Біотехнологія одержання та застосування провіту в годівлі свиней та курчат-бройлерів

Забезпечення повноцінної годівлі сільськогосподарських тварин і птиці у тваринництві із застосуванням біотехнологій. Технологія одержання і використання провіту у годівлі свиней та курчат-бройлерів: фізико-хімічні властивості та хімічний склад.

Рубрика Сельское, лесное хозяйство и землепользование
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 16.07.2012
Размер файла 54,8 K

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Provit was for the first time studied for its biological and nutritious value and it is a biologically valuable fodder additive that contains a lot of biologically of active substance: vitamins (choline, folic and panthotenic acid, В1, В2 and other), amino acid (lysine, methionine, et al.), macro- and microelements, protein, fat, ashes.

The provided complex toxicological studies confirmed that the fodder additive provit belongs to the 4th class of danger and is non-toxical. The adding of the provit into mixed feed of fodder sows positively influenced the index quality of colostrum and milk sows and also for their reproductive functions, raising their alive mass and their piglets, poultry and percent of their safety. The provit feeding for sows stimulates their bodies height and piglets development gives positive action on hematological blood index, metabolic processes and resistance of any organism.

It was proved that the additive in mixed fodder for chickens - broilers stimulates their body height and development, improves morphological and biochemical blood index, metabolic processes and resistance of poultry organism, raises nutritious value of production. The optimal dose for feeding sows and chickens - broilers is 15 kg of provit for 1 t of mixed fodder. The complex experimental is carried out, is scientific - economic also of industrial works on introduction of results of researches in production: is developed and is predicated when due hereunder normative documentation: the technical specifications of Ukraine TU U 46.15.509-2000 “Provit”, which are registered in the register Standart of Ukraine № 203/000105 from 25.07.2000; is developed and the manual on application provit in feedings of agricultural animals and bird is predicated when due hereunder. The key words: provit, fodder additive, microbiological synthesis, biotechnological product, choline, vitamins of group B, amino acid, sows, chickens - broilers.

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