Підготовка учнівської молоді до життя в сім'ї у Республіці Польща

Етапи становлення польської системи підготовки молоді до життя в сім'ї. Методи підготовки молоді до життя в сім'ї в навчальних закладах Польщі. Реалізація польської системи підготовки учнівської молоді до життя в сім'ї у вітчизняній педагогічній теорії.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 29.10.2013
Размер файла 71,4 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата педагогических наук по специальности 13.00.07 - теория и методика воспитания. - Тернопольский национальный педагогический университет имени Владимира Гнатюка, Тернополь, 2008.

В диссертации исследуется процесс становления и развития польской системы подготовки молодежи к семейной жизни. Охарактеризованы содержание, методы работы с учениками, а также особенности реализации в школах Республики Польша министерских и авторских программ преподавания курса «Подготовка молодежи к семейной жизни»; определены предпосылки его внедрения в учебные заведения Польши; выделена роль полового воспитания молодежи как неотъемлемого компонента подготовки молодежи к семейной жизни. В ходе исследования польских учебных программ выделены эффективные методы и приемы подготовки молодежи к семейной жизни: Автопортрет, ролевые игры, метод снежки, дискуссия, цепь ассоциаций, проэкты, обсуждение проблемных ситуаций, создание воспитательных ситуаций. Выделены прогрессивные идеи польской системы в отечественной педагогической практике подготовки подростков к семейной жизни.

Ключевые слова: польская школа, ученическая молодежь, подготовка к семейной жизни, добрачная подготовка, половое воспитание.

Datsenko I.M. Family life education of youth in the Polish. - Manuscript.

Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Pedagogical Sciences, speciality 13.00.07. - Theory and Methodology of Education. - Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, 2008.

In dissertation explored the process of formation and development Polish system of preparing pupils and students to the family life. Characterized content and methods working with pupils and peculiarities of realization at Polish schools minister's and author's programmes “Preparing to the family life” course; described prerequisites it's introduction in Polish educational establishments; the role of sex education of pupils as a part of preparation young people to the family life. On the basis of research Polish educational programmes we define efficacious methods of preparation young people to the family life: self-portrait, role play, snowball method, discussion, association chain, projects, discussion of problem situations, creation of educational situations.

Scientific novelty of dissertation consist in:

- defined specification of Polish experience of preparing pupils to the family life, separated its progressive ideas and effectiveness criterions (preparing young people to important social roles - fatherly, matrimonial, profession, civic; appropriation biological, medical, sexual, psychological, theological know ledges about a person; choice of study programme by teachers and pupils; priority role of active methods of studying; parents can decide about learning child in group; humanistical - democratic style of interaction pupil and teacher; self-possessed approach to pupils;

- characterized stages of evolution and basic directions of development of modern Polish system of preparing young people to the family life (strengthening moral and ecclesiastical value of young people; integrated approach to upbringing; forming sense of responsibility for own actions);

- defined content components (social, psychological, sexual, procreative and organizationally - pedagogical conditions of pupils to the family life in Poland;

- elucidated basic ways modernization of content, forms and methods of preparing young people to the family life: usage of self-possessed studies in work with teenagers; introduction interactive technologies of studies, close cooperation school with family.

Basis of educational process is a search of collaboration ways, community between teachers and pupils and between pupils. Modeling such educational process means conversion from education, founded on a passive perception of results, on making copy such models, that reduce to forming schematic thinking of pupils, to education which has aim and basis - development of personality.

Analysis of Polish system witness about wide different contents parts of study and upbringing of young people: on a primary level describing family valuables in personal life, and a help in perception of changing ripen period; at gymnasium-school integral view on a person and choice of valuables; at secondary school formation of skills to make decision about life style and family roles. Contests of this material include information about physiological, psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of teenagers, connected with concrete sex; methods of contraception; sex life of a person; principles of conscious and responsible parents; family valuables; life in a womb period, also about methods and means conscious procreation. So, the main task classes “Preparing to the family life” is to help pupils to attain maturity, formation positive attitude young person to sex, support upbringing role of family.

Key words: Polish school, pupil, preparing to the family life, sex education.

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