Specifity of reproduction of English-language advertising texts in the Ukrainian language

Consideration of the principles of using translation transformations for the translation of English-language advertising texts. Systematization of the main methods of translating English-language advertising slogans into the Ukrainian language.

Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 09.02.2023
Размер файла 48,7 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

«Everything in one touch» (Samsung). / «Смартфон, в якому є все».

«For the men in charge of change» (Fortune Magazine). / «Для чоловіків, що відповідають за зміни».

There is also the division of a complex sentence in the original language into several simple sentences marked in writing with periods in the language of translation which is outer partitioning:

«Living and loving in the moment» (Yves Saint Laurent Parisienne). / «Жити. Любити. Зараз».

«Make believe» (Sony). /«Повір. Втілюй».

«Power, beauty and soul» (Aston Martin). / «Сила. Краса. Душа».

Antonymous translation (replacement of the word form in the original language with the opposite in meaning in the language of translation, i. e. positive meaning into negative - negativation and vice versa - positivation) has also been revealed among the lexico- grammatical transformations found in the translations of advertising units:

«Ideas you cant live without» (Tefal). / «Без твоїх ідей не обійтися». (negativation).

«Obey your thirst» (Sprite). / «Не дай собі засохнути!». (negativation)

«It's a Skoda. Honest» (Skoda). / «Шкода. Без обману». (negativation)

«Impossible is nothing» (Adidas). / «Неможливе можливо». (the case of annihilation which is the way of translating a lexical unit with two formally expressed semes of negation in the original language by a word or a phrase without formally expressed seme of negation in the language of translation).

The analysis of the factual material showed that in the studied English-language advertising texts the lexical transformations for the transfer of means of expression make up the largest part. However, grammatical transformations are also widely used in advertising texts.

The choice of the strategy or the technique of translation of advertising texts depends on a variety factors which include the nature of the translated text, the audience of consumers of advertising products, and the presence in the language of appropriate lexical means and grammar structures.

The analysis revealed that the translation of advertising texts involved the use of various transformations - lexical (concretization of meaning, generalization of meaning, omission of words, addition of words, transposition (nominalization), contextual substitution), grammatical (replacement of words, partitioning of the sentence (inner and outer) and lexico-grammatical (antonymous translation).

Conclusions and prospects for further research

The article attempts to analyze the specifics of English- language advertising discourse. We consider research of translation and adaptation of English-language advertising in the Ukrainian-speaking environment to be relevant. In particular, attention is focused on the concept of interpretation of structural and compositional features of advertising in the Ukrainian language. As a result of the research, the distinctive linguistic features of English-language advertising texts are determined, which makes it possible to identify the main strategies for translating advertising slogans in order to adapt to the Ukrainian-language market. The obtained results allow to study and substantiate the process and strategies of translation of advertising slogans, which, in turn, enables to convey information from the original text more accurately and clearly. Literal translation, adaptation and revision are singled out among the characterized translation strategies for maintaining the pragmatic function in Ukrainian-language advertising texts. Due to the analysis of translation transformations used for the translation of English-language advertising texts into Ukrainian, considering the implementation of the achievement of translation adequacy, we can identify the most commonly used, including lexical (concretization of meaning, generalization of meaning, omission of words, addition of words, transposition (nominalization), contextual substitution), grammatical (replacement of words, partitioning of the sentence (inner and outer) and lexico-grammatical (antonymous translation). The prospect of further research may be the analysis of the specifics of the translation of the linguistic features of audio and video advertising into the Ukrainian language.


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