Collemopsidium kostikovii sp. nov. (Collemopsidales, Xanthopyrenaceae), a new algicolous fungus on terricolous Nostoc crust from Ukraine

Description of algicolous fungi Collemopsidium kostikovii, its special characteristics. Narrow outlet, association with soil cyanobacteria - as the main difference between a new species of mushroom from C. Iocarpum, the similarity of their structure.

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doi: 10.15407/ukrbotj74.05.431

Collemopsidium kostikovii sp. nov. (Collemopsidales, Xanthopyrenaceae), a new algicolous fungus on terricolous Nostoc crust from Ukraine

Olexander Ye. Khodosovtsev1, Valeriy V. Darmostuk1'2

1Kherson State University

27, Universytetska Str., Kherson 73000, Ukraine

2 Nyzhniodniprovskyi National Nature Park 18, Petrenka Str., Kherson 73000, Ukraine


Khodosovtsev O.Ye., Darmostuk V.V. Collemopsidium kostikovii sp. nov. (Collemopsidales, Xanthopyrenaceae), a new algicolous fungus on terricolous Nostoc crust from Ukraine. Ukr. Bot. J., 2017, 74(5): 431-434.

Collemopsidium kostikovii Khodos. & Darmostuk sp. nov. (Collemopsidales, Xanthopyrenaceae) is described as a new for science species of algicolous fungi. The new species is characterized by pseudothecia fully immersed in algal crust, (80-)90-170(-200) pm wide, not widening ostiole, 10-20 pm diam., 8-spored asci and 1-septate hyaline ascospores, (14.8-)16- 19.6(-23) x (6.3-)6.4-7.8(-9.0) pm. It is morphologically similar to C. iocarpum, but differs by its not widening ostiole and association with terricolous cyanobacterial crust with dominant Nostoc muscorum.

Keywords: Nostoc, Pyrenocollema, saline soil, Poltava Region


Collemopsidium kostikovii sp. nov. (Collemopsidales, Xanthopyrenaceae) - новий вид альгофільних грибів на епігейній кірці Nostoc з України.

Ходосовцев О.Є.1, Дармостук В.В.1, 2

Укр. бот. журн., 2017, 74(5): 431-434. Херсонський державний університет вул. Університетська, 27, Херсон 73000, Україна Національний природний парк «Нижньодніпровський» вул. Петренка, 18, Херсон 73000, Україна

Уперше для науки описано альгофільний гриб Collemopsidium kostikovii Khodos. & Darmostuk sp. nov. (Collemopsidales, Xanthopyrenaceae). Він характеризується псевдотеціями (80-)90-170 (-200) цш у діам., які повністю занурені у водоростеву кірку, не розширеною остіолярною частиною 10-20 цш у діам., 8-споровими сумками та двоклітинними безбарвними аскоспорами, (14,8-)16-19,6(-23) х (6,3-)6,4-7,8 (-9,0) цш. Новий вид морфологічно подібний до C. iocarpum, але відрізняється вузьким вивідним отвором та асоціацією з ґрунтовими ціанобактеріями Nostoc mus- corum.

Ключові слова: Nostoc, Pyrenocollema, солончаки, Полтавська область


Collemopsidium kostikovii sp. nov. (Collemopsidales, Xanthopyrenaceae) - новый вид альгофильных грибов на эпигейной корке Nostoc из Украины.

Ходосовцев А.Е.1, Дармостук В.В.1, 2

Укр. бот. журн., 2017, 74(5): 431-434. Херсонский государственный университет ул. Университетская, 27, Херсон 73000, Украина Национальный природный парк «Нижнеднепровський» ул. Петренко, 18, Херсон 73000, Украина

Впервые для науки описан альгофильный гриб ^llemopsidium kostikovii Khodos. & Darmostuk sp. nov. (Collemopsidales, Xanthopyrenaceae).

Он характеризуется углублёнными в водорослевою корку псевдотециями (80-)90-170 (-200) цш в диам., не расширенной остиолярной частью 10-20 цш в диам., 8-споровыми сумками и двухклеточными бесцветными аскоспорами, (14,8-)16-19,6(-23) х (6,3-)6,4-7,8(-9,0) цш. Новый вид морфологически близок к С. iocarpum, однако отличается узким выводным отверстием и ассоциацией с почвенными цианобактериями Nostoc muscorum.

Ключевые слова: Nostoc, Pyrenocollema, солончаки, Полтавская область


Collemopsidium Nyl. (Xanthopyrenaceae) is a paraphyletic genus within the recently described order Collemopsidales (Perez-Ortega et al., 2016) characterized by pseudothecia with fissitunicate asci, paraphysoids, pale lower part of the ascomatal walls, two-celled hyaline ascospores and association with various genera of cyanobacteria, and rarely with green algae. Most of its species grow within colonial algal crusts, e.g. Collemopsidium iocarpum in terrestrial Xanthocapsa (Grube, 2005), C. chlorococcom in terrestrial chlorococcoid green algae (Aptroot, Boom, 1998), or on seaweed branches, e.g. C. pelvetiae on marine Pelvetia (Kohlmeyer et al., 2004). This association is named as «borderline lichens» (Kohlmeyer et al., 2004); however, we prefer the term «algicolous» fungi (Brackel, 2015), According to recent studies (Perez-Ortega et al., 2016), the molecular marine clade of Collemopsidium must be separated in a different genus. Poorly known terrestrial species, including Collemopsidium iocarpum (type species of the genus), form association with different genera of saxicolous or terricolous cyanobacteria, but not with Nostoc. Recently, we collected Nostoc films with some unknown Collemopsidium, which is described here as a species new for science.

Materials and methods.

Specimens were examined using standard light microscopy techniques with LOMO microscopes (MBS-1, Micromed-2). Microscopical examination was done in water, 10% KOH (K), Lugol's iodine, directly (I) or after KOH pretreatment (K/I). We measured its in water to 0.25 pm accuracy for ascospores, asci and ascomatal cells, and to 5 pm accuracy for ascomata. Measurements are given as (min-)mean- SD-mean+SD(-max). Photographs were taken with a Levenhuk C510 NG camera. All examined specimens are deposited in the Lichenological Herbarium of Kherson State University (KHER).

Results and discussion

Diagnosis. Morphologically similar to Collemopsidium iocarpum, but differs by its not widening ostiole and association with terricolous Nostoc cyanobacteria.

Type: Ukraine. Poltava Region. Semenivsky district, near Obolon village, saline soil, on Nostoc, 49°33'02.17» N, 32°51'35.8» E, 3 May 2016, A. Khodosovtsev & V. Darmostuk (KHER 9867 - Holotype).

Collemopsidium kostikovii Khodos. & Darmostuk sp. nov. (Figure).

MycoBank 822993

Morphology of Collemopsidium kostikovii (all from the holotype): a - section through ascomata (scale 100 дт); b - upper part of ascomatal wall (scale 50 дт); c - ostiole (scale 20 дт); d - periphysoids (scale 10 дт); e, f - asci (scale 10 дт); g - ascospores (scale 15 дт)

Vegetative hyphae hyaline, c. 1.5-2.5 pm thick, intermingled with terricolous colonies of Nostoc, haustoria not observed. Pseudothecia fully immersed in algal crust, grouped in small areas, globose to broadly ellipsoid, (80-)90-170(-200) pm [n = 11] wide; ostiole not widening, c. 10-20 pm diam; involucrellum absent; pseudothecial wall composed of isodiametric cells, irregularly arranged and more or less wavy in section, 5-20 pm thick, in upper part medium brown, (10-)15-17(-22) pm [n = 10 ] thick, with brown pigment deposed mostly in the intercellular spaces, sometimes finely granular, in lower part hyaline to light brown, (5-)7-8(-10) pm [n = 10] thick, cells c. 5-7(-10) x 2-3.5 pm. Hamathecium composed of rare filamentous, branched and anastomosing cellular paraphysoids, c. 2-2.5(-3.0) pm thick; periphysoids fine developed in upper part of ascomata, c. 25-35 x 2-2.5 pm. Asci bitunicate, (40-)57-51(-65) x (10-)13-17(-18) pm [n = 15], endotunica thickened in the upper half of the ascus, 8-spored. Ascospores hyaline, straight to slightly curved, smooth, 1-septate, (14.8-)16-19.6(-23) x (6.3-)6.4-7.8(-9.0) pm [n = 25], constricted at the septum and broader upper cell, cells with 1-3 oil drops. Pycnidia not observed.

Etymology. The epithet «kostikovii» honors the Ukrainian algologist Professor Igor Kostikov, a participant of our lichenological excursions, who indicated a biotope with a new species.

Ecology. The species grows on Nostoc cf. muscorum C. Agardh ex Bornet & Flahault crust on salt soil with lichenized species Enchylium tenax and young squamules of 'Collema sp. infected by lichenicolous Pronectria diplococca.

Notes. Collemopsidium kostikovii is similar to C. iocarpum Nyl., but the last one differs by widening disk-like ostiole (60-120 pm diam. vs. 10-20 pm diam. in C. kostikovii) and associationwith saxicolous Xanthocapsa cyanobacteria (Grube, 2005). C. subarenisedum (G. Salisb.) Coppins & Aptroot has ascospores of similar size, but differs by lichenized immersed whitish or ashy grey thallus, longer asci (70-100 pm long vs. 40-65 pm long in C. kostikovii) and interacted with cells of the calcicolous cyanobacteria Hyella (Smith et al., 2009). Poorly known terricolous C. argilospilum (Nyl.) Coppins & Aptroot has semi-immersed ascomata, grows on inland wet sand banks with unknown cyanobacteria (Smith et al., 2009). The known in Ukraine Collemopsidium halodytes (Khodosovtsev, Redchenko, 2002) and other marine taxa differ by developed involucrellum (Mohr et al., 2004). Collemopsidium angermannicum (Degel.) A. Nordin differs by longer asci (up to 100 pm long vs. up to 65 pm long) and slightly larger ascospores (17- 26 x 6-12 pm vs. 14.8-23 x 6.3-9 pm in C. kostikovii) and is lichenized with saxicolous cyanoprocaryota (Khodosovtsev, 2007). Pyrenocollema epigloea (Nyl.) R.C. Harris and Magmopsis pertenella Nyl. are algicolous on Nostoc-like cyanobacteria. Both species differ from C. kostikovii by uniformly brown pigmented in upper and lower parts of the ascomatal wall (Grube, 2005). Moreover, M. pertenella has narrow ascospores (5-6 pm thick vs. 6.3-9 pm thick in C. kostikovii).


Vitalia Didenko, Irena Budzanivska were of indispensable assistance during fieldwork on excursions.

This study was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine (project N 0116U004735).

algicolous fungi collemopsidium cyanobacteria


1. Aptroot A., Boom REG. Pyrenocollema chlorococcum, a new species with a chlorococcoid photobiont from zinc- contaminated soils and wood. Cryptogamie, Bryologie- Lichenologie, 1998, 19: 193-196.

2. Brackel W v. Lichenicolous fungi from Central Italy with notes on some remarkable hepaticolous, algicolous and lichenized fungi. Herzogia, 2015, 28: 212-281.

3. Grube M. Frigidopyrenia - a new genus for a peculiar subarctic lichen, with notes on similar taxa. Phyton (Horn, Austria), 2005, 45(2): 305-318.

4. Khodosovtsev O.Ye. Chornomorski Bot. J., 2007, 3(1): 125- 126. [Ходосовцев О.Є. Collemopsidium angermannicum (Degel.) A. Nordin - новий для України вид лишайника. Чорномор. бот. журн., 2007, 3(1): 125-126.]

5. Khodosovtsev O.Ye., Redchenko O.O. An annotated list of the lichen forming fungi of the nature reserve «Mys Martian» (Ukraine). Ukr. Bot. J., 2002, 59(1): 64-71.

6. Kohlmeyer J., Hawksworth D., Volkmann-Kohlmeyer B. Observation on two marine and maritime «borderline” lichen: Mastodia tesselata and Collemopsidium pelvetiae. Mycol. Progress, 2004, 3: 51-56.

7. Mohr F., Ekman S., Heegaard E. Evolution and taxonomy of the marine Collemopsidium species (lichenized Asco- mycota) in north-west Europe. Mycol. Res., 2005, 108(5): 515-532.

8. Perez-Ortega S., Garrido-Benavent I., Grube M., Olmo R., Rios A. Hidden diversity of marine borderline lichens and a new order of fungi: Collemopsidales (Dothideomycetes). Fungal Diversity, 80(1): 285-300.

9. Smith C.W, Aptroot B.J., Coppins B.J., Flecher A., Gilbert O.L., James PW, Wolseley PA. The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland, Nat. Hist. Mus. Publ., 2009, 1046 pp.

Recommended for publication by Submitted 24.05.2017 S.Ya. Kondratyuk

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