efficiency of activities and unite the efforts of individual organizations in ensuring the protection of the historical and cultural heritage of the city the Kyiv City State Administration, it was decided by order No. 1421 of September 15, 1997, to reorganize the Reserve and the Scientific and Methodological Center for State Registration, Control and Protection of Historical Monuments and culture of the city of Kyiv. The reorganization took place through a merger and the creation on their basis of an institution - the state organization «Kyiv Agency for the Protection, Conservation and Use of Historical, Cultural Monuments and Protected Areas» (the KNMC - according to the Order of the Kyiv City State Administration of 19.03.1988 No. 556) [12], which could set up monuments protection work and control of restoration and construction activities in historic buildings throughout the city.
Thus, the KNMC was created, the sphere of interests of the new institution spread to the entire territory of the city with all the variety of immovable cultural heritage. The main task of the new structure was the practical solution of the problems of protection, use, accounting, and popularization of monuments, as well as the implementation of state policy, international principles for the protection and use of monuments of archeology, history, architecture and art on the territory of the city of Kyiv. According to the regulation approved by the order of the Kyiv City State Administration of December 31, 1999, No. 101, buildings, structures, and monuments located on the territory of the reserve were fixed according to the KNMC [13].
It is known about the further fate of the Reserve that since 1997 it continued to exist as a structural subdivision of the Center with its branches «Peter's House», the Post House, the Museum of History of St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery, and permanent expositions at the address: Andriivskyi uzviz, 5/31. At the same time, the specialization of the departments of the «Ancient Kyiv» reserve, which participated in all areas of the KNMC activity, not only remained unchanged but also intensified.
The beginning of the XXI century made its own adjustments to the life and activities of the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv». During the first decade, a number of legal and regulatory documents were adopted to regulate the status and activities of the reserve.
December 27, 2001, the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv» by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1761 was included in the list of monuments of national importance entered in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine [14].
May 17, 2002, according to Appendix No. 1, «The limits of historical and cultural reserves and zones of protection of historical and cultural monuments on the territory of Kyiv», the order of the Kyiv City State Administration under No. 979 approved the territory of the Reserve [15].
September 25, 2003, the Kyiv Council adopted Decision No. 59/933 to reorganize the KNMC by separating a structural unit - the State Reserve «Ancient Kyiv» and the creation on its basis of the State Historical and Architectural Reserve «Ancient Kyiv» [16]. Before the adoption of the relevant decision in August 2003, the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine, as a government body in the field of cultural heritage protection, addressed a letter to the State Construction Committee of Ukraine, regional and city state administrations, where it emphasized that the activities of the said reserve were complicated by the lack of a clear definition of boundaries, the listed property, legal forms of organization, problems of interaction with local authorities, the uncertainty of the legal status of objects located within it. According to the decree of the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Ukraine, city state administrations were supposed to provide during 2002-2004. Determination of boundaries and regimes of historical areas of settlements, but this program was not implemented. The management, in turn, noted that museum and fund work favored the activities of the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv». In this status, the Reserve functioned for about six months. Taking into account the state policy in the field of cultural heritage protection in terms of the existence of reserves in the infrastructure of historical cities, taking into account the adopted Law of Ukraine «On the protection of cultural heritage», having analyzed the activities of the reserve, as well as the prospects for its existence in the future, the deputies of the Kyiv City Council on May 27, 2004, decided to cancel the decision № 59/933 «On the creation of the state historical and architectural reserve «Ancient Kyiv».
Today, according to the regulation approved by order of the KNMC dated June 16, 2009, No. 38, the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv» is a specially authorized monument protection body within its protected area, a cultural and educational institution in the structure of the KNMC. The structure of the Reserve consists of a directorate and subsequent departments: department for the study of monuments; department of funds; exposition preparation department; department of a protected area; department of museums; department of revalorization. Over the past 10 years, the SHAR was headed by architects and protectors of memorials I.P. Melnikov, V.M. Sobtsov, S.M. Gruzdo, and others. The work of the Reserve was carried out in the following directions:
1. Research activities in the field of studying and accounting for the immovable object of cultural heritage (OCH) in the protected area.
2. Protection of immovable OCH in the protected area, monitoring of their condition and use, implementation of measures for their revalorization and rehabilitation.
3. Scientific fund, research, and restoration activities.
4. Cultural and educational activities.
Summarizing the above information, we can state that in order to continue systematic work, the SHAR «Ancient Kyiv» requires a number of important measures in order to establish an effective management system and approve its development strategy. It is imperative to clarify the boundaries of the reserve, functional zoning and regimes of use of its territory; determination of the scope and timing of repair and restoration, conservation work and adaptation of the OCH, landscaping, and arrangement of the reserve; approval of a promising program for the protection of monuments and activities at the objects of the cultural heritage of the reserve; preparation of proposals for the development of tourist infrastructure on the territory of the reserve, activities for the promotion and presentation of its objects.
1. Sahaidak, M.A. (2003). Podil [Podil]. Zvidpamiatok istorii ta kultury Ukrainy: entsykloped. vyd. u 28 t. Kn. 1: Kyiv. Ch. 2: M-S. holov. red. V. Smolii; NAN Ukrainy, In-t istorii Ukrainy [ta in.]. Kyiv: Holov. red. Zvodu pamiatok istorii ta kultury pry vyd-vi «Ukr. entsyklopediia» imeni M.P. Bazhana, p. 906-907. [in Ukrainian].
2. Sherotskyi, K.V. (1917). Podol [Podol]. Kyev. Putevodytel. (p. 128-200). Kyev: typohrafyia S. Kulzhenko [in Russian].
3. Zaremba, S.Z. (1998). Ukrainske tovarystvo okhoronypamiatok istorii ta kultury: istorychnyi narys [Ukrainian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments: historical essay.] Kyiv. Lohos. [in Ukrainian].
4. Rishennia vykonavchoho komitetu kyivskoi miskoi rady narodnykh deputativ (19 bereznia 1973) № 422 Pro stvorennia v m. Kyievi arkheolohichnykh zapovidnykhzon i arkhitekturnykhzapovidnykiv,zon rehuliuvannia tazon okhoronno- ho landshaftu. [in Ukrainian].
5. Rishennia vykonavchoho komitetu kyivskoi miskoi rady narodnykh deputativ (16 lypnia 1979) № 920 Pro utochnennia mezh istoryko-kulturnykh zapovidnykiv i okhoronnykh zon pamiatok istorii ta kultury v m. Kyievi. [in Ukrainian].
6. Rozporiadzhennia Kyivskoi miskoi derzhavnoi administratsii (17 travnia 2002) № 979 Pro vnesennia zmin ta dopovnen do rishennia vykonkomu Kyivskoi miskoi Rady narodnykh deputativ vid 16.07.1979 № 920 Pro utochnennia mezh istoryko-kulturnykh zapovidnykiv i okhoronnykh zon pamiatok istorii ta kultury v m. Kyievi. [in Ukrainian].
7. Postanova Rady Ministriv URSR (18 travnia 1987) № 183 Pro oholoshennia kompleksu pamiatok istorychnoho tsentru m. Kyieva derzhavnym istoryko-arkhitekturnym zapovidnykom «StarodavniiKyiv». [in Ukrainian].
8. Rishennia vykonavchoho komitetu kyivskoi miskoi rady narodnykh deputativ (10 zhovtnia 1988) № 976 Pro zatverdzhennia mezh derzhavnoho istoryko-arkhitekturnoho zapovidnyka «Starodavnii Kyiv» ta zakhody po zabezpechenniu yoho diialnosti. [in Ukrainian].
9. Polozhennia pro Derzhavnyi istoryko-arkhitekturnyi zapovidnyk «Starodavnii Kyiv». Dodatok do rishennia vykonkomu miskrady (10 zhovtnia 1988) № 976. [in Ukrainian].
10. Rozporiadzhennia Kyivskoi miskoi derzhavnoi administratsii (28 lystopada 1996) № 1831 Pro zatverdzhennia Tymchasovoho polozhennia pro upravlinnia okhorony pamiatok istorii, kultury ta istorychnoho seredovyshcha. [in Ukrainian].
11. Polozhennia pro Derzhavnyi istoryko-arkhitekturnyi zapovidnyk «Starodavnii Kyiv» (1996). Kyiv. [in Ukrainian].
12. Rozporiadzhennia Kyivskoi miskoi derzhavnoi administratsii (19 bereznia 1988) № 556 Pro vnesennia zmin do rozporiadzhennia KMDA vid 15.12.1998 № 2018». [in Ukrainian].
13. Nakaz Holovnoho upravlinnia komunalnoi vlasnosti m. Kyieva (31 hrudnia 1999) № 101 Pro zakriplennia maina za Kyivskym naukovo-metodychnym tsentrom po okhoroni, restavratsii ta vykorystanniupamiatok istorii, kultury i zapovidnykh terytorii. [in Ukrainian].
14. Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy (27 hrudnia 2001) № 1761 Pro zanesennia pamiatok istorii, monumentalnoho mystetstva ta arkheolohii natsionalnoho znachennia do Derzhavnoho reiestru nerukhomykh pamiatok Ukrainy. [in Ukrainian].
15. Rozporiadzhennia Kyivskoi miskoi derzhavnoi administratsii (17 travnia 2002) № 979 Pro vnesennia zmin ta dopovnen do rishennia Vykonkomu Kyivskoi miskoi Rady narodnykh deputativ vid 16.07.79 № 920 «Pro utochnennia mezh istoryko-kulturnykh zapovidnykiv i zon okhorony pamiatok istorii kultury v m. Kyievi». [in Ukrainian].
16. Rishennia Kyivskoi miskoi rady (25.09.2003) № 59/933 Pro stvorennia derzhavnoho istoryko-arkhitekturnoho zapovidnyka «Starodavnii Kyiv». [in Ukrainian].
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курсовая работа [44,9 K], добавлен 12.10.2009Music in ancient times, iconography in music. Ancient Chinese music and Imperial Office of Music. The Hurrian Hymn to Nikal in the ancient Hurrian language. Ancient Hebrew music, Greek music, Western Music. Styles and tendencies of 20th century music.
контрольная работа [15,6 K], добавлен 18.07.2009Ireland is a land of ancient castles, sheep, traditional pubs, mountains, rocks, ocean and sandy beaches, a unique and beautiful combination of ancient and modern. The country of eternal spring. The National Flag of Northern Ireland, the State Emblem.
презентация [14,9 M], добавлен 25.01.2012Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine and one of the biggest cities in Europe. St. Sophia Cathedral. Mariyinsky Palace. Andriyivsky Uzviz (Andriyivsky Descent). Ukraine Kyiv Funicular. Horodetskyi Building. Volodymyr Cathedral. Khreschatyk - the main street in Ky
реферат [7,3 K], добавлен 26.03.2007Description of the Golden Ring of Russia as a group of tourist routes through the ancient Russian city. Historical facts and architectural attractions of Vladimir, Suzdal, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Sergiev Posad, Yaroslavl, Pereslavl, Rostov (Yaroslavl region).
реферат [55,2 K], добавлен 13.01.2016