Development and validation of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for detection of leptospir genetic material
Calculation and insitu and invitro analysis of five primer sets. Indicators of analytical sensitivity, detection limits of the method, specificity of the method in testing it with homologous and taxonomically similar selected heterologous samples.
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Development and validation of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for detection of leptospir genetic material
Korobka A.I.
Arefiev V.L.
Primer systems were designed and tested and the method of loop-mediated isothermal amplification was validated for rapid diagnosis of leptospirosis. In general, five sets of primers were calculated and analyzed in situ and in vitro, which were ordered for synthesis and chosen for the future as the most promising. Indicators of analytical sensitivity and detection limits of the method were established, the specificity of the method in its tests with homologous and close to taxonomic characteristics heterologous samples of genetic material was proved and completed reproducibility of the method was established under the conditions of its staging on various laboratory equipment and with reagents from different manufacturers. The developed technique of loop-mediated amplification for the diagnosis of leptospirosis was tested on field samples and its diagnostic effectiveness was established.
Key words: DNA, leptospirosis, loop-mediated isothermal amplification, primer system
Розроблення та валідація петлевої ізотермальної ампліфікації (LAMP) для детекції генетичного матеріалу лептоспір
Коробка А.І., Ареф'єв В.Л.
Національний науковий центр «Інститут експериментальної і клінічної ветеринарної медицини», Харків, Україна;
Державний науково-контрольний інститут біотехнології і штамів мікроорганізмів, Київ, Україна;
Сконструйовано та випробувано праймерні системи та проведено валідацію методики ізотермальної петлевої ампліфікації для експрес діагностики лептоспірозу. Загалом розраховано та проаналізовано insituта invitroп'яти сетів праймерів, що були замовлено для синтезу та обрано для подальших найбільш перспективні. Встановлено показники аналітичної чутливості, межі детекції методики, доведено специфічність методики у випробуваннях її з гомологічними та близькими за таксономічними характеристиками гетерологічними зразками генетичного матеріалу, встановлена повна відтворюваність методики за умов її постановки на різному лабораторному обладнанні та з реагентами різних виробників. Розроблена методика петелевої ампліфікації для діагностики лептоспірозу випробувана на польових зразках та встановлена її діагностична ефективність.
Ключові слова: ДНК, лептоспіроз, петлева ізотермальна ампліфікація, система праймерів
Main part
Leptospirosis is considered one of the most common natural-focal zoonotic infections of wild, domestic animals and humans (Bharti et al., 2003). Clinical leptospirosis is common in dogs that can excrete leptospira with the urine in the absence of signs of disease.
Laboratory diagnostics of leptospirosis are based on outdated and complicated diagnostic methods (MAT, microscopy in the dark field). In addition to serological methods of research, methods of molecular biology have recently been used - polymerase chain reaction in the classical version and in real-time. These methods have great practicality in routine work, because bacteriological studies in leptospirosis, particularly the isolation of pure culture from field material, are problematic and timeconsuming.
The leptospirosis control system requires today additional express methods of laboratory diagnostics. One such area is the establishment of test systems based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) (Tsugunori et al., 2000). This method allows to identify the DNA of leptospirosis pathogens more effectively than PCR diagnostics, and does not require special expensive equipment. First of all, LAMP continues at a constant temperature mode, so only any simple device that can maintain a constant temperature is needed to implement it - a thermostat, a water bath, etc. The results can be obtained with the field condition using portable ultraviolet radiation detectors. The main advantage of this method is higher sensitivity and specificity compared to traditional methods of molecular genetic studies.
Today, in Ukraine there is an urgent need for a comprehensive study of the leptospirosis problem, which should consist of seromonitoring, the establishment of serological groups of pathogens that circulate in different regions, and it is also necessary to present new more effective systems for rapid diagnosis of leptospirosis to improve the effectiveness of surveillance for these diseases.
The main purpose is to develop and validate loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of leptospira DNA in clinical material samples.
Material and methods. The PUBMED site was used to generate databases about sequences. Nucleotide sequences were stored in FASTA format. PrimerExplorer V5 ( was used to calculate the appropriate primers. Validation of the isothermal amplification method was carried out according to the standard scheme, which consists of determining the following indicators:
Analytical sensitivity - determine the minimum concentration of the DNA matrix in the sample that the test system can identify.
Specificity - determine the ability to exactly and selectively detect a certain substance in the presence of components that may occur in the DNA matrix (impurities, similar chemical compounds).
Limit of detection - using a DNA sample of known concentration, a value was determined close to analytical sensitivity that the test system can identify and 10 samples of each dilution are tested. The experiment was repeated twice on different days to determine the limit of detection - the minimum concentration of the pathogen, which gives at least 95% of positive results (at least 29 out of 30).
Evaluation of reproducibility - reproduced the method under different conditions, on different equipment and using reagents from different manufacturers. To determine the diagnostic effectiveness, positive and negative field DNA samples were isolated from the dog's urine that were selected during the expedition trips. A total of 1,025 DNA samples were tested.
Results. According to the literature data for the construction of oligonucleotide sequences for conducting PCR, the most promising leptospira genes are flaB, ompLI, lipL25, ligA, ligB, lipL32, lipL41 та16S ribosomal RNA (rrs) (Gentilini et al, 2017; Hsu et al., 20l7; Chen et al., 2015; Suwancharoen et al, 2016). These genes are highly conserved within the species Leptospira interrogans, allowing them to be used to design specific primers. To do this, the sequences of these genes were loaded from the GenBank database for the next multiple sequence alignment using the BioEdit program to determine the relevant regions. Thus, the base of nucleotide sequences of the genes was formed such as LipL32 (n = 58), LipL41 (n = 54), rrs (n = 69), ompL1 (n = 48), flaB (n = 47). When processing other genes, it turned out that their length does not comply with the requirements that are applied when developing primers for conducting LAMP.
At the next stage, the selected genes were investigated to search for conservative regions and selection within appropriate sites for calculating primers. Thus, within the rrs gene, 4 regions were selected, and LipL32, LipL41, ompL1, flaB - three. At the same time, it turned out that reverse primers were impossible to select because of the short distances between such regions in the flaB and ompL genes.
To calculate primers within LipL32/LipL41 genes and their sequence was analyzed using the PrimerExplorer V5 online resource (fig. 1).
A panel of positive control DNA samples was manufactured for the investigation. To do this, 14 - day leptospira cultures of the diagnostic line (13 serogroups) were cultivated. To increase the purity of the samples, and to get rid of the nutrient medium components, they were washed three times in saline solution by centrifugation and dilution of the precipitate. At each washing step, the presence of live leptospira was monitored by dark-field microscopy. Further, DNA was isolated from the obtained pure leptospira samples by sorbent sorption using the commercial kit of the QIAGEN campaign. The concentration of the obtained DNA was measured on a NanoDrop spectrophotometer, and the obtained data were fixed for further calculations of validation parameters (Table 1).
Figure 1. Selection of primer sequences to develop a method for detecting leptospira genetic material based on LAMP
According to the results of bioinformatic calculations, the following primary systems were selected for synthesis, the list of which consisted of five sets:
Set 1:
¦ One Health Journal. 2024. Vol. 2. №2
Set 2:
Set 3:
Set 4:
Set 5:
Table 1. Primary concentration leptospiral DNA after isolation
№ |
Serological group of leptospirosis |
DNAconcentration ng/pl |
Purity of DNA (ratio of optical density over wavelength 280/240) |
1 |
L. Icterohaemorrhagiae |
4,67 |
1,96 |
2 |
L. Canicola |
5,66 |
1,70 |
3 |
L. Pomona |
3,46 |
2,75 |
4 |
L. Grippotyphosa |
1,87 |
2,40 |
5 |
L. Bataviae |
1,99 |
1,47 |
6 |
L. Hebdomadis |
3,06 |
1,88 |
7 |
L. Tarassovi |
5,03 |
1,66 |
8 |
L. Australis |
9,51 |
1,67 |
9 |
L. Autumnalis |
6,78 |
1,41 |
10 |
L. Javanica |
5,10 |
1,47 |
11 |
L. Ballum |
4,63 |
1,46 |
12 |
L. Pirogenes |
8,21 |
1,54 |
13 |
L. Cynopteri |
5,73 |
1,52 |
Each DNA sample was tested for the presence of LipL32 gene using classical PCR to determine the suitability of control samples for use in experiments. As a result of conducted tests, the presence of LipL32 gene was confirmed in all 13 samples of leptospira DNA (fig. 2).
Figure 2. Electropherogram with test results of DNA samples obtained from 13 leptospira diagnostic line for the presence of LipL32 gene using classical PCR
Notice: М - molecular weight indicator; track 1 - L. Icterohaemorrhagiae; track 2 - L. Canicola: track 3 - L. Pomona; track 4 - L. Grippotyphosa; track 5 - L. Bataviae; track 6 - L. Hebdomadis track 7 - L. Tarassovi; track 8 - L. Australis; track 9 - L. Autumnalis; track 10 - L. Javanica; track 11 - L. Ballum; track 12 - L. Pirogenes; track 13 - L. Cynopteri; К - negative control.
Further, different variants of primer systems of five sets were tested separately, according to the standard LAMP protocol, without making additional adjustments. The composition of the reaction mixture for one reaction was as follows: H2O - 6,75 pl; reaction buffer - 2,5 pL; MgSO4 - 1 pl; Betaine - 1 pl; dNTPs - 1,5 pl; primers - 6 * (1 pl); Bst polymerase - 1,25 pl. Amplification mode 60 min at 60° C.
The first experiment was conducted with L. Icterohaemorrhagiae DNA according to the above protocol. Recording of amplification was conducted by electrophoresis in agarose gel, and, in parallel, the presence of fluorescence in ultraviolet light rays of the transilluminator in the reaction tubes themselves was controlled for which the amplification product was stained with ethidium bromide solution. During the test, it was established that amplification occurred with primers of sets №1, №2, №3, №4. With primers of set №5, the formation of amplification products was almost not observed (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Electropherogram of accounting for loop amplification results with primers of sets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (track numbers correspond to set number)
The same result was observed during fluorescence control in the reaction tubes. Fluorescence was ascertained in samples №1-4 (fig. 4).
Figure 4. Accounting for loop amplification results by detecting luminescence in UV light with primers of sets 1,2, 3, 4, 5 (track numbers correspond to the set number)
According to the results of these tests, a primer system from set №3 was choosen for further work, for which a reaction was carried out with control DNA samples of leptospires of the whole diagnostic line. A total of 13 reactions were carried out. Setting tests were made in two stages. At the first stage, leptospira DNA samples with sequence numbers 1 -6 were tested, which corresponded to serological groups L. Icterohaemorrhagiae, L. Canicola, L. Pomona, L. Grippotyphosa, L. Bataviae, L. Hebdomadis. Under the second step of the test, LAMP with leptospira DNA samples with sequence numbers 7-13 was investigated, which corresponded to the serological groups L. Tarassovi, L. Australis, L. Autumnalis, L. Javanica, L. Ballum, L. Pirogenes, L. Cynopteri (fig. 5).
The presented electropherograms in Figure 4 show that the formation of amplification products was observed with all positive samples of the leptospira diagnostic line.
Figure 5. Electropherogram of loop-mediated isothermal amplification results with DNA samples of the 13th leptospira diagnostic line (primers of set №3)
Notice: М - molecular weight indicator; track 1 - L. Icterohaemorrhagiae; track 2 - L. Canicola; track 3 - L. Pomona; track 4 - L. Grippotyphosa; track 5 - L. Bataviae; track 6 - L. Hebdomadis; track 7 - L. Tarassovi; track 8 - L. Australis; track 9 - L. Autumnalis; track 10 - L. Javanica; track 11 - L. Ballum; track 12 - L. Pirogenes; track 13 - L. Cynopteri; К - negative control.
Determination of LAMP specificity. To establish the specificity of the method, a panel was made of positive samples of biological material that contained the DNA of pathogens of bacterial infections, which was established during molecular diagnostic investigations with frozen storage at a temperature of -70° C. A part of the panel included five samples, three of which had taxonomic proximity to leptospira and belonged to the same order Spirochaetales: causative agents of dysentery (Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Brachyspira pilosicoli), whose
DNA was found in pig fecal samples, the pathogen of Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi), whose DNA was previously found in dog blood. In addition, the panel included such random pathogens of bacterial infections as Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Salmonella Enteritidas, DNA from which was obtained for the experiment from the cultures of museum strains. Before conducting investigations of the specific method, all control samples were tested for the presence of genetic material of the relevant pathogens using classic PCR. The following primer systems were used for this purpose (Table 2).
Table 2. Primer systems and sizes of generated PCR products for DNA identification of heterologous infectious pathogens that were used to test the specificity of the method
№ |
Name of pathogen |
Name of primer |
PCR-product length (bp) |
1 |
Salmonella Enteritidis |
SALM 3 |
387 |
SALM 4 |
2 |
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae |
F1 |
400-500 |
R1 |
3 |
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae |
H1 |
354 |
H2 |
4 |
Brachyspira pilosicoli |
P1 |
823 |
P2 |
5 |
Borrelia burgdorferi |
BOR-com_F |
255 |
BOR-com_R |
As a result of the tests performed, the presence of appropriate genetic material in the samples for the specificity test was confirmed (fig. 6).
Figure 6. Electropherogram of the results of testing heterologous control samples to determine the specificity of the LAMP method
Notice: Track №1 - Salmonella Enteritidis; Track №2 - Mycoplasma hyopneumonia; Track №3 - Brachyspira hyodysenteriae; Track №4 - Brachyspira pilosicoli; Track №5 - Borrelia burgdorferi
The next stage of research was the setting of loop amplification with primers of set №3. Accordingly, as a positive control sample, it was used DNA obtained from L. Icterohaemorrhagiae (track №1), Salmonella Enteritidis (track №2) Mycoplasma hyopneumonia (track №3), Brachyspira hyodysenteriae (track №4) Brachyspira pilosicoli (track №5), Borrelia burgdorferi (track №6). Test system specificity results are presented in electropherogram (fig. 7).
Figure 7. Electropherogram of LAMP results with heterologous control samples Notice: L. Icterohaemorrhagiae (track №1), Salmonella Enteritidis (track №2) Mycoplasma hyopneumonia (track №3) Brachyspira hyodysenteriae (track №4) Brachyspira pilosicoli (track №5) Borrelia burgdorferi (track №6); М - molecular weight indicator
As can be seen from the presented electropherogram, amplification occurred only in a sample that had leptospira DNA, and other control samples had no amplification.
Determining the sensitivity of the method. A test panel of ten 10-fold dilutions of L. Icterohaemorrhagiae DNA. According to the primary concentration determined by the spectrophotometer 4,67 ng/pL, the concentration in the test samples was calculated.
Preparation of samples for conduction amplification was performed in reverse sequence, starting from lowest concentration to highest concentration. Accordingly, track №1 (sample №10); track №2 (sample №9); track №3 (sample №8); track №4 (sample №7); track №5 (sample №6); track №6 (sample №5); track №7 (sample №4); track №8 (sample №3); track №9 (sample №2); track №10 (sample №1), which is shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Procedure for dilution of control samples and calculated leptospira DNA concentration for sensitivity determination of LAMP method
№ |
Fold dilution of DNA |
DNA concentration |
1 |
1:10 |
0,467 ng/pL |
2 |
1:100 |
46,7 pg/pL |
3 |
1:1000 |
4,67 pg/pL |
4 |
1:10000 |
0,467 pg/pL |
5 |
1:100000 |
46,7 fg/pL |
6 |
1:1000000 |
4,67 fg/pL |
7 |
1:10000000 |
0,467 fg/pL |
8 |
1:100000000 |
46,7 ag/pL |
9 |
1:1000000000 |
4,67 ag/pL |
10 |
1:10000000000 |
0,467 ag/pL |
The results of the system sensitivity test are presented in the electropherogram. As can be seen in Figure 7, the primary weak development of amplification products can be observed in track №4, which corresponded to sample №7 (dilution 1:10000000, DNA concentration 0,467 fg/pL). The first clear production of amplification products was recorded in track №5 (sample №6, dilution 1: 1,000,000, DNA concentration 4,67 fg/pL). This indicator was taken as the analytical sensitivity of the method (fig. 8).
primer taxonomic heterologous
Figure 8. Electropherogram results of the method sensitivity determination
Notice: track №1 (sample №10); track №2 (sample №9); track №3 (sample №8); track №4 (sample №7); track №5 (sample №6); track №6 (sample №5); track №7 (sample №4); track №8 (sample №3); track №9 (sample №2); track №10 (sample №1)
Set the method detection limit. After determining the analytical sensitivity indicators, an experiment was conducted to establish the detection limit. To do this, LAMP was placed with samples having similar values of DNA matrix concentrations to the analytical sensitivity indicator. Samples were collected with concentrations 46.7 fg/pL (dilution 1: 100000) and 0.467 pg/pL (dilution 1:10000). After testing 10 samples in three replicates of each dilution, the limit of detection of the test system was set at 46.7 fg/pL (dilution 1:100,000) - 100% of the control samples showed a positive result.
Also, the method showed complete reproducibility when tested with different reagents (three sets of reagents manufactured in China, USA and Germany were used). In addition, various amplification devices were used: BioMetra amplifier, Tertsyk, open solid state thermostat and water bath. The method was reproduced in all tests.
Control of leptospirosis requires the development of new effective means of laboratory rapid diagnosis. Today, the main tool of specialized laboratories is serological studies in microagglutination reactions, for which it is necessary to have live antigens and appropriate conditions. We have proposed and validated a method for rapid diagnosis of leptospirosis based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), as a result of which the most effective primer systems of set №3 were selected, also the analytical sensitivity of the method was determined, which showed the ability to detect leptospira DNA at a concentration of 4.67 fg/pL. The detection limit of the method was determined at 0.467 pg/pL. The specificity of the method has been proved in relation only to the genetic material of pathogenic leptospirs. Full reproducibility is established using reagents for LAMP from different manufacturers and reaction staging on different types of equipment.
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