Домашнее чтение на уроках английского языка

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Рубрика Иностранные языки и языкознание
Вид дипломная работа
Язык русский
Дата добавления 23.09.2016
Размер файла 50,4 K

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"Because I am in the world!" "Who says so?" "The Ship-Fish!" said the Goldfish. "Pooh!" said the Porpoise, "let him prove it!" and passed on.

The Goldfish stopped jumping, because his joy

had been damped by doubt. "How can the world be more than I can see?" he asked the Ship. "If I am really in the world I ought to be able to see it all -- or how can I be sure?"

"You must take my word for it," said the Ship. "A tiny fellow like you can never hope to see more than a scrap of the world. The world has a rim you can never see over; the world has foreign lands full of wonders that you can never look upon; the world is as round as an orange, but you will never see how round the world is."

Then the Ship went on to tell of the parts of the world that lay beyond the rim of things, of men and women and children, of flowers and trees, of birds with eyes in their tails, blue, gold, and green, of white and black elephants and temples hung with tinkling bells. The Goldfish wept with longing

because he could never see over the rim of things, because he could not see how round the world was, because he could not behold all at once all the wonders that were in the world.

How the Ship laughed at him! " My little friend," said he, "if you were the Moon yonder, why, if you were the Sun himself, you could only see one half of these things at a time."

"Who is the Moon yonder?" asked the Goldfish.

"Who else but that silver slip of light up in the sky?"

"Is that the sky?" said the Goldfish. "I thought it was another sea. And is that the Moon? I thought she was a Silver Fish. But who then is «the Sun?"

"The Sun is the round gold ball that rolls through the sky by day," said the Ship. "They say he is her lover, and gives her his light."

"But I will give her the world!" cried the Goldfish. And he leaped with all his tiny might into the air, but he could not reach the Moon, and fell gasping into the sea. There he let himself sink like a little gold stone to the bottom of the ocean, where he, lay for a weak weeping his heart out. For the things the Ship had told him were more than he could understand; but they swelled him with great longings -- longings to possess the Silver Moon, to be a mightier fish than the Sun, and to see the whole of the world from top to bottom and from side to side, with all the wonders within and beyond it.

Now it happened that King Neptune, who ruled the land under the waves, was strolling through a grove of white and scarlet coral, when he heard a

chuckle that was something between a panting and a puffing; and peering through the branches of the coral-trees he beheld a plum Porpoise bursting its sleek sides with laughter. Not far off lay the Goldfish, swimming in tears.

King Neptune, like a good father, preferred to _share in all the joys and sorrows of his children, so he stopped to ask the Porpoise, What tickles you so?"

"Ho! ho! ho!" puffed the Porpoise. "I am tickled by the grief of the Goldfish there."

"Has the Goldfish a grief?" asked King Neptune.

"He has indeed! For seven days and nights he has wept because, ho! ho! because he cannot marry the Moon, surpass the Sun, and possess the world!"

"And you," said King Neptune, "have you never wept for these things?"

"Not I!" puffed the Porpoise. "What! weep for the Sun and the Moon that are nothing but two blobs in the distance? Weep for the world that no one can behold? No, Father! When my dinner is in the distance, I'll weep for that; and when I see death coming, I'll weep for that; but for the rest, I say pooh!".

"Well, it takes all sorts of fish to make a sea," said King Neptune, and stooping down he picked up the Goldfish and admonisned it with his finger. "Come, child," said he, "tears may be the beginning, but they should not be the end of things. Tears will get you nowhere. Do you really wish to marry the Moon, surpass the Sun, and possess the world?"

"I do, Father, I do!" quivered the Goldfish. "Then since there is no help for it, you must get caught in the net -- do you see it floating yonder in the water? Are you afraid of it?"

"Not if it will bring me all I long for," said the Goldfish bravely.

"Risk all, and you will get your desires," promised King Neptune. He let the Goldfish dart through his fingers, and saw him swim boldly to the net which was waiting to catch what it could. As the meshes closed upon him, King Neptune stretched out his hand, and slipped a second fish inside it; and then, stroking his green beard, he continued his stroll among his big and little children.

And what happened to the Goldfish? He was drawn up into the Fisherman's boat that lay in wait above the net; and in the same cast a

Silver Fish was taken, a lovely creature with around body and silky fins like films of moonlit cloud.

"There's a pretty pair!" thought the Fisherman, and he carried them home to please his little daughter. And to make her pleasure more complete he first bought a globe of glass, and sprinkled sand and shells and tiny pebbles at the bottom, and set among them a sprig of coral and a strand of seaweed. Then he filled the globe with water, dropped in the Gold and Silver Fishes, and put the little glass world on a table width=100% in his cottage window.

The Goldfish, dazed with joy, swam towards the Silver Fish, crying, 'You are the Moon come out of the sky! Oh see, how round the world is!"

And he looked through one side of the globe, and saw flowers and trees in the garden; and he looked through another side of the globe, and saw on the mantelpiece black and white elephants of ebony and ivory, that the Fisherman had brought from foreign parts; and through another side of the globe he saw on the wall a fan of peacock's feathers, with eyes of gold and blue and green; and through the fourth side, on a bracket he saw a little Chinese temple hung with bells. And he looked at the bottom of the globe, and saw his own familiar world of coral, sand, and shells. And he looked at the top of the globe, and saw a man, a woman, and a child smiling down at him over the rim.

And he gave a little jump of joy, and cried to his Silver Bride:

"Oh Moonfish, I am greater than the Sun! for I give you, not half, but the whole of the world, the top and the bottom and all the way round, with all the wonders that are in it and beyond it!"

And King Neptune under the sea, who had ears for all that passed, laughed in his beard and said:

"It was a shame ever to let such a tiny fellow loose in the vast ocean. He needed a world more suited to his size."

And ever since then, the world of the Goldfish has been a globe of glass.

Урок 1

Exercise 1. Read and try to memorize the following words. Study the sentences where they occur.

avoid -- избегать

He was perfectly happy, and had only one care; and that was to avoid the net ...

float -- плавать, держать(ся) на поверхности воды

... that floated about in the water

warn - предупреждать, предостерегать

But all the fish had been warned by King Neptune, their father, to avoid the net ...

glorious -- 1. славный; 2. великолепный, чудесный So the Goldfish enjoyed a glorious life ...

surface -- поверхность

and sometimes he swam high up near the surface of the sea ...

chase -- гнаться, преследовать

where the white caps chased each other

jealousy -- ревность

Our Goldfish felt a certain jealousy of the other Gold Fish ...

queer -- странный . - .

Whenever he tried to do this, something queer happened that made him lose his breath ...

descend -- опускаться

Then, hoping she might descend to swim in his own water, he swam for miles and miles in search of her ...

calm -- спокойный, тихий

One night as he was swimming about in very calm water, he saw overhead the motionless shadow of an enormous fish.

inquisitive -- любопытный, любознательный

He swam all round it, touching it with his inquisitive little nose.

rim -- край, ободок

The world has a rim you can never see over...

temple -- храм

... and temples hung with tinkling bells.

sink -- тонуть, опускаться на дно

There he let himself sink like a little gold stone to the bottom of the ocean...

weep -- рыдать

where he lay for a week weeping his heart out.

grief -- rope

"I am tickled by the grief of the Goldfish there."

possess -- владеть, обладать

... but they swelled him with great longings -- longings to possess the Silver Moon, to be a mightier fish than the Sun ...

surpass - превосходить

... because he cannot marry tbe Moon, surpass the Sun, and possess the world!"

long - страстно хотеть чего-то

"Not if it will bring me all I long for," said the Goldfish bravely.

sprinkle -- посыпать, разбрасывать

... he first bought a globe of glass, and sprinkled sand and shells and tiny pebbles at the bottom, ...

suited -- подходящий, соответствующий

"... He needed a world more suited to his size."

bride -- невеста

And he gave a little jump of joy, and cried to his Silver Bride ...

shame -- стыд, позор

"It was a shame ever to let such a tiny fellow loose in the vast ocean.

Exercise 2. Guess the word by its definition:

a) to prevent from happening

b) deep sorrow

c) not usual or normal, strange

d) a woman at the time she is married or just after she's married

e) to be greater in extent than smb

f) to own, have smth as one's property

g) the state of feeling jealous

h) to inform someone of a possible danger or problem

i) the outside or top of the object

j) a painful emotion which results when you've done smth wrong or foolish

k) too curious about other people's business

l) to move down

m) to cry

n) to go below the surface of water

Exercise 3. Make up 3 sentences with any of the active words and let your groupmates translate them.

Exercise 4. Train reading the list of words. Find the sentence from the story where the word was used and read it.

goldfish - золотая рыбка

net -- сеть

sand -- песок

shell -- раковина

pearl -- жемчужина

coral -- коралл

rock -- скала

anemone -- анемон

clusters of gay flowers -- гроздья ярких цветов

seaweed -- водоросли

white caps -- барашки (на воде)

jelly-fish -- медуза fin -- плавник whale -- кит

octopus -- осьминог

porpoise -- морская свинья

elephant -- слон

pebble -- камешек, галька

a sprig of coral -- веточка коралла

a strand of seaweed -- пучок водорослей

ebony -- черное дерево

ivory -- слоновая кость

a fan of peacock's feathers -- веер из павлиньих перьев

Exercise 5. Give the English for the Russian word in bracket.

1. Nobody (предупреждать) him of the danger.

2.(Ревность) is a very strong feeling.

3. The mountain was high and it took us a lot of time (спуститься).

4. There was something (странный) in his manner.

5. She seems to be trying (избегать) his company.

6. The old soldier liked talking about his (славный) youth.

7. Many (храмы) were destroyed by the Spanish when they came to Mexico.

8. Young children are very (любознательный)

9. The ship "Titanic" ran against an iceberg and (тонуть) fast.

10. St. Peter burg (превосходить) many other European cities in the number of bridges.

11. She (страстно желать) to come back to her native country which she had left many years ago.

12. His ambition was (владеть) the whole world.

13. She (рыдать) because she felt very lonely and lost.

14. Her (горе) was so great that nobody could comfort her.

15. His experiments have brought him to the very (край) of the visible world.

16. When she spoke again her voice was (спокойный).

17. He said to his young (невеста) that she was more beautiful than her picture and the girl blushed.

18. He was sent on this mission because they could not find a more (подходящий) man.

19. It is а (стыд) not to know this poem.

20. She took a piece of brown bread and (посыпать) it with a little salt.

21. There was nothing on the (поверхность) of the earth.

22. A crowd of people (преследовать) a boy who had stolen something in the local shop.

23. The boat slowly (плыть) down the river.

24.(Кит) is one of the largest sea animals.

25. He said that this (жемчужина) was priceless.

26. The child used to sit quietly on the beach playing with (камешки).

Exercise 6. Work in chain. Check up your comprehension of the story choosing the right variant.

1. The Goldfish was

a. very sad

b. perfectly happy

c. very lonely

2. The father of all the fish was

a. God Mars

b. King John

c. King Neptune

3. The Goldfish sometimes saw far above him

a. a great ship

b. a great Gold Fish

c. many small bright fishes

4. When he saw the Silver Fish

a. he felt a certain jealousy

b. he fell in love at sight.

c. he lost his head

5. One night when he was swimming he saw

a. the motionless shadow of an enormous fish

b. a big jelly-fish

c. a large octopus

6. The big black shadow was

a. a whale

b. a ship

c. a porpoise

7. The ship was going

a. to sail round the world

b. to get some repairs in the dockyard

c. to make friends with the Goldfish,

8. The ship told the Goldfish about

a. the world and its wonders

b. the ocean

c. King Neptune

9. The Goldfish was happy because

a. he was in the world

b. he enjoyed the stories told by the ship

c. the Silver Fish loved him too

. His joy was damped by

a. the words of the Porpoise.

b. his father's warnings

c. the words of the ship

11. The Goldfish wept with longing because

a. he could never see over the rim of things

b. the Silver Fish was so far from him

c. the Ship was laughing at him

12. The Porpoise was bursting with laughter because

a. the stories told by the Ship were amusing

b. he was tickled by the grief of the Goldfish

c. the Goldfish told him a funny joke

13. The Porpoise said he could weep

a. for the things that made the Goldfish so unhappy

b. only when his dinner was far from him

c. when his friend left him

14. The Goldfish did not mind being caught in the net if

a. it would bring him all he longed for

b. the Silver Fish would swim near him

c. the Fisherman would bring him to his cottage

15. The Goldfish was quite happy in the glass globe because

a. he could give the Silver Fish the whole of the world

b. the Fisherman's family was kind to him

c. he had found many new friends

Home assighment:

1. Find in the story two or more words which are translated into Russian as:

плавать прыгать

видеть задыхаться

огромный смотреть

близко остановиться

рядом храбро

огромное желание красивый

радость далеко


2. Find in the story words of the same root.

perfect --

glory --

jealous --

motion --

long for

brave --

bold -

please --

3. Find in the story the English for the following.

To здесь, то там

влюбиться с первого взгляда

задыхаться в поисках кого-то

неподвижная тень

подпрыгнуть от радости

пусть он это докажет

сомнение омрачило его радость

поверить на слово

за один раз

разрывать сердце рыданиями

сверху донизу

править подводной страной

надуваться от смеха

делить с детьми их радости и горести

слезы ни к чему не приведут

рискнуть всем

лежать в ожидании

его собственный привычный мир

более подходящий ему по размеру.

4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Никто не мог объяснить, почему лодка затонула так быстро.

2. В детстве он был очень любознательным ребенком.

3. Она медленно спустилась по лестнице и остановилась перед большим зеркалом в холле.

4. Он сделал все возможное, чтобы избежать этой

5. Храм был украшен цветами и прекрасными статуями.

6. Море было совершенно спокойно.

7. Только время может помочь ему забыть его горе.

8. Стыдно так разговаривать со своими родителями.

9. Результат превзошел все наши ожидания.

10. Она страстно хотела вернуться туда, где они встретились впервые.

11. Сейчас только очень юные невесты надевают белое свадебное платье.

12. Говорят, царь Соломон обладал всей мудростью (wisdom) мира.

13. Если ты перестанешь рыдать, мы подумаем, что нам делать дальше.

14. У него возникло странное ощущение, как будто он уже был здесь раньше.

15. В твоем сердце столько ревности, что там нет места для любви.

16. Моряки с надеждой смотрели на море, но его поверхность была пуста.

17. Капитан сказал, что какое-то время лодка сможет удерживаться на поверхности воды, если не будет шторма.

18. Родители должны предупреждать детей, чтобы они никуда не ходили с незнакомыми людьми.

19. Он самый подходящий человек для этого поручения

20. Садовник подрезал кусты и посыпал дорожку желтым песком.

21. Это был действительно славный день!

22. Он чувствовал себя как заяц, за которым гонится собака.

23. На ободке чашки был красивый цветочный узор (flowery pattern)

5. Find in the story words and word-combinations close in meaning to the words in italics.

they did as they were told

something strange happened to him

he swam for miles looking for her

a very large fish

he stopped to ask

a very small fellow

a piece of the world

strange lands

cry with longings

see all at once

the Moon over there

he lumped

he lay crying bitterly

they filled him with great longings

he was walking

you will get what you long for

a great ocean

Урок 2.

1. Two students go to the blackboard and write exercise 4. While they are preparing that the others answer the questions so that the result is a summary of the fairy-tale.

1. What does the story begin with?

2. What was the only care of the Goldfish?

3. Who warned the fish to avoid the net?

4. What was his home like?

5. What did the Goldfish sometimes see far above him?

6. When did he see a Silver Fish?

7. Did he fall in love with the Gold Fish or the Silver Fish?

8. What did he long for when he saw the Silver Fish?

9. What kind offish did he see one night? What did it look like?

10. What was the ship doing there?

11. What made the Goldfish give a little jump of joy?

12. Whose words damped his joy? What were they?

13. Why couldn't the Goldfish see the whole world?

14. What did the ship tell the Goldfish about?

15. Why did these stories make the Goldfish weep?

16. What did the ship tell the Goldfish about the Sun and the Moon?

17. Why did the Goldfish lie at the bottom for a week weeping his heart out?

18. What sound did King Neptune hear one day walking through a grove of white and scarlet coral?

19. What made the Porpoise laugh?

20. What things could make the Porpoise weep?

21. How could the Goldfish get his desires?

22. What did King Neptune do after his talk with the Goldfish?

23. What did the Fisherman do when he saw his catch?

24. What could the Goldfish see through the glass globe?

25. Why did the Goldfish believe that he was greater than the Sun?

26. What conclusion did King Neptune make at the end of the story?

2. The teacher and the group checks up the sentences written on the blackboard and give marks the students.

3. Chain-work: The teacher and the group checks up the rest of the home tasks.

4. . Fill each gap with a preposition from the box (in loud).

to instead of at under in of for with above from

swim__ water

close __ smth.

feel jealousy__ smb.

dark blue__ bright

___ search ___ smb.

a shadow ___ smth.

be raised ____ surface

take one's word___ smth.

be full __ smth.

be hung ___ smth.

laugh ___ smb.

the land ___ waves

____ side ____ side

___ top __ bottom

share ___ smth.

weep ___ smth.

be ___ the distance

be caught ___ the net

lie ___ wait

fill smth ____ smth.

be dazed ___ smth.

his world __ coral and sand

5. Let's discuss the fairy-tale. Answer the questions:

1. What kind of story is it?

2. Do you like fairy-tales?

3. Which do you like better: folk fairy-tales or fairy-tales composed by professional writers?

4. Can you name any Russian folk fairy-tale?

5. Do you know any fairy-tales composed by Russian writers? What are they?

6. Do you know any fairy-tales composed by English writers? What are they?

7. Do fairy-tales always have a moral?

8. What do fairy-tales teach us?

9. What is in your opinion the moral of the fairy-tale "The Goldfish?" Do you agree with it?

6. Make up a short monologue on any of these 2 points:

1. Can the world be suitable width=100% to someone's size?

2. What is the world?

Home assignment:

1. Read the next text

2. Write an analysis of the fairy-tale according to your plans

3. Put the following passage into the Reported Speech.

From: "What sort of fish are you?" up to: "A tiny fellow like you can never hope to see more than a scrap of the world ..."

4. Translate into good Russian the following passages.

1. From: He was perfectly happy ...

up to: ... but he never had the luck to find her.

2. From: He was drawn up into the Fisherman's boat ... up to the end of the story.[30]


Проделав данную работу, мы пришли к следующим выводам:

1. Чтение - не только средство обучения языку, но и самостоятельный вид речевой деятельности. Поэтому нельзя его подчинять устной речи, нужно отдельно учить пониманию текста, не превращая чтение в банальный перевод.

2. Существуют различные классификации видов чтения по различным признакам: аналитическое и синтетическое, переводное и беспереводное, подготовленное и неподготовленное и др. Все они очень важны на различных этапах обучения.

3. В большинстве случаев домашнее чтение - синтетическое беспереводное подготовленное чтение.

4. Со стороны цели в организации домашнего чтения в настоящее время обозначились две тенденции:

1) чтение с целью понять текст, т. е. собственно чтение;

чтение как подготовка к беседе по прочитанному

2) чтение как подготовка к беседе по прочитанному

При любом подходе уроки домашнего чтения бесценны, т.к. учащиеся имеют возможность соприкоснуться с современным живым языком, а также познакомиться с культурой страны изучаемого языка

5. Тексты для чтения необязательно должны повторять тематику устной речи, но они должны строиться на знакомом языковом материале, незнакомых слов должно быть не более 2%. Они должны быть новыми для учащихся, соответствовать их интересам и возрасту, обладать воспитательной ценностью. По этим критериям наиболее подходящими будут художественные (в отличие от научных) тексты.

6. Существуют разные точки зрения по поводу того, какими должны быть этапы работы над текстом. Одни авторы против предтекстовых упражнений, другие же, напротив, считают что они абсолютно необходимы, т.к. во-первых, снимают языковые трудности текста, тем самым делая чтение подготовленным, а во-вторых, развивают репродуктивные навыки, т.к. обогащают и активизируют вокабуляр учащихся. Но при любой точке зрения сначала нужно провести работу над незнакомыми словами, используемыми в тексте, затем собственно чтение, контроль понимания содержания, после этого можно переходить к контролю понимания смысла. Обычно вышеназванные виды работы проводятся в классе в виде дискуссии-обсуждения, а позже учащимся можно предложить какое-нибудь письменное задание по проблемам текста, возможно творческое.

7. Мы разработали уроки домашнего чтения для 10-го класса средней школы с углубленным изучением английского языка на материале сказки для взрослых «The Goldfish», а также приготовили упражнения по работе над данным текстом.

Список использованной литературы

чтение речевой домашний языковой

1. Е.Н. Соловова «Методика обучения иностранным языкам. Базовый курс лекций»

2. О.Д. Кузьменко, Г.В. Рогова «Учебное чтение, его содержание и формы», «Общая методика обучения иностранным языкам. Хрестоматия», стр. 241

3. З.И. Клычникова «Психологические особенности обучению чтению на иностранном языке», стр. 46

4. К.И. Крупник «Об обучении беспереводному чтению», «Вопросы обучения устной речи и чтению на иностранном языке», стр. 214

5. Ф.М. Рабинович «К вопросу о месте аналитического чтения в средней школе», «Вопросы обучения устной речи и чтению на иностранном языке», стр. 225

6. И.Д. Калистра «Чтение с предварительно снятыми трудностями понимания», «Вопросы обучению устной речи и чтению на иностранном языке», стр. 232

7. В.М. Фадеев «Домашнее чтение в старших классах, его организация и способы контроля», ИЯШ, № 6, 1979, стр. 30

8. Н. А. Селиванов. «Литературно- страноведческий подход к отбору текстов для домашнего чтения», ИЯШ, №1, 1991, стр. 60-64

9. М. Балакирева «Использование книги для чтения на уроках иностранного языка», приложение к газете «Первое сентября» «Английский язык», №8, 1998, стр. 15

10. N. Ishcuk “The Manual on the Home Reading for the Senior Students of the Secondary School”, «Английский язык», № 41, 1998

11. Г. Г. Сказкив «Приемы проверки домашнего чтения в 8-м классе», ИЯШ, №4, 1982

12. Е.В. Беспальчикова «Обучение анализу текста», ИЯШ, № 2, 2002

13. А.И. Панов «Урок проверки домашнего чтения», ИЯШ, №6, 1967

14. Г.Н. Ловцевич «Об индивидуальном чтении в старших классах», ИЯШ, №6, 1989

15. Н.А. Базарное «Обучение умению работать над иноязычными текстами», ИЯШ, № 2, 1981

16. Чарекова, Баграмов «Практика английского языка (сборник рассказов и упражнений для домашнего чтения»

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