Морфобіологічні та екологічні особливості видів роду Lonicera l. та перспективи їх використання в озелененні м. Києва

Морфобіологічні особливості найбільш поширених та перспективних видів роду Lonicera L. Строки та рясність цвітіння і плодоношення. Реакція досліджуваних видів роду Lonicera L. на негативні кліматичні фактори регіону за оцінкою їх зимо- та посухостійкості.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.08.2015
Размер файла 45,2 K

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Research of the water mode, resistance to the cold is conducted. The degree of acclimatization on the Коhno М.А. (1994) scale and perspective of Honeysuckles is analysed.

Attention to the questions of seminal and vegetative reproduction of Honeysuckles was on the go spared. It is set that the period of rest of seed is very short, therefore him seeding does not require preseeding stratification and is expedient at once after the exception of seed from garden-stuffs.

The study of process of reproduction by Honeysuckles winter and green handles gave possibility to expose advantage of the last method, as winter handles have the insignificant percent of taking root, even at treatment by growth factors of growth.

Having familiarized with the basic methodical approaches concerning an estimation of decorative effect, we consider expedient at establishment of decorative value of wood kinds to distinguish and, for opportunities, to consider four its types: the general specific, individual, shaped and seasonal.

The economic resources is certain, and also is developed composite groups for application in gardening of Kiev.

A economic value is certain, and also composition groups for application in planting of greenery of Kyiv are developed.

Keywords: honeysuckle, growth, flowering, fruiting, seminal reproduction, handles, resistance to the cold, drought-resistingness, decorativeness, perspective.

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