Modern realia of business process diversification within the european integration framework

Analysis of integration processes of Ukrainian business. A model that takes into account the most important factors of diversification of business processes for the competitive entry of domestic enterprises into new markets of European countries.

Рубрика Экономика и экономическая теория
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Дата добавления 11.12.2023
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Modern realia of business process diversification within the european integration framework

Liudmyla M. Hanushchak-Yefimenko, Tejmur A. Kasumov Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine

Modern realia of business process diversification within the european integration framework

The article offers new insights into Ukrainian business integration processes in the context of entering European markets. The study presents a new model which relies upon the most critical factors of business process diversification for the competitive entry of domestic companies into new markets. A strong focus is placed towards the significance of the European market for the Ukrainian economy. A comparative survey of the Ukrainian and European economies has been conducted. The paper also explores major European market trends from the historical perspectives as well as reveals the latest imperatives including the globalization context, along with substantiating the need for a broader entry of Ukrainian businesses into European markets. The research provides evaluation of the objectives and risks associated with European market entry strategies of domestic enterprises. The study attempts to explore the key challenges and weaknesses of the Ukrainian economy inherited from the planned economy of the Soviet Union, as well as those intrinsic to market economies that have undergone a difficult path from total collapse to becoming economically independent. The paper reveals a set of decisive factors affecting companies' success in their progress towards European economic integration as well as develops a pool of indicators that are critical to enabling entry to European markets with their established relationships, segments and economic patterns. A special emphasis is put on the viability of this model in the settings of globalization and aggressive economic and market expansion of Chinese business. Apart from that, the study focuses on the consumer industry market segment as a sector driving the national economy. The findings have detected the effects from the following five impact factors, i. e. uniqueness, quality, promotion, personal sales and personnel training contributing to further integration into the European market along with revealing their synergistic relationships. It is argued that successful capture of the European markets is hardly possible when one of the above factors is weak, and on the contrary, a comprehensive business support suggests the presence of all five strong factors - the weakness of just one of them will make it ineffective. This research provides implications for investigating possible effects from this model in imposing changes to the content of higher education study programmes in the consumer goods segment. According to the results of the study, among those five factors, personnel training is paramount in expanding Ukrainian businesses' integration into European markets.

Keywords: globalization; diversification; integration; European integration; European markets; comprehensive business support; business processes; economic growth.

Людмила М. Ганущак-Єфіменко, Теймур А. Касумов Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, Україна СУЧАСНІ РЕАЛІЇ ДИВЕРСИФІКАЦІЇ БІЗНЕС-ПРОЦЕСІВ З УРАХУВАННЯМ ЄВРОІНТЕГРАЦІЙНОГО ВЕКТОРА РОЗВИТКУ

У статті представлено нове бачення інтеграційних процесів українського бізнесу з позиції виходу на європейські ринки. Розглянуто нову модель, яка враховує найважливіші фактори диверсифікації бізнес-процесів для конкурентного виходу вітчизняних підприємств на нові ринки. Проаналізовано значення європейського ринку для української економіки, а також здійснено порівняльний аналіз української та європейських економік. Досліджено процеси формування трендів на європейському ринку як в історичному контексті, так і у світлі останніх тенденцій, у тому числі й у площині глобалізації. Доведено необхідність більш широкого виходу українських компаній на європейські ринки. Оцінено завдання та ризики вітчизняного бізнесу при виході на ринки Європи. Описано основні проблеми та визначено слабкі сторони української економіки, що дісталися нам як спадок від планової економіки Радянського Союзу, а також ті, які притаманні ринковим економікам, що пройшли важкий шлях від повного розвалу до становлення своєї економічної незалежності. Обґрунтовано набір вирішальних факторів, що впливають на успіх підприємств у євроінтеграційному економічному просторі. Сформовано пул показників, що є ключовими для виходу на європейські ринки з усталеними взаємозв'язками, сегментами та розвиненими економічними зв'язками. Приділено увагу життєздатності цієї моделі в умовах глобалізації, агресивної економічної та ринкової експансії китайського бізнесу. Особливий акцент зосереджено на сегменті ринку легкої промисловості, як сектора, що рухає економіку країни. Доведено вплив п'яти найважливіших чинників: унікальності, якості, просування, особистих продажів та підготовки персоналу в процесі інтеграції на європейський ринок. Розкрито їх синергетичний взаємозв'язок, з погляду неможливості успішного захоплення європейських ринків при слабкості одного з них, і навпаки, комплексної підтримки бізнесу за наявності сильних чотирьох факторів, при просіданні будь-якого п'ятого. Оцінено перспективу можливого впливу цієї моделі на внесення змін до змісту підготовки фахівців аналізованого сегмента в системі вищої освіти. За результатами дослідження визначено, що підготовка персоналу є одним із зазначених вище п'яти ключових факторів впливу, належна реалізація якого сприятиме успішній інтеграції українських підприємств у європейські ринки.

Ключові слова: глобалізація; диверсифікація; інтеграція; євроінтеграція; європейські ринки; комплексна підтримка бізнесу; бізнес-процеси; розвиток економіки.

Людмила М. Ганущак-Ефименко, Теймур А. Касумов Киевский национальный университет технологий и дизайна, Украина


В статье представлено новое видение интеграционных процессов украинского бизнеса с позиции выхода на европейские рынки. Рассмотрена новая модель, учитывающая важнейшие факторы диверсификации бизнес-процессов для конкурентного выхода отечественных предприятий на новые рынки. Проанализировано значение европейского рынка для украинской экономики, а также проведён сравнительный анализ украинской и европейских экономик. Исследованы процессы формирования трендов на европейском рынке как в историческом контексте, так и в свете последних тенденций, в том числе и в плоскости глобализации. Доказана необходимость более широкого выхода украинских компаний на европейские рынки. Оценены задачи и риски отечественного бизнеса при выходе на рынки Европы. Описаны основные проблемы и определены слабые стороны украинской экономики, доставшиеся нам в наследство от плановой экономики Советского Союза, а также те, которые присущи рыночным экономикам, прошедшим трудный путь от полного развала до становления своей экономической независимости. Выделены решающие факторы, влияющие на успех предприятий в евроинтеграционном экономическом пространстве. Сформирован пул показателей, которые являются ключевыми для выхода на европейские рынки с устоявшимися взаимосвязями, сегментами и развитыми экономическими связями. Акцентируется на жизнеспособности этой модели в условиях глобализации, агрессивной экономической и рыночной экспансии китайского бизнеса. Особое внимание уделено исследованию сегмента рынка легкой промышленности как сектора, двигающего экономику страны. Доказано влияние пяти важнейших факторов: уникальности, качества, продвижения, личных продаж и подготовки персонала в процессе интеграции на европейский рынок. Раскрыта их синергетическая взаимосвязь, с точки зрения невозможности успешного захвата европейских рынков при слабости одного из них, и наоборот, комплексной поддержки бизнеса при наличии сильных четырёх факторов, при проседании любого пятого. Оценена перспектива возможного влияния этой модели на внесение изменений в содержание подготовки специалистов анализируемого сегмента в системе высшего образования. По результатам исследования определено, что подготовка персонала является одним из вышеуказанных пяти ключевых факторов влияния, надлежащая реализация которого будет способствовать успешной интеграции украинских предприятий в европейские рынки.

Ключевые слова: глобализация; диверсификация; интеграция; евроинтеграция; европейские рынки; комплексная поддержка бизнеса; бизнес-процессы; развитие экономики.

Formulation of the problem

integration diversification business market

The importance of the European market for the Ukrainian economy is difficult to overestimate. Since the start of the war between Russia and Ukraine since 2014, the volume of exports to the Russian Federation has been on a steady decline, while the volume of exports to the EU has been growing and exceeding the figures of 2012.

Tokhtamish TO confirms that the EU remains one of the main trade partners of Ukraine, the share of turnover with which reaches almost 40%, while VD Makagon notes that Ukraine and the EU are the most priority economic partners. The European market holds great opportunities for the Ukrainian economy.

According to the results of a comparative analysis of the Ukrainian and European markets, it can be noted that Ukrainian business is lagging behind in its development. The backlog of Ukrainian business is associated with both micro-economic and macro-economic problems. For example, S.V. Voytko, believes, proved that the level of taxation in Ukraine is too high in relation to the enterprises of the European Union. This situation puts a perfectly fair requirement in the creation of products with a high added value, and hence science-intensive products, even in the light industry market.

The difficulties of the European market also lie in the plane of the low competitiveness of domestic business entities. Backward, "manual" management in the sphere of production and marketing does not allow enterprises to compete effectively in the market for products with high added value. K.Yu. Sirenko speaks about the loss of competitiveness of certain industries, and that some domestic producers are not ready for fierce international competition.

At the same time, the closure, in connection with the full-scale aggression of Russia and Belarus against Ukraine, gray and eastern borders, leaves Ukraine no choice in choosing economic partners. The choice is obvious - European integration.

In addition, we must not forget that the EU is a huge market of 502 million people, with a GDP of 19 trillion US dollars and GDP / person. 36,000 USD. While the GDP of Ukraine at the moment is only 0.6 trillion US dollars and GDP / person. $14,830 In this sense, the EU represents much more opportunities for Ukraine than Ukraine for the EU.

Analysis of the remaining publications on the problem. Questions on the diversification of business processes have been studied earlier.

T.O. Tokhtamish and V.D. Makagon really assess European markets as the most promising for Ukrainian enterprises. And they recognize the European integration trend as the most important for the domestic economy.

S.V. Voytko, describe the risks of European integration of Ukrainian business. Recognizing that the loss of competitiveness is associated not only with the micro-level of individual business entities, but also at the macro-level, including the unfavorable, compared to the EU taxation regime.

In addition to this, L.I. Oppeld, argues that due to the influence of a certain set of factors, the intellectual destruction of the nation occurs, but in his article he puts hope for the resuscitation of the situation on the grant policy and K.Yu. Sirenko and S. Mitsyuk note the loss of competitiveness of entire industries in the process of European integration.

Confirmation of the importance of European markets L.I. Oppeld and I.V. Brodyuk, and recognizing the importance of European markets and the risks of European integration, however, they place responsibility and hopes for supporting business on state and grant policy.

In contrast, G.M. Dergachova suggests that the responsibility for the modernization and survival of enterprises lies precisely with the business itself. D.A. Antonyuk, writes about the need to develop strategic goals, priorities and objectives for the modernization of the institutional infrastructure of enterprises.

P.I. Bezus and L.Yu. Valaga prove that it is the potential capabilities of organizations that are the main thing in the competition, and it is at the micro level that competitive advantages and victory factors are formed in the highly competitive European market.

As directions for developing a comprehensive solution to the problem of successful diversification of business processes I.M. Manaenko and D.O. Sugonyako, in his article also focuses on the need to introduce new technologies at Ukrainian enterprises and improve the quality of enterprise management.

One of the components Zh.M. Zhigalkevich denotes the importance of quality improvement as a decisive factor in competition in European markets.

The value of the second factor of the considered model is confirmed by I.O. Tarnavska proving that Ukraine does not implement a clear strategy or action plan to disseminate certain information or promote topics about the country abroad.

D.O. Sugonyako, insisting on the need to improve human capital as a factor in winning European markets.

However, even proving and insisting on the importance of introducing an innovative model of economic development of Ukraine. A.V. Voitsikhovsky leaves open the question of the missing elements of the model, which we have to study.

Non-violation parts of the follow-up:

1.Lack of a model for aggressive entry into European markets

2.Lack of adaptation to light industry markets. For example I.V. Brodyuk believes that light industry has taken a strong position as an outsider in the economy of Ukraine, believing the future of light industry in state support. While our young state itself needs the support of successful light industry enterprises as a tax base. Therefore, we need clear tools for market-justified commercial financing of the light industry segment.

3.Lack of studies adapted to European markets

4.Lack of research considering global economic trends

5.Lack of practice of applying models in the European market

An unresolved part of the research remains the relationship of factors in integration into established European markets.

The purpose of the study is:

1.Provide a framework for a practical model for integration into European markets

2.Systematize a set of factors that affect the success of an enterprise in the European market. D.A. Antonyuk writes about the need to develop strategic goals, priorities and objectives for the modernization of the institutional infrastructure of enterprises.

Summary of the main results:

1.The factor of uniqueness, quality, promotion, personal selling and staff training are decisive. P.I. Bezus proves that the potential of organizations is the main thing in the competitive struggle.

2.Formation of uniqueness - is a preparatory stage and at the same time decisive in the decision to enter or not enter the European market. Also, this stage is the final one, which determines the stability of the presence of Ukrainian goods on European markets.

3.The European market is ready to accept goods superior in quality to European and Chinese goods in quality. This requires the preparation of a production base.

L.Yu. Valaga, in his article, notes the importance of increasing efficiency at the micro level, which affects the economic and organizational parameters of adapting the national standardization system to environmental conditions

4.Since the market for light industry goods is a market for end-use goods, great attention should be paid to Promotion (warming up the market and packaging)

5.In view of the fact that any promotion rests on working with the end consumer or distributors, conveying the uniqueness of the product and high competition in mature markets, it is necessary to develop negotiation models according to the highest Western standards.

6.The whole complex of the above factors involves the training of specialists in the field of production, trade and entrepreneurship, and it is possible to make proposals to supplement the curricula of universities. So, L.I. Oppeld, proved that due to the influence of a certain set of factors, the intellectual destruction of the nation occurs, but in his article he pins hope on the resuscitation of the situation on the grant policy. While the organic and stable rebirth of a nation in a market economy is possible only with a solid economic foundation, economic motivation and healthy market financing.

However, we must not forget that EU integration is not an easy task. The tasks of Ukrainian business when entering European markets lie in the field of modernization and diversification of all business processes. G.M. Dergachova notes that if Ukrainian enterprises do not start to modernize and take an example from European companies, they will disappear from the market. S. Mitsyuk notes that the deepening of the European integration of Ukraine exacerbates the problem of the competitiveness of the domestic economy both at the national level and at the level of individual business entities. Thus, the problem of integrating Ukrainian business into the European economy consists of the following points:

The European integration trend, which has been dominating the Ukrainian economy for the last 8 years, puts the Ukrainian business in front of a number of difficult challenges. On the one hand, we have a huge market nearby, many times greater than our own. On the other hand, this market is very well protected by a whole range of elements, ranging from a more benign tax policy to an advantage in management, high employment of market clusters, and an advantage in the level of high technology development.

In order to better understand the problems of European integration of Ukrainian business today, we must return to the history of the issue. After all, it is important for us to understand with what legacy and endure the Ukrainian economy entered the market economy.

The Ukrainian economy has received a heavy legacy in the form of severed economic ties, a drop in the share of knowledge-intensive enterprises. As a result, the economy acquired a raw material character, and many light industry enterprises were forced to work on tolling raw materials. The tolling scheme does not imply the financial growth of the enterprise, but only ensures the momentary survival of the economic entity through the sale of cheap labor and often does not even imply depreciation deductions.

At the same time, European markets, on the contrary, which have not known any war or major geopolitical upheavals for more than 70 years, are in a state of stable economic growth.

Ukraine, which has experienced the collapse of the economic system for which it worked for 32 years, and which has been in a state of war for the 9th year, is in an extremely disadvantageous position compared to the EU.

In addition, we should not forget about the maturity of the European market, the established priorities of consumers in the light industry market, the trust of the European consumer in old brands and suppliers established in the European market.

As an example of the maturity of the European market, we can cite the rating of the oldest companies in the world, in which out of 5,500 companies that are more than 200 years old and that are still operating today, almost 40% are occupied by European companies. The remaining 60% is occupied by Japanese companies.

Consideration should also be given to the active participation of the Chinese scientific and industrial sector in European markets.

Figure 1. It clearly demonstrates not only the dynamic growth of the Chinese economy, but also the aggressiveness of its entry into foreign markets.

Therefore, in the European market, you will have to face not only old European companies and brands, but also global Chinese business. This business is known to have high adaptability and copying skills. Therefore, our model must be strong and resistant to plagiarism. In order to be protected not only in the space of markets, but also in the course of time.

This study lays the foundation for solutions for both scientific and practical problems. The problem of the unpreparedness of Ukrainian business to confidently enter the European market has both a scientific and a practical component.

The scientific component lies in the need to investigate the code of enterprise success. The concept of the success code of an enterprise in the market has always aroused the interest of scientists, but has not been systematically studied.

A. Scientific tasks

1.The task is to determine the factors affecting the success of the enterprise

2.The task is the degree of influence of each of the factors

3.The task is to give adaptation to light industry

4.The task is to give adaptation to European markets

5.Create a model relevant for the near future

Such studies have always followed the path of studying financial indicators: profitability, profitability, payback. This path is false, because under any successful business strategy there is

always a foundation for a hasty sales organization. we do not deny the importance of proper financial management for the business, however, the marketing and production structure is primary for the enterprise.

A.Practical tasks

1.Give businesses a tool to aggressively enter European markets

2.Save time for business to intercept markets

3.Increase the financial performance of the business when integrating into European markets (added value)

4.Make the most of the domestic material base

5.Prepare staff for entering European markets

It is difficult to overestimate the practical significance of the company's success code for a relatively young Ukrainian business entering European markets. In these markets, where European and North American companies have been operating for hundreds of years, our company simply needs practical advice on how to set up a business. Ukrainian business simply does not have time for experiments, trial and error. These mistakes and experiences can cost too much. And in the conditions of the exhaustion of the domestic economy by the war, there is simply no resource for these experiences. We need a clear and successful model for the rapid and large-scale integration of business into the European economy. In the practice of CEO and entrepreneurship for more than 20 years, a number of evidence has been collected that the code of enterprise success not only exists, but also has quite clear outlines.

Experience and practice in organizing and conducting more than 200,000 sales, in the field of IT, light industry, services and the food industry, showed that all enterprises leading successful business activities

This code is a construct that has at least 5 components. This is Uniqueness-Quality- Promotion-Personal Selling System-Personnel Training. Promotion and personal selling are deliberately placed in separate paragraphs. Despite the fact that both of these sections are related to the sale of products, they are still different sciences. The first, promotion, is related to marketing, and the second, the Personal Selling System - the least studied science from the Marketing class, is designed to aggressively bring the product to the market of both distributors (resellers) and the end- user market.

The uniqueness of the product is of paramount importance for the success of the enterprise, both in the domestic and foreign markets. I.M. Manaenko in his article also focuses on the need to introduce new technologies at Ukrainian enterprises, and we offer one of the scenarios for such an implementation. A unique product has a number of advantages over having analogues:

1.A unique product does not compete in an existing niche it creates a new niche on its own. The so-called Blue Ocean Strategy.

2.Due to the lack of analogues, marketing costs for product promotion are reduced.

3.Since the product cannot be compared, or it is very difficult to compare, it goes beyond the classical price competition. This creates products with high added value.

4.A unique product, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is high-tech, which will have a positive impact on the growth of the scientific and intellectual potential of the nation.

5.And finally, a unique product, it is more difficult to copy the same Chinese industrial complex, the dangers of which we spoke about above.

The second element of the model, Quality, reinforces the first. The high requirements of the European market do not leave two options here. Zh.M. Zhigalkevich writes about this element of the model. substantiating the importance of quality improvement as a decisive factor in competition in European markets. The quality of Ukrainian products should be the highest, because:

1.The European consumer is accustomed to goods of the highest quality, and is not ready to accept and pay for purchases of goods made without this requirement.

2.Long-term entry into the European market is possible only with long-term customer satisfaction, which paves the way for repeat purchases, recommendations, positive reviews and, as a result, consolidation in the market.

3.High quality is a decisive factor for the inspiration of the team, which we will talk about below, and more efficient work of both the production and sales part of the team.

4.This is a shield from the aggressive Chinese industry, which, as you know, builds its strategy on the basis of cheap and low-quality plagiarism.

5.Conversely, a poor quality product will destroy all the benefits, and offset the cost and effort invested in creating a Unique Product.

The third element of the system, Promotion, is the preparatory and connecting, production and marketing structure of the enterprise. Informing about the product, and about Ukraine as a manufacturing country, is the most important at the stage of "warming up" the markets. I.O. Tarnavska, for example, proves that Ukraine does not implement a clear strategy or action plan to disseminate certain information or promote topics about the country abroad. Promotion is of particular importance because:

1.Promotion prepares markets, through all modern communications, social networks, landing pages, full-fledged sites, video hosting sites, to accept a new product.

2.Properly prepared Promotion simplifies the implementation of the 4th element of the model - personal negotiations, which will be discussed later.

3.Promotion accelerates the capture of the market, because consumers do not think about buying after the offer (offer), but even before it.

4.The modern practice of "pre-orders" opens up huge opportunities for the release of products that are paid in advance by consumers.

5.An integrated and coordinated approach to promotion by at least several Ukrainian enterprises will make it possible to bring the brand "MADE IN UKRAINE" to the European markets as a brand of the highest quality products. This will make it easier for second-tier companies to capture European markets.

The fourth element of the model is the Personal Selling System. Substantiation of the importance of negotiation technologies. A.V. Voitsikhovsky insists on the introduction of an innovative model of economic development of Ukraine. And it is well known that economic development directly depends on financial receipts from sales. This question has been little studied by academic science, but it is this element that is the cornerstone in the system of aggressive entry into European markets. We will give a brief description of the reasons for its value: When entering European markets, using Internet resources, directly to the end user, all previous.

Conclusions and prospects for further research

1.A clear business model is the most important element for the survival of Ukrainian business

2.Determine whether the listed number of factors is necessary and sufficient for predicting and modeling the success of building a strategy for integrating domestic business into European markets.

3.It is necessary to assess whether these factors are the only ones that affect the success of the enterprise

4.It is necessary to develop a mathematical model that takes into account the degree of influence of each factor.

5.Create a set of recommendations for Ukrainian business when entering the European market

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