Personnel management: current tendencies in HR-service development

The study of modern trends in the development of the HR service, the formation processes and the efficiency of the use of the company's personnel in the conditions of the latest challenges. Quality factors of personnel management in the organization.

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Дата добавления 05.09.2023
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Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel

West Ukrainian National University

Personnel management: current tendencies in HR-service development

Halyna Babiak, Ph. D. in geography, Associate Professor

Nataliya Kotys, Ph. D. in economics, Associate Professor

Dmytro Shushpanov, Doctor of Economics, professor


The article is devoted to the problems of the development of modern trends in the activities of HR services.

Goal. The study of modern trends in the development of the HR service, the processes of formation and efficiency of the company's personnel in the conditions of the latest challenges, as well as the development of recommendations for improving the activities of the HR service as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the organization/company.

The results. It states that today, especially given the challenges of the pandemic, the main thing for any effectively functioning organization is to overcome the gap between the development of innovative strategies, on the one hand, and the proper use and development of human potential, on the other. In this context, an important place belongs to personnel management services.

The article points to the disappointing trends of today, where HR services often still use outdated methods that do not produce effective results. Therefore, modern organizations should pay due attention to new trends in personnel activities.

It is emphasized that the primary tasks of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of executive management structures are their staffing with employees who possess the necessary qualities for successfully mastering the chosen profession, creating a system that allows them to maintain and develop efficiency and reliability.

The authors study modern trends in the development of personnel services. In particular, the development and possibilities of using trends by our organizations/companies in practice: artificial intelligence, cloudHR-platforms, chat-bots, team-building and recruiting marketing, which are developing abroad and can gain importance in Ukraine, are emphasized.

An analysis of the processes of formation and effective use of the company's personnel in the conditions of the latest challenges was carried out.

The article notes that the issue of personnel adaptation to new working conditions also plays an important role in the work of the HR service (such negative phenomena as the coronavirus pandemic additionally burden the newly hired employee).

Recommendations aimed at improving the activities of the HR service as a factor in increasing the efficiency of the organization/company have been developed.

Keywords: HR service, artificial intelligence, cloud HR platforms, chatbots, team building, recruiting marketing, personnel hiring, personnel management technologies, personnel management, personnel reserve.

Галина Бабяк, Наталія Котис, Дмитро Шушпанов

Менеджмент персоналу: сучасні тенденції розвитку діяльності HR-служб


Вступ. Стаття присвячена проблемам розвитку сучасних тенденцій діяльності HR-служб.

Мета. Вивчення сучасних тенденцій розвитку діяльності HR-служби, прoцесiв фoрмування та ефективності використання персоналу підприємства в умовах новітніх викликів, а також рoзрoблення рекомендацій щодо вдoскoналення діяльності HR-служби як чинника підвищення ефективнoстi праці організації/компанії.

Результат. В ній зазначено, що сьогодні, особливо враховуючи виклики пандемії, для будь-якої ефективно функціонуючої організації головним є подолання розриву між розвитком інноваційних стратегій, з одного боку, і правильним використанням та розвитком людського потенціалу - з іншого. В цьому контексті вагоме місце належить якраз службам управління персоналу.

У статті вказано на невтішні тенденції сьогодення, коли HR-служби ще досить часто застосовують застарілі методи, котрі не дають дієвого результату. Тому в сучасних організаціях повинна надаватися належна увага новим трендам в діяльності кадрових служб.

У статті здійснено наголос, що першочерговими завданнями підвищення ефективності функціонування виконавчих та управлінських структур є укомплектування їх працівниками, котрі мають необхідні якості, щоб успішно володіти обраною професією, створення системи, яка дозволяє зберігати і розвивати їх працездатність, а також надійність.

В ній досліджені сучасні тенденції розвитку діяльності HR-служби. Зокрема, наголос зроблено на розвитку і можливості використання на практиці нашими організаціями/компаніями таких трендів, як: штучний інтелект, хмарні HR-платформи, чат-боти, тімбілдинг, рекрутинговий маркетинг, які розвинені за кордоном і могли би набути значущості в Україні.

Здійснено аналіз процесів формування та ефективності використання персоналу підприємства в умовах новітніх викликів.

У статті зазначено, що в роботі HR-служб важливе місце також займає питання адаптації персоналу до нових робочих умов праці (тут ще додатково навантажують новообраного працівника такі негативні явища, як пандемія коронавірусу).

Розроблені рекомендації щодо вдосконалення діяльності HR-служби як чинника підвищення ефективності праці організації/компанії.

Ключові слова: HR-служба, штучний інтелект, хмарні HR-платформи, чат-боти, тімбілдинг, рекрутинговий маркетинг, найм персоналу, технології управління персоналом, кадровий менеджмент, кадровий резерв.


Problem statement in general and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks.

Effective business activity and its high competitiveness are achieved through the optimal combination of all resources of the enterprise. Inefficient use of at least one resource leads to reduced production, declined quality, and, consequently, decreased competitiveness of the enterprise.

Nowadays the main thing for any effectively functioning company is to bridge a gap between the development of innovation strategies, creation of new products, and organizational structures, on the one hand, and the proper use and development of human resources - on the other one. An important place here belongs to personnel management services. Now the sphere of HR technologies is expanding, there appear more and more new startups in recruitment, talent analytics, assessment of science, online learning, and HR systems for business.

Simultaneously with the development of technology and advanced experience the approaches to personnel management are changing. Flexible companies that aim to remain competitive in the struggle for the best staff must effectively implement new approaches to attracting, developing, and retaining the staff. The quarantine restrictions of 2020-2021 prove the ineffectiveness of the old approaches to recruitment and development of personnel, and training systems do not work in the traditional format. Accordingly, all the above changes have provoked changes in the activities of the personnel service.

Analysis of recent research and publications that have launched considering and solving the problem. Many scholars agree that technological advances can have a profound effect on an organization's human resources management. Thanks to this, companies have the opportunity to improve their internal processes, core competencies, and organizational structure as a whole.

The scholars such as O. Grishnova, V. Danyuk, A. Kolot, O. Kuzmin, V. Onikienko, F. Khmil, S. Tsymbalyuk, S. Shekshnya, G. Shchokin dedicated their works to the issues of hiring, engagement, formation, and use of the personnel, modern tendencies the development of HR service activities. However, despite a large number of scientific papers on the problems of personnel management, their severity is not reduced. This is due to the fact that recently the employees are presented with new requirements and skills to work in a new way in the current challenges, to percept organizational changes positively, and to raise their qualifications constantly.

Goal. Study of current trends in HR-service activity development, processes of formation, and efficiency of enterprise personnel in the conditions of the latest challenges, as well as the development of recommendations aimed at improving the HR-service activity as a factor of improving the efficiency of the organization/company.

Presentation of the main material of the study

The advent of new technologies and the introduction of innovations such as artificial intelligence have made a huge contribution to changing HR technologies. Information technologies can have a greater impact on organizations that exist in a dynamic environment. The use of IT applications for database and recruiting management, adaptation, productivity management, and employee engagement increases the efficiency of human resources and business efficiency in general. This does not only help to reduce human efforts but also limits the scope of human errors and reduces operating costs. Thus, it led to the intensification of companies in terms of investment and innovation introduction [13].

The development of HR technologies is an important element of the innovation process in business.

Such innovations are complemented by information technologies to create a positive impact on HR.

Today's challenges: the COVID-19 pandemic, leave their mark on the peculiarities of doing business, including work with the staff. Remote teams have been one of the main trends in recent years. Thus, the results of the research by the International Working Group (IWG) clearly illustrate that remote work is no exception, on the contrary, it may become the norm for most enterprises. Some foreign companies rely entirely on distributed teams, while others are moving to hire more and more remote workers.

The possibility of remote work is fast becoming one of the most popular requirements of employees, enterprises must now be ready to connect employees in different time zones and take measures to ensure equal learning and development opportunities. On the other hand, it gives employers access to new, previously unavailable talent funds, while reducing their hiring expenditures.

Fortunately, technology has countless solutions, and no doubt it will constantly focus on bringing distributed teams together.

With shared project management and messaging programs, as well as HR cloud platforms, location is no longer a problem. What technology needs to do now is to make sure that we keep in touch as well as the productivity of distributed teams.

Remote work obviously changes a lot for recruiters, who now have a wide choice, but they also need better, more effective tools to reach the people they want to hire [5]. Websites that connect employers with prospective employees are becoming more popular as they help both recruiters and applicants.

Therefore, due to modern challenges, today the so-called cloud HR - comprehensive HR platforms in the cloud - the future of personnel management is gaining momentum in Ukraine. Many universal HR platforms are now available, including those that integrate many individuals, and core aspects of HR management, such as payroll, benefits, time management, incorporation, and collaboration software.

The use of cloud software for personnel management is slowly becoming the norm not only for teams that are distributed around the world but is beginning to emerge in our country as well. It is of a much larger scope, so it's great for a fast-growing business where HR professionals can work with real-time data.

At the same time, the employee self-care model gives employees better control over their data, preferences and tasks, while providing companies with more effective tools to assess their involvement and productivity. There is a clear shift in the branch from the use of HR programs focused on helping HR teams to integrated apartments that support both employees and managers in their work.

Almost all sectors of the economy use artificial intelligence (AI) to simplify or streamline their processes. The Human Resources Management Service is no exception. Since 2020 one of the trends in HR management has been the inclusion of more AI tools in everyday operations for better efficiency and more productive workflow. In a simplified form, such systems can be based on the creation of standard forms or rapid evaluation of applicants' to the post resumes. However, in full, AI is almost a complete substitute for the work that was performed by high-ranking specialists not more than 5 years ago [10].

For a clear example of this trend, here is the recruitment system of Philip Morris. The company has developed a single external recruitment system. In the search box of the web page, the applicant has the opportunity to view an exhaustive list of vacancies by place, type of job or form of employment. After that, there is a choice of a specific vacancy by an applicant.

The user of the system must go through three basic steps: downloading a resume; filling in the "About You" questionnaire; filling in the questionnaire on equal opportunities.

After passing these stages of application, the candidate receives an invitation to a video interview or a refusal for further passing the selection process. A video interview is a form of interview that takes place without the presence of an HR manager. This interview is structured. When an applicant is ready to pass the interview, he follows the link and starts recording. The record page covers questions and provides limited time to answer each question. After that, the record is kept for the company's specialists and the process of further screening.

Today's realities require employers and HR professionals to improve their recruiting experience - a technology that is already transforming the entire life cycle of hiring. Everything is digital, from resumes to interviews, and recruitment managers have the tools at their disposal to help shape new requirements for candidates. One of the major developments which can be seen in definite places is the emergence of applicant experience platforms, such as path motion: tools for connecting and conversing between employees and external talents.

And this experience of an applicant mitigates one of the biggest problems of modern business - hiring.

Enterprises have trouble searching for skilled workers to occupy their vacancies, a situation that is more advantageous to the employee than to the employer. In addition, it is becoming increasingly difficult to retain valuable employees as they relentlessly pursue the seemingly innumerable benefits offered by other companies. And here are the technologies that allow teams of staff to use new resources and solutions to improve their global reach and meet the individual needs of their employees.

A platform like Honeypot is an example of HR technologies adapted to the modern world of recruiting. It changes the usual, well-known flow of recruitment, where applicants review countless offers and apply for the most attractive ones. Here, employers take the initiative as never before and turn to the specialists registered in the program with the best offer. Both parties get the desired results faster and easier.

One of the technologies that are currently being more widely introduced is, in particular, chatbots.

Of course, we are not talking about the whole hiring process being guided by a bot (at least for now), but using a qualified recruiter could significantly increase the pace of the AI selection process. Chatbots have another advantage, as they can help reduce the time it takes recruiters to respond to candidates' applications, and thus create a much more positive experience.

As remote work is one of the biggest trends in personnel management, employee training is increasingly moving to the digital realm, a shift that also allows it to benefit from the latest innovations in HR technologies using gamification, AI, and AR / VR. Online employee training is mainly essential as the branch evolves into personalized, self-paced courses that suit individual employee training styles.

The technologies also offer many opportunities for individual career growth, building multiple career scenarios based on the potential of the individual employee, identifying gaps in skills, and reviewing professional competencies. Examples of HR-Tech tools suitable for this purpose include Path Savvy or Talent Guard. Unfortunately, such platforms have not yet become developed in Ukraine. This is partly due to modern challenges, and hostilities when many organizations/companies are forced to launch a relocation mechanism.

Attention should also be paid to such a form as analytics with AI.

In today's world, everything concerning data, and the importance of personnel data management is undeniable, especially as teams grow. Today, the technologies and tools available to HR professionals range from simple surveys and employee feedback tools to sophisticated analytics platforms. Speaking of advanced platforms, it's best to stop at Peakon. This world-leading platform for measuring and improving employee engagement helps managers process data to understand what motivates and engages employees.

One notable trend is complementary analytics, an approach to data that automatizes representation through machine learning and natural language generation. Experts consider advanced analytical platforms as more convenient ways to analyze employee data and gain deeper knowledge. They combine the capabilities of AI to analyze large data sets and identify trends or track important indicators. Then, using natural language processing technology, the tools convey the results in an easy-to-learn, conversational form.

Today we already see some elements of the organization of virtual team building, as a kind of remote work. In this case, the staff is located in different cities and countries, so HR managers can not rely on traditional measures to maintain team spirit. We believe that personnel professionals should be creative in offering managers the idea of virtual team building. We have got valuable experience from Michael Alexis, CEO of the "Team Building" American consulting company. So, he claims that the demand for consulting services for online events has increased sharply. The company, of which he is a director, offers video-based activities within which employees can relax together. The online entertainment format is analogous to the usual American team-building tools: virtual versions of the Office Olympics, word games, etc. A striking example of an activity for virtual team building is wine tasting (each employee of the company receives a set of wines and a branded glass of the company in advance).

We offer to consider the use of so-called recruiting marketing by HR specialists of Ukraine in their activities. After all, the success of recruiting companies depends not only on the comfort of its passing for applicants but also on the status and image of the company in the eyes of applicants. Recruiting marketing is used to build this image artificially. Recruiting marketing has the features of traditional marketing, but instead of trying to attract customers, companies attract applicants. Unlike regular recruitment, recruiting marketing is active and constant. Even if your company doesn't have any open roles, advertising campaigns still work, explaining through their social networks and blog how it is to work in that company. Examples of this tendency are inexhaustible: the use of video advertising, which shows the company's employees who tell about their work experience, reviews of interns, photos and videos of the workplace, and more. Personnel and marketing departments in this case cooperate for the most effective campaigns and the final result.

In the work of HR services, an important role also belongs to the adaptation of the staff to new working conditions (there is an additional burden on a newly hired employee of such negative phenomena as the coronavirus pandemic) [7]. While the goal of every HR officer is to find the perfect applicant for the vacancy, it is likely that even the perfect candidate will need to make extra efforts to take over new responsibilities. Because of this, there is a need to update old curricula or create new ones. It should be noted that job descriptions in the usual text version are not as effective as step-by-step practical acquaintance with the work before the live performance. These job descriptions have remained as a bureaucratic atavism in the post-Soviet space, and quality training and familiarization modules can fill the gaps in applicants' qualifications.

When hiring a new employee, the HR department is obliged not only to transfer the experience of the previous employee to the new one but also to convey the company's core values, the direction in which the company is moving, annual organizational goals, and the company vision.

personnel management


One of the main tasks of the organization/company should be to improve the quality of its staff. Therefore, the current trends in HR services are worth paying attention to. The accumulated foreign experience and experience of HR services of domestic companies testify to the wide opportunities for the selection of quality staff.

During the pandemic, more and more organizations begin implementing technologies to improve staff productivity, as well as use a broader system of influences to ensure economically effective work. The work environment is being improved to ensure higher work efficiency. To ensure this, the HR function in the organization plays an important role. Today's advanced solutions are aimed at incorporating HR processes into the employee's work routine and natural work pace, using the desired tools and without undue complications.

Modern HR professionals are tasked with creating a culture in the workplace that is radically different from what we saw in the past. Creating culture and management have become the main tasks of HR-manager.

The challenges facing companies today require flexibility, rapid adaptation, and preventive measures to destruct human resources. As technology and best practices evolve, so does the HR service. Therefore, to remain efficient, a company must keep up with the latest innovations recruit strong applicants, and retain good employees.


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  • Суть, цели, задачи Total Quality Management. Принцип фактической обоснованности решений. Цепочка взаимосвязанных процессов, характерная для принятия решения. История формирования и развития философии TQM, его отражение в пунктах стандарта ISO 9001-2011.

    курсовая работа [548,2 K], добавлен 10.12.2013

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