Peculiarities of using modern means of information warfare in the global trade system

Analysis of modern means of information warfare in global trade. The concept and purpose of information warfare. The role of social media - Internet services, in the mass distribution of content. Overview of modern tools for conducting information wars.

Рубрика Журналистика, издательское дело и СМИ
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Дата добавления 11.12.2023
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Peculiarities of using modern means of information warfare in the global trade system

Особливості використання сучасних засобів інформаційної війни в системі глобальної торгівлі

О.В. Новак

М.О. Карпенко,

О. Novak,

M. Karpenko

The article analyses the peculiarities of using modern means of information warfare in global trade. The relevance of the article is related to the fact that the concept of information warfare, as well as the phenomenon itself, is quite controversial. To date, scholars have not reached a consensus on the definition of this concept, since it is dynamic and individual for each situation. The processes of information warfare are constantly taking on new forms, as they are constantly adapting to the present and current situations. The article determines that information warfare is a political struggle that is expressed in the form of information and psychological influence, which is an indispensable attribute of political leadership. It is an influence on the enemy with the help of information for destructive purposes. It is established that the purpose of information warfare is to influence the minds of political elites - people who determine the country's policy and determine the place and time of use of the potential and capabilities operated by their strategic structures. In the context of the rapid development of information and communication technologies, social media - Internet services designed for mass distribution of content created by users themselves, i.e., the authors of which can be anyone - have become an important tool for information influence on the audience. The authors examines such modern tools of information warfare as blogs, virtual games, virtual communities, social networks, collaborative content production projects, geosocial services, and social multimedia. Therefore, information warfare has become the center of politics, economy and military affairs today. "Peaceful" applications of this toolkit have long gone beyond its military use. Decision-making exists in all areas, and in the case of a competitive clash, the struggle for the unity of one decision and against alternative solutions begins. The study showed that social media can be used in information warfare as a means of spreading disinformation, fake news and propaganda. As they have a wide reach and speed of information dissemination, they become an attractive platform for information warfare. Fake news, viral videos and memes can be created on the Internet and distributed via social media and other online platforms.

В статті проаналізовано особливості застосування сучасних засобів інформаційної війни у глобальній торгівлі. Актуальність статті пов'язана з тим, що поняття інформаційної війни, як і саме явище, є досить суперечливим. Адже дотепер науковці не досягли консенсусу у визначенні цього поняття, оскільки воно є динамічним та індивідуальним для кожної ситуації. Процеси інформаційної війни постійно набувають нових форм, оскільки безупинно пристосовуються до сучасності, до поточних ситуацій. В статті визначено, що інформаційна війна - це політична боротьба, яка виражається у формі інформаційно-психологічного впливу, яка є неодмінним атрибутом політичного керівництва. Це вплив на супротивника за допомогою інформації з деструктивними цілями. Встановлено, що метою інформаційної війни є вплив на розум політичних еліт - людей, які визначають політику країни та окреслюють місце і час використання потенціалу і можливостей, якими оперують їх стратегічні структури В умовах бурливого розвитку інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій важливим інструментом інформаційного впливу на аудиторію стали соціальні медіа - інтернет-сервіси, що призначені для масового розповсюдження контенту, який створюють самі користувачі, тобто автором якого може бути кожен. Розглянуто такі сучасні інструменти ведення інформаційних війн як блоги, віртуальні ігри, віртуальні спільноти, соціальні мережі, проекти з виробництва спільного контенту, геосоціальні сервіси, соціальні мультимедіа. Тому інформаційна війна сьогодні стала центром політики, економіки та військової справи. ”'Мирне” застосування цього інструментарію вже давно вийшло за межі його військового використання. Прийняття рішень існує в усіх сферах, і в разі конкурентного зіткнення починається боротьба за єдність одного рішення і проти альтернативних рішень. Дослідження показало, що соціальні медіа можуть бути використані в інформаційних війнах як засіб для розповсюдження дезінформації, фейкових новин та пропаганди. Оскільки вони мають широке охоплення та швидкість розповсюдження інформації, то стають привабливим майданчиком для проведення інформаційних війн. Через інтернет можна створювати фальшиві новини, вірусні відео та меми, розповсюджувати їх за допомогою соціальних мереж та інших онлайн - платформ.

Keywords: information warfare, influence, social media, internet, manipulation, propaganda.

Ключові слова: інформаційна війна, вплив, соціальні медіа, інтернет, маніпуляція, пропаганда.

Target setting

information warfare global trade

International trade is characterized by conflicts between its participants, which become more active during the period of increased globalization and increasing importance of international relations due to increased competition. Countries in the struggle for better conditions for the sale of goods and services increasingly become participants in trade wars. In recent years alone, there have been about ten trade wars in the world (the most famous are the trade wars between the US and China, the US and the EU) and a large number of trade conflicts and disputes. Trade wars are accompanied by an information confrontation between the parties, which quite often turns into information wars. This is due to the fact that the modern development of globalization processes is accompanied by the massive use of the latest information and communication technologies, which led to the creation of a single global information space in the world, in which information is created, changed, stored, exchanged and used by individual organizations and citizens. and countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the event of trade disputes, in the event of their escalation, informational influence is used to achieve certain goals. In this case, the formed information environment becomes the plane of conducting information wars, in which the goal is to change the behavior of the opposite party.

Analysis of research and publications

The question of using the features of information wars in world trade was studied by the following scientists: V.M. Bogush, M. Libisky, V.A. Lipkan, O.K. Yudin, who studied information security; Drogomyretskyi, H.G. Pocheptsov, R. Chirva outlined the concept of information war; O. Hotsur, M. Makliuen, G.G. Pocheptsov, M.M. Prysiazhnyuk, O.F. Khristoforova considered modern tools for conducting information wars. Despite the availability of scientific works in this area, research on the problems of information wars in the world economy due to the increase in trade conflicts remains relevant.

The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the application of modern means of information warfare in global trade.

The tasks of the research are:

- define the concept of information war;

- to investigate modern means of information influence;

- to consider directions of use of digital technologies in information wars.

Hypothesis:the development of information and communication

technologies contributed to the spread of information warfare in global trade.

Research methods. During the writing of the article, the following methods were used: monographic method, generalization method, systematization method - were used during the research of theoretical issues of the peculiarities of information wars; the method of analysis and synthesis, the abstract-logical method, the graphic method - were used during the study of modern technologies of conducting information wars; system-structural analysis was used during the analysis of directions for the use of digital technologies in information wars.

The information base of the research was the works of domestic and foreign scientists, periodical articles, dissertations, monographs, Internet resources.

The article is divided into sections: the first section examines the evolution of information wars and their essence, the second part examines modern digital tools for conducting information wars, and the third - examples of their use.

Presentation of the main research material. In times of globalization of society, the media have become an integral part of the life of a modern person, capable of deforming the perception of reality, which leads to tangible social consequences. At the same time, it should be noted that the concept of information war, like the phenomenon itself, is quite controversial. After all, until now, scientists have not reached a consensus on the definition of this concept, since it is dynamic and individual for each situation. The processes of information warfare are constantly taking on new forms, as they constantly adapt to modern times, to current situations.

Evolution of information wars

The concept of information wars dates back to the Greco-Persian wars, when the opposing sides used spiritual influence to weaken the enemy's morale and combat power, while at the same time raising the fighting spirit of their own troops. Along with the informational and psychological impact on the enemy's troops and its command, there was also an informational and psychological impact on the population. This is due to the peculiarity of the organization of military service in those times, when the army consisted mostly of militiamen (former peasants), while professional soldiers were few in number. Therefore, the issue of simultaneous informational and psychological impact on the army and the population from which recruits were taken was at the forefront.

The methods of information struggle in that historical period were limited by the state of technological development of society, therefore verbal technologies were used mainly (speeches by orators, representatives of religion, spreading rumors, theatrical performances, disinformation), visual means of intimidation (demonstration of superiority in military power, propaganda writings) and physical opposition (arrests, terror, murders of speakers). One of the most important subjects of the information struggle at that time were public figures, religious preachers, politicians and other educated persons who had a significant influence on all social strata of the population, had authority among the population and were leaders of public opinion. Moreover, the emergence and spread of writing initially did not play a serious role in the spread of informational influence, since the bulk of soldiers and civilians remained illiterate for a long time [5, p. 75].

The next stage in the development of information influence was the mass spread of literacy, the development of printing, thanks to which the population began to be widely covered by new information carriers: books, letters, newspapers. During this period, an effective means of informational struggle emerged and gained mass distribution - a postcard.

The third stage of the development of the information struggle began with the emergence of new means of information dissemination, such as: telephone, telegraph, radio, television, cinema, the Internet. The gradual spread of new communications naturally led to a significant acceleration of information transmission. At the beginning of the XIX century. the first news agencies began to be created, the media gained significant social importance, first newspapers and magazines, then radio and television, and at the end of the 20th century Internet. Due to this, the visibility and imagery of the means of information influence increased, the possibilities of accumulating and storing information increased significantly. All this made it possible to provide operational, long-term, selective, and mass informational influence on the consciousness of the population, its will and feelings.

The development of new communication and information technologies led to the fact that the industrial society began to acquire features of the information (post-industrial) society. This process brought a new way of waging modern wars, which is characterized by the use of the latest information technologies and a decrease in the number of human casualties (in the physical sense). Currently, one of the key resources is the information that circulates in telecommunication and computer systems, and military operations and the sphere of information influence of a new type require the presence of significant intellectual resources [5, p. 77].

The modern concept of information warfare

The term "information war" in its modern sense appeared at the end of the 80s of the 20th century, when the concept of information wars began to form in the military sphere, and quickly became popular. At the same time, a large number of definitions of this concept arose, which caused difficulties in its understanding.

The terminology of information wars began to be actively formed in 1991 in connection with the war in the Persian Gulf. Already in 1998, the US Ministry of Defense developed the "Joint Doctrine of Information Operations", in which the definitions of the concepts "information war" and "information operation" (Information Operations) were presented:

- information operation means actions to complicate the collection, processing, transmission and storage of information by the adversary while protecting its own information and information systems;

- information war meant a complex influence on the enemy's state administration system and its military-political administration, which already in peacetime can cause the adoption of decisions convenient for the country waging an information war, and during an armed conflict is capable of completely paralyzing the functioning of the enemy's administrative infrastructure .

Let us consider the approaches to the interpretation of the concept of information warfare by foreign and Ukrainian researchers. M. Makliuen can be

considered a pioneer in the study of information wars, who in the 60s of the 20th century. noted that if "hot" wars use weapons to physically destroy enemies, then informational weapons, on the contrary, immerse the entire population in a certain imaginary world [12]. The American scientist U. Schwartow defines the information war as an electronic confrontation, in which the main goal is information that needs to be captured and destroyed. M. Libicki defined the task of information war not in the destruction of physical force, but in the destruction of society [11]. According to D. Stein, the purpose of the information war is to influence the minds of political elites - people who determine the country's policy and outline the place and time of using the potential and opportunities that operate in their strategic structures. A significant number of scientists (H. Jowett, V. O'Donnell, P. Burakovsky, H. Pocheptsov) associate the information war with propaganda. Thus, D. Brown understands propaganda as a system of views based on the influence and emotional state of people. G. Jowett and V. O'Donnell see in propaganda a hidden effort to shape the perception, mind and behavior of society to achieve certain goals [5, p. 98].

Table 1 shows the main approaches to defining the concept of information wars.

Table 1. Approaches to defining the concept of information wars




V. Lipkan

the implementation of illegal actions against one of the parties of communication processes due to the use of force on various scales [6,

p. 1261


V. Lyzanchuk

a springboard for the development of a real armed conflict


М. Zhytaryuk

opposition by historical, ideological, economic, religious and other methods


G. Pocheptsov

communicative technology of influence on mass consciousness with short-term and long-term goals (G. Pocheptsov. 2013. p. 22)


D. Bogush

О. Yudin

a complex influence on the enemy's information sphere, which involves the formation of conditions for conducting military operations or is an independent factor that forces the confronting country to abandon its planned political, economic and other goals [1, p. 85]


R. Chirva

manipulation of the consciousness of the population, its disorientation and misinformation, intimidation of the enemy [10, p. 9]

Source: generated by the authors

As Zharkov notes, information warfare can be directed against civil society and the ruling elite using the tools of diplomacy, psychological campaigns, propaganda, political and cultural subversion, penetration into databases and information networks, promotion of separatist or oppositional ideas by means of digital technologies [4, p. 85]. Information warfare can be directed both against illegal groups or organizations associated with terrorist activities, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and against the policies of the government of a specific country, supporters of groups and movements related to religion, environmental protection, and the protection of civil rights.

The concept of information war involves the implementation of information operations - a complex of activities and actions interconnected by purpose, place, time, aimed at initializing and managing the processes of information manipulation, in order to achieve and maintain an information advantage by influencing the information processes in the enemy's information systems [2, p. 55].

So, the information war is a struggle that is expressed in the form of informational and psychological influence, which is an indispensable attribute of political leadership. The implementation of the information war consists in increased pressure on the contradictions that objectively exist at various levels of the state and public system. As a result, external and internal manifestations of confrontation are expected.

According to H. Pocheptsov, the main task of information war at the tactical level is to obtain a certain material advantage, which, accordingly, the other participant in the war loses. Information war is carried out by using open and covert information influences (covert operations) [8, p. 130]. G. Pocheptsov, examining the phenomenon of "information war", notes that it has a clear structure that "unfolds in the information space - an epistemological, substantive space in which information technologies create, transmit and store content that has the potential to transform reality. With the development of information civilization, they become the main productive forces that create information and knowledge, that is, the meaning that is the object of aggression in the information war, at the same time representing "the greatest danger in the sense of a new attack tool" [8, p. 122].

Information wars are conducted using specific information weapons. Information is used both for defense and attack, and the result depends only on whose resource and propaganda will be more powerful. The fact that information warfare is not directly related to bloodshed and destruction is the reason for its frequent disregard and safety in relation to it. However, this is the wrong approach, the consequences of information wars are always negative, so it is necessary to try to develop your own countermeasures. For example, the United States, China, and Russia have created special forces in which military specialists work, whose task is to repel enemy information attacks.

2. Modern means of information influence. In the conditions of rapid development of information and communication technologies, social media have become an important tool of informational influence on the audience. Social media are Internet services designed for the mass distribution of content created by users themselves, that is, the author of which can be anyone. Also, social media is understood as a category of websites that provide the possibility of publishing, sharing and discussing content with a wide range of users. Social media and networks serve to facilitate the exchange of information between users compared to the previous generation of technologies, when the Internet consisted mainly of static pages.

The most popular sites, which are usually classified as social media (Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube, etc.), have a unique interface and work on the basis of a certain set of technologies that make this site a unique means of communication. It should be noted that there is a general classification of social media, which includes the following types (pic. 1.).

It is worth noting that social media is able to gather an audience comparable in number to the audience of traditional media. The influence of social media, in particular social networks, on a person and his life is huge, many people do not even fully realize the scale of this phenomenon, because social networks are already the most popular activity on the Internet. The blogosphere also exerts a significant influence on the Internet audience among various social media. Today, the blogosphere can be compared to other mass media in that it exerts a significant influence on the audience. A similar situation is observed in other social media, for example, in social networks.

Social media is an effective tool for influencing the audience on the Internet. Already in the first years of the appearance of Internet publications on the media market, it became clear that they have some features that already then, or in the future, can help the publication win competition from printed publications.

Ріс. 1. Classification of social media

Source: Formed on the basis [8]

In general, the following features of Internet publications can be distinguished (pic. 2).

One of the most difficult tasks of an Internet publication today is to show the user that social networks are not the entire Internet, that a large part of the information passes by it.

For this purpose, each online publication creates its own page in various social networks, often with the possibility to view the publication without leaving the site.

Most online media is updated daily or even continuously throughout the day. Due to such efficiency, Internet media are quite often used as sources of information for traditional mass media.

Despite the fact that Internet media must solve certain tasks in society, in reality they are quite independent, have their own goals that may differ from the needs of society, and use different methods to achieve them.

Internet media exert influence on politics, first of all, through influence on the information process, which allows for the formation of public opinion.

Pic. 2. Features of Internet editions

Source: Formed on the basis [2]

Today, the Internet media play an important role in shaping public perception of various important issues, both through the information that is dosed through them and through the interpretations that are formed on the basis of this information. They also play an important role in shaping modern culture by selecting and portraying a certain set of beliefs, values and traditions (a whole way of life) as reality. That is, by depicting a certain interpretation of reality, they shape reality to be in accordance with this interpretation. Internet media also play an important role in promoting civil unrest activities such as anti-government demonstrations, riots, and general strikes.

It should be noted that the Internet promotes the development of civil society, publicity and openness of political processes, but at the same time creates new opportunities for manipulation. That is, it is an indisputable fact that Internet technologies are an indispensable tool for influencing the audience on the Internet, and in order to determine the influence on public opinion of specific individuals or organizations, it is necessary to determine the specifics of such influence. Two reasons for this specificity can be distinguished: social and psychological. Public figures and organizations are of great importance when interacting with the public, and especially with a specific target group [9, p. 192].

Therefore, Internet technologies contribute to the formation of a sense of personal contact with a public figure or organization and personal participation in the process of social importance. Thus, the social openness of a person or organization to communication is formed. It should be noted that this characteristic in most cases is prone to manipulative processes, as it is used as the achievement of goals, including the formation of a positive opinion in the audience. If we consider the problem of the interaction of the audience's opinion and Internet technologies as a whole, then the question of the action of manipulative mechanisms has always been relevant. The basis for this is faith in the objectivity of information presented on the Internet. Based on this, various conscious or unconscious processes are produced, such as the substitution of concepts, etc. However, the Internet is less affected by manipulation than traditional mass media. This is because, in addition to the opinion of the author of the text or any other message, there are other people's comments, and this information can also be checked.

There are a large number of different Internet technologies that are used as a means to influence the audience. The most effective are websites, social media, social networks, blogs, forums, etc. It is important to emphasize that Internet technologies affect the daily life of a person and society as a whole, and they also exert the most significant influence on the formation of opinion in the audience.

The influence of information technologies and, in particular, the Internet on the formation of public opinion, public figures or organizations is expressed in the ability to form a positive or negative image and attitude towards oneself based on it.

The communication environment of the Internet has a number of significant features and advantages compared to traditional mass media, among which the interactive nature of communication, a multifunctional communication model, the presence of control over the search and receipt of information by the user, a wide range of types of information presentation, high flexibility and scalability, the possibility of non-linear information search [9, p. 193].

Within the framework of this study, it should also be noted that blogs and forums also play an important role in conducting information wars. A blog is a powerful tool of information warfare on the Internet. They have advantages over sites in a number of parameters in the information war. Today, there are several types of blogs. For example, an attacking blog is an objective reality, with a professional approach it gives a very good effect. There are also blogs - the basis, blogs - the root, blogs - the provocateur, blogs - the trap, and blogs - the discussion. The task of any competitive scout is to obtain the necessary information and distort the existing information field to the required parameters. For obtaining the necessary information, a blog thread and a blog discussion are well suited. Their task is to attract the attention of the right person (group of people), at a minimum, and provoke a discussion of the right issues, as a maximum [4, p. 258].

In turn, Internet forums are actively used to influence the Internet audience. Internet forums also play an important role in today's information war on the Web, but in most cases it is less significant than the role of blogs. An exception is the situation when the topic of the information war concerns some professional community or the interests of the population of a certain city. In such cases, the role of professional or regional Internet forums increases significantly: after all, the target audience interested in this issue is concentrated there. Forums have a number of features in common with blogs, but are nevertheless different from them.

Directions of Using Digital Technologies and Information Shares. Internet media can be used in information wars as a means to spread disinformation, fake news and propaganda. Because the Internet media has a wide reach and speed of dissemination of information, it becomes an attractive platform for conducting information wars. Fake news, viral videos and memes can be created through the Internet and spread through social networks and other online platforms.

Propaganda campaigns can be aimed at spreading various viral materials that reflect the desired point of view, or at creating a negative image of the enemy. Various methods of manipulating the audience can also be used, for example, using bots and fake accounts. However, it is important to note that Internet media can also be used as a tool to combat disinformation and information warfare. For example, various online resources can fact-check and detect fake news, or use algorithms to detect and block fake accounts and bots.

Other features of the use of Internet technologies in information wars are that today special services of various countries and individual network users have the opportunity to use without restrictions, in addition to Internet media, social networks, blogs, video hosting sites to publish various types of information - from alternative views on politics and history to racist and nationalist material, thereby influencing the audience.

The key factor contributing to the negative trend of expanding the use of the network in information wars is the development of its capabilities in the field of virtual social networks, which have become a convenient tool both for various illegal groups and for special services. As an example, you can also cite the social network Twitter, which has long been a tool for prompt notification of high-profile events. But lately it has become more of a tool for panic-mongering and information warfare than a useful aid to citizen journalism. The simplest tactic is based on understanding the psychology of the target audience. Thanks to the mobile application, brevity and ease of use, Twitter has become popular among young people who easily pick up on the information resonance [2, p. 57]. Click on the desired emotions (panic, fear, anger, indignation), add more provocative photos - or video materials - to the materials with the target hashtag, and users from 16 to 26 years old will pick up the desired hashtag and start trending it, even outpacing bots in speed and the quality of work performance".

Therefore, information warfare has become the center of politics, economy and military affairs today. "Peaceful" applications of this toolkit have long gone beyond its military use. Decision-making exists in all areas, and in the case of a competitive clash, the struggle for the unity of one decision and against alternative solutions begins.


It was determined that the information war is a political struggle, which is expressed in the form of informational and psychological influence, which is an indispensable attribute of political leadership. This is the influence on the adversary with the help of information with destructive purposes. This concept is very broad and in the age of informatization contains many components. But all these methods, technologies and techniques have one thing in common - a destructive influence on the other side, and the means by which this influence is carried out (information).

The implementation of the information war consists in increased pressure on the contradictions that objectively exist at various levels of the state and public system. As a result, external and internal manifestations of confrontation are expected. The key task of the information war is to obtain a certain material advantage, which, accordingly, the other participant in the war loses. Information war is carried out by using open and hidden information influences. Information wars are conducted using specific information weapons. Information is used both for defense and attack, and the result depends only on whose resource and propaganda will be more powerful.

Today, there are a large number of different Internet technologies that are used as a means to influence the audience. The most effective are websites, social media, social networks, blogs, forums, etc. They play a major role in influencing the audience, because they influence the daily life of a person and society as a whole, and they also exert the most significant influence on the formation of opinion in the audience. The influence of information technologies and, in particular, the Internet on the formation of public opinion, public figures or organizations is expressed in the ability to form a positive or negative image and attitude towards oneself based on it.

As a result of the study, the hypothesis was confirmed that the development of information and communication technologies contributes to the spread of information wars, as it offers quite a lot of relatively cheap tools for destructive informational influence.

Given the rapid development of digital technologies and the growing number of trade disputes in the world, in the future information wars will be used more and more often in international economic relations, so this issue needs further research.


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