Создание тематического сайта: заброшенные здания в европейской цивилизации

Заброшенные жилые и промышленные здания, инфраструктурные сооружения как малоизученный пласт современной культуры. Экскурсии по заброшенным объектам. Поиск истории объектов, исторических фото. Создание сайта для публикации статей про оставленные здания.

Рубрика Программирование, компьютеры и кибернетика
Вид дипломная работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 01.07.2017
Размер файла 1,6 M

Отправить свою хорошую работу в базу знаний просто. Используйте форму, расположенную ниже

Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

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Создание тематического сайта: заброшенные здания в европейской цивилизации



Глава 1. Характеристика заброшенных объектов

1.1 Заброшенные объекты как феномен

1.2 Категоризация заброшенных зданий

Глава 2. Сайт "Stalker"

2.1 История создания

2.2 Структура

Глава 3. Топ-10 популярных статей сайта "STALKER"

3.1 Interview: Illegal Chernobyl

3.2 Interview: "Those who abandon buildings, deserve the punishment"

3.3 Time for amusement park!

3.4 Citius, Altius, Fortius!

3.5 Hospital, hidden in the wood

3.6 Гензель и Гретель: часть II

3.7 The lessons are over

3.8 Burnt-out relics of the glorious past

3.9 Вам надо лишь поверить в собственное безумие

3.10 Комната в лучшем отеле Падовы


Использованная литература и другие источники

Приложение 1. Главная страница сайта

Приложение 2. Список статей сайта (на 02.05.2017г.)

Приложение 3. Фотографии заброшенных мест



Заброшенные объекты: жилые и промышленные здания, инфраструктурные сооружения - представляют собой малоизученный пласт современной культуры. Этот своеобразный феномен показывает проблемы цивилизации с неожиданной стороны, заставляет по-особому взглянуть на историю, почувствовать хрупкость и уязвимость мира, увидеть казавшиеся незыблемыми постройки словно сквозь призму времени. Попадая на такой объект, чувствуешь себя древним римлянином, которого перенесли через века и поставили перед развалинами Колизея.

В последние годы экскурсии по заброшенным объектам становятся популярным туристическим направлением, и спрос на информацию в данной сфере чрезвычайно высок. При этом существует явный дефицит информационных ресурсов, которые могли бы сориентировать заинтересованного читателя. Восполнение этого пробела и является задачей настоящей работы.

Степень разработанности темы

Для того чтобы охарактеризовать степень разработанности темы, нами было выделено несколько групп научных и информационных источников, которые представляют собой теоретическую базу для данного исследования.

Первую группу источников составляют работы, посвященные феномену появления заброшенных зданий в европейской цивилизации. Необходимый материал был найден у следующих авторов: Fahey Fahey, Ciaran. Abandoned Berlin. //Be.Bra Verlag GmbH. Berlin-Brandenburg. 2015., O'Flaherty O'Flaherty, Brendan. "Abandoned buildings: A stochastic analysis." Journal of Urban Economics 34.1 (1993): 43-74., Spelman Spelman W. Abandoned buildings: Magnets for crime? //Journal of Criminal Justice. - 1993. - P. 481-495., Nefs Nefs, Merten. "Unused urban space: conservation or transformation? Polemics about the future of urban wastelands and abandoned buildings." City and time 2.1 (2006): 47-58., Хлевнюк Хлевнюк, Д. О. "Руина в городе: культурные ценности и опасность их потерять." Москва. 2013..

Вторая группа источников взята из публикаций различных СМИ, посвященных рассмотрению заброшенных зданий в Европе как туристических объектов. Это статьи из журналов European Best Destinations "Best abandoned places in Europe" http://www.europeanbestdestinations.com/top/best-abandoned-places-in-europe/, Traveller "Tourism's fascination for abandoned, decaying buildings: Is 'ruin porn' the next chic tourist fad?" http://www.traveller.com.au/tourisms-fascination-for-old-ruins-is-ruin-porn-the-next-chic-tourist-fad-gk7i4q, Daily Mail "Portuguese tour guides show off abandoned buildings, graffiti and decay in the underbelly of Porto" http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-2588738/Worst-city-tour-world-Portos-abandoned-buildings-decay-unusual-tour.html, CNN "It's hot: Chernobyl now a tourist zone" http://edition.cnn.com/2015/04/14/travel/chernobyl-tourism/.

Третья группа источников посвящена уже существующим сайтам и блогам, которые специализируются на теме заброшенных зданий в Европе. Сюда входят сайты "Abandoned Berlin" http://www.abandonedberlin.com/, "Opacity" http://opacity.us/, "I luoghi dell'abbandono" http://www.iluoghidellabbandono.com/, "Pamirљta.lt" http://pamirsta.lt/, "Abandoned Places" http://www.abandoned-places.com/.

Степень разработанности каждого из направлений темы в целом достаточно высока. Несмотря на это, в целом феномен заброшенных зданий в европейской цивилизации недостаточно изучен. Именно поэтому мы и выбрали эту темы для исследования в данной дипломной работе.

Объект и предмет исследования

Объектом исследования выбраны заброшенные здания в европейской цивилизации.

Предмет исследования (разработки) - создание тематического сайта: заброшенные здания в европейской цивилизации.

Цель и направления исследования

Цель работы заключается в том, чтобы создать тематический сайт, в котором будут собрана разнообразная информация о заброшенных зданиях, найденных в Европе, фотографии этих зданий и их описание.

Направления исследования:

1. Поиск заброшенных зданий в европейской цивилизации;

2. Поиск истории объектов, их исторических фото;

3. Создание сайта для публикации статей;

4. Создание классификации для заброшенных зданий в зависимости от обстоятельств и причин заброшенности;

Методы научного исследования представлены в виде таблицы.

Табл. 1

Методы научного исследования


Эмпирический метод - работа с заброшенными объектами в европейской цивилизации.

Сравнительно-описательный анализ

Задача №1

Эмпирический метод - работа с документами.


Задача №2

Эмпирический метод - работа с документами.

Систематизация, исторический анализ

Задача №3

Эмпирический метод - работа с документами.


Задача №4

Эмпирический метод - работа с документами: статьями.

Контент-анализ, систематизация

В данном исследовании будет доказана или опровергнута следующая гипотеза: заброшенные здания в европейской цивилизации становятся привлекательными для туристов, вследствие чего превращаются в туристические объекты и перестают быть заброшенными.

Хронологические и географические рамки исследования - с 30 сентября 2016 по 15 апреля 2017 года. Географические рамки - Европа. Данные временные рамки связаны с пребыванием в Европе, в связи с чем имелась возможность собирать необходимые данные для нашего исследования.

Эмпирическая база и научная новизна

Эмпирическая база исследования сводится к конкретным зданиям и объектам в европейской цивилизации.

Научная новизна работы определяется тем, что в ней были получены новые результаты по сравнению с предыдущими исследованиями по сходной тематике. Были установлены связи между тем, откуда появляются заброшенные здания, каковы причины их упадка, что происходит с ними после того как они выпадают из сферы деятельности человека.

Также нами была введена в обиход новая классификация заброшенных зданий.

Практическая значимость

Практическая значимость работы определяется тем, что полученные результаты исследования могут быть реально использованы. Они могут быть полезны туристам в поиске новых мест для посещения в новых городах. Также работа будет полезной для историков, которые изучают феномен заброшенных зданий. Помимо этого работа может понадобиться архитекторам, которых могут заинтересовать различные типы архитектуры в заброшенных зданиях европейской цивилизации.

Глава 1. Характеристка заброшенных объектов

1.1 Заброшенные объекты как феномен

Заброшенное сооружение - это любой объект, который перестал использоваться людьми и пришел в запустение. Это могут быть различные здания, мосты, бункеры, больницы, школы, шахты, водонапорные башни, железнодорожные станции и дороги, фермы, колодцы, лодки. Чаще всего эти объекты оставляются на произвол судьбы, и никто ими не интересуется.

В связи с этим появляются различные сообщества в социальных сетях и на форумах, члены которых кооперируются самостоятельно и организуют неофициальные экскурсии к заброшенным объектам.

Таких людей иногда называют сталкеры. Сталкер - это человек, посещающий и исследующий заброшенные места Белякова Светлана Михайловна Сталкер: имя судьбы и судьба имени // Уральский филологический вестник. Серия: Язык. Система. Личность: лингвистика креатива. -- 2012. -- № 3. -- С. 153-157.. Само слово впервые появляется в русском языке после выхода повести братьев Стругацких "Пикник на обочине" (1972 год).

"Так у нас в Хармонте называют отчаянных парней, которые на свой страх и риск проникают в Зону и тащат оттуда все, что им удается найти. Это настоящая новая профессия", - пишут Стругацкие в своей повести Стругацкие Б. Пикник на обочине. - " Издательство"" Проспект""", 2013. С.53..

Позднее выходит фильм Андрея Тарковского "Сталкер" (1981 год), и уже после этого события слово "сталкер" входит в российский и зарубежный лексикон.

Также свою роль в распространении данного слова сыграла катастрофа на Чернобыльской АЭС (1986 года) и появление особой зоны отчуждения. После катастрофы некоторые отчаянные люди несмотря на многочисленные запреты пробираются в Чернобыльскую зону. Этот момент сыграл свою роль, после чего журналисты и писатели стали ещё чаще использовать слово "сталкер".

С появлением сталкеров зарождается ещё одно новое понятие - индустриальный туризм или urban exploration. Это такой вид туризма, когда люди посещают различные заброшенные сооружения производственного или специального назначения для получения особого рода удовольствия, а также для удовлетворения любопытства и исследовательского интереса.

В последнее время индустриальный туризм начал набирать обороты, в связи с чем появляется бизнес, основанный на показе заброшенных зданий. Примером тому экскурсии в заброшенную олимпийскую деревню в Берлине или платный вход к заброшенной американской шпионской станции Teufelsberg в Берлине.

В Италии существует организация "I luoghi dell'abbandono" ("Заброшенные места"), которая организует туры по различным заброшенным объектам Италии.

Стоит опять вспомнить и Чернобыль, куда с 2010 года начались официальные экскурсии. Сейчас попасть с экскурсией в Зону можно в рамках однодневного или многодневного (до пяти дней) тура.

Данные примеры свидетельствуют о том, что интерес к заброшенным объектам растёт из года в год.

1.2 Категоризация заброшенных зданий

В нашей научной работе мы бы хотели попытаться категоризировать заброшенные здания Европы, поскольку прежде никто такой попытки не осуществил. Наша категоризация напрямую связана с причинами, по которым то или иное здание/объект становятся заброшенными.

Всего было выделено семь категорий.

· Личная драма человека. Эта категория включает в себя те типы заброшенных зданий, за которыми стоит человеческая судьба. Личная драматическая история человека и является той причиной, по которой здания стали заброшенными. Когда с этим человеком что-то происходит (у него заканчивается деньги или он умирает), здание оставляется на произвол судьбы. Эта категория заброшенных объектов самая многочисленная.

Примером служит наиболее распространённый вид заброшенных зданий - недостроенные объекты.

· Техногенные или природные катастрофы. В этой категории собраны здания, которые стали заброшенными вследствие каких-либо катаклизмов.

Целые посёлки, деревни, города могут стать заброшенными из-за природных причин: наводнения, землетрясения, оползней. Люди вынуждены покидать свои города по причинам, от них не зависящим. Так, в центре Италии из-за сейсмологических катастроф более тысячи посёлков остаются заброшенными.

Техногенные катастрофы чаще всего происходят из-за человеческого фактора. Одна из самых известных - авария на Чернобыльской АЭС, вследствие которой свои дома покинули более чем 115 тысяч человек.

· Эпидемии. Распространение опасных болезней может привести к оттоку жителей из деревень и даже к полному запустению населённых пунктов. Так произошло с Галереей Антика, маленьким посёлком возле Рима, который стал заброшенным в 1830 году из-за малярии.

Подобное случается и в противоположных обстоятельствах. Например, один из венецианских островов - Повелья - служил карантинным изолятором для больных чумой. Вскоре после прекращения эпидемии остров оказался заброшен.

· Политические причины. Сюда можно отнести здания, которые были повреждены вследствие войны и до сих пор не восстановлены.

Это множество зданий в Боснии и Герцеговине, Косово, Сербии. Война между этими странами произошла 20 лет назад, но их территории до сих пор хранят её следы. Если поездить по сёлам и деревням этих стран, там до сих можно встретить отметины от пуль, воронки от бомбардировок.

Другой пример - остров Кипр, где находится целый заброшенный курортный квартал Фамагуста. Во время войны между Турцией и Грецией всё греческое население, в том числе обслуживающий персонал, покинуло его. Сейчас квартал находится в турецкой части Кипра, но, согласно резолюции Совета Безопасности ООН, только законные жители могут пользоваться этой территорией.

Также причиной запустения бывают революции, перевороты, изменения режимов и границ государств. Сюда относятся, к примеру, заброшенные поселения ГУЛАГа. Также после распада СССР в бывших союзных республиках осталось множество объектов, которые после обретения странами независимости стали никому не нужны. Это, к примеру, поселение "Скрунда-1" в Латвии, заброшенный советский военный городок Миловице в Чехии или множество заброшенных военных баз в Казахстане, а также заброшенные базы в странах бывшей Югославии.

· Утрата цели. Под этой категорией подразумеваются здания, которые были построены под какую-то особую цель. Когда эта цель пропала - пропала и необходимость в данном здании.

Сюда можно отнести множество заброшенных олимпийских объектов - в Берлине, Афинах, Сараево. После того как Олимпиады проходят, большинство стадионов не используется и остаются заброшенными.

· Экономические причины. Это может быть как кризис в стране/мире, так и экономический прогресс, который приводит к тому, что некоторые здания перестают эксплуатироваться.

Сюда входят города/посёлки, которые создавались вокруг какого-то одного производства, а когда это производство по каким-то причинам прекратилось, стало ненужным и существование таких деревень.

Примером тому служит Сардиния, итальянский остров. Раньше там была развита горнодобывающая промышленность. Но после того как эта деятельность пошла на упадок, работники были предоставлены сами себе, и им пришлось покинуть свои села в поисках нового заработка.

Сюда можно также отнести и город на севере США - Детройт, который в результате банкротства автопроизводства в 2013 году пришёл в упадок. В городе произошло сокращение используемых коммерческих и жилых площадей. За последние годы в Детройте появилось более 85 тысяч заброшенных зданий.

Другим примером может служить деревня на острове Кинг, Аляска. В этой деревне жил народ "инупики", охотники на китов. Но после 1970 годов охота на китов была запрещена, прекратила своё существование и деревня.

· Несовпадение спроса и предложения. Ярким примером является Китай. В этой стране в некоторых городах люди ищут жильё даже на крышах, а квартиры в новых домах, только что сданных в эксплуатацию, оснащённых всеми коммуникациями и социальной инфраструктурой, стоят слишком дорого, поэтому здания пустуют. Такое явление стало популярным в Китае за последние пять лет.

Глава 2. Сайт "Stalker"

2.1 История создания

Блог "STALKER" появился 13 ноября 2016 года на платформе WordPress.com. Позднее, 18 марта 2017 года блог был перенесен на более гибкую платформу WordPress.org.

Что такое "STALKER"?

Мы выбрали именно это имя для нашего блога, потому что сталкеры - это исследователи, и мы ассоциируем себя именно с этим определением. Они исследуют "серые территории" с максимальной бережностью, без какого-либо грубого вторжения. Сталкеры - это гости индустриальных и жилых районов, военных объектов, сельских и изолированных руин, исторических зданий, ставших заброшенными и забытыми людьми.

Цель нашего сайта - публикация статей, посвященных различным заброшенным зданиям в Европе, публикация интервью с интересными для нас экспертами.

Помимо сайта мы создали страницу в Фейсбуке (https://www.facebook.com/UrBexStalker/), которая привлекла 204 подписчика. Также мы ведём канал в Инстаграме (@stalkerurbex), на который подписалось 148 человек.

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· Others: "Interview: Illegal Chernobyl","Sea spokesman", "You are invited to Saddam's place", "Interview: "Who makes the building abandoned, deserves the punishment"".

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В следующей главе размещены тексты самых популярных статей.

Глава 3. Топ-10 популярных статей сайта "STALKER"

3.1 Interview: Illegal Chernobyl

Penetrating into the exclusion zone of Chernobyl in an illegal way is the cherished dream of many stalkers. This could be called one of the most amazing things in the life. But is it so cool? Is there a threat of radiation? And how is the zone after 30 years? Let's find out the answers to these questions together with two stalkers who have been there.

-Tell us in general about your trip: how long was it? Which places were you able to visit? And how does Chernobyl look?

Artyom: I have been to Chernobyl many times, even once in a legal way, with the tour. Official tours are usually a short bus ride, where you are not allowed to do anything, just to take pictures and then go away. Going without any permission is the complete opposite, you can do whatever you see want and how much you want. We can say that the difference between the legal and illegal way is like watching pictures from Paris and going there for a week: these things just cannot be compared.

In general, Chernobyl is like a big national park. Except small foci of radiation, it is even cleaner there than Kiev. For nature, our nuclear catastrophe was just a sneeze.

Vladimir: Firstly I went to Chernobyl illegally, and then decided to see what I have missed, and went there inside the tour group. Our illegal trip lasted four days. Due to poor planning, our way there took two days, and we returned back just by one night.

We visited the river Pripyat, the swimming pool "Lazurniy", amusement park, and went up to the tallest building in Pripyat.

-Why did you want to go to Chernobyl?

V: Such an opportunity and so close…I just wanted something extreme. Abandoned places in Kiev were not interesting to me, I wanted something more far away and brighter.

A: Motivation is obvious, who doesn't want to see what is the Earth like when all humans disappear?

- Where did you search for information about how to get inside?

V: Generally, I plotted a route on Google maps, because other maps are very inaccurate. On Google maps you can see real terrains and real objects. I also read some forums but there is written too little. In fact, people don't like to talk about that, or they are saying really little.

- How much difficult was to penetrate the zone, from one to ten?

V: It is not difficult at all. It is just a matter of luck if they catch you or not. The difficultness is in that you need to overcome the long road with the big bag pack on you. In a moral sense, it is also very difficult because you must always be ready to fall and hide if someone comes.

A: On the Internet you can find some maps of patrol posts, the main thing is not to go near them. If you have this information, then it is very easy. You just need to look right and left, and see if there is no patrol. If not - you can crawl under the barbed wire (that could be already cut by caring stalkers). In general, if you are aware of the situation, then it is easy 2 from 10. If you don't understand what's going on, then of course difficultness is significantly higher.

- What would happen if you were caught?

V: We met with the guardians on the second day of our journey. We heard them too late when their car was already near.

At that moment we started to run back, jump to the ditch, but they have already stopped and it was obvious that they have already seen us. All of a sudden, they stood for a while near the road and then after two minutes went away. It was really funny and scary.

A: We have met with the guardians almost when we were going out from the zone. It was like this: patrolmen were riding horses to their posts, when they accidentally noticed us.

As a result, they formatted the flash drive on the camera of my friend: standard procedure.

- If you suddenly needed urgent medical help, how could you get it?

A: It's better not to get hurt. If you are lucky and there will be some mobile network, you can call the patrol and describe the situation, then you will be detained and taken to the hospital in Chernobyl. But there is usually no network there, so you'll have to remember the place, leave the person alone there and go to the patrol for help (for this you need already mentioned map of posts).

- Isn't it scary to go to Chernobyl, because there is still radiation there?

A: Without dosimeters, only self-destroyers go there. Radiation cannot be felt, even when the excess of the norm increases in tens of thousands of times.

But in general this happens very rarely, and in five minutes you can score the same amount of radiation as in two-hour flight on the plane, that is completely nothing. But if you suddenly find yourself being "especially lucky" and decide to spend a couple of nights in such a radiation hearth, then the chance to catch liver cancer will greatly increase.

V: I took with me a dosimeter. I can say that in the city all the roads are cleaned. You can walk on roads and in buildings without any problems. The only thing is the ten-kilometer zone, where you don't need to go far into the forest. When once we again thought that the patrol is coming, we decided to go into the forest and lie down a little bit there. But the radiation there was quite high.

In general, it is better not to spend nights in the forests. We by ourselves spent the night in the apartment. It is very difficult to find the place with the bed or some furniture, where you can lay, because everything was thrown out from the windows when leaving.

- What did you take with you?

V: We took everything at a minimum: some food for few days, like conserves, biscuits, condensed milk. The biggest problem was with water. We took it just…for two days. As a result, we had enough for only one way.

Then we had just two options - to die from of thirst or to go to the river Pripyat and filter the water there. We made a filter out of the bottles, and in the end we filtered six liters of water.

Because of this we have spent half of a day on the river and therefore we only had one evening to see the city.

- Did you take any souvenirs from Chernobyl?

A: Souvenirs cannot be taken. This is a very tough condition. If you are caught just being in the zone, then you will be taken to the cordon, they will write out a fine for violation of radiation safety conditions and release. If you have something with you, then this is a criminal offense, the patrols can write you whatever, from contraband to marauding.

3.2 Interview: "Those who abandon buildings, deserve the punishment"

-Why are houses, buildings, places becoming abandoned?

The reasons could be wars, economic crises, failures, population declines, building speculations. So many possibilities. The abandonment of a building is always a failure for the community: unexpressed potential, a missed opportunity in terms of social organization. The space on the planet is limited, and a building must always be seen as a "material bank", an economic, human energy accumulated in the form of concrete, stones... And these energies must be used, exploited, enjoyed, lived. It makes no sense to build anything if just few miles away there is something abandoned. An abandoned building is always a sign of something that does not work in a country.

-Why in some European countries there are many abandoned places, and in some less? In which countries are there more? What is the cause of all this in your opinion?

A building, an abandoned place is always a sign of social disorder; a disorganization of the ways of collective organization, of economic fragility. For instance, cities like Detroit, the historic centers of many Portuguese cities, where a large part of the historic buildings are abandoned. Or many square kilometers of Italian factories left to the invasion of weeds.

This is even more visible in post-socialist countries. In planned economy countries architecture, the building plays an essential role. Even in the most backward and disorganized socialist economies, such as Albania or Romania, the building of schools, universities, kindergartens, popular houses, theaters, cinemas, institutes, stations was crucial in the process of reorganizing society. It was a "ordering" of people's lives through places and collective spaces. The economy was organized less autonomous: the state was responsible for building factories, production sites to increase wealth, redistribute work, knowledge and independence in relation to the great industrial powers of that time.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall this organization of the economy, was destroyed, in one of the biggest backward strides ever seen, in my opinion, in human history. I do not agree with the term, often used, of "implosion" of the Socialist Bloc. Actually, it was a voluntary destructuring, an invasion of the economies of these countries by the "Western powers" of which they have become real colonies. And with this systemic liquefaction of a whole slice of the world, from Europe to Asia, began the slow abandonment, dismantling and destruction of millions and millions of square meters of buildings, hundreds of thousands of structures, ministries, organizations, industrial companies, aerospace structures, cultural and pedagogical facilities, research infrastructures, residential property... A cultural and infrastructural genocide.

With such a cataclysm begins the destruction of entire country apparatus (education, health, culture, research, industries). Infrastructures that are no longer needed, or rather, that were not needed anymore! Such abandonment also had the role of serving as a trace, a physical, permanent testimony, of a defeat for the people of those countries. A way to "re-educate" the "Eastern" population. It is as when in the Middle Ages the Monarchies and the Church left the heads of the condemned to death, decapitated for several days, hung on a pole, in the middle of squares, to remind the population the price for heresy or for crimes.

This urban degradation and the abandonment of miles of buildings also serve to say to the Eastern populations, accustomed till the 1990s to have more or less everything for free and guaranteed (health, education, etc.): "Remember that all this will no more exist and will not come back, that we have won and that now you are under the capitalist regime", this is what the law of the jungle says. It is a process of humiliation, collective depression. It is like a stage of social destruction, it is the trace of the new regime. And this works also for the post-industrial suburbs of countries undergoing de-industrialization such as Italy or the biggest part of the United States.

-There are two different types of tourists: those who plan their trips and excursions through tourist agencies, and those who are interested in finding hidden, abandoned places. In recent times there has been a "transformation" of these abandoned places into tourist destinations, used as an attraction where, at times, it is paid for entry as if it was a museum. How can this phenomenon be explained?

The capitalist regime, at this historic stage, has an all-pervasion on a global level, penetrating in all the porous, every instance and every part of people's lives, every aspect of everything. It's like water, wherever it can, wherever it is located, and as a flood, it opens new cracks, creating new opportunities for passage. The abandoned building, which is a sad element, is often a victim of that disorganized system - is then absorbed from ruin - by the economic system, and in many cases becomes a fetish, macabre attraction, a motif of tourist interest, becomes cool and is mercified.

Stages of this violent regime: from the suburbs of the US cities to Eastern Europe, they are re-released in the movies, in the luxury brands, Milan advertising, musicians make clips, contemporary art installs museums…. This abandonment, these "sneakers" sites are appreciated by a sophisticated sociological underpinning, from "hipsters" to "bobo" (as they call them in the French-speaking world).

A young population grew up in the consumption, opulence, but also in the generalized and systemic defecation and liquefaction of collective aspects, which in reality reproduces, through such interest in the space of abandonment, the self-imposed pleasure of the system: adapt, find it "cool", and make a picnic at an abandoned airport in Berlin; make a museum in a former factory, the important thing is that you do not ask who were the workers of this or that factory, or why not that factory is abandoned, because the production of this or that asset has been delocalized in China, for example. It's an a-critical fetishizing. The abandoned Eastern building in this case is seen as a "proof" of the failed economies planning countries, and never as evidence of a crime operated by the West.

If, from one side, these places become part of the collective imagination of many, for other types of tourists or more conscious visitors, these buildings represent something of beautiful, curious, interesting anthropologically and historically: they are traces, stopped in the present, of past times.

-How else could abandoned sites be used?

As an architect, citizen, and former member of urban planning commission in Milan-Centro, as a design teacher, as a former resident of the former industrial district of Bovisa, I can only say one thing: a building must never be abandoned. Never. The company should use any means to recover, restore, reuse buildings. It is often said that doing so is impossible, or very difficult, or economically unviable.

These are platitudes, repeated and resented, that the system carries. How much money is spent, and where? Why for a former museum millions are spent just for signing a star arcade, and then you do not have the resources to save an architectural heritage (for example, like that of Bovisa, swept away in less than 10 years)? These are choices that company operates.

I think a building keeps memories, and that these memories must be kept. It is a question of logic, of a collective project. Every effort must be made to re-use abandoned buildings. A municipality, a region, a country, should not authorize any new construction while there are empty abandoned buildings. It is nothing more than a question of economic, ecological, capital, historical, cultural logic. And Italy is one of the countries of Europe with the largest area of former abandoned industries.

When I worked with Renzo Piano on the project of the Ex Falck of Sesto San Giovanni, one of the largest steel mills in the world up to the 1980s, there was a problem of what to do with over than one million of square meters of abandoned factories. No one at that time - the state in the first place - wanted to spend the right money to recover what was one of the most extraordinary industrial spaces in Europe. Money that would go back, in terms of quality of life and/or tourism, multiplied ten times.

Instead, in a capitalist society, the decisions are taking in the regard of the next day, never for a ten-year perspective.... So it was decided to sell "the steel of 100 Years of Industrialization" in Cubic Packages to China. I fought hard inside the studio, with real internal deterrence campaigns, leaving papers and articles about Sesto's industrial history on Renzo Piano's desk, in order to save as much industrial archeology as possible. I was alone at defending this my position. Why? Because the project took place in Paris, a long distance away, and none of those architects knew what Falck was in terms of resistance to Nazi-fascism and symbols for the left party in Milan. Above all, those factories were seen as a problem, not a resource. I remembered that these were the last traces of a glorious resistance story....

Now little is left of the former Falck, just what the superintendence has saved. And the speculators have taken care of the rest. What remains, will be there, in the middle of a park, as a trace.

-Have you ever visited some abandoned place?

Too many, it's been my passion since always! As a child, when I was 5-6 years old, in Rio de Janeiro, I often went out with my friends, and we went where our parents told us not to go. I lived in Santa Teresa, in a modernist quarter called Equitativa. It was surrounded by tropical forests.

One day - I do not remember how! - we found ourselves playing games and getting into a huge abandoned house. I remember it was a huge colonial house, inside the wood, I think a former hotel. It was all intact, even the bar was still full of old bottles filled with the dust. You can imagine, in a tropical country, where nature is powerful and unstoppable, what could be hiding there among all the plants and animals. We were crazy! Walking with caution and fear, I was pretending to hear old music, the noise of the bar, the dishes, the people who chatted.... I climbed up the stairs and came face to face with a giant spider whom I already knew: a black widow, one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. I ran away, with legs outstretched, and never came back. But, since then, I am trying to find again that feeling of discovery, because I knew that there were stories belonging to the past, and that the building is a trace of our history.

When I arrived at Bovisa, just twenty years old, to study at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Polytechnic, I discovered a wonderful world of beautiful factories, all abandoned just a few years before. I struggled then, quite alone, with the support of some groups like Communist Refoundation, to save them, study them, and to value them. Now they have been replaced by anonymous palaces by Italietta. For the Ex-Falck project, not far from Bovisa (Milan was surrounded by a belt of beautiful abandoned places) I saw things that everybody would have to see one day in his life: mileage factories, millions of square meters covered, pharaonic works, machines big as whole buildings....

Traces of workmanship, cards and paperwork, panels for stamping the entrance and exit, and thousands of physical testimonies of the newspaper. Everything disappeared in the silence of the press and politics. Or, in the worst case, to its enthusiastic applause. When we introduced the Renzo Piano project to the citizenship, we wanted that the presentation would be made within this gigantic city of abandoned industries. It was touching to see the old workers returning back to their factory after decades and telling us what happened there, the steel castings, the dead people, the resistance.... It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen in my life. Now there is nothing.

- What are the reasons that make people visit abandoned buildings?

I think people look for the unusual, the different, the new, the excitement. And these places can fulfill those feelings. Unknowingly, I believe that people are also looking for truths, information about things of the past that are removed from the media story: on Eastern countries, on closed industries. There is a common feature among many of these tourist destinations, and that is the world of work (its representation, workers) that many of these places represent. For decades, they have been brainwashed by repeating mantras as "in the East there is nothing, everything is bad, nothing works, they are all unhappy", or even today there is a voice that repeats that the things that surround us, that we buy every day, are not made by human beings; they almost make us to believe that things are magical, they appear at the supermarket already ready, and most are made by a Chinese goblin. And I think there is a lot of curiosity for many young people, who have grown up in a such cultural reeducation, to find places, which are hidden from the system. Why are abandoned places never talked about on television, and in newspapers, magazines, and museums?

- Do you think abandoned places should be left to themselves or stored and documented?

The territory must always be governed. From the community (state, regions, municipalities) and not from the private sector. Territorial government means ecology, landscape, urbanism, architecture, infrastructure. But it also means artistic and cultural heritage. Everything is patrimony, even the ugly and useless things we build today will have a utility. And the state (we) must know all what we have in the territory, must understand it and know how to use it, value it. An abandoned place must be cataloged, studied, archived, documented, evaluated. But to do this, there must be a coordination between communities (citizens) and universities (public), cultural agents (televisions, museums, public service). And architects should be inside this process, instead of worrying about designing wealthy villas.

-There are many vandals attending abandoned places just to ruin them, how do you think the government should protect these "sites" from them?

We need to understand what we mean by vandalism as it is a complex topic. Often there are places that become the last available places for drug dealers, young people on the slope. But also there is an underdeveloped culture that the government does not know about or does not want to value, or give a voice.

Vandalism is always a trace of something that does not work, just like the abandoned building. A healthy society has no vandalism or abandoned factories. The Ferrania factory designed by Julio Lafuente in 1959 was abandoned in total collective oblivion. It's a small masterpiece of architecture. Now it has been transformed (practically destroyed, I believe), into a Volkswagen Group dealership. In such a violent way that I would call it vandalism. Current owners do not even know where they are located. Nobody denies that, indeed.

However, if you did the same thing with a church - even coarse - at the end of the nineteenth century, everyone would scream that it is vandalism. It all depends on the objective with which you look at things, and for now we have the lens of the last liberalism. And under such a goal production sites are not important because they are places of work, and work is depressed. The state is complicated by myopia.

How can the state pretend not to vandalize public space while it is vandalizing the territory, enabling millions of square meters? How can the state repress when it creates conditions for such vandalism (for example, cutting funds at school, or not increasing the quality of TV programming for young people?) If you do not bring people democracy and quality, you can only have vandalism towards abandoned places. The state must be the state. It means to be a good friend with victims, tough with those who hurt the community. And I do not think the villain here is the small vandal, but rather that one who has moved and closed an entire factory, or who has speculated, abandoned.

- What proposals would you make to exploit these abandoned places?

If you do not have redevelopment projects or money for restoration, as it is often the case with very large structures; one of the possible solutions, especially for the Italian case, is to keep those industries where they are, intact, stable over time, and transform them into public places, for example as parks of memory. You have to think about them as covered squares.

In 2012, I proposed, with a group of architects and graduates, a project for the recovery of the ex-OTE of Bergamo. We proposed a huge public park where industrial facilities were served as a stage for timely transformations, little by little. You can safely secure metallic structures, illuminate, and make timely landscaping. Such places will be returned to the population, together with historical information.

But in Italy nobody wants to do it or nobody does it decently. In Turin or Sesto (Carroponte) there have been small attempts, ridiculous, if compared to what has been done, for example, at some coal mining sites in Belgium or Germany. And this is because there is no collective memory project, but above all, memory and industrial pride, memory that needs to be removed at any cost as early as possible. The state passes most of our time to destroy the world of work, to push (or relinquish), to relocate, to say that it is better to serve society rather than a country that produces. Italy ends up hating its factories and workers who work there. Leaving alone ruins of factories.

-There are some abandoned places that are privatized by individuals. Do you think it is right or should the property be entrusted to the administration of the relevant municipality?

No real property, no piece of land, should belong to anyone. Property should be collective, partially or in full. You should, of course, only pay for the use for a vitality that declines to the death of the person. Italy is the country with many owners. In much wealthier and more developed countries, almost no one is the owner because the states are investing in public housing. I say it because whoever feels might think: this is crazy, the property of the house is sacred! No. It is the land that is limited, sacred. The home is a right that should be guaranteed, like work. But not to the detriment of the common good.

Therefore, abandoned places fall even further in this right: the right to recover what is all and that, for a moment, has been privatized, exploited, often polluted, and then to be left only as a social and physical rubble.

Who leaves a factory, a given place, deserves exemplary punishments, because it is permanent harm to the community. Now, such places are often opportunities for major construction and financial speculation. This does not have to happen. We should ensure that, if left abandoned, even in the current legal order and property, it is immediately given to the national democracies, that is to the Italian Republic, so that it falls as a punitive taxation of such abandonment.

The Italian state spends nearly 80 million euros a day in military spending. Maybe it would be better to spend some of this money to re-qualify the land and its building heritage, right? One day of NATO's budget is more than enough to recover millions of square meters of land.

3.3 Time for amusement park!

What could be better for a kid than amusement park?! But what should you do if you are already grown? The answer is simple - go to abandoned amusement park in Berlin!

Get in

The park is located near the metro station Planterwald or Treptower Park, from which you need to go till the river Spree. The park itself is surrounded by the big fence, and it is one of the most difficult abandoned sites to get in. But nothing is impossible! It is said that there are guardians, cameras, and dogs inside the park, though we have not met any. The biggest barrier for us was the fence, which is quite high, without any holes, and with small prongs on the top. My friend broke his trousers and some other clothes when trying to cross it. So, just try to bring with you some soft jacket on which you can lay while trying to cross.

When you are in, try to avoid the main roads, as guardians could see you when patrolling the area.

PS: they say that when you are caught, security asks for passport data, and the second time you are caught again, they will call to police and make you pay the fee.


The park was originally constructed by the communist government in East Germany in 1969. It was one of the most amazing parks in this side of Germany, until the fall of Berlin Wall in 1991 after which park was overtaken by Norbert Witte.

Witte significantly changed the atmosphere of the park, by adding an English village and water landscape. Though these changes have led to great debts for the owner of the park. He decided to make the entrance fee higher, but it has just led to the decreasing of number of visitors. In 2001, it was announced that the park will be closed.

But debts (11 million euros) were still left, and Witte decided to cope with them by reopening an amusement park in Lima, Peru. He shipped six attractions till there, but he failed with a new park.

In 2004 Witte was sentenced by German court to 7 years of jail for the attempt to smuggle 180 kg of cocaine from Peru till Germany (inside the attraction Flying Carpet!). In 2006 Witte's son was sentenced by Peruvian court for 20 years for the same crime.

From 2011 till 2014 there were some tours inside Spreepark, though in 2014 Berlin bought the amusement park and stopped all the tours.

It was announced that in 2018 park will be reopened, though now, in 2017, after being inside the park it is hard to believe in such information. But in any way, when Witte bought the park, in the contract was written that the land may only be used as an amusement park until 2061. So, no way to escape - the new Spreepark should be built!


Nowadays it is left really little things, rather than before but still: it is lots of fun! Don't forget that Spree in Irish language means fun!

What amaze you most after you are inside - the huge Ferris wheel that is still…. moving! (But of course, with the help of the wind.)

Going further we have found an old roller coaster leading out of a rabid-looking animal's mouth. There were still some trailers, and management booth, so we just imagined that one of us was a park manager, who allowed to his friend to ride freely on one attraction.

And this is mostly all what is left in the park… Some dinosaurs were laying broken, some wheels were still inviting to ride together, lonely rocket was staying…but nothing more.

3.4 Citius, Altius, Fortius!

The construction of special facilities for Olympic Games always caused lots of controversy: are they needed? As after all, when the Olympics pass, they remain unnecessary. This story happened also with the Olympic Village in Berlin, which was left after the summer Olympic Games in 1936.

How to get in

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