Human social security under the war: current state and ways of provision

The essence of human social security as a priority component of national. It has been determined that in the context of the aggravation of the current socio-economic crisis, the solution of social problems becomes even more important and relevant.

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Дата добавления 01.02.2024
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Human social security under the war: current state and ways of provision

Zakharii Varnalii, Doctor of Habil. in Economics, Professor

Oksana Cheberyako, Doctor of Habil. in Historical Sciences, PhD in Economics, Professor

Nataliia Miedviedkova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Zakharii Varnalii, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Finance. Oksana Cheberyako, Doctor of Habil. in Historical Sciences, PhD in Economics, Professor. Nataliia Miedviedkova, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Human social security under the war: current state and ways of provision.

The essence of human social security as a priority component of national, in particular economic security, is revealed. It has been determined that in the context of the aggravation of the current socio-economic crisis, and the threats associated with COVID-19, the solution of social problems becomes even more important and relevant. A hybrid war poses a particular threat in Ukraine, which significantly affected the state of Ukraine's national security, in particular, human social security. Its negative consequences are both direct and indirect, which is a real social threat. The impact of a hybrid war on human social security requires the justification of new, more effective mechanisms and tools for its strengthening. It is noted that the analysis and assessment of the state of social security should be systematic, comprehensive, evaluating the following components: the state of well-being and living standards; stability of social relations and organizational structure; level of culture of the society; availability of conditions for the prevention and resolution of social conflicts; processes of desocialization of society, etc. It is emphasized that social security must be considered in the context of a multi-level system, in particular, it must be considered from the point of view of the economic level, namely: nano-, micro-, meso-, macro- and mega-levels. The author's multi-level system of social security is proposed, which includes five levels: human social security (nano-level); social security of a business entity (micro level); social security of the region (meso level); social security of the state (macrolevel); global social security (mega level). The author's definitions of the content (essence) of each level of social security and their functional components are given.

Key words: national security, social security, human social security, threats, hybrid war, multi-level system, functional components.

Варналій Захарій Степанович, доктор економічних наук, професор кафедри фінансів. Чеберяко Оксана Вікторівна, доктор історичних наук, кандидат економічних наук, професор кафедри фінансів. Мєдвєдкова Наталія Сергіївна, кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри фінансів, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка. Соціальна безпека людини в умовах війни: сучасний стан та шляхи забезпечення.

Розкрито сутність соціальної безпеки людини як пріоритетної складової національної, зокрема, економічної безпеки. Визначено, що в умовах загострення сучасної соціально-економічної кризи, загроз, пов'язаних з COVID-19, розв'язання соціальних проблем стає ще більш важливим та актуальним. Особливу загрозу в Україні несе гібридна війна, яка істотно позначилася на стані національної безпеки України, зокрема, соціальної безпеки людини. Її негативні наслідки мають як прямий, так і опосередкований характер, що є реальною соціальною загрозою. Вплив гібридної війни на соціальну безпеку людини потребує обґрунтування нових більш ефективних механізмів та інструментів її зміцнення. Зазначено, що аналіз та оцінка стану соціальної безпеки має бути систематичною, комплексною, оцінюючи: стан добробуту та рівня життя; стабільність соціальних взаємин та організаційної структури; рівень культури суспільства; наявність умов запобігання і розв'язання соціальних конфліктів; процеси десоціалізації суспільства тощо. Підкреслено, що соціальну безпеку необхідно розглядати в контексті її багаторівневої системи, зокрема, її необхідно розглядати під кутом зору економічного рівня, а саме: нано-, мікро-, мезо-, макро- та мегарівня. Запропоновано авторську багаторівневу систему соціальної безпеки, яка включає п'ять рівнів: соціальна безпека людини (нанорівень); соціальна безпека суб'єкта господарювання (мікрорівень); соціальна безпека регіону (мезорі- вень); соціальна безпека держави (макрорівень); глобальна соціальна безпека (мегарівень). Дано авторські визначення змісту (сутності) кожного рівня соціальної безпеки та їх функціональні складники.

Ключові слова: національна безпека, соціальна безпека, соціальна безпека людини, загрози, гібридна війна, багаторівнева система, функціональні складники. national security social


The issue of human social security merits special attention in the context of a complicated and unpredictably changing military political situation in Ukraine caused by a full-scale military invasion of Ukraine by Russia. This issue has a direct bearing on the efficacy of changes in all areas of public life.

An extreme type of escalation in social relations on all fronts - social, economic, political, religious, and interstate - war is an expression of social hazard. This is an extremely severe manner of settling disputes between states and groups of people that involves violence, widespread destruction, human casualties, natural resources, and contemporary technology.

In the conditions of the war, issues of ensuring and strengthening national security, in particular, human social security, become especially acute.

Overview of recent researches and publications

Studying and researching issues of the social component of the economic security of Ukraine are actively carried out by domestic scientists, such as Z.I. Halushka, V.A. Hoshovska, O.A. Hrishnova, B.M. Danylishyn, O.I. Iliash, V.I. Kutsenko, O.F. Novikova, V.O. Onysh- chenko, O.H. Sydorchuk, V.P. Udovychenko, Yu.M. Kharazishvili and others. At the same time, despite the relevance and need for the earliest possible study and resolution of issues of human social security, especially in war conditions, they have not yet become an independent and full-fledged object of research and have been considered mostly fragmentary, that actualizes the research topic.

Formulation of the problem

The aim of the article is a theoretical analysis of social security and the development of a social policy of the state and the formation of a strategy for social development under the war. Research methodology. The following methods were used in the research process: dialectical to reveal the essence of social security; system-structural - to determine the state policy of ensuring social security under the war; comparison - to develop a strategy for ensuringhuman social security in Ukraine; graphic - for a visual illustration of the results of the study. Results and implications. Negative trends in ensuring human social security in Ukraine are due to two groups of factors: the first one is connected to the lack of effective structural reforms and institutional changes in the economy and shortcomings of the state policy to ensure human social security; the second one is connected to the war of Russia against Ukraine, which led to increased political and economic instability, an increase in budget expenditures for servicing the army, material and human losses, inflationary processes and macroeconomic crises, exacerbation of problems in the financial system of the state, etc. Conclusion. Recommendations on the formation of a state policy for ensuring human social security under the war and the development of a strategy for ensuring social security, tactics and measures adequate to modern challenges and threats.

Basic material and results

In the conditions of the war and globalization processes, the issue of ensuring human social security as a component of the national security of the state is the main priority of the state social policy. A key feature of the development of modern society is the socialization of all spheres of human life and their subordination to social goals. According to Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, "everyone has the right to such essential things as food, clothing, housing, medical care and social services" [1]. The General Declaration of Human Rights, international covenants on civil and political, economic, socio-cultural rights establish the rights of citizens to exercise their vital interests such as: the right to life, inviolability of the person, social protection, freedom of thought and belief, education and protection of social status. The establishment of the rights, freedoms and duties of citizens is a necessary condition for the effective functioning of society. It is subject to the cultural, material and spiritual norms of society.

Since society is the driving force behind the development of the country as a whole and, in accordance with Article 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person, his/her life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value [4], therefore it is social security that should be of special attention. After all, it is social stability that plays a key role in the entire system of national security.

Ukraine seeks to implement the constitutional provisions that define it as a social and legal state. According to Article 46 of the Constitution of Ukraine, "citizens have the right to social protection, which includes the right to provide them in case of complete, partial or temporary disability, loss of a breadwinner ... in old age ... this right is guaranteed by compulsory state social insurance..." [2]. Ukraine, as a social state, recognizes a person as the highest social value, distributes public wealth according to the principle of social justice and takes care of strengthening civil harmony in society. According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the state ensures the social orientation of the economy (part four of Article 13), which is the basis for the implementation of social rights of citizens, in particular to social protection and an adequate standard of living.

The concept of "social security" arose in the twentieth century not by chance. Social cataclysms of the last hundred years not only called into question the possibility of preserving the created thousand-year heritage, but also created a threat to further civilized development. Two world wars, a large number of local military conflicts, the rapid growth in the number and destructive capabilities of weapons, the irresponsible use of socio-political technologies (so-called "color revolution" scenarios) radically influenced the general vector of the further development of mankind. Today, unfortunately, the number of factors negatively affecting the international situation is not decreasing.

In a democratic society, the interests of the social security of a person and the state should generally correlate and be harmoniously balanced. In the legal field of Ukraine there is no official definition of the category "social security", and the term "social security" has recently entered the scientific and political circulation. In the United States in 1935, a law on social insurance, better known as the "Social Security Act", was adopted, and its theoretical foundations were prepared by the economist and jurist J. Commons. He believed that by improving the legislative and executive activities of state bodies, it is possible to neutralize most of the conflicts for people, which will achieve social security. In general, John Rogers Commons (1862-1945) founded the socio-legal direction in the theory of institutional economics. In 1983, the concept of "social security" was used in his book "People, States and Fear: The Problem of National Security in International Relations" by the American political scientist B. Buzan [6, p. 46]. In European and American literature, the wording of B. Buzan is mainly used, who understands social security as "the ability of society to maintain its essence in changing conditions with possible or obvious threats" [8, p. 23].

The term "social security" first found its concrete expression in an international document - the World Social Declaration, adopted by the World Conference on Social Development in 1995 [3]. It should be noted that the concept of "social security" was relatively quickly accepted by foreign science, which provides for a cautious attitude to social transformations and, as a rule, tries to prevent the increase in social tension in their countries.

In the scientific literature, social security in most cases is considered as a state of guaranteed legal and institutional protection of the vital social interests of the individual and society from external and internal threats. So, according to Shevchuk P., human social security is a certain state of life, provided by a set of organizational, legal and economic measures aimed at realizing social interests, creating a favorable demographic situation, preserving the state's gene pool and transforming labor resources in accordance with market requirements [20].

Yu.M. Kharazishvili and O.A. Grishnova, understand social security as the state of the social sphere, which ensures a high quality of life of the population (material level and social components), the protection of the main vital recovery processes (regardless of the influence of internal and external threats), the possibility of obtaining a quality education and the absence of threats to human health and life” [9, p. 158]. E. Libanova, when revealing the essence of social security, also holds the opinion that security of a person is the result of the implementation of a social protection policy. At the same time, she defines social security as one of the components of national security, interpreting it as a state of protection from threats to social interests [17]. According to E. Krikhtin, social security is formed in the system of legal and social guarantees that allow a person to function most effectively within a certain socio-political formation [18].

Scientist Koval O. investigated the semantics and essence of the term "social security". According to his research, most researchers of social security consider a person as a beneficiary, that is, an object of protection from threats, and the subject of their research is the neutralization of threats to society. Another part of the researchers considers the essence of social security not as a threat to society, but, on the contrary, as a threat from society to national security. In turn, both interpretations of social security are closely related to each other, while threats to one give rise to threats to the other, forming a vicious circle [19].

At the same time, social security must be considered in the context of its multi-level system. Considering that social security is one of the main components of economic security, it must be considered from the point of view of the economic level, namely: nano-, micro-, meso-, macro- and mega-levels. Therefore, we propose such a multi-level system of social security: human social security (nano-level); social security of the enterprise (micro level); social security of the region (meso level); social security of the state (macro level); global social security (mega level) [10].

The levels of social security, as well as other components, must be started from the nano-level, that is mean from the person. The National Security Strategy of Ukraine, adopted on September 14, 2020 and called "Human security - country security", determines that "a person, his/her life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are the highest social value in Ukraine" [5]. Here it is difficult to disagree with Yu.M. Kharazishvili and O.A. Grishnova that a person with his/her urgent needs, interests, values is the main driving force, goal and criterion of all economic development, the success of economic and social reforms [12].

In the conditions of the aggravation of globalization challenges, the modern socio-economic crisis, threats related to war, the solution of social problems becomes even more important and urgent. The war, which has significantly affected the state of Ukraine's national security, in particular, the social security of a person, poses a special threat in Ukraine. Its negative consequences are both direct and indirect in nature, which is a real social threat. The impact of war on human social security requires the substantiation of new, more effective mechanisms and tools for its strengthening.

Human social security is associated with the observance of the most important social standards: overcoming poverty, growth of human potential (life expectancy and level of education), increasing the purchasing power of the population, the quality of working life, the protection of the family, motherhood and childhood; health services; environmental standards, etc.

Analysis and assessment of the state of social security should be systematic, comprehensive, assessing the state of well-being and living standards; stability of social relations and organizational structure; level of culture of the society; availability of conditions for the prevention and resolution of social conflicts; processes of desocialization of society, etc.

Assessing the impact of multifactorial global, national, regional problems on ensuring social security, domestic scientists define social security as the protection of relevant objects from these threats. It is based on such an approach that threats are systemic factors that predetermine these internal and external threats and lead to ineffective implementation of the state's social policy.

Social security must be considered as the result of purposeful interaction of all social actors who must bear social responsibility at their level.

The social responsibility of the state in the modern economy provides not just a system of social security and social guarantees, it, as a subject of economic relations, implements its own interests related to the guarantee of public and meritorious benefits, and also through the system of its instruments ensures coordination of actions of economic entities to a certain extent fixes their tasks, rights and obligations, realizing the interests of society as a whole.

Social security is an objective result of socialization processes, characterized by the state of social production, the social and humanitarian sphere, the protection of the internal constitutional order, environmental security, external security, culture, etc. A wide list of structural elements of social security testifies to the polysystem nature of the concept of social security and testifies to the balance of human existence in the political, economic, psychological, cultural, informational, demographic, environmental and other spheres of public life.

The events of recent years have shown a serious crisis in the system of not only social, but also international security due to Russia's external interference in the internal affairs of independent states, attempts to destabilize their political systems and direct forceful seizure of foreign territories. Russia's hybrid war, which began in 2014, provided for a diverse and long-term destabilization of the socio-economic and political situation in Ukraine and the national security system [14]. Unfortunately, almost all international security guarantees for Ukraine (in particular, within the framework of the Budapest Memorandum) turned out to be ineffective in the conditions when one of the guarantors acted as the aggressor. The social dimension of the occupation of part of the Donbass and the annexation of Crimea formed a number of new social problems: the protection of human rights and countering racial discrimination against the population of the occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea, internally displaced persons (about 1.5 million), organization of their residence, employment, assignment (restoration) social payments to them, pensions, administrative recognition of documents, issues of "political prisoners" and missing persons and their families, the procedure for admission to higher education institutions of applicants from the temporarily occupied territories, provision of ATO participants and others. On December 19, 2016, the UN General Assembly approved Resolution 71/205 "The human rights situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine)", [2] in which it condemned the temporary occupation by the Russian Federation of part of the territory of Ukraine - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, confirmed the non-recognition of its annexation. The war in the East of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea negatively affected the social security of a person and requires the adaptation of the social policy of the state and the improvement of the mechanism for its implementation, taking into account the socio-economic state of the regions of Ukraine.

A new challenge to national (social) security was the large-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, which began on February 24, 2022. Thus, with the increase in the scale and duration of aggressive hostilities, there is an increasing number of threats related to the observance of the necessary social security, society suffers heavy losses in the form of human casualties, material damage, environmental destruction and the threat of an ecological catastrophe. Social security cannot meet the principles of social solidarity, responsibility and partnership, resist external and internal existing and potential threats and provide social protection and conditions for improving the quality of life. The main prerequisite for observing human social security is to strengthen the power of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ukraine continues to adhere to the course of Euro-Atlantic integration and membership in NATO, strives to become in the future an element of a new European security architecture, where its vital interests will be ensured collectively with the direct participation of Ukraine itself. Without joining the North Atlantic Alliance - a system of collective security, Ukraine will not have effective levers of influence on decision-making in the future, taking into account its national interests.

There are three groups of social indicators associated with various spheres of social life:

1. Characteristics related to the economic sphere: GNP level, unemployment rate.

2. Characteristics related to the social sphere: the standard of living of the population, the proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence level, the incidence rate of the population, the natural increase (decrease) of the population, the crime rate.

3. Characteristics related to the environmental sphere: the level of capture of pollutants, the level of environmental consciousness of the population.

So far, there is no generally accepted universal methodology for assessing the state of social security. International law considers social security through the prism of individual security. The United Nations has developed the Concept of Human Security, which includes eight categories, the key among which is freedom from fear and freedom from want and poverty. In addition, one more category can be distinguished - the human development index - an integral indicator developed in 1990 and used by the UN since 1993. The Human Development Index is calculated annually in order to compare countries on indicators such as living standards, literacy, education and longevity of the population. The state of social security in society is directly dependent on the standard of living of the population.

Thus, human social security is a complex problem affecting different values of personal existence, and the level of social security is an indicator of the economic and social situation of the country's population. It should be noted that the concepts of "support" and "strengthening" are not identical, although they have a lot in common. In our opinion, ensuring human social security is the basis, the first degree (stage) of the state of human social security, characterized by a certain guarantee, the necessary, sufficient level (reserve) of danger and protection from risks and threats. As for the strengthening of human social security, this is already the second degree (stage), a higher quality level of the state of human social security, which is characterized by a more reliable, permanent, longer (long-term), more powerful, more stable, influential level of this security. That is why in the conditions of war, as in the post-war period, we should talk not so much about ensuring the social security of a person, but rather about strengthening it.

Social security implies the protection of life, health, well-being, creates the prerequisites for the formation and development of the individual. It is determined by the state of the economy, the nature of demographic actions, environmental anthropogenic causes, the state of the social sphere, the degree of social tension, the nature of social policy and the behavior of the population. In general, social policy and social security are two sides of the same coin, and the more realistic the social policy of the state, the higher the level of social security of each member of society, each family. Social policy is a tool for ensuring the social security of society as a strategic goal of the state and is a set of complex elements of a regulatory and institutional nature aimed at realizing national interests in the social sphere, preventing social threats, eliminating their consequences and achieving on this basis such a level of social security, which contributed to the effective achievement of social goals. Negative trends in the social sphere and accumulated social problems create threats to national security and the further development of society, which can cause imbalance and stability. Thus, human social security is a complex problem affecting different values of personal existence, and the level of social security is an indicator of the economic and social situation of the country's population.

Social policy in different countries varies depending on the level of economic development, socio-economic situation and national traditions. Noteworthy is the implementation of the standards of the European Code of Social Security on the path of Ukraine's integration into the EU in order to create a system of social standards as in European practice through monitoring the living standards of the population for full members of the European Union, and guiding new members of the European Union and countries seeking to achieve the level of development of European countries in the process of implementing social policy and socializing their economies. The first group of social standards developed back in 1961, was called the European Social Charter and entered into force in 1965, in the Protocols to it, the member states of the Council of Europe have agreed to secure the social rights for their populations which are defined in these documents in order to improve the standard of living and social well-being of their populations.

Negative trends in ensuring human social security in Ukraine are due to two groups of factors: the first oneis connected to the lack of effective structural reforms and institutional changes in the economy and shortcomings of the state policy to ensure human social security; the second oneis connected tothe war of Russia against Ukraine, which led to increased political and economic instability, increased budget spending on army maintenance, material and human losses, inflationary processes and macroeconomic crises, exacerbation of problems in the financial system of the state, etc. Corruption, shadow economy, excessive influence of political cycles increase the level of social tension and reduce social security indicators, reduce the income of the population and hinder the socio-economic development of the state as a whole, reducing the quality of life in the country.

In Ukraine, the problem of low living standards was officially recognized in 2001, when the Decree of the President of Ukraine approved the "Strategy overcome poverty" in order to reduce the scale of poverty and eliminate its most acute manifestations, to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Constitution of Ukraine regarding the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for himself/herself and his/her family.

For Ukraine, there is a need to implement into the practice of social management not social minimums, but a high-quality system of European social standards from the standpoint of normal human life. The country should focus on a functioning new model of social security for all European countries.

A key element of the mechanism for ensuring human social security is a system for monitoring the factors that determine its threats. To monitor the factors that determine internal and external threats to the social interests of the individual, society and the state, the first task is to create an organizational and information system. The basis for creating monitoring systems is statistical information. In this regard, the requirements for state statistics are increasing, which should provide promptly objective and in-depth information on the coverage of objects of observation. To date, the information processed and proposed by the state statistics authorities does not fully meet the requirements for effective monitoring of human social security. It is necessary to regularly conduct sociological surveys of the population with bringing the analyzed and generalized results to the attention of government bodies.

The institutional environment is a kind of protection of a person's social security, allowing him/her to maximize his/her social potential, as well as to withstand various threats and challenges. Given this, in our opinion, the institutionalization of the system for ensuring human social security should be understood as the process of creating institutions, norms and rules that increase the independence, stability and adaptability of the national economy, creating conditions for socio-economic growth, improving living standards and human well-being. Therefore, the institutionalization of the system of ensuring social security of a person should be carried out in the following areas: the creation of institutions that increase the socio-economic potential of the economic system and create conditions for its maximum implementation, as well as the implementation of institutional measures to reduce the riskiness in the system of ensuring social security of a person.

Summing up, it can be noted that the presence of negative trends and aspects of ensuring human social security in Ukraine in 2014-2022 is generally due to two groups of factors. The former are associated with the lack of effective structural reforms and institutional changes in the economy, other shortcomings of the state policy for ensuring human social security, the latter - with Russia's external military aggression, starting in 2014, which led to increased political and economic instability, an increase in budget expenditures for servicing the army, material and human losses, inflationary processes and crisis phenomena, aggravation of problems in the financial system of the state, etc. They increased the influence of negative aspects on the state of human social security and the national security of Ukraine in general and formed a number of new problems related to the decline in production, the destruction of cooperation relations, the deterioration of the investment environment and the loss of a significant part of capital and innovation potential, the deformation of the trade and services sector because of a significant reduction in their capacity, destabilization of the labor market, including as a result of forced internal and external migration of a large number of citizens and businesses.

In order to strengthen human social security and ensure its effective functioning, precise and correct state regulation and management are necessary with the aim to maintain stability and prevent the onset of chaos in the existing economic system and develop a strategy for ensuring social security, tactics and measures that are adequate to modern challenges and threats. In Ukraine, there is no comprehensive mechanism for managing social security; the regulatory and legal framework for the state policy of ensuring social security has not been defined and developed. Therefore, new approaches should be identified and ways to ensure social security in Ukraine should be developed, and the priority of state policy should be focused on the development and effective implementation of the state social security program, support at the state level for housing construction, improved medical care, and effective assistance to young families.

For countries trying to integrate into the EU, the guidelines for their state social policy are international social norms. In this regard, the modern social policy of the state should be determined, firstly, by the ratification of international conventions and charters that establish the basic social obligations of the state to implement social measures in the country; secondly, the Constitution, which proclaims the rights of citizens and the obligations of the state to ensure and maintain certain conditions for the life of its citizens, promote the achievement of equal opportunities in all regions of the country; thirdly, the current national legislation, which is a summary of the social goals of the state and determines the ways to achieve them.

The current state of social security remains critical, despite a certain reform of social policy in the context of sustainable socio-economic development of Ukraine, as well as an increase in social standards of life. War is a massive shock to the economy. So, in particular, in Ukraine there is a loss by the state budget of a significant part of traditional revenues in the form of taxes, excises and customs payments, significant material damage; almost 40% of businesses are closed; during the period of martial law, the economy of Ukraine loses 50-60% of the "unproduced" gross domestic product; more than 30% of crops were not sown; more than 23 thousand km of public roads were destroyed (13% of the total length), etc. According to preliminary estimates, the total losses of the Ukrainian economy due to the war, taking into account both direct losses and indirect losses (decrease in GDP, cessation of investment, outflow of labor, additional spending on defense and social support, etc.), reach up to 750 billion dollars. USA. In total, since the beginning of the Russian war against Ukraine, at least 195 factories and enterprises, 231 medical institutions, 543 kindergartens, 295 bridges and bridge crossings, 151 warehouse infrastructure facilities have been damaged, destroyed or captured. In addition, at least 97 religious and 144 cultural sites were damaged or destroyed during the war. As a result of hostilities, at least 23.8 thousand kilometers of roads and 33.7 million square meters of housing stock have been damaged, destroyed or seized.

Human social security is the ability and willingness of the state, society and individual to protect themselves from dangers and threats to life, health, basic social values - human rights and freedoms. In modern democracies, the concept of "humansecurity" is gaining momentum. In fact, this is a kind of transition from a very narrow to a broad understanding of security. The absence of war or other threats to the life and health of citizens, the low level of crime does not mean a safe environment in the modern world. First, it is formed at different levels: from personal security, security of life in a particular community to the national and international level. Secondly, security is decomposed into various components, and only their totality determines how safe the citizen's environment is.

Specification and identification of the entire set of threats to social security in Ukraine is a prerequisite for the development of a new strategy for socio-economic development, the purpose of which should be a significant increase in the standard of living in the country. We believe that the risks of human social security should be divided into three groups: the financial and economic crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the war. In turn, they affect the indicators of human social security. In addition to economic threats to social security in Ukraine, it is necessary to note the importance of the negative impact of threats of a different nature:

- legal imperfection of the legislative and regulatory framework, instability and inefficiency of state regulation and control in the economic and social spheres;

- socio-demographic polarization of the level and decrease in the solvency of the population in the context of inflationary processes and low social standards, the growth of poverty and unemployment, the growth of property stratification and income differentiation, the growth of social tension, crisis demographic processes;

- insufficient financing of the social sphere, underfulfillment of social programs;

- scientific and technical decline in innovation and investment activities, reduction of scientific and technical potential;

- weakening of state regulation at the macro-, meso- and macro- levels, inefficiency of control over the activities of an overly large administrative apparatus, which significantly affects the level of social danger at all hierarchical levels;

- war in Ukraine [15].

To implement the new paradigm of state social security, it is necessary to clearly define the conceptual principles for reforming its regulatory and legal framework. The main directions of the state policy of Ukraine in strengthening the social policy of man in the conditions of war should be as follows:

1. Anticipate the norms of public democratic control in legislative and regulatory documents. Foreign experience shows that in Lithuania the norms of public democratic control are indicated in all adopted documents, including the latest ones. In particular, according to paragraph 5 of the 2016 Military Strategy, democratic public control is a fundamental principle in the implementation of the military strategy, which notes that democratically elected civilian authorities make decisions on Lithuanian defense policy, the expansion of military potential and its use.

A democratic political system and democratic control of the armed forces play an important role in preparing for NATO membership. In particular, Lithuania fully complied with all the requirements and this was legally confirmed. The norms of public democratic control are indicated in all adopted documents (Fundamentals of Lithuanian National Security, Law on Organization of National Defense and Military Service, Military Defense Strategy, National Security Strategy, Military Strategy). Thus, the post-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, incl. Slovakia and Lithuania have accumulated valuable experience of both successful practices and instructive failures in the way of security sector reform, implementing global reform models and developing their own. The exchange of experience should contribute not only to identifying the causes of common problems, but also to finding the most effective ways to overcome them.

2. The modern system of public administration in ensuring the social security of Ukraine should be based on and consistent with the goals of sustainable development, take into account the relevant conceptual framework for the implementation of the relevant national security system. At the same time, one should take into account the latest technological innovations of the developed countries of the world, European standards of social development. In this aspect, it is advisable to form public immunity to military, economic, political, medical and informational challenges in Ukraine. The long-term unresolved social problems in the vast majority of society are one of the main factors in the emergence and development of a number of threats in various segments of national security.


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Zakharii Varnalii, Oksana Cheberyako, Olena Bazhenova, Nataliia Miedviedkova, Nataliia Plieshakova, "Formation of Ukrainian State Policy for Ensuring Human Social Security under Hybrid War", 12th International Scientific Conference "Business and Management 2022", pp. 937-945.

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