Contemporary international relations in the context of globalization

Globalization as a factor in changing the structure of the world economy. Global network market economy as a set of national farms, which leads to the collapse of the geoeconomy. Review of theories about the approach to the international system.

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Contemporary international relations in the context of globalization

Kazimov Emil Zakir oglu PhD in Political science, Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan),

Globalization is a characteristic feature of the processes of changing the structure of the world economy and understood as a set of national farms linked to each other by a system of international division of labour, economic and political relations, by incorporating into the world market and closely interlocking the economy through trans nationalization and regionalization. On this basis, a single global network market economy is being formed--resulting to the collapse of geo-economy and its infrastructure, the destruction of the national sovereignty of the states, which have been the main actors in international relations for many centuries. Globalization is a consequence of the evolution ofpublic market systems.

Research Methods. Methods of content analysis, comparative analysis, historical chronicle, analysis of international documents, are used in the article during the research process.

The scientific novelty. Detailed analysis and evaluation of some findings of the practices of leading international organizations in the subject under study which, in our opinion, enable us to assess more thoroughly the state and capabilities of these organizations in modern conditions, and their potential and status in maintaining political and economic stability in international relations. Based on the study, national states as the main actors of international relations are threatened by the collapse of the geo-economy and its infrastructure to lose some of their sovereignty which in turn provokes localization movements across the world.

Conclusion. Taking all the points mentioned above, globalization is not only a theoretical concept against the notions of realism and neo-realism, but also an attempt to demonstrate that the time of the national states as the main actor is over. The theories of realism and neorealism are also on the opposite side, as opposed to globalization as well as theories that support globalization. We can also say that theories which praise the process of globalization always claim the opposite notion to realistic approaches. From this perspective, the debate in international relations is not merely about globalization, it is about the approach methods of these two contrasting theories to the international system.

Keywords: Globalization, international relations, diplomacy, world politics, international system, global market, market economy.

Сучасні міжнародні відносини в умовах глобалізації

Казимов Еміль Закір оглу кандидат політичних наук, Інститу філософії Національної академії наук Азербайджану


Глобалізація є характерною рисою процесів зміни структури світової економіки і розуміється як сукупність національних ферм, пов'язаних між собою міжнародною системою поділу праці, економічних і політичних відносин, що включаються в глобальний ринок і близьких. взаємозв'язок економіки через транснаціоналізацію і регіоналізацію. На цій основі формується єдина глобальна мережева ринкова економіка, що призводить до колапсу геоекономіки і її інфраструктури, руйнування національного суверенітету держав, які протягом багатьох століть були основними учасниками міжнародних відносин. Глобалізація є наслідком еволюції систем публічного ринку.

Методи дослідження. Методи контент-аналізу, порівняльний аналіз, історична хроніка, аналіз міжнародно-правових актів, використовуються в статті в процесі дослідження.

Наукова новизна. Аналіз і оцінка деяких міжнародних практик провідних міжнародних організацій в нашому дослідженні, на нашу думку, дозволяють нам більш повно оцінити стан і можливості цих організацій в сучасних умовах, а також їх потенціал і статус політичної підтримки. і економічна стабільність в міжнародних відносинах. Згідно з дослідженням, національні держави як основні учасники міжнародних відносин перебувають під загрозою краху геоекономіки і її інфраструктури, щоб втратити частину свого суверенітету, який полягає в локалізації рухів по всьому світу.

Висновок. Беручи до уваги всі перераховані вище моменти, глобалізація - це не тільки теоретична концепція проти понять реалізм і неореалізм, а й спроба показати, що національні держави як основний суб'єкт закінчені. Теорії реалізму і неореалізму також знаходяться на протилежному боці, на відміну від глобалізації, а також ті теорії, які підтримують глобалізацію. Можна також сказати, що теорії, які вихваляють процес глобалізації, завжди стверджують, що вони не є протилежністю реалістичних підходів. З цієї точки зору, дискусія не тільки про глобалізацію в міжнародних відносинах, то ці дві контрастних методи теорій про підхід до міжнародної системи.

Ключові слова: глобалізація, міжнародні відносини, дипломатія, світова політика, міжнародна система, світовий ринок, ринкова економіка.

(стаття друкується мовою оригіналу)


globalization world economy

There are almost 200 countries in the modern global village, the term which describes the phenomenon of the globalized world. Each country strives to realize its main objectives, such as protecting its independence, extend economic and industrial power, preserving own cultural peculiarity, self-expression, completing democratization, and developing the welfare of the nation. Considering dynamics that can stimulate the development of countries' population, underground and surface resources, geographical and historical position, technical and economic power are the key factors. If we scrutinize globalization as a concept in the context of interdependence and coordination, advantages and disadvantages also must be noted. Economic prosperity, human rights and the spread of peace are the positive trends that can be acknowledged in the context of globalization. On the other hand, increased economic crime, the emergence of environmental problems, and the growing gap between poor and rich countries are the main drawbacks. Many researchers describe globalization as a change in the system of states and norms of traditional structure. In the last fifteen centuries, the international system has undergone some dramatic changes. Many academics evaluate the recent changes by linking them with the implications of the prism of globalization.

Statement of the problem. The concept of globalization is used as a phenomenon to explain economic, social, political and cultural changes in the modern world. The term globalization has been defined in many ways. The most important thing about globalization is that it is an indefinable concept [1, pp. 45-47].

Globalization has political, economic, social and cultural dimensions. The political aspect of globalization has manifested itself in the changes of the international system, and political institutions. At the meantime, the importance and effectiveness of diplomacy which has been the main regulatory mean in interstate relations have gradually diminished. International relations have gradually expanded to the relations of the state-transnational company or state-international organization which has resulted in the traditional diplomatic organization to lose its monopoly.

The main purpose of the article is investigating economic aspect of globalization which is the most noticeable and most discussed. At the moment, talking about nationalism in the economic field does not seem promising in any economic, political or social system. Foreign capital has appreciated in countries where socialist systems have been implemented, and even at the cost of collapsing these systems, foreign investments have been attracted. As a result, the global economic system which is currently being operated by a large number of multinational companies is still successfully performing all over the world. Intensive foreign investment combined with national investment and facilitated the integration of a local entrepreneur into the global economy.

Main content. International economic organizations, such as IMF, WB, WTO and others have influenced the economic dimension of globalization as transnational corporations do. These organizations have undertaken numerous initiatives in recent years to streamline global trade and production factors and to regulate the global economy. Societal and cultural structures have undergone a positive or negative change concerning technological development, especially with rapid advances in communication technology. Although it is not yet clear whether Western or indigenous cultures will benefit most the globalization, Western culture appears to be more active by using recent technological opportunities [2, pp. 69-78].

Globalization is, above all, a process that reflects the concept of space. Globalization theorists talk about shrinking of time and space and at the same time speeding up and intensifying relationships. We can acknowledge that the Age of Discovery was the beginning of the shrinking of the world. consequently, goods and services also began to travel around the world, and the increasing importance and volume of international trade during the following centuries is undeniable. Besides, the impact of globalization, in addition to conventional perception of government and nation, have resulted in new forms of government and unity to emerge.

In the context of the claim that, within the global circulation, time and space dimensions of public reproduction ontologically come ahead of other dimensions, and thus globalization has become both an explanatory and explaining concept.

Globalization and sovereignty

The emergence of national sovereignty problem, vanishing state borders, the adoption of non-national threats, and the solution of state functions by networking or interdependency are characterizing theses of the impact of globalization on the world. Phenomena such as economic transformation, information technology development, global risk-taking dimensions, the position of regional organizations and transnational corporations are the realities that are used to support the thesis. The kinds of development that globalization theory emphasizes are based on the practical processes. Globalization can be defined as the result of the rapid diffusion across the globe in the form of communication, information and transport, in particular the various forms of humanitarian relations that can undermine the importance of geographical boundaries between nations. This process, rather than a single situation or a linear process, should be regarded as a multidimensional fact about the economic, political, technological, legal, military, cultural and environmental dimensions of human activity and interaction. This process, rather than a sole situation or a linear process, should be regarded as a multidimensional fact about the economic, political, technological, legal, military, cultural and environmental dimensions of human activity and interaction [3, pp. 123-125].

As a political actor and as an object in which political activity and struggle are concerned, the state is the main phenomenon investigated by political science. It has been regarded as a valuable and necessary form of organization by many political thinkers throughout history. Weber describes it as a “human organization that claims to have a legitimate monopoly to use physical force on a certain piece of land”. While having very different views about the causes for its emergence, as a political institution state has a long history. Today it is even more powerful and institutionalized, thus is at the core of politics. In general, it is known that the modern international system began with the Treaty of Westphalia. Sovereignty, constitutionality, inviolable power, state bureaucracy, authority, and citizenship are the main characteristics of a modern state. It is obvious that the state creates order and then possesses all authority, makes key decisions, and again places itself at the forefront of its intended will. The process of globalization has led to a multidisciplinary trial of state and especially the national state, which is a core actor of the international system [4, p. 245-268].

In the formation of the idea of the national state and its acceptance as a defining actor of the international system, capitalism plays an important role. However, it also indirectly or even sometimes directly laid the ground for the structural and functional judgment and the failure of the sovereignty national state. In comparison with the past, the process of globalization has changed the relationship between capitalism and the national state resulting economic, political, social, and cultural activities of the national state are in question. However, it is also an indisputable fact that much of the criticisms of capitalism by nationalist state supporters are mainly targeting the process of globalization. The future development and position of state, an important actor of the international system, are discussed in the context of capitalism and globalization. To reach a deeper understanding of the modern processes, the role of national states in the expansion of capitalism and globalization should be investigated simultaneously.

Global economy and international organizations. Free movement of goods and especially capital in the process of globalization has led the governments in national states to lose autonomy over the economy of their countries. As a result of the globalization of economy, exchange rates were systematically interconnected, and consequently, the monetary policy was out of national definition. International organizations such as the World Customs Organization, the IMF and the World Bank have led to the weakening of economic sovereignty of the national states. The process of globalization has created several new economic, political, social and environmental problems that exceed the limits of national states and states alone are not able to deal with these issues. As a result of this necessity, international organizations have emerged. Against the backdrop of growing problems these institutions strengthened and expanded all over the world while seizing some of the powers of national states. Particularly in Europe, that separation of power has created strong and stable political institutions based on economic interdependence, such as the EU. EU member states had to pass some of their decision-making powers to the union. EU authorities many national decisions concerning their governments. Also, transferring decision-making mandate to the municipality in many areas, thanks to the principle of subsidizing, has caused restriction of the sovereignty of the national state [5, pp. 98-101].

There is a reasonable share of ideas that globalization results in national states to shrink, weaken, lose its influence and sovereignty. However, the validity of this view should not give the impression that the national state will fade into history. National states remain functioning as the most important actors of the international system. National states have to renovate themselves, abandoning some of their old habits in the economic, political, and social spheres. While some national states made reforms at the proper time and moved to the democratic system, some countries have done so in a non-democratic way and with delay.

The concept of globalization is used as a substitute or sometimes complementary to the concepts, such as liberalization, universalization, Westernization, interregional exchange, and sometimes both at once. It is clear that the newest of these concepts is globalization. However, many authors prefer to use one of these concepts instead of globalization. This is largely due to the definition that they are embedded in globalization. On the other hand, the fact is that the term globalization contains the meanings of all the concepts mentioned above which causes such a conceptual uncertainty. Globalization is used as a phenomenon in the context of economic relations but has a different meaning from economic integration. In addition to the Western liberal economic system, globalization also represents the ideological and political views of the West [6, p. 36-39].

Lately, the interdependence between nations has grown ever so great that it was thought. Trade, investments, financial movements, tourism, technological change, transport and communications sectors all act as components of the global economy. In this process, regional economic integration, in general, is more evident and is not limited to economic integration only, but also after a while, it encloses legal, political and social integration as well.

If we reflect on economic globalization, transnational companies as an integral part of it should also be examined. Economic globalization means liberalization of goods, capital, ideas, multilateral and market- based trade, which are used effectively by transnational companies.

Economic globalization can also be seen as trade relation between national economies, in terms of direct foreign investment, short-term capital inflow, international migration of labour, and technology exchange. In this regard, economic relations are the core of globalization. States is not able to govern the economy in the process of globalization or under the influence of globalization. Anti-capitalists and anti-globalists criticize globalization claiming it makes poorer countries poorer. AIDS, many infectious diseases, drug smuggling, illegal migration and so on are also viewed as consequences of economic globalization. Economic globalization is an important controversy about whether it has positive or negative effects on international peace. It is also argued that economic globalization has resulted in an increase or decrease in domestic wars. Some argue that economic globalization reduces civil wars, while some claims the opposite. The third group notes that economic globalization is unlikely to affect civil wars. Similarly, there is another controversy about whether economic globalization has an impact on democratization or not [7, pp. 12-14].

There is no sense of gaining power by national governments anymore. Because according to Stephen Krasner, power is divided by various actors: private, public, international, regional and national. At the same time, the process of globalization undermines the notion of social welfare. This is a problem for the less developed countries, which is why the gap between the rich and the poor countries are growing. Globalization also influences the propaganda of any political party about issues such as trade or economic associations.

As a result of economic and political globalization, there has been significant and unpredictable progress in global social structure, especially in the fields of transport and communications. Beginning with the Industrial Revolution, alongside technological revolution a global satellite system has been formed, and with the facilities provided by it, the world has become a truly small village. These technological advances have reduced differences between societies and created a particular standard of living which comprises advance in culture, education, entertainment, technology and so on. The situation can also be explained by the increased activity of NGOs.

Another issue that has emerged during globalization is the threat of sustainable development and depletion of natural resources due to the excessive economic utilization. The search for solutions to global problems such as global warming, by international organizations and independent states, has caused all humanity to unite. As a result of these activities, we can say that cultural hegemony, also known as neo or coca colonization, has come to be known as “popular culture.”

The most important contribution to the social and cultural impact of globalization, which mainly has seen as Americanization or in a broader sense Westernization, is the main information and technology resources controlled by a small number of states, consequently resulted in the dissemination of the information and the lifestyle of these countries. Acceleration and cost reduction of transportation, development of new communication means, support of NGOs enables the ability to quickly gather at a specific location for a protest, and receive support from all over the world. In this respect, we can argue that social and cultural globalization is one of the main adversaries of the traditional national state.

Approaches to globalization in IR scholars

In international relations theories, disputes about globalization are divided into two types. The first controversy is about the definition of globalization. The main issue raised in this debate is how we understand globalization and how we define it. The second, disagreement is about the place of centrist states and non-centrist states in globalized world. Debates of globalization int the context of international relations theory has more negative essence than those in social and cultural fields. The concept of globalization, which argues against the centrist concept of realism and neorealism, pretends that states have already disappeared [9, pp. 31-32].

The main reason for the difficulties and complexities of globalization is embedded in its interdisciplinary context. Although studies on globalization have been an important part of social science since the 1970s, the same interest for international relations has emerged in the 1990s. Globalization is presented as a conception, as a process and as a phenomenon, yet, there is no reasonable agreement on its methodology, meaning, and sphere of influence. Despite the fact that there is no clear definition either nor comprehensive agreement, globalization of the world is increasing and expanding in scope in every area of the multilateral relations. At the same time, worth to mention that the globalization process itself is changing.

Many critical approaches show that globalization is creating a new set of values as opposed to current theories. International relations theory does not have a particular thesis called globalization, nevertheless, many of the existing theses maintain approaches on globalization, and globalization has opened new dimensions for present theories. Globalization is mostly utilized by neoliberalism, and addressed following criticisms on the fundamental principles of realism:

The sovereignty of the national state and the ability for conducting its policies have already become questionable with the transboundary influence outside state control increasing;

Globalization results issues which are states are not able to deal with, thus weakening states role in the international system.

Organizations which transcend national borders of states have already come to the point where the nature of world politics changes, and within that character, the area of the national state is transforming;

The multidimensional and multi-level political landscape is causing to rapid increase in the number of actors other than states, and in this regard, states are no longer the main actors.

Increased investment, combined with economic globalization, does not mean having to deal with different legal systems of national states. Accordingly, states pass new resolutions to figure out transnational legal issues [10, pp. 66-69].

According to Barry Buzan, although main characteristics of the state continue to present along with globalization, the state, is not anymore in an absolute dominant or decisive position under the influence of transnational issues and organizations. He expresses his thoughts on the matter in several ways as follows:

Globalization is an economic phenomenon that does not attract attention to realism and reflects issues that are regarded as low politics;

Undoubtedly, although there is growing interest in the process, international politics continues to maintain its realistic nature;

Although states generally practice their sovereignty independently of economic globalization, on some occasions they act accordingly on a regional or global basis by mutual interest;

At present, both economic globalization and transnational governance mechanisms of states are rather popular, but despite globalization, the state and realist nature of international politics is still important [11, pp. 19-22].


As we observe the new trends of changes in the world, we see that another noteworthy factor alongside globalization is localization, and it is one of the most widely used and learned concepts in recent times. Localization refers to enhancing local governments, integrating to the world economy by global thinking and acknowledging global realities in international relations. Localization is essential to strengthening local democracy. Local authorities are the lowest level governing bodies closest to the citizens. The diverse and complex needs of the human population also oblige local governments to be potentially competent in dealing with global problems at local level.

Taking all the points mentioned above, globalization is not only a theoretical concept against the notions of realism and neorealism but also the attempt to demonstrate the time of the national states being the main actor is over. Realism and neorealism theories also are on the contrary side as opposed to both globalization and theories which support globalization. We can also say that theories that praise globalization process always claims the opposite notion to realistic approaches. From this perspective, the debate in international relations is not merely about globalization, it is in the method of approaches of these two contrasting theories.


globalization world economy

1. J. Sheffield A. Korotayev L. Grinin - “Globalization - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow” // Litchfi eld Park, AZ 85340, USA, 2013.

2. Frank. J. Lechner - “Globalization: The Making of World Society” // Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

3. Бауман Зигмунт - “Глобализация: последствия для человека и общества”, 2004.

4. Ramiz Mehdiyev - “Azsrbaycan Qloballa^ma Dцvrьnьn Tslsbtari” Baki-2015.

5. Hьner Tuncer - “Eski ve Yeni Diplomasi” // Ankara: Ьmit Yayincilik, 1995.

6. James Petras, Henry Veltmeyer - “XXI Yьzyilda Em- peryalizm - Maskesi Dь^ьrьlen Kьreselle^me” // I rn§r: yan- var, 2006.

7. Paul Hirst, Thompson Grahame - “Kьreselle^me Sorgulaniyor” // Dost Kitapevi, Ankara, 1998.

8. Abbasbsyli A. N. - “Mьasir Beynslxalq Mьnasibslsr vs Qloballa^ma” Baki-2007.

9. Mehmet Akif Okur - “Kьresel Siyaset” // Lotus Yaymevi, Istanbul, 2003.

10. Sungur Savran - “Kod Adi Kьreselle^me” // Yordam Kitap, 2008.

11. Peter. L. Berger, Samuel Hantington - “Bir Kьre, Bin Bir Kьreselle^me” // Kitap Yaymevi LTD, Istanbul, 2003.

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