Transgressive dimension of the information society in the context of sustainable development: philosophical and praxeological analysis

Transgressive changes that have opened up new prospects for the development of society in general and people in particular. Transition to type of Organization of public life of people, called "Information Society". Formation of the"information society".

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Transgressive dimension of the information society in the context of sustainable development: philosophical and praxeological analysis

Anton Naichuk, Olga Vinnichuk,

Tetyana Suliatytska, Vasyl Chabanov

In the second half of the twentieth century in the socio-political, economic, cultural life of society began transgressive changes that opened new prospects for the development of society in general and man in particular. The main civilizational tendencies that prompted these changes and continue to be affirmed in the 21st century are: firstly, the tendency towards global social development; secondly, humanity's acquisition of the ability to self-derail, which is associated with the development of nuclear technologies and global environmental problems; thirdly, the transition of humanity from industrial to scientific and information technologies. It was these trends that initiated the transition to a new type of organization of public life of people, which was called “information society”. Informationism is a strategy to focus on information technologies development, to create multiple ways of accumulation of knowledge and to provide increasingly complex information processing. However, when it comes to the formation of an information society, it is understood not only as a stage of technological development, but as a new stage of spiritual development of mankind. For the first time, the information society produces in the general social volume such features of social existence, which require new approaches to the formation of structural, functional and value components of the social organism.

The education system within the framework of the new paradigm is designed to function as a direct generator of new social realities that produces social changes. Accordingly, the educational circuit, as the institutional functioning of a certain value system, should cover all spheres of life, become the core of sustainable social development in general.

Keywords: education, transgression, global educational development, information society, sustainable development, social change.

Ольга Віннічук, Антон Найчук, Тетяна Сулятицька, Василь Чабанов. Трансгресивний вимір інформаційного суспільства в контексті сталого розвитку: філософсько-праксеологічний аналіз

В II половині ХХ ст. у соціально-політичному, економічному, культурному житті суспільства розпочалися трансгресивні зміни, що відкрили нові перспективи для розвитку суспільства загалом й людини зокрема. Основними цивілізаційними тенденціями, які спонукали до цих змін та продовжують стверджуватися в ХХІ столітті є: по-перше, тенденція до глобального суспільного розвитку; по-друге, набуття людством здатності до самознищення, що пов'язано з розвитком ядерних технологій та глобальними екологічними проблемами; по-третє, перехід людства від індустріальних до науково-інформаційних технологій. Інформаціонізм -- це стратегія зосередження уваги на розвитку інформаційних технологій, створенні різноманітних способів накопичення знань і забезпеченні дедалі складнішої обробки інформації. Саме дані тенденції започаткували перехід до нового типу організації суспільного життя людей, який отримав назву «інформаційне суспільство». Разом з тим, коли мова йде про становлення «інформаційного суспільства», його розуміють не тільки як етап технологічного розвитку, а як нову стадію духовного розвитку людства. Інформаційне суспільство вперше продукує в загальносоціальному обсязі такі риси суспільного буття, які вимагають нових підходів до формування структурно-функціональних та ціннісних компонентів суспільного організму. Система освіти в рамках нової парадигми покликана функціонувати як безпосередній генератор нових соціальних реалій, що продукує соціальні зміни. Відповідно освітній контур, як інституційне функціонування певної системи цінностей, повинен охоплювати всі сфери життя, стати стрижнем сталого соціального розвитку загалом.

Ключові слова: освіта, трансгресія, глобальний освітній розвиток, інформаційне суспільство, сталий розвиток, соціальні зміни.

Introduction and Research Objectives

Globalization processes of the second half of the XX - early XXI century., led to a significant transformation of the modern universe: the global intertwining of financial markets, increasing the power of transnational companies; the growing potential of the information and communication- technical revolution, the global need for human rights; world-wide cultural industry, etc. [Beck 2000]. As a result, the classical interpretation of the world, human, through the prism of the concepts of “essence”, “law”, “mind”, which was characteristic of previous societies, is transformed into an understanding of “liquid modernity”, in turn, “brings to the fore the prospect of transgression, conditioning it by the changeable nature of the processes of global society” [Gorbunova 2015: 69], society of “postmodern”.

Transgression in a broad dimension should be understood as a striving for cognition of new phenomena, information about the world and human.

The megatrends that intensify the transgression in social life are:

• global social development - understanding the need for cooperation on a world-wide basis to solve political, economic, climate, energy problems; international conflicts, etc.;

• multilateralism in international relations;

• self-destruction of humanity through global environmental policy;

• the transition of humanity from industrial to post-industrial existence.

Due to the fact that the world society is entering an era “which is called post-industrial, and culture - the postmodern one, the status of knowledge is being changed [Lyotard 1984], the role of science and education in public life is changing, forms and methods by which nature and society are rethought are changing, the interaction of science and education with other forms of social consciousness is changing.

Compared to the industrial society, where everything was directed to the production and consumption of goods, the information society produces and consumes intelligence, knowledge, which in turn increases the share of mental labor. The main thing for the information method of development is the impact on knowledge as the main source of production. Informationism is focused on technological development, accumulation of knowledge and increasingly complex information processing. Knowledge is both individual and collective. Usually, knowledge of the world was based on individual scientific achievements, however, in a society built on knowledge, the collective mind, which is formed on the basis of collective forms of intellectual work, is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, information and communication technologies allow, by overcoming borders, to create a single virtual space for interaction and joint actions of groups of researchers from different parts of the world, united by a common goal to solve certain problems. The process of creating and disseminating new knowledge is of a network nature, in which the main elements are nodes (individuals, groups of people, institutions and organizations) and branches that embody the links between nodes and have a natural and arbitrary development. As a result, extensive networks of people, institutions and organizations (without borders) are formed, they produce new knowledge and exchange it, produce intellectual products, conduct various financial transactions, cultural exchanges and many other types of interaction between people.

The value and worldview attitude of a person to the world and to himself acquires a special meaning and content, which directly raises the question of paradigmatic changes in science and education.

Methodology of Research

Considering the discourse of “modern society”, which, on the one hand, is characterized by transformation processes, multidirectional vectors not covered by general schemes, on the other hand, the provision of sustainable development, as a system-controlled modeling, the theoretical and methodological basis for studying the singularity of education in the postmodern era are general philosophical approaches: dialectics and synergetics.

According to the dialectical approach, there are certain objective factors and schemes that are distinctive for social evolution. The formation of a qualitatively new dimension is programmed by previous development, and the development itself takes place according to known regularities and examples.

To explain the new evolutionarily promising model (and this applies to the education system) it is always necessary to combine special, to some extent mutually exclusive conditions, a unique coincidence of external and internal factors, i.e. new challenges and adequate responses. In this context, synergetics as a “science of self-regulation at the level of non-equilibrium systems” complements the dialectical vision. information society transgressive

The combination of dialectics and synergetics in our research will allow, on the one hand - to determine the content of the education system as an inevitable result of evolution in general, on the other - to note that in each situation the process of evolution of the education system related to specific tasks, solving of which determined the features of the vector of development of the latter. That is, in the process of “challenges” society cannot always give an adequate answer, typical of the standard model. As a result, they begin to move in their “own” way.

Considering the problem of the development of the sphere of education, it is impossible to do without using the systemic method in its methodology. The fundamental role of the systematic method is that it achieves the most complete expression of scientific knowledge. An essential element of systemic research is its focus on studying the behavior of an object in the environment,

i. e. consideration of the system as an element of a constituent part of the global system. In the field of education, it is - personality - society - civilization [Smirnov 1978: 73], it contributes to the identification of general trends in the development of education as one of the systems of social life.

However, not any complex of interacting elements, as well as any interaction functions, is not a system yet. Accordingly, structure is considered one of its main principles. In fully practical terms, the content of the structural-functional approach in paradigm studies of educational processes is determined by the analysis of the most general structural components and functions of educational systems that determine its characteristics as a component of social organization. Despite all the differences, any educational system occupies a certain place within society and provides a very specific sphere of life. This means that both the educational system of an industrial society and the educational system of a modern information society have a fundamental structural and functional unity as a subsystem of a social organism. This is precisely the basis that provides the possibility to compare educational processes, even if they are separated in space.

Research Results

The changes caused by the globalization wave have “provoked” a paradigmatic worldview revolution in approaches to the essential foundations of all spheres of public life. On the one hand, it has become a factor in uniting the economic, political, cultural and ethnic spheres of society, on the other, - globalization processes have opened the “Pandora's box”, intensifying contradictions between post-industry and industry countries that cannot resist liberal economies, which leads to devaluation of sovereignty of states in the economic sphere, in the process of distribution of natural resources, etc. That is, the process of globalization, “occurs simultaneously as a form of integration, unification, internationalization, expansion, and - regionalization, deglobalization, alterglobalization, etc.” [Zinchenko 2020].

The basic concept, the solution of these problems, is the concept of “sustainable development”, the key components of which were formalized in the final documents of UN world summits: “Declaration on Environment and Development” [UN 1992]; “Declaration on Sustainable Development” [UN 2002]. In general, the main ideas of the documents can be integrated into three modules: economic, environmental and social.

In the basis of the economic module “elimination of poverty through changes in consumption and production models, as well as protection and rational use of natural resources in the interests of socio-economic development”, equal access to financial resources, widespread introduction of modern technologies [Johannes 2002].

The environmental component is based on promoting a global partnership to preserve, protect and restore the integrity of the Earth's ecosystem. The environment, natural resources, regardless of the political, socio-economic status of states, “must be protected” [Rio-de-Zhanejrskaya 1992].

Social foundations include the full range of tasks to overcome social contradictions: combating foreign occupation, military conflicts, drug trafficking, crime; and the development of dialogue and cooperation between nations, peoples of the world, regardless of race, religion, culture, traditions; fair distribution of benefits [UN 2002].

It is obvious that the main link in the implementation of sustainable development goals is a human in the relationships with society. Taking into the account the requirements of modern social relations, the question arises about the forming of appropriate values in the relationship between human and society.

In the context of this field, the criteria for the content of values have been determined:

1) about objects and phenomena of nature in their natural existence for a human;

2) about objects and phenomena in their social life;

3) about social relations between people in the system of specific socio-class and political structures;

4) about interpersonal interaction within small groups;

5) about people, traits, abilities, personal qualities, etc.;

6) about specific actions and about the value system of typical forms of human life [Yaroshenko 2004: 39].

In the social doctrine of the Club of Rome, “new humanism” - one of the central ideas - the concept of “human revolution”, or “revolution of consciousness”, the aim of which is at social justice and real self-realization (9). Thus, the central figure in the system of values is the person together with values, because the development of its potentials and opportunities, the process of creative self-actualization, is the absolute goal of social development and the functioning of the education system.

Undoubtedly, these trends encourage internationalization, modernization and reform of education. Regarding internationalization, the EU countries pioneered these processes. The deployment of European Union programs has raised questions about the integration and reform of European education systems. As A. Hofron notes, “the realization of the image of Europe without borders requires comprehensive, long-term and differentiated education for the community. And since young Europeans must be prepared to live and work in different parts of Europe, and above all ... to feel like “at home”, then, of course, education must reflect the spirit of interculture, tolerance and peace. The community must be open to dialogue, fight together for the truth, learn together, cooperate” [Hofron 2003]. After all, one of the characteristics of the information society is its global character, in the process of forming of which, the borders between countries and regions are gradually disappearing, a single virtual space is being created. As a result, extensive networks of people, institutions and organizations (without borders) are formed, in which new knowledge is created and exchanged.

The preconditions for the integration of European educational systems were the Magna Charta Universitatum [Magna 2020] and the Lisbon Convention [The Council 1997]. The Lisbon Convention states that, in view of the existence and value of the various educational systems which reflect the cultural, social, political, philosophical, religious and economic life of the countries and constitute their exclusive heritage, they need to be respected. As for the countries that have signed the convention, they pledged to provide all people in the region with the opportunity to fully enjoy the values and achievements of national higher education systems, which contributes to mobility in the European labor market [Zhuravskyi 2003: 235].

The integrative process of the European educational space found its further expression in two directions: Europeanization and competence.

Europeanism is a “set of traits that testify to belonging to European culture, which is a polyphony of the spiritual values of Europe” [Hofron 2003].

The concept of Europeanism is based on an interdisciplinary content, which includes: the need to develop of young people's sense of European identity; preparing them for participation in the social and economic development of the community; acquisition by young people of knowledge on history, culture and national economy; forming of tolerance towards migrants and ethnic minorities, pluralism, intellectual model of teaching by school education.

The concept of “competence” is related to many factors, as competence itself is an indicator that allows determining the readiness of the graduate for life [Aliev 2003]. O. Ovcharuk, connecting the concept of “competence” with educational programs, directs them to the development of personality throughout life. The researcher pays special attention to cultural competence, the main objectives of which are: acquisition of skills and knowledge for competitiveness; promoting creativity development, innovative thinking and entrepreneurship; increasing the level of active participation in studying; forming of a society in which everyone can find their place, which promotes the inclusion of all in life; raising the standards of teaching and studying; promoting the development of the knowledge society; awareness of all citizens of the importance of lifelong studying in various components; providing and implementing strategies that include educational policy, training, employment, social inclusion and informatization of society [Ovcharuk 2003: 18].

A significant moment in the expansion of the European educational space to the global scale was the adopting of the final document of the Summit “Transforming our world: an agenda for sustainable development until 2030” at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly in New York in September 2015. The document announced 17 sustainable development goals that should stimulate activities in the next 15 years in fields of great importance to humanity and the planet [UN 2015]. In the implementation of the objectives of the resolution in forming of a sustainable development society in the global world, education is assigned - goal 4 “High quality education”, namely, by 2030:

1. To form means and models that would allow everyone to receive, complete qualitative primary, secondary and higher education, which will lead to appropriate and effective studying outcomes and social development.

2. To creating appropriate conditions for everyone's access to qualitative education at all levels, which will allow them to successfully move to the next educational levels and carry out lifelong studying.

3. To enable equal opportunities for all women and men to receive high- quality professional and academic education.

4. To ensure that more young people and adults have the knowledge, skills and abilities related to employment or self-employment.

5. To eliminate gender differences and ensure equal access to all levels of education, including people with disabilities, indigenous peoples etc.

6. To provide adequate literacy and skills for all adolescents and the majority of adults.

7. To ensure that pupils acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for sustainable development, life, human rights, gender equality, peace and non-violence, through global civic education and recognition of cultural diversity and the contribution of culture to sustainable development [UNESCO 2015].

Thus, education in the production of sustainable development goals acts not only as an object of processes, but as a subject of project implementation. The education system within the new paradigm is designed to function as a direct generator of new social realities that initiate social changes. It is through education, as a social institution, that values are formed to achieve the goals of sustainable development: civic education, legal, political, environmental ones, and so on. Education becomes the basis and content of the transgression of the information society - lifelong studying in the context of global development and cooperation.


Global transformations, the progress of civilization in the information / postinformation have intensified the problem of forming a society for sustainable development. The implementation of the UN resolution “Transforming our world: the agenda for sustainable development until 2030” is directly related to the strategy of modernization of education, which is based on:

• guarantees of equal access to education at all levels;

• developing of skills and competencies relevant to public needs;

• training of new generation specialists;

• educating of the individual according to the principles of “global humanism”.

Integration, internationalization of educational systems, to a large extent, depends on innovative technologies, human desire for self-improvement.

Thus, the formation of the information society requires ensuring the adequacy of education to the dynamic changes taking place in nature and society, the entire human's environment, the growing amount of information, the rapid development of new information technologies. Those who study in this society according to its methods and technologies are gradually moving away from the traditional category of students or pupils, acquiring the status of its citizens, which provides a supranational approach to ethnic, religious and other differences of people, global human ethics, tolerance, solidarity, equal human dignity, etc. Participants in this process are not tied to the same place and time, to different national education systems. In this environment, it has become possible to implement global research and educational projects involving thousands of researchers, including, which is an important condition of the time, not only professors, doctors, scientists, but also ordinary students from around the world. Against this background the phenomena called “science without borders”, “education without borders” appeared in science and education, they operate in the form of so-called virtual laboratories and remote universities, respectively. It is in the latter that the knowledge selected from the world's information resources is updated, that allows to expand the teacher's audience without restrictions, while ignoring geographical boundaries, to get as close as possible to special needs of individuals in their education.

The education system, despite the strong need for greater introduction of high educational technologies, is itself a catalyst for the process of informatization of society, a tool for developing of human information culture, training professionals, and on a global scale - the transgressiveness of global social development under the conditions of cooperation.


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12. UNESCO. (2015). Sustainable Development Goal 4. SDG 4. https://www.sdg4educa-

13. UN. (2002). Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development, 26 August-4 September 2002, Johannesburg, South Africa. WSSD_POI_PD/English/POI_PD.htm

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