Features of socialization and its structural transformation in Ukraine under Russia’s aggression in Ukraine

Study of the nature of socialization processes in Ukraine before the full-scale invasion of Russia. Changes in the behavior of the population, in its attitude to the authorities, in the sphere of interpersonal trust. Resocialization of the population.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 25.06.2024
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The population, impoverished in the conditions of war, simultaneously demonstrates a high trust in the state, the government, and the politicians, and shows a high inclination to mutual aid and interpersonal trust. Even after the war's end, people agreed to endure the difficulties of post-war reconstruction for three or even more years. Such sentiments enabled the authorities - given the trust that was quite high during the war - to reorient the content and nature of politics to a new direction after the war and to motivate the patriotic feelings of the population for post-war recovery, providing them with opportunities for self-realization and using the people's current propensity to rely on their forces and act based on mutual trust and mutual assistance, which especially actively manifests in wartime.

The forecast of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for 2023 records the expectations of a 1% fall in GDP. We expect the economy to resume growth to 2-3% of GDP in 2024, probably the first year after the hostilities have ceased. Further, a 5-6% GDP annual growth can be expected in the consequent post-war years. Thus, the first signs of economic improvement, which the population can feel, should be expected in 2025. This means that the period of the population's post-war consent to endure hardships during the next three years may end in 2026. This means that for at least half of the population, who presently have significant restrictions on their standard of living, the year 2026 will be the year when the trend towards impoverishment may be reversed.

In the post-war period, the government's efforts on social policy, particularly regarding the fight against poverty, will be limited like during the war. On the other hand, the population had high hopes for the government, whose role, place, and significance during the war have greatly changed. That is why the requirements for social policy after war will become even higher, that is, the struggle must switch from resisting the enemy to victory in the economic and social spheres.

In these conditions, the government, already during the war, despite limited resources, should pursue an effective social quality policy, whose principles have been developed for many years by the author and his colleagues at the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in creative cooperation with the European Association of Social Quality. According to the theory of social quality, the policy of social quality should be implemented within the following three guidelines:

- opportunities for socio-economic security social cohesion, to be achieved through partnership and cooperation, as well as social integration and expansion of social rights and opportunities;

- addressing unforeseen circumstances caused by the coincidence of adverse effects;

-ethical orientations, such as social justice, solidarity, equality, and human dignity.

Taken together, the above constitutes a basis on which it will be feasible to attain social cohesion and a high degree of trust in the authorities, and to maintain mutual trust and mutual assistance among the population.

The author proposed the content and possibility of using the concept of social quality in pre-war Ukraine and explained in detail in the article on "Social quality in a transitional society and the role of the state" published in 2019 in the International Journal of Social Quality. Work in this direction at the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine continued throughout the war.


socialization population behavior

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