Фінансовий механізм формування та реалізації інноваційних програм національного рівня

Фінансові методи державного регулювання економіки. Участь держави у функціонуванні фінансового механізму формування та реалізації інноваційних програм, специфіка їх впливу на економічний розвиток України. Оптимізація використання фінансових ресурсів.

Рубрика Финансы, деньги и налоги
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.07.2015
Размер файла 198,8 K

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Предложено создать Фонд инновационного развития Украины, главной целью деятельности которого есть согласование интересов инноваторов и инвесторов с интересами других участников инновационного процесса и координация деятельности всех участников в этом направлении. Схематически представлено взаимосвязь Фонда со всеми группами участников национальной инновационной системы.

Ключевые слова: финансовый механизм, ресурсы, национальная, инновационная, система, программа, модель, фонд, развитие.


Khandiuk I. M. The financial mechanism of forming and realizating innovative programs on the national level. Manuscript.

Dissertation for a candidate degree in economic sciences in speciality 08.00.08. money, Finance and Credit. - National University of State Tax Administration of Ukraine. - Irpin, 2011.

The dissertation research deals with the financial mechanism of innovative programs functioning. Theoretical basis for financial mechanism of innovative programs forming and their fulfilling on the national level are analyzed. The essence of innovative programs is found out, and their role in national innovative system development is defined. Home and foreign financial methods of government control over innovative programs are analysed. Scientific and methodological approach to the governmental influence on the financial mechanism of forming innovative programs and their functioning is suggested. The areas of government participation in the financial mechanism of innovative programs functioning are given grounds to. Structural and functional peculiarities of the financial mechanism of innovative programs functioning are defined.

The analysis of the financial resources to form and realize innovative programs has been carried out. The influence of innovations on the economic development of Ukraine is estimated with the help of mathematical model. The methods of interaction between participants in the national innovative system have been divided into four main spheres. A model of optimizing innovative programs financial resources formation is devised, that gives an opportunity to define the structure of distributing innovative resources into three economic sectors under conditions of their stable and unstable economics. It has been suggested to create Ukrainian innovative development fund. Its aim is to facilitate efficient innovative programs forming and functioning

Key words: financial mechanism, resources, national, innovative, system, program, model, fund, development.

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Папір офсетний. Друк офсетний.

Д. а. 0,9. Тираж 100 прим.

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