Assessment of the competencies of the hotel staff

Analysis of competencies required by employees of companies in the accommodation sector. Requirements for the competence of hotel employees and the degree of their compliance in a specific situation. Improvement of marketing competencies of personnel.

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Дата добавления 28.07.2023
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Assessment of the competencies of the hotel staff

Vaitiekunaite A.


The revelance of this study. Modern organizations operating in the tourism sector need innovation to remain and be competitive and meet the business requirements of the 21st century. Leading human management organizations to appreciate positive guidelines for new, innovative management theories, which are related to change management, knowledge management, growing and improving organization, leadership, project management, corporate social responsibility, etc. potential (Veleva, M. 2020). Modern tourism organizations have an interest in strategically planning not only the management of human resources to achieve the goals set, but also strategically planning their management to participate in changes, training programs and decision-making, through which managers can increase their professional efficiency and motivation - satisfaction, in the long run, this increases the competitiveness and viability of the tourism organization. The main problem. With the study is what competencies are needed for the provision of tourism services by the employees of accommodation companies and how to improve them if non-compliances are identified.

The study aims. To discuss the competencies required by the employees of accommodation companies in the accommodation sector in the context of the general competencies required in the tourism sector.

Research methods. Analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, questionnaire survey, descriptive statistics shall be used to achieve the purpose of the study.

Results: human resources competence education in accommodation organizations is one of the most important actions, because it is the guarantee of competition and quality control. During the study leading and non-leading employee's competence demand and their compliance degree in exact situation have been set. Leading employees of accommodation organizations the most improvable competence skill is strategic leading skills. The least needed skill to be improved is marketing competences. For non-managerial staff in accommodation organizations, problem-solving and crisis management are the skills that need to be developed the most. Competences related to information technology skills need the least improvement.

Conclusion: the need for competencies and compliance with the real situation in terms of scores do not make much difference, but the competencies of all groups according to the selected criteria among managers and nonmanagers need to be improved in order to maintain stability in the organization. The process of developing the competencies of tourism organizations must be organized according to the recommended stages of the training process and considering the changes in the need for competencies in the provision of services in the changing market conditions. Respondents indicate that the development of competencies needs to be improved at all stages of the organization of the teaching process, therefore targeted management decisions are needed when planning effective educational programs.

Keywords: human resources, competence, competence education, accommodation organizations.


Оцінка компетенцій персоналу готелю

Вайтекунайте А., магістр програми «Менеджмент спорту і туризму», Литовський університет спорту (Каунас, Литва)

Актуальність дослідження. Сучасні організації, що працюють у сфері туризму, потребують інновацій, щоб залишатися конкурентоспроможними та відповідати вимогам бізнесу 21 століття. Провідні організації з управління людськими ресурсами цінують позитивні рекомендації для нових, інноваційних теорій управління, які пов'язані з управлінням змінами, управлінням знаннями, зростанням та покращенням організації, лідерством, управлінням проектами, корпоративною соціальною відповідальністю тощо [6]. Сучасні туристичні організації зацікавлені у стратегічному плануванні не тільки управління людськими ресурсами для досягнення поставлених цілей, але й у стратегічному плануванні свого керівництва для участі у змінах, програмах навчання та прийнятті рішень, завдяки чому менеджери можуть підвищити свою професійну ефективність та мотивацію. Задоволення у довгостроковій перспективі підвищує конкурентоспроможність і життєздатність туристичної організації. Головна проблема - вивчення того, які компетенції необхідні для надання туристичних послуг співробітниками компаній з розміщення та як їх покращити у разі виявлення невідповідностей.

Мета дослідження. Обговорити компетенції, необхідні працівникам компаній у секторі розміщення тих загальних компетенцій, необхідних у сфері туризму. Для досягнення мети дослідження використовуються аналіз та узагальнення наукової літератури, анкетування, описова статистика.

Методи дослідження: аналіз наукової літератури, анкетування, описова статистика. Результати: навчання кадрових компетенцій у організаціях розміщення одна із найважливіших заходів, оскільки є гарантією конкуренції та контролю якості. У ході дослідження було встановлено вимоги до компетентності провідних та не керівних співробітників та ступінь їх відповідності у конкретній ситуації. У керівних працівників організацій розміщення є найбільш необхідною навичкою з стратегічного лідерства. Навичка, яка потребує вдосконалення, - це маркетингові компетенції. Для неуправлінського персоналу в організаціях з розміщення вирішення проблем та антикризове управління є навичками, які необхідно розвивати найбільше.

Компетенції, пов'язані з навичками роботи з інформаційними технологіями, потребують найменшого покращення.

Висновок: потреба в компетенціях і відповідність реальної ситуації згідно шкали балів не має великого значення, але компетенції всіх груп за виділеними критеріями серед керівників та не-менеджерів потребують поліпшення для збереження стабільності в організації. Процес розвитку компетенцій туристських організацій має бути організований згідно з рекомендованими етапами процесу навчання і з урахуванням зміни потреби в компетенціях при наданні послуг у ринкових умовах, що змінюються. Респонденти вказують, що розвиток компетенцій необхідно вдосконалювати всіх етапах організації навчального процесу, тому необхідні цілеспрямовані управлінські рішення при плануванні ефективних освітніх програм.

Ключові слова: людські ресурси, компетентність, компетентна освіта, розміщення організацій.

marketing competence personnel accommodation hotel

Statement of the problem

Level of problem testing. Studies reveal that the targeted identification of competencies, engagement and motivation of employees is one of the main guarantees of the efficiency and success of the organization. The aim of the study is to estimate human resources competences demand and education in accommodation organizations. Modern organizations operating in the tourism sector need innovation in order to remain and be competitive and meet the business requirements of the 21st century. According Veleva (2020) leading human management organizations appreciate positive guidelines for new, innovative management theories, which are related to change management, knowledge management, growing and improving organization, leadership, project management, corporate social responsibility, etc. Potential. Modern tourism organizations have an interest in strategically planning not only human resources management, in order to achieve their goals, but also strategically plan their management to participate in changes, training programmers' and decision making, through which managers can increase their professional efficiency and motivation - satisfaction, in the long run, this increases the competitiveness and viability of the tourism organization. The need for human resource competencies in accommodation organizations is significant in each business segment. Human skills such as: strategic management, information technology, customer service, problem solving and crisis management, personal characteristics, communication, etc. lay a strong foundation for the company's image. Managers must take responsibility for training their employees in the organization. The need for human resources in the accommodation organization must be systematic, timely and adapted to the needs of the labor market and global changes, and they must be inclined to adapt to an ever-changing environment.

Research tasks: to analyses the models of human resources competence education in accommodation firms; after human resources competence demand and compliance of accommodation sector employee requirements have been determined, distinguish the directions of competence education. Research strategy and logic: human resources play a key role in achieving the quality of accommodation services and customer satisfaction. Questionnaire is based on the Sharma, & Kamble (2021), Tahiri, Kovafi, Thaqi, & Goga (2020), Sun Jung and Hyun Yoon (2014), Wessels, Du Plessis, & Slabbert, (2017) etc. empirical research, establishing the necessary competencies of the employees of accommodation companies, compliance with these competencies.

The models of human resources competencies in the accommodation sector Stanisic, & Cerovic (2020) states that competencies can be regarded as a holistic concept, which is covered by a combination of knowledge (cognitive competence), skills (functional competence) and values (social competence) that is necessary for a particular profession (Le Deist, & Winterton, 2005); Volfova, Lososova, & Miovsky, 2020). Empirical methods usually divide competencies according to employability and future professional development in the knowledge society. We can divide competencies into general and specific competencies. General competencies are commonly referred to as 'core', 'generic' or 'key' competencies. They increase the productivity of employee's vis-avis all potential employers in terms of employability, and specific competencies increase employee productivity only for a specific employer or a narrow range of employers. shows that general competencies increase employability and labor market flexibility and reduce the risk of dismissal from specific positions when it comes to specific competencies (Palencikova, & Repanova, 2017). According to the European project Tuning Educational Structures in Europe (Tuning Education Structures in Europe, 2010) we created a set of chosen competencies that are typical for all managerial professions in tourism. These competencies can be considered universal (tabl. 1).

Competence models help to clarify the competencies needed by employees in the tourism sector and more specifically in the accommodation sector, and by highlighting the expression of the necessary competencies in the selection process and attracting the most effective persons to specific jobs one of the most important components of models is human relations - communication, but you need to keep in mind other also very important parts like information technology knowledge, human resources management, professional image and operational knowledge, etc. (tabl. 2).

Table 1

Universal competencies of tourism (Tuning Education Structures in Europe, 2010)




Problem solving (ability to identify, analyse and solve the problem).


Self - control (ability to spend the time effectively, to cope up with stress).


Teamwork (the ability to work in team).


People management (ability to motivate, coordinate the activities, lead a group of people).


Written and spoken communication in Slovak language and in one world language (business correspondence, ability to write the reports).


Conceptual and analytical thinking (ability to identify new opportunities, bring along new ideas and solution).


Information processing (information management, ability to work with information technologies - to search, analyse and to process the data from different sources).


Ability to learn and to actualize the knowledge.

Ability to putting theory in practice (ability to apply the knowledge into practice).


Willingness to succeed. We identified specific competencies in tourism, that are typical for the field of tourism and are only partly portable to the other study fields:


Revenue and yield management (ability to calculate the prices in relation to the budget, prognoses of the offer and demand in relation to the unit production cost).


Tourism product creation and its market positioning (ability to realize market research, to design the product).


Product sales (product placement, product distribution).


HR management (ability to plan the employers' needs).


Administrative management (ability to work with different documents, invoices, orders, cash-desk).


Customer relationship management (ability to solve the complaints).


Quality control (ability to judge and secure the principles of the quality management).


Stock management (ability to direct the stock flow in the tourism facilities).


Planning (ability to set up the tasks' priorities).


Security (to know the precautionary measures in terms of health protection and security of the customers and employers).


Eco-awareness (ability to apply principles of eco and corporate social responsibility in business of tourism).


Customer service skills (ability to serve the customers in the different types of tourism establishments).


Serving skills.


Essentials of table-setting and social etiquette.


Knowledge of food preparation and beverages.


Food and beverage preparation skills.

Table 2

Hotel competency model (Kiely, Brophy, 2001).


Behavioural Indicators




Works effectively with others to achieve shared objectives. Contributes to sense of camaraderie and strengthens collaboration across departments.

Leading for Results

Gets the best from staff. Encourages them to take responsibility for own work. Provides regular feedback. Deals with any staff issues effectively. Is aware of their own impact on other members of staff and manages, this appropriately. Proactively strives to retain effective staff.

Effective Communication

Appreciates the need for communication to achieve results and maintain motivation. Conveys messages persuasively, in ways that are acceptable to others. Listens attentively to what people have to say to get a true and accurate understanding.

Customer Service Focus

Aims to exceed customers' expectations Demonstrates a high level of concern that they have enjoyed their visit Does not lose sight of business needs when trying to ensure customer satisfaction. Makes a strong, positive impression on customers.

Planning & Organising

Plans effectively to ensure that things happen on time. Thinks ahead to pre-empt issues that could arise and ensures these are dealt with in advance. Prioritizes own workload to reflect needs of the business.

Problem Solving

Deals effectively and calmly with difficult or unforeseen situations. Readily identifies solutions that are satisfactory for those concerned.

Financial Awareness

Remains aware of the financial impact of their and others' actions. Actively strives to meet targets for own area, and finds ways of improving the business.


Is committed to their role, the staff, and the property. Shows interest in the hotel and contributes positively to shaping this. Adapts easily to change and challenges the way things are done. Is responsible and trustworthy.

Strategic Thinking

Has a vision for the future of the department/property and effectively communicates this to others, ensuring that the hotel is continuously working towards this vision. Identifies and implements ways of improving the business.

In accommodation organizations, employees must meet certain professional standards to be able to work effectively in the enterprise. Responsible employees must have a clear professional profile of the employee, which is based on competency models. Having competencies allows you to properly serve customers and get feedback from them.

Results of research. Table 3 shows that the averages of the competencies required for managers and their matching scores by criterion group in scoring the largest gap between demand and matching was observed in the strategic management skill group (average score -0.53 points) and forecasting skills (-0.52 points). discrepancy between human resources management skills, information technology skills and financial management skills is -0.48 points. The discrepancy between human resources management skills, information technology skills and financial management skills is -0.48 points. Non-compliance with the scoring gap was found in the communication skills (- 0.46 points) and customer service skills (-0.44 points) and marketing skills groups (-0.4 points). The smallest difference was observed in the group of personal characteristics (-0.38 points) (tabl. 3).

Completion of Table 2 Averages of competencies required for managers and their compliance scores

Table 3

Averages of competencies required for managers and their compliance scores by criterion group (in points)

Manager's competencies

Need for competencies (in scoring)

Competency matching (in scoring)

Difference /(in points)

Forecasting skills




Strategic management skills




Human resources management skills




Problem solving and crisis management skills




Communication skills




Information technology skills




Customer service skills




Financial management skills




Marketing skills




Personal characteristics




The competencies of non-managerial staff and their relevance to the needs in the organizations analyzed are analyzed according to the following components: problem solving and crisis management skills and communication skills, information technology skills, customer service skills and personal characteristics. comparative analysis was carried out to identify differences in competence need and competence matching according to the identified components of competencies (see Table 4).

Table 4

Averages of competences and assessment of their compliance by criterion group (in points) for non-manageried employees of accommodation companies

Competencies of non-menageries staff

Need for competencies

Competencies of non-menageries staff

Difference (in points)

Problem solving and crisis management skills




Communication skills




Information technology skills




Customer service skills




Personal characteristics




The table shows that the average of the necessary procedures for non-managerial accommodation staff and their compliance by criterion group is -0.65 points. The average score for communication skills and customer service skills is - 0.44 points. The discrepancy in personal characteristics is small difference, the average score is 0.37 points, but when analyzing individual characteristics, the biggest gap is observed when assessing the responsibility of employees.


The professional competencies of tourism consist of general and specific competencies, that are mutually complete and interlink each other and together they create the profile of a tourism employee. The need for human resources in accommodation organizations is significant in each business segment. Human skills such as strategic management, information technology, customer service, problem solving and crisis management, personal characteristics, communication, etc. lay a strong foundation for the company's image. This is a decisive step for the organization to lay a strong foundation for customer satisfaction and superiority over other organizations. Managers must take responsibility for training their employees in the organization. The need for human resources in the accommodation organization must be systematic, timely aligned with the needs of the labor market and global changes, and they must be inclined to adapt to an ever-changing environment. The focus must be on sales, management, problem-solving, information technology training.

The study identified the need for competencies of managerial and non-managerial employees and their degree of compliance in areal situation. leading employees of accommodation organizations, the most important competence skill is strategic management skills. Minimum need to improve marketing competencies. Fornon-managed employees of accommodation organizations, the most important skill of competencies is problem-solving and crisis management. minimum competencies to be improved in terms of information technology skills. The need for competencies and compliance with the current situation in scoring does not make much difference in scoring, but the competencies of all groups among the managerial and non-managerial staff according to the criteria set out are to be improved in order to maintain stable performance. The process of competence development of tourism organizations must be organized according to the recommended stages of the training processes and taking into account changes in the need for competencies in the provision of services in a changing market.

Almost half of the respondents assessed the level of competence development from three (on average) to one cleaning (extremely low level). Respondents indicate that the development of competencies is to be improved according to all stages of the organization oft he teaching process, therefore, targeted management solutions are needed when planning effective educational programmers' main directions for improving competence development are to improve the competencies of managerial and non-managerial personnel taking into account the need and specifics of the provision of the service. use the most innovative ways of improving competencies through information technology and exploit opportunities to improve competencies by acquiring competencies from specialists leading accommodation companies in traditional effective ways.


1. Kiely, T., & Brophy, M. (2001). Competencies; A New Sector; Developing a Competency Model for Three Star Hotels. Conference papers School of Hospitality Management and Tourism Technological University Dublin.

2. Le Deist, F.D., & Winterton, J. (2005). What is competence? Human resource development international, 8(1), 27-46.

3. Palencikova, Z., & Repanova, T. (2017). Professional competencies of tourism graduates. Conference Paper. Conference: Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, 2017.

4. Stanisic, N., & Cerovic, S. (2020). Competency model and multi-criteria decision making in tourism and hotel industry in Serbia. Teme: Casopis za Drustvene Nauke, 44(2).

5. Tuning Education Structures in Europe. A Tuning Guide to Formulating Degree Programme Profiles. 2010. 96.

6. Veleva, M. (2020). Best practices as opportunities for leadership soft skills improvement in human resource management in Bulgarian tourism organizations: The Four-Season hotels example. Известия на Съюза на учените-Варна. Серия Икономически науки, 9(3), 63-71.

7. Volfova, A., Lososova, A., & Miovsky, M. (2020). Kompetence absolventa bakalarskeho studijmho programu adiktologie: obsahova analyza sylabfi v akademickem roce 2018/2019. Adiktol. prevent. leceb. praxi, 3(4), 192-202.

8. Sharma, R., & Kamble, Z. (2021). Shifting paradigms in human resource management while striving for service excellence in the tourism industry. In Service Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality (pp. 177-190). Springer, Cham.

9. Tahiri, A., Kovagi, I., Thaqi, A., Goga, A. J. (2020). Effects of Human Resource Management on Health Tourism in Thermal Centers in Kosovo Case study: Centre's of Thermal Tourism in Kosovo. Acta universitatis danubius, 16 (3).

10. Wessels, W., du Plessis, E., & Slabbert, E. (2017). Key competencies and characteristics of accommodation managers. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 15, 11. Размещено на Allbest.Ru

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