Methodological approaches to assessing of the social development sustainability in Ukraine’s rural areas

Consideration of the factors influencing the infrastructure of rural areas of Ukraine. Calculation of the integral index of sustainability of social development. Improving the quality of life of the population. Ensuring employment in agricultural regions.

Рубрика Социология и обществознание
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Дата добавления 12.05.2024
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In conclusion, the findings of this research lead to the observation that the situation in rural areas, particularly in the social sphere, has significantly deteriorated, despite the implementation of decentralization and territorial-administrative reforms in Ukraine, which were aimed at creating and sustaining a conducive living environment for citizens and providing high-quality and accessible public services. In certain regions, the circumstances are described as catastrophic. Ukrainian rural territories have proven vulnerable to new challenges. Given the prevailing trends, there is an imminent risk of a decline in the sustainability of social development in rural areas in the near future. The negative impact of the full-scale, unprovoked war by the russian federation against Ukraine has notably exacerbated the challenging conditions in the social sphere of rural settlements.


Currently, the significance of the sustainability concept is on the rise, with governments and economic entities showing an increasing interest in enhancing sustainability across all levels of governance. This requires for the necessity of its theoretical basis and the development of evaluation methods. An analysis of the methodological foundations of sustainability research reveals the absence of a universally accepted sustainability theory and a lack of singular methodological approaches for its evaluation, both at the macro and micro levels.

The methodological approach to assessing the sustainability of social development in rural areas in this study is based on a synthesis of institutional, motivational, resource-based theories and the theory of economic growth. The author's approach to the evaluation of the sustainability of social development in rural areas is based on a comprehensive analysis of indicators and is carried out using an integral index. Indicators serving as measures of social development sustainability in rural areas are considered in four blocks: indicators reflecting the demographic situation in rural areas; indicators characterizing the income and expenditure levels of the rural population; employment and infrastructure indicators, which attest to the rural population's access to various services and leisure. It is proposed to calculate these indicators based on an index approach, enabling the determination of the current level of sustainability and assessing its dynamics. The identification of factors constituting the components of the integral index, along with the description of each coefficient, allows for a clear and transparent analysis of trends in the social development of rural areas and the measurement of the level of its sustainability. The universality of the integral index will enable the comparison of social development sustainability among different regions within the country and, if necessary, with other countries.

It has been established that the integral level of sustainability of rural areas social development of Ukraine decreased over the period 2014--2021, with its overall value decreasing by 24.1%. The negative dynamics were primarily attributed to demographic indicators and indicators of employment and income of the rural population. This is mainly caused by a decline in the pace of economic growth in agriculture, a change in its structure (dominance of crop production over livestock production), disparities in fundamental factors of the rural labour market, an increase in unemployment rate among the rural population, a shortage of quality jobs, and insufficient conditions for decent work. The rapid reduction in employment, the intensification of phenomena such as unemployment and poverty, and, in search of solutions, the mass migration of rural population, especially rural youth, lead to the depopulation of rural areas, a sharp decline in the population in rural settlements, and the loss of the human resources, the basis of agricultural production, ultimately leading to the economic degradation of rural territories as a whole.

Considering that each country, and consequently its rural territories and the population residing in these areas have their own specific characteristics and differences related to geographical location, dynamics of economic development, availability of resources, mentality, etc., we consider it inappropriate to impose the results of our research on other economies.

Not only individual countries differ in terms of available resources, territorial and climatic conditions, living conditions, and population wellbeing but even individual regions within a country can vary significantly, especially in large countries like Ukraine. Taking this into account, further research on this issue is needed. It should be directed towards considering other factors that may affect the sustainability of rural social development and, consequently, the well-being of the population. Additionally, expanding the scope of the studied territories to include regions and provinces of the country is crucial. It is also important to assess the degree of influence of each of the considered factors on the sustainability of social development in rural areas.


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