Сучасні дискусії про назву Аристотелевого твору, відомого нам як "Метафізика"

Історія використання терміну "метафізика". Дослідження основних кроків тлумачення Гансом Райнером появи титулу "метафізика". Висвітлення історії про бібліотекарське походження титулу "метафізика". Амбівалентність в оцінках витоків назви "метафізика".

Рубрика Философия
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Язык украинский
Дата добавления 28.07.2021
Размер файла 81,0 K

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Vitali Terletsky

Recent Discussions on the Name of Aristotles Work Known to Us as Metaphysics

This paper demonstrates that the widespread interpretation of the term metaphysics as a mere accidental or predetermined by editorial activity of Andronicus of Rhodes has been questioned more than half a century ago by Hans Reiner. A detailed reconstruction of the researcher's hypothesis shows how today one can pursue an innovative investigation in the field of ancient philosophy, where everything seems to be researched. In the review of various judgments by German, English and French scholars of Reiner's hypothesis is shown to what extent and in what precisely the points of his research results are perceived or rejected by modern scientific community. In the contemporary Aristotle-studies come to light the tendency, even without mention Reiner's name, (1) to consider the title of «metaphysics» as thematic sustained by works of Aristotle himself, (2) to earlier date the composition of a work with the name than is more commonly attributed to Andronicus (first century BC). However, the most controversial question remains whether the author of the term metaphysics can be considered to be Eudemus of Rhodes, and whether he was somehow participated on the publication of Aristotle's Metaphysics.

Vitali Terletsky, PhD in Philosophy, senior researcher, Head of the Philosophy and Geopolitics Department at Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies.

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