Технічна підготовка спортсменів-танцюристів на основі підвідних вправ та опорних точок фігур програми STUDENT

Теоретико-методичні засади технічної підготовки спортсменів-танцюристів. Розробка моделей техніки фігур програми STUDENT латиноамериканських танців на основі підвідних вправ та опорних точок. Система оцінювання техніки виконання фігур спортивних танців.

Рубрика Спорт и туризм
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 22.10.2013
Размер файла 86,4 K

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Dissertation for Candidate of Sciences degree in Physical Education and Sport on specialty 24.00.01 - Olympic and professional sport. - Lviv State University of Physical Culture, Lviv, 2007.

The object of the research is technical preparation in sports dances. The subject matter is introduction exercises and figure units of the STUDENT program in sports dances of the Latin-American program. The objective of the research is to develop theoretical-methodical basis for technical preparation of sports dancers, based on introduction exercises and figure units of the STUDENT program.

Classification of the steps in sports dances of the Latin-American program by complexity, by the parts of the body involved and by the character of the interaction between the partners is proposed in the thesis. A qualimetric system for evaluating technique of performing main steps of the sports dances at the stage of preliminary basic training, which consists of the scale of grades, evaluation method, technology for deriving grades and models for expert boards has been developed. An author program of technical preparation in Latin-American dances, which is based on parallel use of introduction exercises and figure units of eleven steps of the STUDENT program for rumba and jive, enhancing training quality as compared to conventional approaches (p‹0,01), has been developed and experimentally tested. The outcomes of the research have been introduced into the education and training of sports dancers.

Key words: sports dances, technical preparation, qualimetric system, introduction exercises, figure units.

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