Environmental management: a view through the prism of today

The essence of environmental management as a system, its main tasks at enterprises and the advantages of implementation in the production activities of enterprises. The principles of its regulation, implementation and modeling in the form of a system.

Рубрика Экология и охрана природы
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Язык английский
Дата добавления 31.01.2024
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Kharkiv national university named after V.N. Karazin

Environmental management: a view through the prism of today

Hanna Doroshenko,

doctor of economics, professor, professor of the department of economics and management

Anastasiia Litvinova,

PhD in pedagogy, associate professor, associate professor of the department of economics and management



The article is a view of environmental management according to modern scientific concepts. The authors considered the essence of environmental management as a system. The main tasks of the environmental management system at enterprises and the advantages of its introduction into the production activities of enterprises are defined. Today, the majority of ukrainian enterprises are only adapting to the already existing international norms and legal acts in the field of resource conservation and rational use of nature, which have been widely used around the world for some time. In our opinion, the implementation of the environmental management system should not be compulsory, but instead, it should be fixed in the form of internal rules for conducting modern business, taking into account its environmental friendliness, energy efficiency and profitability. Today, the state of affairs in the field of ecology and business is such that one is impossible without the other. The close relationship between the financial industry and the environment, where production actually takes place, determines the harmonious coexistence of both components in its process.

According to modern production trends, the implementation of the environmental management system at the enterprise requires certain costs and investments for environmental protection. It is worth noting that the costs are also associated with training employees, and not only with improving the technological process. At ukrainian enterprises, unfortunately, insufficient attention is paid to the impact of production on the surrounding environment in particular and environmental protection activities in general. This fact is possible due to the low economic interest in implementing measures for the implementation of the environmental management system. However, this is so at first glance and contradicts the modern philosophy of business and, in fact, production.

In the work, the authors summarize the scientific achievements that highlight certain issues of modern environmental management in the form of the main principles of its regulation, implementation and modeling in the form of a system. The analysis of the latest scientific works on environmental management was carried out in order to determine the main principles and stages of the implementation of the environmental management system at the enterprise and the likely directions of further development of this industry.

Key words: management, environmental management, enterprise, production, economy.


Дорошенко Ганна Олександрівна, Літвінова Анастасія Миколаївна. Екологічний менеджмент: погляд крізь призму сьогодення

Стаття являє собою погляд на екологічний менеджмент згідно сучасних наукових концепцій. Авторами розглянуто сутність екологічного менеджменту як системи. Визначено основні задачі системи екологічного менеджменту на підприємствах та переваги її впровадження у виробничу діяльність підприємств. На сьогоднішній день, більшість українських підприємств лише пристосовуються до вже існуючих міжнародних норм та нормативно-правових актів у сфері ресурсозбереження та раціонального природокористування, які вже певний час широко використовуються по всьому світі. На наш погляд впровадження системи екологічного менеджменту не повинно носити примусовий характер, натомість, має бути закріплено у вигляді внутрішніх правил ведення сучасного бізнесу, з оглядом на його екологічність, енергоефективність та прибутковість. На сьогодні, стан речей в сфері екології та бізнесу такий, що одне неможливе без іншого. Тісний взаємозв'язок фінансової галузі та навколишнього середовища, де власне і відбувається виробнича діяльність, визначає гармонійне співіснування обох компонентів в її процесі. Згідно сучасних тенденцій ведення виробництва, впровадження системи екологічного менеджменту на підприємстві потребує певних витрат та інвестицій на охорону навколишнього середови ща. Варто зазначити, що витрати також поєднанні із навчанням співробітників, а не тільки із вдосконаленням технологічного процесу. На українських підприємствах, нажаль, впливу виробництва на навколишнє середовище зокрема та природоохоронній діяльності взагалі, приділяється недостатньо уваги. Даний факт є можливим завдяки низькій економічній зацікавленості у здійсненні заходів щодо впровадження системи екологічного менеджменту. Однак, це є таким на перший погляд та суперечить сучасній філософії ведення бізнесу та, власне, виробництва.

В роботі авторами узагальнено наукові здобутки, що висвітлюють окремі питання сучасного екологічного менеджменту у вигляді основних принципів його регулювання, впровадження та моделювання у вигляді системи. Здійснено аналіз останніх наукових праць щодо екологічного менеджменту з метою визначення основних принципів та етапів впровадження системи екологічного менеджменту на підприємстві та ймовірні напрямки подальшого розвитку даної галузі.

Ключові слова: менеджмент, екологічний менеджмент, підприємство, виробництво, економіка

Main part

The ecological situation in Ukraine is characterized as a crisis. Over a long period, structural deformations of the national economy took place, during which priority was given to the development of environmentally hazardous industries. A departure from the traditional development strategy requires certain changes in society, the development of new concepts of public administration and entrepreneurial activity. What happened to the national economy led to large-scale destructive processes that pose a real threat to human health and the development of society. Therefore, at present, ecological management needs to be considered as one of the new scientific areas of understanding of man, society, nature and their coexistence.

In the conditions of increased anthropogenic load on the environment, aggravation of environmental problems, violation of the stability of the ecological and economic system, the issue of finding alternative ways of conducting economic activity becomes especially relevant. One of the ways to solve the mentioned problem is the implementation of the environmental management system, which ensures the operational management of the processes of using natural resources and protecting the natural environment. The implementation of the environmental management system at Ukrainian enterprises has attracted the attention of Ukrainian scientists, entrepreneurs and the public for many years.

Without the implementation and development of the environmental management system, it is impossible to operate successfully in the conditions of a market economy. If a company carries out strategic planning without taking into account the solution of environmental problems, then its management should understand in advance the possibility of a number of problems arising in the near future, primarily related to survival in competitive conditions, as well as the fact that increases the contradiction between its private and general interest. Priority should be given to measures that will provide regulatory and financial support for the implementation of the main areas of reducing the negative impact on the environment. Among the management methods of implementing the principles of sustainable development of enterprises and reducing the negative impact on the environment, the undisputed leader is the implementation of the environmental management system (EMS), which is based on the fulfillment of the requirements of the DSTU ISO 14001:2006 standard [1]. Adherence to the principles of the formation of EMS provides an opportunity to ensure effective and efficient management of environmental aspects of the enterprise's activities, control and minimization of the negative impact on the environment of all activity processes. At the moment, the main incentive for the implementation of EMS at Ukrainian enterprises is the interest in relations with foreign partners.

The works of such domestic scientists as: O. Balatskyi, P. Barna, V. Boronos, V. Buriakovskyi, L. Gatska, O. Kitaev, T. Kirsanova, L. Kozhushko, L. Melnyk, P Skrypchuk, L. Fedulova and others are devoted to ecological aspects of enterprise management [2-5]. Their works highlight the issues of building an effective environmental management system. The works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists N. Pakhomova, K. Richter, T. Galushkina and other scientists are of great importance in relation to the implementation of the environmental management system. The works of these scientists are devoted to the study of the essence of the environmental management system, the mechanism of implementation of environmental management at the enterprise, and the identification of problems that arise at the enterprise during the implementation of the environmental management system. The study of the scientific works of the mentioned authors made it possible to conclude that the study of the conceptual foundations of the implementation of environmental management in Ukraine is only partially developed and requires further research. The objective need for further deepening of the research is primarily related to the solution of such issues of analyzing the basics of environmental management and finding ways to stimulate the implementation of the principles of environmental management at Ukrainian enterprises.

The purpose of the article is to study the basics of environmental management, analyze the state of implementation of the environmental management system at Ukrainian enterprises and determine its prospects in modern conditions.

According to V.O. Lukyanikhina, environmental management is a set of principles, methods, forms, techniques, means of managing production and production personnel of an enterprise with the aim of achieving high ecological and economic efficiency of production [3].

Modern concept means the main goal of environmental management is the protection of natural resources, limiting emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and water environment, ensuring the normal health of employees, consumers and residents of the area where the enterprise operates. The main principles of environmental management are: reliance on economic motivation; timeliness of solving problems; responsibility for environmental consequences arising from management decisions at any level; the priority of solving environmental problems [5].

The environmental management system is a part of the general management system, which includes the organizational structure, planning, division of responsibilities, practical activities, procedures, processes and resources necessary for the development, implementation, achievement of the environmental policy's goals, its review and correction. Important conditions for the existence of a system that is engaged in the administration of environmentally oriented works and projects, as well as being responsible for the results of their implementation, are: formation of a unified environmental policy and target program; availability of management personnel of the environmental management system with relevant qualifications and work experience in this direction; clear understanding by the employees of the enterprise of their tasks, duties and rights in the process of implementing the target program; development and implementation at the enterprise of uniform methods, processes and creation of means and conditions for the implementation of the target program. To fulfill these conditions, motivation, training, informational and technological support of employees, who represent the main force in the process of environmental protection, are necessary. The environmental management system of the enterprise is designed to perform these functions. In modern scientific economic literature, the concept of environmental management is often used, but not enough attention is paid to the problematic aspects of its implementation at Ukrainian enterprises, and in particular, the use of foreign experience in such topical issues. An effective method of reducing the load on the environment is the elimination of influencing factors in the direction of reducing their aggressiveness towards the environment. The main means of greening the activities of enterprises is the implementation of EMS. As a result of the implementation of an ecologically oriented management system, the company undertakes to unquestionably comply with the requirements of environmental legislation, standards of environmental safety and rational use of nature, which is the driving force for gaining competitive advantages both on the domestic and international markets. The implementation of EMS allows to reduce the amount of compensation to the environmental protection fund; reduce the amount of waste and improve the system of handling it; reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The principle is the approach to elimination of pollution. If in environmental management there is an identification of actions on the environment, the result of which is a payment for the damage caused to it, then in the case of environmental management, the negative impact of the company's actions on the environment is assumed, and it makes a payment for preventive measures. Thus, the possibility of various emergency and unforeseen situations is significantly reduced. Moreover, as already emphasized, modern studies indicate that the prevention of environmental pollution in the vast majority of cases is much cheaper for enterprises than measures aimed at eliminating the consequences of pollution (in the form of payment for pollution or compensation for damage caused to third parties).

Regardless of the approach to the definition of environmental management, as well as different definitions of this concept, they all prove the need to use environmental management to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises. The following are defined as the main goals of environmental management: minimization of negative impact on the environment; reduction of waste disposal costs; savings in the use of energy and materials; increasing the economic efficiency of enterprises.

Reducing the costs associated with the irrational use of resources and materials is one of the most significant advantages of the implementation of EMS. The main advantages are provided by a really working EMS organization, the creation of which requires systematic activity, which includes:

- broad involvement of personnel in the development and functioning of the EMS;

- setting specific and achievable environmental goals and objectives;

- definition of responsibility and allocation of resources;

- development, review and implementation of procedures;

- achievement of goals;

- management results analysis and efficiency improvement.

The environmental management system helps to reduce costs, improve the quality of not only products and services, but also the enterprise as a whole, consistently reduce the negative impact of activities on the environment and human health throughout the entire life cycle.

The following stages of EMS implementation can be distinguished: proactive; preparatory; conceptual; analytical; practical; organizational; active; certification. Initiative, preparatory, conceptual, analytical stages can take place entirely at the level of the company's management. Such an approach should be avoided, especially at the conceptual and analytical stages.

The preparatory level is decisive for the essence of EMS, as it forms the basis for its concept and executors for implementation.

At this stage, it is critical to involve specialists on the ground, even if the work on the implementation of EMS is performed by specially invited experts and consultants.

The assessment of the initial environmental situation is carried out in the form of an internal environmental audit, the purpose of which is:

- identification of environmental aspects of activity in normal, non-standard and emergency conditions;

- analysis of all freelance and emergency cases;

- analysis of existing practices or elements of EMS that operate within the company as a whole or the company's supplier partners;

- identification of legislative norms that regulate the activity of the enterprise in Ukraine, and their application in practice;

- establishment of other national, international or partnership environmental requirements, which the company is generally ready to accept.

In fact, such an assessment includes a full analysis of: activities; personnel; technological processes; documentation; management; cooperation between structural divisions; implementation of legal norms.

All this has a potential impact on the company's interaction with the environment. At the same time, it is very important not to analyze official data, but to assess the real situation, which involves visiting each facility and working with the staff personally.

As a result of the audit: the actual level of environmental protection activities is determined; its problems are revealed; the cost and economic effect of the introduction of EMS are estimated; approaches to the implementation of EMS are defined.

The environmental policy of the company formed based on the results of the evaluation and description of processes becomes the basis for further work and development of the general structure and processes of EMS.

The most important components of the success of EMS implementation are: a clear definition of authority and responsibility among senior management; careful documentation together; development of a document flow system for all activities related to the implementation, and later functioning, evaluation and improvement of the EMS [6; 7].

The second most important component is effective, timely and comprehensive information and training of personnel at the enterprise.

At the conceptual stage, the main work is performed by the company as a whole. At this stage, the need and responsibility of management to successfully involve in the process and transfer the obtained results to the employees is reflected.

The analytical stage of work adapts the general principles of the planned EMS to individual objects, and at the same time forms its main content at the next stage - the goals and objectives that form the basis of the EMS program for all enterprises along with specific deadlines and those responsible for their achievement.

Comparing the existing parameters of the enterprise's activities and impacts on the quality of the environment with the planned ones makes it possible to formulate the general goals of the enterprise and tasks for their achievement.

The basis of their development is the definition of priority environmental aspects of activity and the main freelance situations that must be avoided.

Analysis of environmental impacts allows us to identify the following general priority aspects of their activities, namely: emissions into the air; discharge of wastewater into the city sewer or free flow of rainwater onto the adjacent soil; soil pollution; groundwater pollution; loss of raw materials in case of receipt, storage and delivery of transport; water and electricity consumption; impact on the health of employees and residents of the surrounding areas; impact on living conditions and living standards in nearby celibate zones; risks of freelance and emergency situations.

The organizational stage lays the foundations for the successful implementation of the EMS, as it provides: development and documentation of control mechanisms for the implementation of the EMS and detection of violations, their elimination.

All formulated provisions are drawn up in the form of guidelines for the implementation of EMS, which are common to all companies, and specific tasks may differ for individual enterprises [8].

Regardless of the approach to the definition of environmental management, as well as different definitions of this concept, they all prove the necessity and expediency of using environmental management to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises. The following are defined as the main goals of environmental management:

- minimization of the negative impact on the environment;

- reduction of waste disposal costs;

- savings in the use of energy and materials;

- increasing the economic efficiency of enterprises.

The environmental management system can be considered at three levels: international, national and local.

At the international level, regulation of environmental management is carried out with the help of international standards developed by the International Organization for Standardization ISO 14000 series.

International standards of environmental management are aimed at providing companies with elements of an effective EMS, which can be combined with other elements of the general management system of enterprises in order to contribute to the achievement of the goals of environmental policy. These standards are voluntary and contain clear practical recommendations.

The ISO 14000 series of standards defines various aspects of environmental management. It provides practical recommendations for companies that seek to improve their environmental performance and improve the ecological situation in the environment.

The decision to develop ISO 14000 is the result of the Uruguay Round of negotiations on the World Trade Agreement and the meeting at the highest level on environment and development in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The main subject of ISO 14000 is the environmental management system [5].

At the national level, environmental management is regulated by State Standards and Technical Conditions (DSTU) [9]. In Ukraine, international standards of the ISO 14000 series were adopted as national standards in 1997. In this regard, enterprises must adhere to certain clear standards. Thus, according to ISO 14000:2004, they must develop and implement and maintain in working order procedures that allow identifying the possibility of disasters or emergency situations that may affect the surrounding world [5, p. 51].

Environmental policy in Ukraine is based on the achievement of environmental security, which provides for the balanced development of production and the prevention of environmental deterioration. This, in turn, is achieved by establishing standards for environmental pollution depending on the nature of production processes, as well as restrictions through licensing of the use of natural resources in order to ensure their natural reproduction.

At the state level, environmental policy should define the main tools and levers of influence on the state of the environment, which should be both administrative and market. Currently, the environmental condition in Ukraine is regulated by means of standardization and environmental regulation.

At the local level, environmental policy is directly reduced to environmental management - defining its goals and main tasks, developing companies' own standards in environmental management and increasing production efficiency taking into account the environmental component.

In order to increase competitiveness, enterprises should implement environmental management, focusing not only on their own regulations, but also on state and international standards at the international, national and local levels.

In order to implement an effective environmental management system, Ukrainian enterprises should be guided by foreign experience regarding the active use of environmentally safe management levers. The improvement of environmental management will be facilitated by the use of a clearly formed foreign system of environmental management. The first element of this model - environmental policy - means that the enterprise in its activities should focus on the compliance of its actions with the norms and rules of the current legislation on environmental safety. That is, when determining environmental goals and objectives, it is necessary to take into account the interests of society and the state as a whole in order to preserve and protect the environment. The environmental policy establishes the principles of the enterprise's work in its interaction with the environment. It establishes the level of environmental responsibility and performance that is required of the enterprise and by which all further actions of the enterprise will be evaluated. The environmental policy should include the entire chain of interactions with the environment and services. Environmental policy must comply with regulations and strive for continuous improvement of the environmental management system and prevention of environmental pollution. The document must be made known to all employees of the enterprise and available to the general public. When implementing environmental policy, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of environmental management: responsibility for environmental consequences when making management decisions; the priority of solving environmental problems; timeliness of solving environmental problems.

The principles of environmental management can be grouped by the nature of management, in particular: mechanism, process and management system. The principles of purposefulness, timeliness and consistency are distinguished by the management process. According to the mechanism of management - environmental consciousness, preventiveness and motivation. According to the management system - functional integration, professionalism and responsibility.

Adherence to these principles involves solving any tasks of the enterprise with an orientation, first of all, on environmental goals. Ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise is possible only under the condition of introducing environmentally safe technologies, achieving environmental safety, and minimizing harmful effects on the environment. In order to implement these principles, it is necessary to prevent negative effects on the environment, stimulate environmental protection initiatives, transform environmental restrictions into new opportunities for business development, and ensure environmental monitoring and auditing.

Planning involves the development of an environmental management program by the enterprise, which must determine the goals, actions, responsible persons, terms of measures' implementation, methods and expected results of the implementation of environmental management.

Planning should include the following elements: identification of environmental aspects and highlighting of the most important of them; identification of legislative and other regulatory requirements that the enterprise has undertaken to fulfill; determination of internal performance criteria; setting environmental goals and objectives, developing a program for their achievement.

The planning process can help an enterprise to focus its main resources in those areas that are most important for achieving its goals. The data obtained in the planning process can also be used to develop and improve other elements of the environmental management system, such as personnel training, operations management, monitoring and measurement. Planning is an ongoing process that is implemented during the development and implementation of elements of the environmental management system for their support and improvement taking into account the constantly changing conditions of the external environment, as well as inputs and outputs (in business processes) of the environmental management system.

Implementation and functioning involves determining the structure of responsibility, opportunities and resources for achieving the goals and objectives defined by the environmental policy. For the effective management of environmental problems, the EMS must be designed and adjusted in such a way that it effectively interacts and is capable of integration into the existing processes of the general management system. Such integration can help an enterprise establish a balance and resolve conflicts between environmental and other goals and priorities. The elements of the management system that benefit from integration are enterprise policy, resource allocation, operations and documentation management, information and support systems, training and development of structural schemes and reporting, incentive systems, monitoring, internal audit processes, information exchange and reporting. It is also worth noting that here an important role is played by the training of personnel and their preparation for emergency situations that arise as emergencies and are often man-made accidents. Therefore, at this stage, it is important to allocate sufficient resources, both financial and technological, for personnel training.

Inspections are necessary for the effective implementation of the environmental management system at the enterprise, contribute to timely response to deviations from the planned indicators during implementation. The enterprise must constantly monitor the environmental policy and environmental indicators, as well as conduct an audit of the environmental management system for compliance with enterprise norms and standards. And the last element - analysis from the management side - involves checking the operation of the EMS for its effectiveness. The work of the environmental management system as a whole, the goals and objectives of the environmental policy, as well as the necessary changes in it, as the state of the environment is constantly changing, should be analyzed. The company needs to constantly improve its environmental management system. The goals and objectives of environmental management must be constantly linked to the processes of continuous improvement, which must be achieved in all aspects of the enterprise's activities that affect the environment.

The purpose of EMS is to constantly evaluate performance, improve existing practices, programs, and establish new, higher goals. Active EMS at enterprises allows:

- to minimize the negative impact of the objects on the environment;

- increase the efficiency of the enterprise in general;

- to reduce the risks to the health of employees and the population of the surrounding areas;

- reduce the risks of unusual and emergency situations.

The implementation of EMS does not aim at a one-time increase in the level of environmental safety of the object, but at the constant work in the direction of increasing the priorities of environmental protection in the general activity of the company. In order to ensure the realization of the goals of environmental management, Ukrainian enterprises need to implement environmentally safe production, eliminate the negative impact on the natural environment, and implement measures to save various types of resources through the introduction of modern technologies.

To ensure competitiveness, it is necessary to carry out environmental management at enterprises in order to determine the optimal ratio between resource consumption and the obtained effect. In the course of implementing EMS, it is necessary to take into account foreign experience and principles on which this system should be based, as well as the sequence of actions determined by the environmental management system. It is appropriate to justify the goals and tasks on which the environmental policy of the enterprise is built with the aim of constant improvement of the EMS.


environmental management production

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    презентация [2,9 M], добавлен 22.04.2014

  • Problem of contamination of nature in connection with activity of man. Air's and water's pollution. Garbage as the main reason of pollution of cities. Influence of radiating radiations on people and animals. Value of preservation of the environment.

    презентация [1,4 M], добавлен 13.12.2011

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