Еволюція сурдини для мідних духових інструментів (від Стародавнього Єгипту до сьогодення)
Вплив сурдин на темброву палітру інструментів. Еволюція сурдин для мідних духових інструментів від витоків до наших днів, виокремлення їх різновиди, що завоювали авторитет серед виконавців і композиторів. Напрямки їх використання музикантами минулого.
Рубрика | Музыка |
Вид | статья |
Язык | украинский |
Дата добавления | 13.08.2023 |
Размер файла | 3,1 M |
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13. McGrattan А. (1999). The Trumpet in Scotland from 1488 to 1800. Vol. 2. (PhD diss.). Associate of the Royal College of Music. London, UK.,
14. Mersenne M. (1636). Harmonie universelle, contenant la theorie et la pratique de la musique. (Vols. 1-2). Vol. 1. Paris: Sebastien Cramoisy
15. Mersenne M. (1637). Harmonie universelle, contenant la theorie et la pratique de la musique. (Vols. 1-2). Vol. 2. Seconde partie de l'harmonie universelle. Paris: Pierre I Ballard et Richard Charlemagne,
16. Morgan W. (Release Date: April 9, 2006). The Mysteries of Free Masonry [eBook #18136]. [Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina]:The Project Gutenberg eBook
17. Neuschel Hans. (2022). In Deutsche Biographie
18. Osthoff W. (1956). Trombe sordine. Archiv Fur Musikwissenschaft, 13(1), 77-95.
19. Polk К. (1989). The Trombone, the Slide Trumpet and the Ensemble Tradition of the Early Renaissance. Early Music, XVII (3), 389-396.
20. Polk К. (1990). Voices and Instruments: Soloists and Ensembles in the 15th Century. Early Music, XVIII, 179-198.
21. Prizer W.F. (2004). Reading Carnival: The Creation of a Florentine Carnival Song. Early Music History, 23, 185-252.
22. Pyle Jr. R.W. (1991). A computational model of the baroque trumpet and mute. Historic Brass Society Journal, 3, 79-97.
23. Rorbach B. (1884). Liber gestorum. (Notizbuch). Im Froning, R. Frankfurter Chroniken und annalistische Aufzeichnungen des Mittelalters (Quellen zur Frankfurter Geschichte, 1), 181-223. Frankfurt am Main:
24. Carl Jugel's Verlag, [in German; Latin].
25. Sachs C. (1940). History of Musical Instruments. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Inc.
26. Smith N. (n. d.). History of the horn mute. In Nicholas Smith. The Hornsmith,
27. Snyder K.J. (1987). Dieterich Buxtehude: Organist in Lubeck. New York: Schirmer.
28. Wallace J., McGrattan A. (2011). The Trumpet. The Yale Musical Instrument Series. New Haven: Yale University Press.
29. Weiner H. (2016). Trombone in sordino: Muted Trombones in the Baroque Era. Historic Brass Journal, 28, 57-72,
30. Yoshikawa S., Nobara Y. (2017). Acoustical Modeling of Mutes for Brass Instruments. In: Schneider, A. (Ed.). Studies in Musical Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, (Current Research in Systematic Musicology (CRSM), vol. 4), pp. 143-186. Cham: Springer
сурдина інструмент духовий музикант
1. Altenburg J.E. (1795). Essay on an Introduction to the Heroic and Musical Trumpeters' and Kettledrummers' Art [Versuch einer Anleitung zur heroisch-musikalischen Trompeter- und Pauker-Kunst]. Halle: HC Hendel, [in German].
2. Cron M. (1996). In Defense of Altenburg: The Pitch and Form of Foreign Trumpets. Historic Brass Society Journal, 8, 6-41 [in English].
3. Downey P. (2020). In tubis ductilibus et voce tubae - Trumpets, slides and performance practices in late Medieval and Renaissance Europe. In G. Gillen & H. White (Eds.). Irish Musical Studies, 2: Music and the Church, рр. 302-332. Belfast: Irish Academic Press [in English].
4. Edtbrustner E. (2013). The acoustics of the trombone [Die Akustik der Posaune]. (Diploma thesis, Mag. phil.). University of Vienna. Vienna, [in German].
5. Fonseca D.A.L. (2008). The Trombone and its actualization: Its history, technique and university programs [O Trombone e suas atualizagoes: Sua historia, tecnica e programas universitarios]. (Masters diss.). School of Communications and Arts. Sao Paulo [in Portuguese].
6. Fumasoli B. (2017). Economic success between coincidence and innovation. A comparison of Upper German cities and their export economy (1350-1550) [Wirtschaftserfolg zwischen Zufall undInnovativitat Oberdeutsche Stadte und ihre Exportwirtschaft im Vergleich (1350-1550)]. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag [in German].
7. Geronimus D. (2021). Nightsong by torch light. In Dennis Geronimus. Grey Matters, [05], pp. 47-67. (Nicholas Hall Art), [in English].
8. Herbert T. (2006). The trombone. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press [in English].
9. Hickmann H. (1946). The trumpet in ancient Egypt. Supplement to the Annals of the Service of Antiquities of Egypt [La trompette dans l'Egypte ancienne. Supplement auxAnnales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte], Cahier № 1. Cairo: Imprimerie de l'Institut frangais d'archeologie orientale [in French].
10. Kimball, W. (2014). Trombone. Where can you buy trombone art? [in English].
11. Kirby P.R. (1947). The Trumpets of Tut-Ankh-Amen and Their Successors. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 77 (1), 33-45 [in English].
12. McGrattan А. (1999). The Trumpet in Scotland from 1488 to 1800. Vol. 2. (PhD diss.). Associate of the Royal College of Music. London, UK., [in English].
13. Mersenne M. (1636). Universal Harmony, containing the theory and practice of music [Harmonie universelle, contenant la theorie et la pratique de la musique]. (Vols. 1-2). Vol. 1. Paris: Sebastien Cramoisy, [in French].
14. Mersenne M. (1637). Universal Harmony, containing the theory and practice of music [Harmonie universelle, contenant la theorie et la pratique de la musique]. (Vols. 1-2). Vol. 2. Second part of universal harmony [Seconde partie de l'harmonie universelle]. Paris: Pierre I Ballard et Richard Charlemagne, [in French].
15. Morgan W. (Release Date: April 9, 2006). The Mysteries of Free Masonry [eBook #18136]. [Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina]:The Project Gutenberg eBook [in English].
16. Muiedinov D. (2017). Non-traditional performance techniques on the trumpet in the context of historical and artistic development. (PhD diss.). Kharkiv I. P. Kotlyarevsky National University of Arts. Kharkiv [in Ukrainian].
17. Neuschel Hans. (2022). In German Biography [Deutsche Biographie], [in German].
18. Osthoff W. (1956). Trumpet mute [Trombe sordine]. Musicology Archive [Archiv Fur Musikwissenschaft], 13(1), 77-95. [in German].
19. Polk К. (1989). The Trombone, the Slide Trumpet and the Ensemble Tradition of the Early Renaissance. Early Music, XVII (3), 389-396 [in English].
20. Polk К. (1990). Voices and Instruments: Soloists and Ensembles in the 15th Century. Early Music, XVIII, 179-198 [in English].
21. Prizer W.F. (2004). Reading Carnival: The Creation of a Florentine Carnival Song. Early Music History, 23, 185-252 [in English].
22. Pyle Jr R.W. (1991). A computational model of the baroque trumpet and mute. Historic Brass Society Journal, 3, 79-97 [in English].
23. Rorbach B. (1884). Liber gestorum. (Notebook). In Froning, R. Frankfurt chronicles and annalistic records in the Middle Ages (Sources for Frankfurt History, 1), [Frankfurter Chroniken und annalistische Aufzeichnungen des Mittelalters (Quellen zur Frankfurter Geschichte, 1)], 181-223. Frankfurt am Main: Carl Jugel's Verlag, [in German; Latin].
24. Sachs C. (1940). History of Musical Instruments. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Inc. [in English].
25. Smith N. (n. d.). History of the horn mute. In Nicholas Smith. The Hornsmith, [in English].
26. Snyder K.J. (1987). Dieterich Buxtehude: Organist in Lubeck. New York: Schirmer.
27. Wallace J., McGrattan A. (2011). The Trumpet. The Yale Musical Instrument Series. New Haven: Yale University Press [in English].
28. Weiner H. (2016). Trombone in sordino: Muted Trombones in the Baroque Era. Historic Brass Journal, 28, 57-72, [in English].
29. Yoshikawa S., Nobara Y. (2017). Acoustical Modeling of Mutes for Brass Instruments. In: Schneider, A. (Ed.). Studies in Musical Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, (Current Research in Systematic Musicology (CRSM), vol. 4), pp. 143-186. Cham: Springer, [in English].
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