Психологічні умови формування професійних якостей майбутніх командирів спеціальних підрозділів у процесі професіоналізації (на прикладі підрозділів з охорони дипломатичних представництв та консульських установ іноземних держав)
Дослідження психологічних особливостей професійної діяльності командирів спеціальних підрозділів при виконанні службово-бойових завдань. Розробка програми формування професійно важливих якостей майбутніх командирів у процесі професійної підготовки.
Рубрика | Психология |
Вид | автореферат |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 27.07.2015 |
Размер файла | 57,8 K |
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The thesis is for obtaining a scientific degree of the Candidate of Sciences in Psychology, Specialty 19.00.09 - Psychology of Activity in Special Conditions. - Academy of the Interior Troops of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine. - Kharkiv, 2010.
The thesis contains theoretical generalization problem of the optimization of the future special unit officer professional qualities formation in the course of their professionalalization. The thesis goal was reached through the substantiation and application of the developed strategy for determining the required and substantially important qualities of the unit commanders and the formation of these qualities in the course of professionalization with the help of a complex of efficient psychological and pedagogical influences.
The influences content was determined by the realization of the system of psychological conditions of the professionalization process of future unit commanders responsible for security of foreign diplomatic missions and consulates. These conditions include the development of professiogram of a future specialist, forecasting of his successful progress in educational and service and combat activity, monitoring of the qualities formation dynamics in the course of professional training.
Professiographic survey of the service and combat activity peculiarities of the unit commanders responsible for the security and protection of the diplomatic missions and foreign consulates has enabled to develop the professiogram of this type of a military expert. This professiogram has served as the basis for the programme on the formation of the professionally significant qualities in the process of professionalization.
It has been rigorously proved that the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical influences as presented in the developed and tested programme for the formation of professionally important qualities of future unit commanders in the course of their professional training in the Military Higher Educational Establishments provides an opportunity to solve the problems relevant to a successful process of their professionalization in a complex and systematic way.
The results obtained in the course of the research have demonstrated that the implementation of the developed programme has enabled: to introduce the communicative and organizational abilities into the structure of professional motivation of future unit commanders within a shorter period of time; to form a fully developed motivational structure characteristic of an adequacy to professional tasks as well as of awareness, hierachality and practicality; to make dynamic changes in emotional and intellectual spheres of a personality; to rectify behavioral manifestations determined by the development of empathy, self-control, independent activity, reflexion, diplomacy, responsibility; to reduce social frustration and reactive fears and to enhance stress-resistance.
In the course of the accomplishment of the thesis tasks a number of significant factors which reflect the structure of individual and psychological peculiarities of future unit commanders in the process of their professional training have been determined; a mathematical model for forecasting a successful educational and service and combat activity of future unit commanders has developed; practical recommendations that enable to optimize the process of purposeful formation of professionally important qualities of special unit commanders in the course of their professional training have been given.
The developed recommendations are of an applicable character and are intended for unit commanders, their deputies responsible for education and upbringing activity, psychologists, research and academic staff of the Military Higher Educational Establishments of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine and other law enforcement agencies of the country. They are designed to optimize the military expert vocational training, to integrate the efforts of the educational process subjects for the best use of the potential of the psycho-pedagogical impact.
Key words: future unit commander, professionally important qualities, professional training, professionalization, professiogram, psychological and pedagogical influence, forecasting, service and combat activity success.
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