Региональный дирижизм" и сельская самоорганизация в Татарстане

Развитие практик самоорганизации населения в Татарстане с учётом специфического исторического и этнокультурного контекста. Особенности участия крупных предприятий в жизнеобеспечении и развитии сельских поселений. Формирование крупных агрохолдингов.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
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Язык русский
Дата добавления 23.01.2022
Размер файла 47,1 K

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10. Хакимов Р.С. (2016). Татарская идентичность: состояние и перспективы // Историческая этнология. Том 1. № 2. С. 242-252.


"Regional dirigisme” and rural self-organization in Tatarstan

Olga Fadeeva, PhD (Sociology), Senior Researcher, Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Novosibirsk

Vladimir Nefedkin, PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher, Institute of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Novosibirsk

The article considers a wide range of issues of functioning and development of rural settlements under the permanent reduction of powers and financial independence of local self-government.

Based on the data of the sociological expedition to five municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan, the authors show that regional and municipal authorities aim at developing self-organization of local population, which allows to partially offset negative consequences of unitary trends and to expand the possibilities of rural development.

The article identifies reasons for the relative failure of regional authorities attempts to create large vertically integrated agricultural holdings in Tatarstan, and features of the large enterprises (former state farms and collective farms) participation in supporting livelihoods and development of rural settlements.

Such participation consists of a set of reciprocal, patron-client and market interactions, the ratio between which depends on the specific local historical and ethnocultural context.

The authors conclude that even in adverse external conditions the system of rural self-government is capable of initiating self-organization of local communities and of performing functions of a development institution.

Thus, the diversity of economic and social practices determined by ethnocultural and religious peculiarities contributes to the accumulation of symbolic, social and cultural capital of rural communities and to its conversion to economic capital, and activates rural-urban exchanges that compensate for the limited resources of rural development.

Key words: Tatarstan, rural settlement, local practice, self-organization, selfgovernment, dirigisme.


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