Епідеміологічна характеристика та роль водного фактору в розповсюдженні гепатиту А в м. Одесі

Визначення можливого кореляційного зв'язку між рівнем захворюваності на гепатит А та показниками контамінації вірусного гепатиту А різних водних об'єктів. Виявлення ролі групи крові і соматичного типу людини в формуванні імунної відповіді при гепатиті А.

Рубрика Медицина
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 30.10.2015
Размер файла 85,1 K

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The dissertation is devoted to the investigation of the pattern of epidemiological process of viral hepatitis A (VHA) in the port city in the Southern Ukraine (Odessa) and to the improvement of antiepidemic measures against this disease.

There were conducted researches allowed to determine the epidemiological pattern of the prevalence, intensity and trends of VHA in the city of Odessa during 35 year periods (1970-2004), which was characterized by the presence of two stages - increase (1970-1996) and decrease (1997-2004). There were demonstrated the changed of the principal characteristics of epidemiological process at the modern stage of its development: children in the age of 3-6 y.o. play leading role as the source of infection (in low incidence 43.3% have antibodies to VHA). The high-risk group is determined as the age group of 7-19 y.o. having the lowest immune strata 28,0±3,8%, coinciding with the registered incidence. As the main factor of agent spreading potable water was determined due to secondary pollution in the water supply network. There was approved the direct correlation between HVA incidence and positive results of the virus indication in potable water amongst adults as well as amongst children. The important role as the factor of HVA spreading was determined for seawater if the residential area is located nearby seashore. Accordingly to the data of epidemiological surveillance and virological control there was determined the principal probability of the effective influence on water factor of HVA spreading by the modern disinfectant - chlorine dioxide (by the example of the town of Illichovsk).

Key words: hepatitis A, epidemiological process, morbidity, the prevalence of serological HVA markers, and water factor of HVA spreading.

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