Педагогічна оцінка ефективності управлінської діяльності офіцерів органів виховної роботи
Характеристика педагогічного оцінювання ефективності управлінської діяльності офіцерів органів виховної роботи. Стан підготовки офіцерів як управлінців. Застосування методик оцінювання показників морально-психологічного стану у військовому підрозділі.
Рубрика | Военное дело и гражданская оборона |
Вид | курсовая работа |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 13.04.2012 |
Размер файла | 159,2 K |
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The thesis for a Candidate's degree of Pedagogical Science on specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and Methodology of Professional Education - Central Institute of Post-Graduate Pedagogical Education of the APS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2003.
In the thesis the questions of diagnosing the efficiency of the officers management activity of the tutorial department on the base of its pedagogical assessment were investigated.
The thesis is present in which the efficiency of the officer's administration activity in the tutorial department on the base of the strategy of its group expert estimation has been analyzed. The public viva consists of the following:
the position of the efficiency of the officers administration activity of the tutorial department which is marked by the correlation between the achievement of the goal in the educational work in the division and the expenses in the course of management process;
the position of the pedagogical estimation of the officers administration activity of the tutorial department as a necessary condition for the realization of the diagnostic cycle in the system for the training of the specialists for the tutorial department of Armed forces of Ukraine;
the strategy of the group expert estimation of the officer's administration activity of the tutorial department.
The content of the thesis is revealed in 3 chapters.
In the first chapter the state of the designed problem, the scientific literature and the source of the developed theme were analyzed. The historical, theoretical and practical aspects of the problem, the modern, foreign and domestic standpoints on the problem of the officer's administration activity in the tutorial department and its efficiency were investigated. The following issues have been analyzed, which reveals the essence and contents of the efficiency of the administration activity of the officer graduated from the Military High Schools of post-graduate education (on the base of the Military humanitarian Institute of the Ukrainian National Defense Academy) is the official activity. Many different documents were studied as well as the scientific works on the theme of the research and it gives us an opportunity to draw a conclusion that in spite of their positive meaning they do not give the holistic systematic idea of the theory and the practice of the officer's training for the tutorial department as the efficient managers in the system of the high military institutions of post-graduation education. This theme has not previously been studied.
The results of the analysis done regarding the efficiency of the officer's administration in the tutorial department can be used as the basis for the creation of an effective method of measurement. This can be used as the algorithm for application in the Armed Forces.
In the second chapter the components of the efficiency indicator of system of the officer's administration activity in the tutorial department were characterized. The are the following: the purpose; the execution rate of the officer's administration functions depending on his official duties; self-organization of the officer's administration activity, its indicator is the indicator of the rational application of the methods at work, in the author's opinion. The optimal decision of the problems, linked to the creation of the diagnostic cycle in the system of the officer's training for the tutorial department in the Military High Schools of post-graduate education, may be served as the method of the group expert assessment of the efficiency their administration activities in the system of the diagnostic cycle of the high Military Schools of post-graduation education offered by the author which includes the initial, current, total and long-term estimation of the officers for the tutorial department with bringing the suitable corrections into a training process. This method stipulates for the application of the respective private methods of assessment of the above mentioned indicators of the administration activity for the special group of the most competent officers of the division. The methodical base for the creation of the integrated diagnostic method is the similarity of the scales for the estimation of the qualities of objects as well as a procedure of the estimation process compounds the private methods.
One of the main conditions of the proposed method of the group expert assessment must be the correspondence of the received final assessment to the pedagogical requirements of the objectivity, differentiation, humanity, systematic character, economy, energy. It gives the reason for its wide introduction into the practice of the armed forces of Ukraine.
Thus, we can measure the efficiency of the officer's administration in the tutorial department by using the coefficient of correlation between the assessment of results of the tutorial work in the department and the index of the expediency of the application the methods of work by the officer in the tutorial department and the degree of his fulfillment of the management function regarding official duties.
In the third chapter the group expert assessment has been checked regarding the objectivity, differentiation, humanity, systematic character, economy, energy. The experimental checking of the proposed method of the group expert assessment of the officer's administration activity for the tutorial department has proved the practicability of its application in the pedagogical practice of the officer's post-graduation training for the tutorial department.
The main result of the work has been introduced practically to the system of the officers of the operation-tactical level for the tutorial department and for the educational process optimization in the military divisions and for the decision of the regular problems in the official activity of the tutorial department.
In the conclusion the results of the research, made in the period of the reform and development of the Armed forces of Ukraine have been analyzed. The designed recommendations have proved the practicability of its application in the pedagogical practice in the officer's training for the tutorial department with the purpose of the improvement of the educational-training process in the system of the high military educational institutions of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine.
Key words: the pedagogical assessment, the pedagogical system, the efficiency of the administration activity, the complex expert group assessment, the concept of total expenditure.
Руденко Н.В. Педагогическая оценка эффективности управленческой деятельности офицеров органов воспитательной работы. - Рукопись.
Диссертация на соискание учёной степени кандидата педагогических наук по специальности 13.00.04 - теория и методика профессионального образования. - Центральный институт последипломного педагогического образования АПН Украины, Киев, 2003.
В дисертации исследуются вопросы эффективности управленческой деятельности офицеров органов воспитательной работы на основе её педагогической оценки. Рассмотрены исторические и практические аспекты проблемы, современная зарубежная и отечественная практика диагностики управленческой деятельности офицеров органов воспитательной работы. Предложено методику оценки ефективности управленческой деятельности офицеров органов воспитательной работы, которая предусматривает использование соответственных частных методик оценки конкретных показателей морально-психологического состояния воинского подразделения, рациональности использования методов роботы и степени выполнения управленческих функций конкретного офицера воспитательной работы. Валидность методики проверена в ходе эксперимента.
На основе использования методики педагогической оценки эффективности управленческой деятельности офицеров органов воспитательной работы предложено использовать в практике высших учебных заведений последипломного образования диагностический цикл педагогической оценки управленческой деятельности офицеров органов воспитательной работы.
Основные результаты роботы были использованы в системе подготовки офицерских кадров оперативно-тактического уровня для органов воспитательной работы и оптимизации педагогического процесса в воинских частях.
Ключевые слова: педагогическая оценка, педагогическая система, эффективность управленческой деятельности, комплексная экспертная групповая оценка, результативно-затратная концепция.
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