Культурно-історичні витоки сучасного спорту

Дослідження соціальних механізмів саморозвитку сучасного спорту із застосуванням системного та історіографічного методів. Рушійні сили, соціальні механізми та закони історичного розвитку сфери діяльності людей, пов’язаної з використанням фізичних вправ.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
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Дата добавления 14.10.2018
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41. Young, Thomas (1822), An Essay on Humanity to Animals, London.

42. The Encyclopaedia Britannica or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. Eighth Editon (1854), Vol. 5.

43. The Chimney Corner Companion: Being a Selection of the Most Interesting, Amusing, and Authentic Descriptions and Anecdotes, of Men, Manners, and Things (1827).

44. The Scots Magazine and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany (1806), Vol. 68. Part 2, pp. 907-910.


1. Eisenberg, Christiana (2006), "Sportsman", translation from German by Ludmila Kortunova, Logos, № 3(54), pp. 3-22. (in Russ.)

2. Lagutina, M.D. (2015), “How it all began: a review of the English sports periodicals of the XVIII-XIX centuries”, Omskiy nauchnyy vestnik, No. 2(136), pp. 76-80. (in Russ.)

3. Sutula, V. (2017), “Cultural and Historical Origins of Modern Sport (the first message)”, Slobozans'kiy naucovo-sportivniy visnik, No. 6(62), pp. 107-112, doi: 10.15391/snsv.2017-6.021. (in Ukr.)

4. Sutula, V.A. (2002), Osnovy fizkulturologii [Fundamentals of Physical Education], Kharkov, (in Russ.)

5. Sutula, V.A. & Vlasov, G.M. (2013), “The Theory of Physical Culture: a Scientific Myth or Reality”, Teoriya ipraktika fizicheskoykultury, No. 5, pp. 10-14. (in Russ.)

6. Sutula, V. (2017), “Conceptual provisions of the generalization theory of physical culture”, Teoriia imetodyka fizychnoho vykhovannia i sportu, No. 3, pp. 107-115. (in Ukr.)

7. Sutula, V. (2018), “Generalizing the definition of “sport” as one of the basic constructs of the generalization theory of physical culture and the theory of sport”, Slobozans'kiy naucovo-sportivniy visnik, No. 1(64), pp. 89-97, doi: 10.15391/snsv.2018-1.016. (in Ukr.)

8. Sutula, V. (2017), “On the essence of the connection between physical culture and physical education”, Teoriia imetodyka fizychnoho vykhovannia isportu, No. 4, pp. 91-96. (in Ukr.)

9. Trenter, N. (2006), “Sport, Economics and Society in Great Britain (1750-1914)”, Otechestvennye zapiski. Zhurnal dlya medlennogo chteniya, No. 6. (in Russ.)

10. Abraham Rees (1824), The Cyclopжdia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Literature, Samuel F. Bradford and Murray, Fairman and Company, Vol. 17.

11. Lanson, A. (1842), The Modern Farrier (Author of the Farmer's Practical Instructor), London.

12. Aflalo Henry Charles Howard Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire, Hedley Peek, Frederick George Aflalo (1897), The Encyclopaedia of Sport, T. 1.

13. Charles Rollin (1851), The Ancient History of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians, andMacedonsans, London. Vol. 1.

14. Edward Wedlake Brayley & John Britton (1810), The Beauties of England and Wales or Delineations, Topographical Historical and Descriptive, Vol. X, Part I, London.

15. Hitchcock, Edward (1837), An Argument for Early Temperance: Addressed to the Youth of the United States, Boston.

16. Egan, P (1829), Boxiana or Sketches of Ancient and Modern Pugilism: Comprising The only original and complete lives of the boxers. Illustrated with numerous portraits. In 5 vol., Vol. II., Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, PaternosterRow, London.

17. Whannel, Garry (2005), Media Sport Stars: Masculinities and Moralities. Routledge.

18. Baretti, Giuseppe Marco Antonio, Thomson, Charles & Monteith, John (1807), Dizionario delle lingue italiana ed inglese: English and Italian, London, Vol. II.

19. Niles, Hezekiah, Niles, William Ogden, Hughes, Jeremiah & Beatty George (1821), Niles' National Register: Containing Political, Historical, Geographical, Scientifical, Statistical, Economical, and Biographical Documents, Essays and Facts: Together with Notices of the Arts and Manufactures, and a Record of the Events of the Times, Vol. 21.

20. Downes, Henry, Pugilistica (1906), The historiy of British boxing, Published by John Grant, Edinburgh.

21. Chappelet, Jean-Loup, Bousigue, Amandine, Cohen, Benjamin (2008), The autonomy of sport in Europe, Strasbourg, 1.12.2008.

22. John Mason Good, Olinthus Gregory, Newton Bosworth (1813), Pantologia: A New Cyclopaedia, Comprehending a Complete Series of Essays. Vol. II. (BAR-CAZ).

23. John Boyle O'Reilly (1888), Ethics of Boxing and Manly Sport.

24. James Wilson (1840), The Rod and the Gun: Being Two Treatises on Angling and Shooting, Printed by t. Constable, Printed to her Majesty, Edinburgh.

25. Mark Twain (1876), Mississippi Writings, The Libraru of America.

26. Mary Eleanor Wilkins (1892), The Pot of Gold and Other Stories.

27. Mrs. S. C. Hall (1854), Sharpe's London Magazine of Entertainment and Instruction for General Reading, pp.172-173.

28. New South Wales. Parliament (1905), pp. 964.

29. Noah Worcester (1816), The Friend of Peace, Vol 1, Issues 1-12, pp. 5.

30. Niles' Weekly Register (1833),Vol. 45, pp. 52.

31. Pierce Egan (1851), Every gentleman's manual. A lecture on the art of self-defence, etc., London, pp. 78.

32. Prince Hoare (1800), Indiscretion: A Comedy, in Five Acts, as Performed at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane, Printed and Ppublished by J. Barker, London.

33. Allanson-Winn, R.G., Robinson, Bertram Fletcher (1897), Boxing.

34. Samuel Rutherford Crockett. (1895), Bog-Myrtle and Peat: Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895, Publised by Libraru of Alexandria. Made in United States of America.

35. Sir William Oldnall Russell, Daniel Davis (1824), A Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors, T. 1.

36. Sporting Magazine (1810), T. 35.

37. Sport and its pleasures, physical and gastronomical (1859), Charman and hall, London.

38. Sharpe's London Magazine of Entertainment and Instruction: For General Reading (1847), Vol. 5.

39. Talbot Baines Reed (1894), The Master of the Shell.

40. Travel, Adventure, and Sport, from Blackwood's Magazine. Blackwood's Magazine (1841), Vol. 3.

41. Young, Thomas (1822), An Essay on Humanity to Animals, London.

42. The Encyclopaedia Britannica or Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature. Eighth Editon (1854), Vol. 5.

43. The Chimney Corner Companion: Being a Selection of the Most Interesting, Amusing, and Authentic Descriptions and Anecdotes, of Men, Manners, and Things (1827).

44. The Scots Magazine and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany (1806), Vol. 68. Part 2, pp. 907-910.

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