Реформування системи субсидування в енергетиці, як чинник забезпечення енергетичної безпеки України

Сучасний стан реформування системи субсидування в енергетиці в контексті зобов’язань України як члена Енергетичного співтовариства та у рамках Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та Євросоюзом. Поетапний перехід до монетизації житлово-комунальних субсидій.

Рубрика Физика и энергетика
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.05.2020
Размер файла 43,4 K

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15. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2018), decree “On Amendments to certain Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Recognition as Expired, Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 28,2016 No. 1022”, available at: https: //www.kmu.gov.ua/ua/npas/pro-vnesennya-zmin-do-deyakih- postanov-kabinetu-ministriv-ukrayini-ta-viznannya-takoyu-sho-vtratila- chinnist-postanovi-kabinetu-ministriv-ukrayini-vid-28-grudnya-2016-r- 1022

16. Zakon Ukrainy vid 25.12.2015 # 928-VIn “Pro Derzhavnyi biudzhet Ukrainy na 2016 rik” [Law of Ukraine dated 25.12.2015 № 928- VIII “About the State Budget of Ukraine for 2016”] Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy-LegislationofUkraine,availableat:http: //zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/928-19/page

17. Zakon Ukrainy vid 07.12.2017 # 2246-VIII “Pro Derzhavnyi biudzhet Ukrainy na 2017 rik” [Law of Ukraine dated 07.12.2017 № 2246- VIII “About the State Budget of Ukraine for 2017”] Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy-LegislationofUkraine,availableat: http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/2246-19

18. Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine (2018), “Andriy Reva: Changes in the system of social protection of the population are intended to ensure social justice and targeted assistance”, available at: http: //www.msp.gov.ua/news/l5243.html Zakon Ukrainy vid 01.07.2014 # 1555-VII “Pro derzhavnu dopomohu subiektam hospodariuvannia” [Law of Ukraine of 01.07.2014 # 1555-VII “On State Aid to Business Entities”] Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy - Legislation ofUkraine,available at: http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1555-18

19. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2017), Decree “On Approval of the Procedure for the Return of Illegal State Aid, Which is Not EligibleforCompetition”,availableat: http://zakon0.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/468-2017-%D0%BF

20. Zakonodavstvo. Derzhavna dopomoha subiektam hospodariuvannia [Legislation. State aid to economic entities] Antymonopolnyi komitet Ukrainy - Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. Retrievedfrom: http://www.amc.gov.ua/amku/control/main/uk/publish/article/1208Q5

21. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2017), Decree “On Approval of the Provision on the Imposition of Special Responsibilities on the Natural Gas Market Subjects for the Ensuring of General Public Interests in the Process of Operation of the Natural Gas Market”, available at: https://www.kmu.gov.ua/ua/npas/24Q865173

22. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2018), Decree “OnAmendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 22,2017 No. 187”, available at: http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/228-2018-%D0%BF

23. Kanal 24 (2018), “V.Groysman spoke about the course of negotiationswiththeIMF”,availableat: https://24tv.ua/groysman rozpoviv pro hid peremovin z mvf nQQ4Q 21

24. Plan-hrafik vprovadzhennia novoi modeli rynku elektrychnoi enerhii : pidtrymano na vidkrytomu zasidanni Natsionalnoi komisii, shcho zdiisniuie derzhavne rehuliuvannia u sferakh enerhetyky ta komunalnykh posluh, vid 2Q.10.2015 (vytiah z protokolu #74) [Plan-schedule for the introduction of a new model of the electricity market: supported at an open meeting of the National Commission for State Regulation in the fields of energy and utilities, dated October 2Q, 2015 (excerpt from protocol No. 74)] Natsionalna komisiia shcho zdiisniuie derzhavne rehuliuvannia u sferi enerhetyky ta komunalnykh posluh - National Commission for state regulation in the field of energy and utilities, availableat:http: //www.nerc.gov.ua/data/filearch//Planhrafik model elektro.pdf

25. National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of energy and utilities (2017), addition to the resolution “The volume of subsidy certificates for compensation of losses from the implementation of electricity supply at the regulated tariff for January 2018”, available at: http://www.nerc.gov.ua/data/filearch/postanow/20l7/pl6l4--d-20l7.pdf

26. National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of energy and utilities (2018), addition to the resolution “The volume of subsidy certificates for compensation of losses from the implementation of electricity supply at the regulated tariff for February 2018”, available at: http://www.nerc.gov.ua/data/filearch/postanovy/20l8/p0l25-d-20l8.pdf

27. National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of energy and utilities (2018), addition to the resolution “The volume of subsidy certificates for compensation of losses from the implementation of electricity supply at the regulated tariff for March 2018”, available at: http://www.nerc.gov.ua/data/filearch/postanovy/20l8/p0263-d- 20l8.pdf

28. National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of energy and utilities (20l8), addition to the resolution “The volume of subsidy certificates for compensation of losses from the implementation of electricity supply at the regulated tariff for April 2018”, available at: http://www.nerc.gov.ua/data/filearch/postanovy/20l8/p0346-d- 20l8.pdf

29. National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of energy and utilities (2018), decision “Annual report on the results of the activities of the National Commission that carries out state regulationinthefieldsofenergyandutilities”,availableat:http://www.nerc.gov.ua/data/filearch/Catalog3/Richnyi zvit NKREKP 20l7.pdf

30. National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of energy and utilities (2017), decision “Annual report on the results of the activities of the National Commission that carries out state regulationinthefieldsofenergyandutilities”,availableat: http://www.nerc.gov.ua/data/filearch/Catalog3/Richnyi zvit NKREKP 20l6.pd

31. Rishennia Rady 20l0/787/YeS vid l0 hrudnia 20l0 roku pro derzhavnu dopomohu na zakryttia nekonkurentospromozhnykh vuhilnykh shakht [Council Decision 20l0/787 / EC of l0 December 20l0 on State Aid for the closure of non-competitive coal mines] Ministerstvo yustytsii Ukrainy - Ministry of Justice ofUkraine,available at:http: //old.miniust.gov.ua/file/32734

32. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2017), Order “On Approval of the Concept for the Reform and Development of the Coal Industry for the Period until 2020”, available at: http://zakon3.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/733-20l7-%Dl%80

33. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2018), Decree “The procedure for using the funds provided for in the state budget for the implementation of measures to ensure the domestic production of coal products and the further reform of the state sector of the coal industry”, available at:https://www.kmu.gov.ua/ua/npas/pro-zatverdzhennya-poryadku-vikoristannya-koshtiv-peredbachenih-u-derzhavnomu- byudzheti-dlya-zdijsnennya-zahodiv-iz-zabezpechennya-vitchiznyanogo-virobnictva-vugilnoyi-produkciyi-ta-podalshogo-reformuvannya-derzhavnogo-sektoru-vugilnoyi-promislovosti

34. Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine (2018), Order “On Approval of the Passport of the Budget Program for 2018”, available at: http: //mpe.kmu.gov.ua/minugol/doccatalog/document?id=245271468

35. Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy (2018), “Draft Law on Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2018" concerning the proper financial support of the state sector of the coal industry”, availableat: http://w1.c1.rada.gov.ua/pls/zweb2/webproc4 1?pf3511=64004

36. Zakon Ukrainy vid 21.03.2017 # 1959-VTn “Pro vnesennia zmin do Zakonu Ukrainy “Pro teplopostachannia” shchodo stymuliuvannia vyrobnytstva teplovoi enerhii z alternatyvnykh dzherel enerhii” [Law of Ukraine of 21.03.2017 № 1959-VTn “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On Heat Supply" on Stimulating the Production of Thermal Energy from Alternative Energy Sources”] Zakonodavstvo Ukrainy - Legislation ofUkraine,available at:http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1959-viii

37. Ukrainski novyny (2018), “Ministry of Economic Development forecasts growth of gas prices for the population”, retrieved from: https: //www.ukranews.com/ua/news/573096-za-prognozamy- minekonomiky-ciny-na-gaz-dlya-naselennya-zrostut-na-18-vzhe-cogoroku

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