Using Cultural-Historical Theory to Explore Trauma among Refugee Populations in Europe

The level of post-traumatic stress disorder in refugee populations. The need to study the current material ecology of refugees arriving in Europe. Characteristics of social, cultural aspects in the consideration of psychological trauma of refugees.

Рубрика Психология
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Дата добавления 13.06.2018
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Schweitzer R., Melville F., Steel Z., Lacherez P. Trauma, post-migration living difficulties, and social support as predictors of psychological adjustment in resettled Sudanese refugees. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2006. Vol. 2(40), pp. 179--187.

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Van Ommeren M., de Jong J.M., Sharma B., Komproe I., Thapa S.B., Cardeсa E. Psychiatric disorders among tortured bhutanese refugees in nepal. Archives of General Psychiatry, 2001. Vol. 58(5), pp. 475--482.

Vasilyuk F. Psikhologiya perezhivaniya. Analiz preodoleniya kriticheskikh situatsii [The psychology of experiencing. Analysis of resolution of life's critical situations]: Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1984, pp. 1--205.

Vygotskij L.S., Sиve F., Clot Y. Pensйe et langage: Messidor, 1985, pp. 1--420.

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Vygotsky L.S. Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes: Harvard University Press, 1980, pp. 1--153.

Wang S. Aidez-nous а comprendre vos Chinois! Genиses, 2016. Vol. 4, pp. 141--156.

Watters C. Emerging paradigms in the mental health care of refugees. Social Science & Medicine, 2001. Vol. 52(11), pp. 1709--1718.

Weine S.M., Kuc G., Eldin D., Razzano L., Pavkovic I. PTSD among Bosnian refugees: A survey of providers' knowledge, attitudes and service patterns. Community Mental Health Journal, 2001. Vol. 37(3), pp. 261--271.

Williams C. The epistemology of cultural competence. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services, 2006. Vol. 87(2), pp. 209--220.

Wilson J.P., Wilson J.P., & Drozdek B. Broken spirits: The treatment of traumatized asylum seekers, refugees and war and torture victims: Routledge, 2004. Pp. 1--689.

Young A. The harmony of illusions. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995, pp. 1--321.

Zepke N., Leach L. Contextualised Meaning Making: one way of rethinking experiential learning and self--directed learning? Studies in Continuing Education, 2002. Vol. 24(2), pp. 205--217.

Zittoun T. Three dimensions of dialogical movement. New Ideas in Psychology, 2014. Vol. 32, pp. 99--106.

Zittoun T., Sato T. Imagination in adults and the aging person: possible futures and actual past. In Glavenau V.P., & Zittoun T. (Eds.) Handbook of Imagination and Culture. Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2018, pp. 187--210.

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