Library services in the electronic information environment
The modern state of library services. Terms "library service", "bibliography and information service", their place in the electronic information environment. Opportunity of pre-order. Creation of the electronic catalogue. Methods of library adaptation.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 12.03.2020 |
Размер файла | 17,9 K |
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library service environment information
Library services in the electronic information environment
Khalafova S. A., Ph. Doctor on History Faculty of Library and Information, Senior lecturer of the Chair of Library resources and information search system, Baku State University (Azerbaijan)
Ismayilova N.N., Ph. Doctor on History, Faculty of Library and information, senior lecturer of the Chair of Librarianship, Baku State University (Azerbaijan)
The article deals with the library service in the electronic information environment. The terms and concepts used in practice for description of the modern state of library services are analyzed; the such terms as “library service”,” bibliography service”, “information service” are clarified, their place in the electronic information environment is determined. The important stages of the adaptation of libraries to the electronic information environment is considered. The foreign specialists ' scientific works dedicated to the processes of adaptation in the library system are discussed. It is noted that reaction of libraries to external influence makes transformation of the inner library environment inevitable. It is from this perspective that changes in the external information environment influence involving libraries in the adaptation mechanisms.
Keywords: electronic information environment, librarianship, library services, innovation, adaptation, technologies, electronic resources.
У статті проаналізовано поняття та терміни, які використовуються на практиці для характеризувати поточний стан нових бібліотечних послуг, заснованих на інформаційно- інформаційних технологіях та дослідженнях в бібліотеках. Виділено поняття «бібліотечна служба», «Бібліографічна служба», «інформаційна служба», визначено їхнє місцезнаходження в електронному інформаційному середовищі. Розглянуто важливі кроки в процесі адаптації бібліотек до електронного інформаційного середовища. Обговорюються дослідження іноземних фахівців з адаптаційних процесів, що відбуваються в бібліотечної системі. Реакція бібліотеки на зовнішні впливи робить її необхідною для перетворення бібліотечного середовища. У цьому контексті зміни в зовнішньому інформаційному середовищі відображені в адаптаційних механізмах бібліотек.
Ключові слова: Інформаційне середовище, бібліотечна інформація, електронне інформаційне середовище, процес адаптації бібліотек до електронного інформаційного середовища, бібліотечні послуги.
Application of technologies in most spheres of activity in conditions of the informative society causes more rapid integration of the country into the world electronic space, increase of the intellectual and scientific potential of society, search for new forms of the social and economic activity (e-state, e-trade, distance education etc.), creation of information and knowledge bases, increasing the efficiency in the different economic spheres, improvement of the quality of production and services Implementation of the complex, interrelated technological processes of libraries, library services and information search by the application of new information-telecommunication technologies is an integral part of atomization of libraries. In all civilizations society used the different kinds and forms of service in order to serve people and meet their needs. “Library service”, Bibliography service”, “information service” are among these kinds of service, and they are always at the centre of attention of the cultural and intellectual people. Being knowledge holders they pass their knowledge from generation to generation, thereby accelerating scientific and technological progress.
Basic concepts
Specialists in the field of librarianship determined “the standard spectrum of library services” connecting the library service with realization of the social purpose of library: a subscriber has the right to use a library fund, reference and bibliographic apparatus, library building, equipment and other means; librarians must help a subscriber to find the important data about documents, to inform readers about the appropriate documents and reviews connected with them, to provide communication between subscribers and specialists they are interested in; to teach readers the library and bibliographical knowledge, to form reader culture.
Library service historically is aimed at satisfaction of formed and developed requests. If we may say so, request generates service, service generates production. The sequence of this process is the following: need for information; 2. information request; 3. information service; 4. information production.
Information service is a kind of service that meets the readers' information requirements, creates big information space for readers. Library information service is not a new kind of service at all. It appeared in ancient times, historically developed and formed, was enriched over time. Now it is a new, developed, improved stage of the library and bibliography service armed with modern information technology. Information service in libraries encompasses services through which librarians directly supply users with information but also interfaces created by librarians and adjusted to users through which users could independently find needed information. They allow gaining knowledge, to enter the global space through the electronic- virtual libraries.
As the term “information environment” is new it has not been reflected in the legislative and normative documents yet. There is a technocratic approach to the “information environment” in the scientific literature and publicism, so it is considered to be collection of technological and programed means of use, storage and transfer of information. In our opinion, such an approach narrows the meaning of the notion “information environment”, because long before computers an enormous amount of information collected by people was in the society with its specific means. It is this variety of these means that is a distinctive feature of the modern information environment.
The phenomenon “information environment” was sufficiently studied in I.V Robert's resources [11] as compared with the other authors. I.V Robert researched in detail formation of the information environment, its problems. Information environment includes numerous information objects and their relationship, ways and means of collection, transfer, procession dissemination of information, especially organizational and legal structures that support knowledge and information processes. Creating the information environment society changes and improves it. The modern scientific resources prove that improvement of the information environment encourages formation of the tendencies of the progressive development of productive forces, intellectualization of society in all spheres and structural changes of social relations.
It cannot be denied that the main factor of increase in the information environment is the rapid development of computer technologies. The new information environment makes library get rid of the formed stereotypes, typical forms and look for new ways of adaptation. Today in conditions of global changes in the information sphere adaptability of libraries is very important and urgent.
Adaption to electronic environment.
The process of adaption to electronic environment involves the former librarians in the modern libraries, too. For example, A. A. Khalafov [1], S. Rzayev [2], E.Y Geniyeva [4], M. Y. Dvorkina [5; 6], A. D. Zemskov [7], A. S. Chachko [13] and others made a significant contribution to the organization of this work. In the modern librarianship a library is considered to be a multispectral open system that is exposed to the different components from outside. A library as a social institute cannot be indifferent to the political, social and economic changes in the society. Reaction of the library to the external influences makes transformation of the inner environment of the library, its joining adaptation mechanisms inevitable.
Information environment reflects relationship between information and its users. It has such structure that the environment is formed depending on the content and methods of information, for example: “educational information environment”, “electronic information environment” etc.
Characterizing the modern processes in the library sphere once should note that changes in all spheres of society have a direct and systemic impact on the library. Educational reforms, reorganization of book publishing, changing place in the spheres of employment are also factors that influence the library. Particular changes in society manifest themselves in the content of readers' interest, needs and requests, and they all require the library to clarify its functional structure.
The process of adaptation of libraries to the electronic information environment consists of general important stages:
appraisal of the external environment, its own place and significance;
analysis of the external evaluation, self-evaluation and self-identification in the social-cultural environment on the basis of them;
inclusion of norms and values of the environment;
relationship between the real opportunities of libraries and social needs.
Discussions. One of the main tasks of the process of adaptation of library is the correct strategic choice for realization of the future plans. A library can take both a wait-and-see attitude and active position in choosing this process.
Discussing the processes of adaptation in the library system A.A. Vikulin and L.V Kulikova note that the active position is conducting all possible internal activities [10]. In this case libraries try to offer the society deeds, within their capacities, that they themselves are not ready to accept. One of the main effective methods for the active influence of the library in the external environment is to expand relationships and cooperation with the society. Such influence allows the library to announce its new functions. At present innovation, novelties and their realization are characteristic for most Russia's libraries. Appearance of such purposes, different innovative monitoring, reading book on sociology, psychology etc. allow libraries to work with the moral strategy in the changing environment. In N.T Chuprina's opinion, despite the difficulties of the modern tense period - on the one hand, change of the external environment and needs of population, on the other hand, opportunity for freedom of expression - Russia's libraries can not only live according to all the conditions but also achieve a new form of self - government in a short time and progressive development of readers and also the population and government authorities [15].
Implementation of innovation can influence in the different forms. At that time there is commonality of purposes and results of the innovative, moral and new situation of the library. It also allows creating special library services, applying new methods and new rules of their use, development and using of library production with a new segment in the market, revealing the non-traditional sources and new resources. All these mean directional strengthening of position of libraries without competition. The special significance of these terms covers the concept of library rules in the scientific form. V. A. Borodina [3], M. Y. Dvorkina [5], Y. N. Stolyarov [12] and others tried to explain this term in the Russian librarianship.
There are a lot of different interpretations of the term “library service”. The concrete result of the library service is a certain reader's need, the concrete social result and useful activity of the library service is providing users with documents, conformity of library systems to information purpose and their division according to information requests. The results of the library activity according to the appropriate needs and requests are the following: library rules can be presented in the form of documentary or non-documentary means. The non-documentary forms can be discussions, advice, mass events.
The ultimate goal of library rules is to create the following conditions in order to meet user's requests:
conformity of information resources to users' needs;
rapid provision of necessary information and its division according to the location;
rapid process of obtaining information;
Opportunity of pre-order.
Libraries have the opportunity to review traditional technology, apply innovation, provide with the different library rules with regard to the process of adaptation. It should be taken into consideration that expansion of the sphere of the library rules depends directly on the material and technical base, technological information, labor force of the library. Library service with its modern specific character is implemented through library services. Increasing themes and high intensity of readers' requests cause the different forms, ways, regimes and conditions of approaches to information.
Maximums access to information, reality of its principle and necessity require libraries to ensure access to information not only inside but also outside and to make the activities and interaction of libraries indispensable. In the specialists' opinion, reliance of library service only on the resources of personal information is in the past.
Adaptation of libraries is connected with new difficulties of an information nature. Naturally, changes lead not only to collection of information changing information methods but also to its use. In N.N. Pavel- ko's opinion, market and social institution formed in the country are the foundation of information base and service (9).
Thus external mechanisms change the information inside the library and realize the adaptation of library.
Changes in the external information environment of activate the adaptation mechanisms and transform the internal information environment of the library. Adaptation of library takes place primarily through the changing structure of the library service caused by application of new information technologies.
Creation of the electronic catalogue and bases of the different bibliographic information, formation of the funds of full-text electronic resources, application of new methods of electronic data transfer, remote access to the library information resources etc. determined some new tendencies in organization of library service which are the new methods of library adaptation to the new information environment:
appearance of new forms of library service on the basis of electronic information resources; improving the speed and increasing opportunities of reference bibliographic service through automatic search;
Integration of library and reference bibliographic service;
Integration of functions of submission of full-text documents through service of receiving orders, information search and EDD (electronic document delivery);
Increase in service time, remote access to web sites of libraries 7 days, 24 hours a week;
Strengthening of didactic function in the general structure of the reference bibliographic service;
- Use of the different search methods in the regime of remote access by means of telecommunications network.
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