Control of the number of sucking pests of winter wheat in the conditions of the right-bank forest steppe

Entomological monitoring of winter wheat in the conditions of the Vinnytsia region. Evaluation of the effectiveness of modern insecticides against dominant pests and optimized methods of their application. The yield of polling stations was determined.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
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Дата добавления 04.12.2023
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As follows, the highest efficiency in winter wheat crops against sucking pests of seedlings was ensured by the insecticides Cruiser 350 FS t.c.s. and Promet 400, m.c.s.

The use of poisoners makes it possible not only to protect seedlings from pests, but also to increase the yield and quality of winter wheat grain (Table 4).

According to research results, the decrease in the number of sucking pests had a positive effect on the density of seedlings. The highest plant stand density is observed with the Kruiser 350 FS preparation, t.c.s. - 547,0 plants/m2, while in the version with the preparation Gaucho, 70% z.p., of - only 522,0 plants/m2.

The analysis of yield data of winter wheat shows that the use of poisoners led to a significant increase in yield in all variants compared to the control.

Table 4 Economic efficiency of winter wheat seed dressing (average 2021-2022)


Consumption rate of the drug, kg (l)/t

Plant density, ekz./m2

Mass of 1,000 grains, g

Yield, t/ha

Preserved yield, t/ha

Control ( without insecticides)






Gaucho 70% z. р.






Promet 40% m.c.






Cruiser 350 FC, t.s.c.






the source is formed on the basis of own research results

The highest yield was observed in the version using the insecticide Cruiser 350 FS t.c.s., where the preserved yield was 2,6 t/ha. The lowest grain yield - 3,5 t/ha was in the version with the use of the drug, the saved harvest of Gaucho was 70% of the crop. did not exceed 0,1 t/ha. The treatment with pro-poisoners had a positive effect not only on yield, but also on seed quality, in particular, on the weight of 1,000 grains. In variants using insecticides, the weight of 1000 grains compared to the control increased by 10,0, 12,5, 14,8 g compared to the control.

Thus, the use of poisons in winter wheat crops against sucking pests makes it possible to ensure reliable protection of seedlings and significantly increase plant productivity. It is most expedient to treat winter wheat seeds with Kruiser 350 FS t.c.s. and Promet 400, mc.s.

Effectiveness of insecticides for winter wheat spraying against sucking pests. To ensure the realization of the potential opportunities of crop-forming processes of agricultural plants at various stages of organogenesis, a complex of protective measures is necessary, among which the chemical method plays a rather significant role, as it is characterized by high economic and economic efficiency.

Among the pests of winter wheat, a special place belongs to sucking pests, which is due to the peculiarities of their nutrition and the negative impact of damage not only on the quantitative indicators of the wheat harvest, but also on its quality. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the development of chemical protection of crops is primarily related to these phytophages. Spraying of crops was carried out during the period of mass appearance of larvae of wheat thrips, shell bug and cereal aphids (the end of flowering - the beginning of milky grain maturity).

The obtained results indicate that the number of sucking pests in the control did not exceed the EPS. On the 3rd day, their number decreased compared to the control in all variants - by 4,7, 5,2, 9,1 times (Table 5).

Table 5. The influence of modern insecticides on the number of sucking pests in winter wheat crops, 2022


Consumpti on rate of the drug, kg (l)/g

Density of phytophages on …day after spraying

cereal aphids

Eurygaster integriceps Put.

Haplothrips tritici Kurd.










Control ( without insecticides)











Bi-58 New, к.о.











Engeo 247 SC, k.s.,











Nurelle D, КЕ











Karate-Zeon 050 CS, m.s.











the source is formed on the basis of own research results

The studied drugs were characterized by different effectiveness when used. Thus, the most effective against sucking phytophages in the course of research was the drug Engeo 247 SC, k.s., which, at the rate of consumption of 0,18 l/ha, on the 3rd day provided a reduction in numbers at the level of 98,4-99,0%. A slightly lower efficiency was provided by the drug Nurelle D, КЕ - 92,4% and 94,2%. The efficiency of the standard Bi-58 New, 40% k.o. after application was 87,9% to 91,4%, and the insecticide Karate Zeon, 5% k.s. - 82,3% and 84,8, respectively (Table 6).

On the 7 th day after spraying, the number of phytophages increased, reducing the technical effectiveness of the preparations in all variants. The least effective in our studies was the drug Karate-Zeon 050 CS, m.c., the effectiveness of which is 11,2-34,0% lower than that of Engeo 247 SC, k.s.

In 14 days after spraying winter wheat, the number of pests continued to increase, exceeding the number of EPS. The highest efficiency in this period was provided by Engeo 247 SC, k.s., Nurelle D, КЕ and Karate Zeon, 5% k.s., which reduced the number of pests on average by 73,4% compared to the standard Bi-58 New, 40% k.o. - by 67,2%.

As for Haplothrips tritici Kurd., according to the results of research, it was established that the effectiveness of insecticides was lower than against the Eurygaster integriceps Put., especially by 1,03 and 1,04 times. Obviously, this is related to the hidden way of life, which is characteristic of this phytophagous.

Table 6. Technical efficiency of insecticides against pests of winter wheat, 2022


Consumption rate of the drug, kg (l)/g

Technical efficiency on ... day after spraying %




cereal aphids

Eurygaster integriceps Put.

Haplothrips tritici Kurd.

cereal aphids

Eurygaster integriceps Put.

Haplothrips tritici Kurd.

cereal aphids

Eurygaster integriceps Put.

Haplothrips tritici Kurd.

Control ( without insecticides)*











Bi-58 New, к.о.











Engeo 247 SC











Nurelle D, КЕ











Karate-Zeon 050 CS, m.s.











*Note: In all variants, winter wheat seeds were treated with the fungicide Maxim Star 025 FS, t.c.s. (fludioxonil), 1 l/t the source is formed on the basis of own research results

It should be noted that all drugs increased economic efficiency compared to the control. However, the highest one was provided by Engeo 247 SC, k.s., and Nurelle D, k.e. When using them, an increase in productivity was observed by - 4,5-4,9 t/ha, in the control - 4,0 t/ha.

As evidenced by the obtained results, an increase in the mass of 1,000 grains is observed in almost all variants after spraying the plants (Table 7).

The positive effect of spraying wheat crops with insecticides on the parameters of the crop structure was noted. In the version where Engeo 247 SC, k.s. at consumption rates of 1,8 l/ha, the mass of grain from an ear and the mass of 1000 grains exceeded the control indicator by 0,02 and 1,46 g, respectively.

Table 7. Economic efficiency of winter wheat insecticide spraying against sucking pests, 2022


Grain yield, t/ha

Technological indicators

Mass 1000 grains, g

energy sprouting, %

similarity, %

Control ( without insecticides)*





Bi-58 New, к.о.





Engeo 247 SC





Nurelle D, КЕ





Karate-Zeon 050 CS, m.s.










the source is formed on the basis of own research results

In variants with the use of Karate Zeon preparations, 5% k.s., the weight of 1000 grains, g was higher compared to the control, from 11,4 to 12,5 g, respectively, the value of the saved harvest was 1,2-1,3 t/ha. The combined drugs Engeo 247 SC, k.s. and Nurelle D, КЕ most effectively controlled the number of pests, which can be explained by the fact that they include two substances of different classes that provide an expansion of the spectrum of action, an increase in toxicity and the duration of the protective actions.

During the processing of sucking phytophages, their physiological state worsened, which affected their numbers and sensitivity to insecticides. Therefore, treatment with insecticides should be carried out taking into account the EPS, then spraying with insecticides is appropriate.

Therefore, during the accounting, we established that the use of the investigated insecticides showed high effectiveness in controlling aphids, bedbugs and thrips. However, it should be noted that the use of drugs Engeo 247 SC, k.s., 1,8 l/ha and Nurelle D, k.e. 1,1 l/ha best limited the abundance of these phytophages.

winter wheat yield insecticide


As a result of the conducted research, the species composition of the entomocomplex of pests in winter wheat crops and the control of their number, depending on the use of plant protection products, were clarified.

It was established that in the conditions of the Vinnytsia region, 34 species of pests from 16 familyes that damage this crop were found in winter wheat crops. The Diptera range consisted of 11 species, the Coleoptera range was characterized by the greatest species diversity (14 species), their share in the structure of the entomocomplex was 30% of the total. 9 types of phytophages from a number of bugs, or Hemiptera, were identified. The share of Lepidoptera and homoptera (Homoptera) in the structure of the entomocomplex was 10% each. The orders of Thysanoptera and hymenoptera (Hymenoptera) had 2 species each. Orthoptera represented the smallest number of species - 2%.

The main and most dangerous phytophages that cause significant damage to winter wheat crops from a complex of insect pests have been identified, namely: thrips, cereal aphids, and bread bugs.

The effectiveness of modern insecticides against the dominant pests of winter wheat and the optimized methods of their application were evaluated. According to the results of winter wheat seed treatment with insecticides-protozoans, it was established that the lowest number of phytophagous was noted in variants with protozoans Cruiser 350 FS t.c.s. (0,5 l/t), the aphid occupancy rate was 0,04%, in the version where Promet 400 poison was used, ^.s. (2,0 l/t) occupancy rate 0,06%. The highest index of aphid population was noted in the control version, where the population ratio was 0,43%. Accordingly, the technical efficiency of the Cruiser 350 FS t.c.s. (0,5 l/t) was 90,7%; Promet 400, m.s. (2,0 l/t) - 86,0%, while in the control, the density of larvae of these types of pests was almost 4,5 times higher.

It was noted that the highest yield was observed in the version using the insecticide Cruiser 350 FS t.c.s., where the preserved yield was 2,6 t/ha. The lowest grain yield - 3,5 t/ha was noted in the variant with the use of the drug Gaucho 70% s.p. the saved yield did not exceed 0,1 t/ha. It was established that the treatment with protoxins had a positive effect not only on yield, but also on seed quality, in particular, on the weight of 1000 grains. In variants using insecticides, the weight of 1000 grains compared to the control increased by 10,0, 12,5, 14,8 g compared to the control.

It was established that the use of insecticides during the winter wheat growing season, which were studied, showed high effectiveness in controlling aphids, bugs and thrips. However, it should be noted that the use of drugs Engeo 247 SC, k.s., 1,8 l/ha and Nurelle D, k.e. 1,1 l/ha best limited the abundance of these phytophages. When using them, an increase in productivity was observed by - 4,5-4,9 t/ha, in the control - 4,0 t/ha.

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