Ефективність організації навчально-тренувального процесу в підготовчому періоді команди ФК Рига 2 із застосуванням датчиків Catapult

Підвищення ефективної організації тренувального процесу футбольних клубів. Розвиток фізичних, технічних і психологічних здібностей спортсменів. Застосування датчиків Catapult у підготовчому періоді. Покращення спортивного результатів команди ФК Рига 2.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 08.09.2024
Размер файла 145,3 K

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Efficiency of the organization of the training process in the preparatory period of FC Riga 2 team with the use of Catapult sensors

Cherednychenko I., Parkhomenko M., Brukhno E., Korzh N.

The competitive result in any sport, in particular in football, depends on the effective organization of the educational and training process in the preparatory period, which involves a combination of all types of training: physical, technical, technical and tactical, psychological. The technical skill of the player, his technical and tactical actions during the competitive period depends on the level of his physical fitness. For the qualitative construction of preparation during the annual cycle it is expedient to use modern means of monitoring and control, on the results of which to make adjustments in the training process for the improvement of sports result. One of the main methods of controlling the physical fitness of FC Riga 2 athletes is the use of Catapult sensors. The aim of the research is to substantiate the efficiency of the organization of the educational and training process in the preparatory period of the Championship of the First

League of Latvia of sportsmen of FC Riga 2 with using of Catapult sensors. Material and methods of the research. The research involved athletes of FC Riga 2 team, who were preparing for the Championship of the First League of Latvia in the season of 2023. The effectiveness of the organization of the educational and training process in the preparatory period of the athletes of the FC Riga 2 team was determined by the indicators of physical fitness when using Catapult sensors and the results of the competitions in season of 2023. The analysis and generalization of scientific- methodical and special literature and Internet resources also, confirmed the connection of all types of training during the preparatory period and the importance of physical kind of training for the improvement of technical and tactical preparedness and the expediency of control of indicators in order to increase the efficiency of the organization of the educational and training process. The application of methods of mathematical statistics allowed proving the efficiency of the organization of the educational and training process at comparison of indicators of physical fitness at the beginning and at the end of the preparatory period by the selective method by the Student's criterion. Results of the research. According to the indicators of physical fitness defined at the beginning of the preparatory period the distribution by types of preparation was carried out, with an emphasis on physical - up to 50%, and the main physical qualities and abilities were defined: speed, endurance, speed-power endurance and speed-power abilities. For the majority of indicators of physical fitness of sportsmen of FC Riga 2 we observe a significant improvement at the end of the preparatory period of the annual cycle of preparation that positively influenced on the competitive result. Conclusions. The use of Catapult sensors allowed to control the dynamics of indicators of physical fitness during the preparatory period and to make timely adjustments in the educational and training process of FC Riga 2. This led to positive changes in the level of development of physical qualities and abilities and contributed to the end of the Championship of the First League of Latvia of FC Riga 2 in second place, which confirmed the effectiveness of the organization of the educational and training process in the preparatory period of the annual training cycle.

Keywords: football; preparatory period of the annual cycle; physical training; physical qualities; control.


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Відомості про авторів / Information about the authors

Чередниченко Інна Анатоліївна: кандидат наук з фізичного виховання і спорту, доц. кафедри управління фізичною культурою та спортом, 69063, Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», Запоріжжя,

Inna Cherednychenko: сandidate of Pysical Training and Sport, docent Department of Pysical Culture anb Sports Manadgement, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Department of Physical Culture and Sport Management Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Пархоменко Максим Максимович: студент спеціальності 017 Фізична культура і спорт Національного університету «Запорізька політехніка», Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», Запоріжжя,

Maksym Parkhomenko: student, specialty 017 Physical culture and sports National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Department of Physical Culture and Sport Management Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

Брухно Едуард Леонідович: старший викладач кафедри управління фізичною культуроюта спортом НУ «Запорізька політехніка», Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», м.Запоріжжя,

Eduard Brukhno: senior Lecturer at the Department of Pysical Culture anb Sports Manadgement, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Department of Physical Culture and Sport Management Zaporizhzhya

Корж Наталія Леонідівна: кандидат наук з фізичного виховання і спорту, доц. кафедри управління фізичною культурою та спортом, 69063, Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», Запоріжжя,

Nataliia Korzh: сапйїйаїе of Pysical Training and Sport,docent Department of Pysical Culture anb Sports Manadgement, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Department of Physical Culture and Sport Management Zaporizhzhya,

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