International relations development in cyberspace

Consideration of the nature of cyberspace, analysis of its influence on the nature of modern international relations. Analysis of the features of cyberspace, identification of its specificities and main differences from other spaces of human activity.

Рубрика Международные отношения и мировая экономика
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Дата добавления 31.07.2022
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T.A. Poda,

National Aviation University


The author defines the cyberspace as a new dimension of political space and as a field of political interaction and confrontation of various political actors. The differences between cyberspace and the Internet-space are analyzed. It is shown that modern society is becoming specifically networked and digital, the relations in machine-mediated social and media networks complement or replace communications based on the face to face interaction of political actors.

Keywords: network society; cyberspace; cyber security; cybercrime.


Пода Т.А.


Автор рассматривает киберпространство как новое измерение политического пространства, как поле политического взаимодействия и противостояния различных политических акторов. Проанализированы различия между киберпространством и Интернетом. Показано, что современное общество становится специфически сетевым и цифровым, т.е. таким, где отношения в машинно-опосредованных социальных и медиасетях дополняют или заменяют коммуникации, основанные на взаимодействии политических акторов лицом к лицу.

Ключевые слова: сетевое общество; киберпространство; кибербезопасность; киберпреступность, правовое государство, международные отношения.


Пода Т.А.


Вступ. У сучасному світі інформація є одним із найважливіших ресурсів і, одночасно, однією з рушійних сил. Стрімкий розвиток та поширення нових інформаційних і комунікативних технологій призвели до глобальної інформаційної революції, яка здійснює значний вплив на всі сфери.

Мета і завдання. Метою статті є аналіз природи кіберпростору і його вплив на характер сучасних міжнародних відносин. Завдання полягає у виявленні особливостей і основних відмінностей кіберпростору.

Результати дослідження. Поняття «кіберпростору» пройшло довгий шлях концептуалізації з моменту своєї появи в науково-фантастичній літературі на початку 1980-х років. Розуміння кіберпростору як комунікативного простору не є новим, оскільки воно з'являється задовго до комп'ютерів та Інтернету. Завдяки спільному кіберпростору сучасне суспільство стає специфічно мережевим і цифровим, тобто таким, де відносини в машинно-опосередкованих соціальних і медіамережах доповнюють або замінюють комунікації, засновані на взаємодії політичних акторів. Кіберпростір порівняно з іншими просторами людської діяльності має такі риси: це є інформаційний простір; він є комунікативним середовищем; утворюється за допомогою технічних систем; кіберпростір може постійно копіюватися, множитися і відтворюватися, що є характерною ознакою соціуму; кіберпростір радикально збільшує швидкість, обсяг і дальність взаємозв'язку не тільки держав і корпорацій, а й окремих громадян, які можуть використовувати його для глобального, майже миттєвого спілкування, використовуючи різноманітні інформаційні засоби.

Обговорення. Незважаючи на те, що кіберпростір створює більш плоску, мережеву онтологію соціальних комунікацій, самі держави та їхній суверенітет не можуть бути просто ліквідованими навалою інших кіберакторов, бо саме держави є основою міжнародного права і міжнародних відносин. Сьогодні ми можемо спостерігати дві тенденції у сфері сучасних міжнародних відносин: зміщення суверенітету і влади держав у бік кіберпростору, а також зростання залежності їх від цифрових технологій. Відбувається дифузія кібервлади між державними та недержавними акторами, що разом веде до розмивання і послаблення національної безпеки як такої.

Висновки. Кіберпростір - це вже не тільки феномен міжнародної політики, а й рушійна сила трансформацій, що відбуваються на міжнародній арені. Саме у кіберпросторі у концентрованому вигляді відображаються сучасні тенденції: підйом нових центрів сили; формування багатополярної системи міжнародних відносин; зростання міжнародної конфліктності і напруги. Всі ці явища актуалізують необхідність посилення міжнародного співробітництва для вироблення міжнародно- правових норм і правил, що регламентують розвиток та використання кіберпростору.

Ключові слова: мережеве суспільство; кіберпростір; кібербезпека; кіберзлочинність, правова держава, міжнародні відносини.


In the modern world, information is both one of the most important resources and one of the driving forces. The rapid development and spread of new information and communication technologies has caused a global information revolution, having a significant impact on all spheres of man's life: political, cultural, scientific, and economic.

Nowadays, issues of international security and the maintenance of international peace and stability are inextricably linked. States are increasingly paying attention to the development of cyberspace operations, both defensive and offensive. Thanks to complex social networks, fundamentally new political instruments of influence and control of the world community actors have appeared. In fact, there was a certain redistribution in the entire system of international environment (IE) in favor of the new, first of all, information and digital means of forming meanings of international relations of international security. In Western scientific literature, as well as journalism and diplomatic rhetoric, the term «cyberspace» is preferably being used, while the term «information space» is being widely used in Ukraine. Commonly, the information space is meant to be a wider sphere in comparison with cyberspace, which is limited to computer and electronic networks and the information contained in them. The information space is interpreted as a sphere of activity associated with the formation, creation, transformation, transmission, usage, and storage of information and the impact on individual and public consciousness, information infrastructure and information itself. The need to differentiate these concepts determined the choice of the theme of the study.

Modern cyberspace, its challenges and threats are analyzed by such foreign scientists as S. Brenner (Brenner, 2004), D. Mente, Keserin P. Heaven, J. Nye, J. Urry, J. Dzialoshinsky, R. Fork. Among Ukrainian researchers, we can name K. Yurtaeva, who explore cyberspace as a crime scene (Yurtaeva, 2009), V. Lukyanchikova, who focused on cybersecurity in the information society (Lukyanchikova, 2013). L. Droti-anko who wrote about the change of the communication system under the influence of informatization (Drotianko, 2017: 14). N. Chenbai states that influence of modern media technologies on various spheres of social life, public consciousness, culture in general will dramatically grow in future (Chenbai, 2019: 159). The analysis of the global informatization processes is in the works of M. Castells (Castells, 2002), N. Luhmann, M. McLuhan, J. Haber-mas, J. Urry (Urry, 2008).

International structures such as NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE), the International Cyber Security Protection Alliance (ICSPA), the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), the International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats (IMPACT) and others are actively working on the problems of regulating cyber-space.

The aim is to analyze the nature of cyberspace and its impact on the nature of modern international relations. The task is to identify the features and main differences of cyberspace.

Research methods.

To achieve the aim of the study, a set of basic principles and methods of scientific knowledge systematic analysis, comparison, critical analysis was used.

Research results

The concept of «cyberspace» has come a long way of conceptualization since its appearance in science fiction literature in the early 1980s (Gibson, 1982). After the creation of the project «World Wide Web» by T. J. Bernes-Lee in the early 1990s, it has began to be actively used for the next three decades to designate the virtual space of the institutional structure of society. At the same time, cyberspace is not to be confused with the very internet, after the definition of M. Castells, «cyber - Ghetto» (Castells, 2002) or the World Wide Web (WWW). If the Internet is a hardware and software infrastructure, i.e. a global network of computers that use specific protocols for communication one with another. The WWW is a system of interlinked hypertext documents available through the Internet. The cyberspace is a metaphor of space «adjacent areas» (M. Castells), which, after John Urry, are becoming permanently «moving places» (Urry, 2008: 42).

In meaning of a communicative place, cyberspace is not so new, as it has appeared long before computers and the Internet. At the present day, it functions as an interface at the joint of information and communication technologies such as telephony, television, computer technology, data transmission of web 1.0, of web 2.0. Thanks to the common cyberspace, modern society becomes specifically network and digital, i.e. such, where relations in machine-mediated social and media networks complement or replace communications based on the interaction of political actors face to face.

In the current era, the network principle of organizing society is becoming key due to the development of digitalization of cyberspace. As H. Kreysler remarked on this occasion, network society «is not just a society based on social networks... is a society where the key social structures and activities of its members are organized around networks of electronic communication» (Kreisler, 2001).

Cyberspace, in comparison with other spaces of human activity, has the following features:

- it is the information space;

- it is the communicative environment;

- it is formed by means of technical systems;

- сyberspace can constantly be reproduced, multiplied and reproduced through cascades of bifurcations, which is typical for the non-linearly evolving society;

- сyberspace radically increases the speed, volume and range of communication not only for states and corporations, but also for individual citizens, who can use it for global, almost instantaneous communication, using a variety of media from text to video.

J. Dzialoshinsky's definition states: cyberspace is a set of certain structures (individuals, their groups and organizations) united by information relations, i.e. relations of collection, production, distribution and consumption of information (Dzyaloshinsky).

R. Vilkov notes that cyberspace is a new, rhizomatic topology, a kind of semiotic space in which operations with signs are carried out using modern computer technology, which facilitates and significantly accelerates the mental activity of people (Vilkov, 2009: 7). The Recommendation Concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to Cyberspace, adopted at the 32nd session of the UNESCO General Conference in 2003. Cyberspace is defined as following: it is a virtual world of digital and electronic communication related to global information infrastructure (Recommendation).

Due to the heterarchical nature of network organization, structurally cyberspace is a rhizome - a metaphorical designation proposed by J. Deleuze and F. Guattari, a non-structural and non-linear way of organizing integrity (Deleuze, Guattari; 1987). There is no single center in cyberspace, but there are many clusters of close («strong») connections of various actors and many remote («weak») ties with other clusters, all together forming a single global network.

It is necessary to emphasize the differentiation of cyberspace, based on the factor of its heterogeneity. The very differentiation of cyberspace contributes not only to the creation of fundamentally new power structures, but to the redistribution of the influence of states in international relations, which acquire the ability to dominate the world through the creation of digital clouds. Nowadays, in the international cyberspace, there are five of the most influential digital corporations in the world: Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook. They are really only opposed by the Chinese Alibaba. All of them represent the interests of the national military - industrial complexes. World Digital giants undoubtedly affect on the character of international relations and on security.

V. Lukyanchikova notes that cyberthreats are serious, constantly growing in number and destabilizing the world order. Theories and strategies of deterrence that emerged during the Cold War are quite difficult to apply to modern cyber threats (Lukyanchikova; 2013: 796).

J. Nye argues, for example, that the United States are still the leader in the use of the Internet for military and social purposes, but, on the other hand, their great dependence on widespread digitalization makes them much more vulnerable to cyber attacks than any other country (Nye; 2011: 20).

Susan W. Brenner, analyzing cybercrime, notes that the subject of cybercrime is not dependent to the limitations that exist in the real, physical world. Yes, cybercrimes can be committed instantly, and therefore require a rapid response. Cybercrime still remains a new phenomenon, and science is not yet able to establish patterns of distribution of different types of cybercrime geographically and demographically, as for crimes committed in the real, physical world (Brenner; 33).

In this way, a centric cyberspace is «governmental- ized» (M. Foucault) in the most bright and precise sense of the word, i.e., displaces the traditional sovereign and disciplinary powers to the periphery and produces power «everywhere, but not because that it subordinates itself all around, but because it comes from everywhere... not society» (Foucault, 1996:193).

The availability, limitlessness and a centricity of cyberspace make the problem of cybersecurity at the institutional and national levels are one of the central issues for states in XXI century. There is a consistent «cyberiza- tion» of international relations, which is defined as a deep penetration into all spheres of international relations of various cyber-mediums (events, processes occurring in cyberspace), on the one hand, and the growing dependence of actors in the field of international relations on infrastructure, tools and the means offered by cyberspace, on the other hand. The most uncontrolled, manmade risks with a variety of unintentional consequences, threatening the international order are emerging and manifesting in the very cyberspace. The «global risk society», in the terminology of W. Beck, is growing primarily in cyberspace (Beck; 2010).


We agree that the very existence of the state power and sovereignty is under threat in cyberspace. At the same time, the danger is strengthened by the important circumstances of such cyber risks: anonymity, the impossibility of definitively identifying those who are responsible for the cyber attacks, and therefore the impossibility of a legally proven punishment. Quantity and quality of the cyber attacks due to the technological progress of the data protection are not decreasing, rather increasing. To do information harm the technologies initially intended for cyber protection are used. We can conclude that cyberspace today is to a great degree used to attack potential adversaries, not to support and develop the interests of users in the communication and receipt of information and knowledge (Kissinger).

In this sense, despite the fact that cyberspace creates a flat, network ontology of social communications, the state and its sovereignty can't be simply eliminated by the invasion of other cyber actors, because until now the state itself has been the basis for the international law and international relations. The process of establishment of the «digital Westphalia «is far from its completion, and can take, according to expert opinions, about 20 years. However, the diffuse period (in the political and legal sense) of the development of cyberspace will sooner or later be over. This will happen when the characteristics of national jurisdictions in cyberspace are defined in generally accepted regulatory terms. And in the end, as it has always happened before, the international system institutionalizes a code of rights and obligations for all cyber actors, making some winners and others losers in the battle for new resources. On top of the new cyber system of international relations there will be the cyber safe states; they will dominate in the coming era of socio-cyber-economic world.

D. Menthe, the author of the theory of international spaces offers to consider the cyberspace not from the stand point of well-known social and legal concepts, but as the space of international legal status. In the work «Jurisdiction in Cyberspace: A Theory of International Spaces» D. Menthe represents a concep-tual theory according to which «there are three such international spaces: Antarctica, outer space, and the high seas» (Menthe, 1998). D. Menthe states that cyberspace should be treated as a fourth international space. In cyberspace, jurisdiction is the overriding conceptual problem for domestic and foreign courts alike.

This idea is supported by Keserin P. Heaven, who notes that it is quite logical to regulate the Internet as other global space, used for the benefit of all countries without trying to militarize them. The researcher insists on introducingthe cyberspace responsibility under the national principle of criminal jurisdiction established in the rest of public areas, i.e. a person who has committed a crime in cyberspace will be punished by the country of his or her citizenship (Heaven; 2001: 398). At the same time, she points to the need to adopt a universal set of rules of the Internet use at the international level and to introduce the principle of obligatory cooperation of countries in the fielf of investigation of cybercrimes (Heaven; 2001: 399).

Thus, today we can observe two modern trends in the field of international relations: the shift of the state sovereignty and power to the field of cyberspace and their growing dependence on digital technologies, as well as the diffusion of cyber power between state and non-state actors, which together leads to the erosion and weakening of national security.

Since cyberspace has no physical boundaries, gaps arise in the understanding of what a state's territory is and how it should be defended. Available representation that the national cyberspace is formed of computer networks and their software maintenance cannot be defined as the adequate one. It requires new ways of determining the power in cyberspace for the effective protection of national interests, including the influence on the behavior of other cyber actors.

We agree with a Ukrainian researcher K. Yurtaeva, who notes that today a significant number of «ordinary» crimes have passed into the category of cybercrime. It means that the use of computer technologies the commission of these crimes, and their socially dangerous consequences can spread to a larger area» (Yurataeva; 2009: 435).

Cyberspace and authority over it nowadays are the foundation of scientific, technological and socio-economic development of all the nations, which shows the new horizons of modernization of all sides of the social life. Cybernetic power or simply cyber power is becoming superior for the traditional political, economic and military forms of dominating. By its very nature, political power in cyberspace differs from «classical» power, which has had a vivid socio-economic conditionality. It is no accident, Internet giants according to the market capitalization Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Tencent, Alibaba Group are included in the top ten largest companies of the world. The work in the Internet companies mentioned above is considered to be very prestigious, and their technical capacities attracted the most careful attention of politicians, security and military services.

A vivid embodiment of the growing hegemonic role of cyber power is the empowering Fourth Industrial Revolution. Its essence is the material world connected with the virtual one, as a result the new cyber-physical complexes united into a single digitalized ecosystem are born. Industry4.0. characterized as a «deep change» of society based on technologies of widespread digitalization, leading eventually to sapientization (from Latin sapiens - reasonable) reality.

As we can see, the development of cyber power in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is changing, as K. Schwab states: 'It is not only changing the «what» and the «how» of doing things but also «who» we are» (Schwab, 2016: 8). In this regard, it can be assumed that the rivalry in the field of cyberspace between various actors and, above all, nations will inevitably grow, since not only prosperity is at stake, but also the well-being of the people, which is the subject of any nation's national security strategy. This requires considering cyberpower in a strategic sense as an activity aimed at achieving political goals. Talking about the strategic value of cyberspace one should recognize the fact that it is becoming the fifth area of deployment of power confrontation of states on a par with traditional arenas of military action (land, sea, air and space). You need to remember that cyber space as well as the rest, have a political meaning and strategic actions aimed at strengthen in its own positions and weakening the positions of the enemy, are inevitable.


The cyberspace is both a phenomenon of international politics, and the driving force behind a number of transformations taking place in the international arena. The modern trends, including the rise of new centers of power and the formation of a multipolar system of international relations, the growth of international conflict and tension in a concentrated form are reflected here. All of the above actualizes the need for international cooperation to develop international legal norms and rules governing the development and use of cyberspace. According to expert opinion, cyberspace is a part of the information space and an electronic environment, via which information is produced, received, stored, processed and destroyed. An important feature of cyberspace is its globality, which provides an opportunity for information interaction between people and objects located on the territory of various states. The globality of cyberspace is achieved by connecting national electronic media into a single electronic environment of collecting, transferring, storing and processing of information based on a single digital addressing system. Therefore, in order to form the international relations in the global cyberspace on the basis of the equality of sovereignty principle, as one of the most important principles of international law, one should codify the norms governing international relations in global cyberspace.


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