Ресурсозберігаючі технології експлуатації контактних мереж електрифікованих залізниць змінного струму

Вдосконалення електротягових систем і технологій. Продовження міжнародних транспортних коридорів в умовах ресурсозбереження. Обслуговування і ремонт контактних мереж. Забезпечення надійного і економічного струмозняття на електрифікованих залізницях.

Рубрика Транспорт
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.07.2015
Размер файла 97,7 K

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Разработаны предложения по реализации эксплуатации КС по минимуму затрат на базе предложенных методов оценки ее состояния и экспертной системы принятия решений в аналитических центрах. Показана возможность использования нанокомпозиционных контактных проводов Cu-Nb, которые обеспечивают качество токосъема и ресурсосбережения.

Ключевые слова: контактная сеть железных дорог, эксплуатация и диагностика, взаимодействие с токоприемниками, ресурсосберегающие технологии.


Domanskiy I.V. Technologies of economy of resources of exploitation of contact lines of the electrified railways of alternating current. - Manuscript.

Dissertation on the competition of graduate degree of candidate of engineering sciences on speciality 05.22.09 - electric transport. A national technical university is the “Kharkiv polytechnic institute”, Kharkiv, 2010.

Dissertation is devoted the improvement of constructions and technologies of exploitation of contact lines and realization reliable and economically to take off a current | on the electrified railways. The analysis of operating indexes of contact lines is executed, progress of constructions of contact pendants and technologies of diagnostics trends. Conception of their development and intercommunication in the period of life cycle of contact lines is offered the theoretical and practical questions of technologies of service and repair of contact lines are Considered on the state. The fundamental criteria of the state of contact lines and quality of removal of current are generalized.

Methods and models are developed for research will become contact lines. By an imitation design the static and dynamic indexes of quality are got of removal of current to the figure of contact lines. Conducted large-scale experimental researches of contact lines and the method of estimation of quality is developed of removal of current the states of contact pendants on dependences of contact pressure.

Resulted suggestion on realization of exploitation of contact lines on a minimum of expenses. Possibility of the use of nanocomposition contact send-offs of Cu-Nb, which provide quality of output of current and economy of resources.

Keywords: contact lines for electric railways, exploitation and diagnostics, co-operating with pantograph, technologies of economy of resources.

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