Practical principles of social sphere experts preparation for social and pedagogical support of maternity and childhood in Ukraine

Analysis of the foundations of social and pedagogical support for motherhood and childhood in Ukraine in the twentieth century. the need to conduct a study on the readiness of future social workers for social and pedagogical support for motherhood.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 26.11.2022
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Practical principles of social sphere experts preparation for social and pedagogical support of maternity and childhood in Ukraine

Viktoriia Stynska,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management named after Bohdan Stuparyk,

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

Практичні засади підготовки фахівців соціальної сфери до соціально-педагогічної підтримки материнства й дитинства в Україні

Вікторія Стинська,

докторка педагогічних наук, професорка, професорка кафедри педагогіки та освітнього менеджменту імені Богдана Ступарика,

Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника (м. Івано-Франківськ, Україна)


Статтю присвячено особливостям практичної підготовки фахівців соціальної сфери до соціально- педагогічної підтримки материнства й дитинства в Україні.

Аналіз теоретико-практичних засад соціально-педагогічної підтримки материнства й дитинства в Україні у ХХ ст. засвідчив необхідність проведення дослідження на предмет готовності майбутніх соціальних працівників/соціальних педагогів до соціально-педагогічної підтримки материнства й дитинства в Україні. Цю готовність розглядаємо як прагнення соціального працівника/соціального педагога до реалізації соціальних послуг на макро-, мезо, мікрорівні, а також до особистісної мотивації та професійного зростання (удосконалення професійно-орієнтованих знань і вмінь) у сфері соціально-педагогічної підтримки материнства й дитинства. Представлено характеристику критеріїв, показників готовності соціальних працівників/соціальних педагогів до соціально-педагогічної підтримки материнства й дитинства в Україні. В основу дослідження покладено розроблений авторський курс за вибором «Соціально-педагогічна підтримка материнства й дитинства: теорія і практика», на основі якого схарактеризовано критерії оцінки результативності підготовки соціальних працівників/соціальних педагогів до соціально-педагогічної підтримки материнства й дитинства в Україні (мотиваційний, змістовий, операційний), що адаптовані для вивчення досліджуваного явища. На основі виділених критеріїв та показників виокремлено три рівні готовності соціальних працівників/соціальних педагогів до соціально-педагогічної підтримки материнства й дитинства в Україні (високий, середній, низький).

Результати перевірки доцільності використання в підготовці майбутніх соціальних працівників/соціальних педагогів до соціально-педагогічної підтримки материнства й дитинства в Україні авторського курсу засвідчили, що на завершальному етапі усереднені кількісні показники високого рівня за трьома критеріями зросли в ЕГ до 26,92% (проти 12,73% на початку дослідження) і в КГ - до 13,32% (проти 12,81% на початку дослідження); середнього - до 53,74% (проти 39,11% на початку дослідження) в ЕГ та до 39,54% (проти 38,95% на початку дослідження) в КГ. Показники низького рівня в ЕГ становлять 19,34% (проти 48,16% на початку дослідження) та 47,13% (проти 48,25% на початку дослідження) в КГ. Обробка одержаних результатів засвідчила статистичну позитивну динаміку. Зроблено висновок, що розроблений і запроваджений авторський курс має практичне значення та перспективи доцільності використання в практичній підготовці майбутніх соціальних працівників/соціальних педагогів до соціально-педагогічної підтримки материнства й дитинства в Україні.

Ключові слова: підготовка, готовність, соціально-педагогічна підтримка материнство, дитинство, соціальний працівник, соціальний педагог, фахівець соціальної сфери.

Abstract. The article is devoted to the specifics of practical preparation of social sphere experts for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine. social worker support motherhood

Analysis of theoretical and practical foundations of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine in the 20th century proved the readiness research need of future social workers/social pedagogues for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine. We consider this readiness as the desire of a social worker/social pedagogue to implement social services at the macro, meso, and micro levels, as well as personal motivation and professional growth (improvement of professionally oriented knowledge and skills) in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood. The article presents the characteristics of criteria, indicators of readiness of social workers/social pedagogues for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine. The basis of the research is the author's course of choice «Social-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood: theory and practice», on the basis of which the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of social workers/social pedagogues preparation for social-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine were characterized (motivational, substantive , operational), adapted to study the phenomenon under study. On the basis of selected criteria and indicators, three levels of social workers/social pedagogues readiness for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine are distinguished (high, medium, low).

The results of the verification of the feasibility of using the author's course in the preparation of future social workers/ social pedagogues for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine showed that at the final stage, the averaged quantitative indicators of a high level according to three criteria increased in EG to 26.92% (against 12, 73% at the beginning of the research) and in CG - up to 13.32% (against 12.81% at the beginning of the research); average - up to 53.74% (against 39.11% at the beginning of the research) in EG and up to 39.54% (against 38.95% at the beginning of the research) in CG. Low-level indicators in EG are 19.34% (versus 48.16% at the beginning of the research) and 47.13% (versus 48.25% at the beginning of the research) in CG. The processing of the obtained results confirmed the statistical positive dynamics. It was concluded that developed and implemented author's course has practical significance and prospects of feasibility of use in the practical preparation of future social workers/social pedagogues for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine.

Keywords: preparation, readiness, socio-pedagogical support, motherhood, childhood, social worker, social pedagogue, social sphere experts.


The problem formulation. The full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which gave rise to the emergence of an economic crisis, a large number of internally displaced persons and refugees, led to changes in the social sphere, social policy, and the activities of various social institutions. In any confrontation, the most vulnerable categories of the population suffer the most - children, pregnant women, mothers with small children. That is why the support of motherhood and childhood should be the subject of special attention from the state, because care for the health and well-being of women and children contributes to the growth of the country's population and the improvement of the reproductive health of citizens, which, in turn, makes it possible to resist the demographic crisis and the threat of depopulation, which are more timely than ever for Ukraine. Socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood is one of the main forms of social support of the population in most countries of the world and is a system of various measures aimed at protecting the health of the mother and child, motivation for motherhood, protecting the rights of mothers, forming attitudes of conscious parenthood, creating the most favorable conditions for raising children, their harmonious development.

Accordingly, the future social workers/social pedagogues preparation for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood involves the formation of competence in the field of studying the individuality and social nature of the mother and child, the characteristics of the defined social group; the use of methods of emotional influence, modeling, projecting, coaching, etc. in specific life situations; socio-pedagogical services providing in solving their problems, etc.

A review of the scientific and methodological literature showed that at the current stage, the following researches are devoted to the issue of general professional preparation of pedagogical workers: A. Boyko, O. Budnyk, A. Kapskaia, N. Kychuk, V. Kovalchuk, V. Kuzya, V. Lugovoi, E. Luzik, N. Nichkalo, O. Oleksyuk, T. Osadchenko, O. Savchenko, R. Khmelyuk, V. Frytsyuk, and others. A number of scientific investigations are devoted to issues of social and pedagogical support for children and youth, namely: children with developmental disabilities (V. Teslenko); children of the risk group (I. Dementieva, L. Oliferenko, T. Shulga); gifted children (I. Babenko, O. Bocharova); parents of children with special needs (I. Makarenko); children's public associations (L. Romanovska); students (I. Odnogulova); motherhood and childhood (V. Stynska) and others. At the same time, there is no research that would comprehensively reveal the problem of specialists preparation for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine. соціальний працівник підтримка материнство

AIM AND Tasks OF THE Research - to analyze the peculiarities of practical training of social sphere experts for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood.


Practical preparation problem review of social sphere experts for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood at the current stage causes the need of analysys of two categories - preparation and readiness, which are actualized in socio-pedagogical research.

Thus, in Ukrainian language dictionary, the term «preparation» is considered as: 1) an action meaning to prepare; 2) stock of knowledge, skills, experience, etc., acquired in the process of learning, practical activity (Dictionary of the Ukrainian language, p. 417); «readiness» - 1) ready state; 2) desire to do something (Dictionary of the Ukrainian language, p. 148).

Despite the fact that categories are close in meaning, majority of scientists believe that readiness is the ultimate outcome of preparation. The basis of such a statement is the provision that the effectiveness of any activity is determined by psychological and practical readiness for it (M. Dyachenko, O. Moroz, etc.). This makes it necessary to consider readiness for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood as the basic position of the researched problem and outline the content of its structural components.

Our scientific search proved the presence of two approaches in the scientific world for the category «readiness» understanding, namely: functional (B. Ananiev, M. Dyachenko, L. Kandybovich, A. Lynenko, etc.) and personal (V. Krutetskyi, K. Platonov, V. Slastyonin, etc.) (V. Stynska, 2019, p. 382).

Within the scope of our research, it is appropriate to outline the concept of readiness by combining both approaches, because a feature of the preparation of a social worker/social pedagogue for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood is the certain preparatory stage presense, which is focused on establishing certain signs, qualities and states.

Under such conditions, the readiness of the social worker/social pedagogue for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood will be considered as the desire of the social worker/social pedagogue to implement social services at the macro, meso, and micro levels, as well as personal motivation and professional growth (professional improvement -oriented knowledge and skills) in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood (V. Stynska, 2019, p. 382).

For the purpose of the features of a social worker/social pedagogue for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood preparation outline, we will conduct a component-structural analysis of the «readiness» category. In socio-pedagogical sources, the category «readiness», as interpreted by A. Kapska (A. Kapska, 1998, p. 5-12), has the following structure: personal (motives for activity, pedagogical selfconsciousness, interest in activity, need for it) and procedural (professionally significant qualities, pedagogical abilities, knowledge of the subject and activity methods, skills and abilities) components that encourage personality for professional growth and actualize the issue of work readiness in the social sphere.

Conducted scientific analysis made it possible to generalize that the main components of readiness, according to the reasoning of I. Havrysh (I. Havrysh, 2007, p. 33-38), are informational, motivational and operational. Relying on the research of O. Pehota, I. Shakhov distinguishes the following components in the readiness structure: motivational- targeted, contentual, operational, integrational (Shakhov I., 2007, pp. 302-308). Taking the above into account, while clarifying the structure of future social workers/social pedagogues readiness for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood, we distinguish three components in it: motivational (desire to carry out a certain activity), content (knowledge, that are necessary to carry out the activity), operational (practical use of skills) components.

Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of each component of a social worker/social pedagogue readiness for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood. In general, the motivational component is a set of subjective activity indicators, which include needs, motives, interests, attitudes, valuable orientations, personality orientation, ideals, etc. O. Topol singles out the motivational component as a necessary element of successful professionalization of a specialist in the social sphere, noting that it determines professional suitability for practical work (O. Topol, 2011).

The motivational component in the context of the investigated problem characterizes the ability of future social workers/social pedagogues to motivate themselves to acquire the necessary knowledge, abilities and skills in matters of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood.

The content component, according to T. Solovei and M. Tchaikovsky statement, ensures the knowledge systematicity about socio-pedagogical activity, activates cognitive activity, promotes development and enrichment of cognitive experience, which is the basis for the formation of judgments, conclusions, assessments, professional expectations and requirements (Solovei T. , M. Chaikovsky M., 2013, pp. 220-224). In general, a social worker/social educator should use five levels of knowledge in the process of providing assistance, namely: 1. General knowledge in the field of social work. 2.Knowledge of certain fields of social work (for example, in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood). 3. Agency specific knowledge. 4. Knowledge of client types who the agency works with. 5. Knowledge of the typical features of establishing contact (Kadushin A., 1959, pp. 39-79).

In the context of the investigated problem, the content component of the future social workers readiness for socio- pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood includes a system of general professional knowledge regarding the essence, purpose, principles, tasks, methods and technologies of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; socio-legal knowledge about the main directions of social policy development and social support of mother and child; integrated subject knowledge about the specifics of social work with this category of clients; methodical knowledge about the socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood technology usage.

The operational component, as defined by T. Solovei and M. Tchaikovsky, is the ability to perform specific professional tasks of socio-pedagogical activity, to solve socio-pedagogical situations, to perform search and research activities (Solovei T., M. Tchaikovsky M., 2013, p 220-224). The operational component of the readiness of future social workers/ social pedagogues for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood characterizes students' ability to use methods and technologies in practice in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in the process of professional activity in social institutions.

We consider it necessary to note that the research involves a clear study of criteria set and indicators, which are used to study the dynamics of the phenomenon under research. In this regard, the work presents its own criteria characteristics, indicators and levels of readiness of social workers/social pedagogues for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood.

Our scientific research proved that it is impossible to study all the criteria of such a complex phenomenon as the preparation of a social worker/social pedagogue for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood within the limits of a separate research.

Moreover, the preparation for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood within the framework of diagnostic work is aimed at author's course implementation «Social-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine: theory and practice» into the educational process of higher education institutions. Thus, the main criteria for assessing the readiness of a future social worker/social pedagogue for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood became: motivational, contentual, operational, adapted for the researched phenomenon study. Let's outline the main indicators of the criteria defined by us.

The main indicators of the motivational criteria of the readiness of a social worker/social pedagogue for socio- pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood are:

• the need to master the skills and abilities of applying forms, methods, technologies of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood;

• creative potential realization need in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood;

• professional abilities, knowledge and skills improvement need in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood;

• professional assistance provision need to target categories in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood.

The main indicators of the content criteria of the readiness of a social worker/social pedagogue for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood are:

• completeness of knowledge from the cycle of general preparation (history of Ukrainian culture, philosophy, religious studies, etc.);

• knowledge fullness from the cycle of professional preparation (social-pedagogical, historical-pedagogical, psychological, etc.);

• completeness of special knowledge from the cycle of professional preparation (history of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine and abroad;

• theoretical and practical principles of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; main implementation mechanisms (forms, methods, means, innovative technologies) of social- pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood, etc.).

Note that despite the fact that the first and second groups are part of the general professional knowledge system of social workers/social pedagogues, they do not have an obvious interdependence with the researched problem. Therefore, in the process of further research, we will dwell in detail on special knowledge.

The scientific expediency of the operational criteria research is confirmed by the works of A. Derkach, N. Kuzmina, and others. scientists who identify five main groups of skills that are fundamental in the structure of socio-pedagogical activity: gnostic, projective, constructive, communicative and organizational. Let's analyze the essential characteristics of skills from each of the named groups in the context of our research. Indicators of the operational criteria are the ability to:


• carry out a holistic analysis of the sphere of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood;

• to highlight essential connections between phenomena, objects in the sphere of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood;

• to independently analyze the course of one's own socio-pedagogical activity and its results; proectual:

• outline prospective goals and objectives of the sphere of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood;

• predict the content, forms, methods, means that ensure the readiness of the social worker/social pedagogue for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood;


• to develop a program of socio-pedagogical support for motherhood and childhood in accordance with the client's situation and needs;

• specify tasks, forms, methods of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood;

• use innovative technologies of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; communicative:

• effectively use the means of verbal and non-verbal communication in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood;

• teach future social workers/social pedagogues forms, methods, means of communicative interaction in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; organizational:

• step-by-step implementation of the program of socio-pedagogical support for motherhood and childhood in accordance with the client's situation and needs;

• to organize search activities to update problematic educational information of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood;

• to implement forms, methods, means of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood.

So, we defined and characterized the criteria and indicators of the readiness of a social worker/social pedagogue for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood: motivational, contentual and operational, which are consistent with each other and provide a basis for levels of readiness determination of a social worker/social pedagogue for socio-pedagogical support support for motherhood and childhood: high, medium, low. A high level of readiness of a social worker/social pedagogue for social-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood is characterized by the following features: positive motivation for social-pedagogical activity in the field of social-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; perseverance in tasks solving in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; persistent interest in socio-pedagogical activity in the field of social-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; excellent knowledge of socio-pedagogical, psychological and historical-pedagogical disciplines; desire for self-improvement, self-expression, self-actualization in the profession; conscious understanding of the importance of the future profession; readiness to overcome difficulties and perform tasks in standard and non-standard situations in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; the ability to independently evaluate the results of personal actions.

The average level is characterized by the following indicators: narrowly focused motivation for socio-pedagogical activity in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; the unstable character of perseverance in task solving in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; mediocre interest in the sphere of social and pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; fragmentary knowledge of socio-pedagogical, psychological and historical-pedagogical disciplines; sufficient awareness of the importance of the future profession; the ability to independently evaluate the results of personal actions.

A low level is determined by the following indicators: lack of motivation for socio-pedagogical activity in the field of socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; episodic interest in socio-pedagogical activity in the field of social-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood; low level of knowledge in socio-pedagogical, psychological and historical-pedagogical disciplines; superficial awareness of the importance of the future profession; lack of desire for self-improvement, self-expression, self-actualization in the profession and the ability to independently evaluate the results of personal actions. On the basis of the defined criteria corresponding to the structural components of the readiness of a social worker/social pedagogue (motivational, contetual, operational), a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the researched phenomenon was conducted. The determined criteria and indicators became the basis for the development and implementation of the author's course for future social workers/social pedagogues «Social-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood: theory and practice».

Verification of the feasibility of author's course using in the preparation of future social workers/social pedagogues for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine was carried out at the control stage of the experiment by comparing and analyzing the obtained data of EG and CG (Table 1, Fig. 1).

Table 1

Readiness Dynamics of social sphere experts for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine (results of the final stage of the research, in %)































































Fig. 1. Dynamics of the distribution of EG students according to the indicator of readiness for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine (average indicator). So, the final stage of the study proved the superiority of the relevant indicators of EG over CG.


Thus, the work presents the characteristics of criteria, indicators of readiness of social sphere experts for socio- pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine. Based on the selected criteria and indicators, three levels of readiness of social workers/social pedagogues for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine are distinguished (high, medium, low). The results of the work became the basis for the development and implementation of the author's elective course «Social-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood: theory and practice», which has practical significance and perspective for the feasibility of use in future social workers/social pedagogues preparation for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine. The results of the research showed that at the final stage, the averaged quantitative indicators of a high level according to three criteria increased in EG to 26.92% (against 12.73% at the beginning of the diagnostic work) and in CG - to 13.32% (against 12.81% at the beginning of diagnostic work); average - up to 53.74% (against 39.11% at the beginning of diagnostic work) in EG and up to 39.54% (against 38.95% at the beginning of diagnostic work) in KG. Low-level indicators in EG are 19.34% (versus 48.16% at the beginning of diagnostic work) and 47.13% (versus 48.25% at the beginning of diagnostic work) in KG. The processing of the obtained results confirmed the statistical positive dynamics. The author's course developed and implemented has practical significance and perspectiver for the feasibility of use in preparation future social workers/social pedagogues for socio-pedagogical support of motherhood and childhood in Ukraine.


1. Havrysh, I. V. (2007) Teoretyko-metodolohichni osnovy formuvannia hotovnosti maibutnikh vchyteliv do innovatsiinoi profesiinoi diialnosti [Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of readiness of future teachers for innovative professional activity] : avtoref. dys. na zdobuttia nauk. stupenia doktora ped. nauk: 13.00.04, Luhansk. 44 s. [in Ukrainian].

2. Kapska, A. Y (1998) Deiaki osoblyvosti formuvannia hotovnosti studentiv do profesiinoi tvorchosti [Some features of the formation of students' readiness for professional creativity]. Modeliuvannia vykhovnoi diialnosti v systemi profesiinoi pidhotovky studentiv: Teoriia, praktyka, prohramy. K., S. 5-12. [in Ukrainian].

3. Solovei, T.V., Chaikovskyi, M.Ie. (2013) Zmistovni komponenty profesiinoi kompetentnosti sotsialnoho pratsivnyka inkliuzyvnoho zakladu osvity [Content components of the professional competence of a social worker of an inclusive educational institution]. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Khmelnytskoho instytutu sotsialnykh tekhnolohii Universytetu «Ukraina». №1(7). S. 220-224. [in Ukrainian].

4. Stynska, V.V. (2019) Teoriia i praktyka sotsialno-pedahohichnoi pidtrymky materynstva y dytynstva v Ukraini (ХХ - pochatok ХХІ st.) [Theory and practice of social and pedagogical support for maternity and children in Ukraine (20th - early 21st century)]: dys...dok. ped. nauk: 13.00.05. Ivano-Frankivsk - Ternopil, 631 s. [in Ukrainian].

5. Topol, O.I. (2011) Zdoroviazberihaiucha kompetentnist yak skladova profesionalizmu sotsialnoho pratsivnyka [Health-preserving competence as a component of the professionalism of a social worker]. URL: skladova-profesionalizmu-sotsialnogo-pratsivnika/viewer [in Ukrainian]

6. Shakhov, V. I. (2007) Bazova pedahohichna osvita maibutnoho vchytelia: zahalnopedahohichnyi aspekt [Basic pedagogical education of the future teacher: general pedagogical aspect]. Vinnytsia, 383 s.

7. Kadushin, A. (1959)ю The knowledge base of social work. Issues in American Social Work. N.Y.: Columbia University Press, p. 39-79. [in English].

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  • Four common social classes. Karl Marx's social theory of class. Analysis the nature of class relations. The conflict as the key driving force of history and the main determinant of social trajectories. Today’s social classes. Postindustrial societies.

    презентация [718,4 K], добавлен 05.04.2014

  • The essence of social research communities and their development and functioning. Basic social theory of the XIX century. The main idea of Spencer. The index measuring inequality in income distribution Pareto. The principle of social action for Weber.

    реферат [32,5 K], добавлен 09.12.2008

  • Understanding of social stratification and social inequality. Scientific conceptions of stratification of the society. An aggregated socio-economic status. Stratification and types of stratification profile. Social stratification of modern society.

    реферат [26,9 K], добавлен 05.01.2009

  • The study of human populations. Demographic prognoses. The contemplation about future social developments. The population increase. Life expectancy. The international migration. The return migration of highly skilled workers to their home countries.

    реферат [20,6 K], добавлен 24.07.2014

  • The essence of modern social sciences. Chicago sociological school and its principal researchers. The basic principle of structural functionalism and functional imperatives. Features of the evolution of subprocesses. Sociological positivism Sorokina.

    реферат [34,8 K], добавлен 09.12.2008

  • The essence of the terms "Company" and "State" from a sociological point of view. Description criteria for the political independence of citizens. Overview of the types of human society. The essence of the basic theories on the origin of society.

    реферат [20,1 K], добавлен 15.12.2008

  • American marriage pattern, its types, statistics and trends among different social groups and ages. The reasons of marriage and divorce and analyzing the statistics of divorce and it’s impact on people. The position of children in American family.

    курсовая работа [48,3 K], добавлен 23.08.2013

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